It IS Rocket Science! The Physics of Rocket League Detailed

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Shout out to Psyonix for doing this presentation, it really shows how much consideration and work went into the physics and networking for it to be even playable.

I thought that the decoupling of the physics from the models that they talked about in this talk were pretty cool, and it also made me wonder if there were other permutations that could be added into the game as mutators. My friend and I queued up in a private match with unlimited time, and unlimited boost to practice, and one thing that we did just for fun was playing upside down trying to score turtle goals without using our wheels. Based on this talk, I wonder how easy it would be to create a turtle mutator, where the car stabilization would be reversed and would default you to being on the roof of the car, and possibly disabling the wheels from working completely forcing you to rely on boost, or allowing you to jump while upside down to more easily initiate aerials.

I think that this could be a cool side mode, if coupled with unlimited or rechargable boost; unfortunately too late for April fools.

πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 16 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/G0ldf1sh137 πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ Apr 24 2018 πŸ—«︎ replies

This definitely needs more upvotes. It answers a lot of questions that people have been asking in their many bitching posts. Especially the part about what changed in the April 3rd update.

πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 9 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/CunnedStunt πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ Apr 24 2018 πŸ—«︎ replies

Nice to know the devs know about the Rocket Science youtube channel and appreciate it! Now get that shit-ass version out of RLCS or rename it!

πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 2 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/[deleted] πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ Apr 25 2018 πŸ—«︎ replies

Just curious maybe a stupid question, when he said its like an ego shooter, lets say pubg you also need to preaim the opponents directional to hit the target. In cs you need to aim straight on the target. How would that "cs" code influence RL?

πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 1 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/FumiT πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ Apr 25 2018 πŸ—«︎ replies

Is there a reason you linked to 32:49? Didn't watch it yet but it seems like the whole video would be pretty interesting.

πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 1 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/masat πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ Apr 25 2018 πŸ—«︎ replies
[Music] welcome to this presentation of it is rocket science the physics and networking at rocket league you all know the rules by now please silence your cellphone's partway through the talk you will get an evaluation in your email if it's not in your email then check your spam if it's not in your spam maybe GGC doesn't care about your opinion my name is Jared Cohen I am the lead gameplay engineer at psionics Sonic's being best known as the creators of rocket League I have had the pleasure of working for Sonic's for 11 years now I was involved with the development and release of rocky league's predecessor be concisely named supersonic acrobatic rocket powered battle cars every time I say that name I make sure to hold my head high and say the whole thing all the way to the bidder in I'm very proud of it I've also was part of the initial startup for the rocket League prototype and has been have been involved with the development of it all the way through its release the fires of release and continue to sport as a live game today so I've pretty much made a career out of cars playing soccer today we're going to talk about the tech of rocket League if you're interested in the history or design of rocket League then Corey Davis gave a great talk at GDC 2016 that's available on youtube and at the vault I highly suggest you check out specifically three topics we're gonna be covering today we're going to take a look at the physics engine even though we're a nun religion 3-game we decided to put in an alternative physics engine and take a look at kind of global physics settings that we chose for the game this is a very quick section but it actually contains what I think is one of the most important takeaways for the whole talk so keep an eye out for that then we were looking to vehicle system specifically vehicle tuning and what you can do to make your lives easier when working with physics based vehicles and then we're going to kind of switch contexts and talk about networking so once we got this game made that we really wanted to play online how the hell we get to play over the intern I'm actually really excited about talking about the networking because for me it was like my own personal moon landing achieving this type of game to be playable online so looking forward to talking about that first an overview of rocket League for the uninitiated elevator pitch is it's cars playing soccer we needed our cars to be a little more exciting than real-life cars so they drive fast they steer fast they can jump they can double jump they can dodge we strapped on some rocket boosters to make them even faster combine that with jumping in air control and they can fly through the air too so high level goals that we had for rocket League on the tech side of things is we needed fast responsive vehicles we weren't going for a realistic physics simulation conversely to that we also wanted consistent controllable physics we wanted to make sure that players felt like they had control over the car and kind of a say-so in how the car was interacting with the ball in the rest of the physics simulation and we wanted the game to not be just playable over the internet but needed to be competitive so competitively playable over the Internet let's dive right in in the first part of the talk look at our physics engine we decided to go with the bullet physics engine for a number of reasons first off it is open source so you can debug it you can modify it you can make it do what you want it to do and I want to say that this bullet point if I had to pick one thing that was most responsible for rocket leagues technical success it was the fact that we went with an open source physics engine that we could go in and fix edge case problems literal edges problems and make the vehicle system work exactly how we wanted to do I highly suggest you do it if you want to make a physics driven game yourself we also need a really fast single threaded physics simulator many physics engines kind of focus on multi-threaded physics and handling lots of objects over the course of a frame we needed something that could run on a single thread and be able to handle mini frames all at once as we'll get into when we get in the networking section it was pretty quick to integrate because we did not actually replace the physics engine that came with Unreal Engine 3 we simply added bullet as an additional physics engine and it handles all of the gameplay physics and we took a couple of days to get boxes rolling around in the level and then maybe another week to get the vehicle prototype in so if you think the idea of switching physics engines sounds too daunting it's not so bad if you're only piecemeal integrating the things that you need from another physics engine we use discrete collision detection like most physics engine dues most physics engines do the key difference is with discrete collision detection the actor will move and then it tries to find things that's colliding with with continuous collision detection first we look for things we could collide with and then we move we'll get into why that's an important distinction later on but of course that was chosen because it's more performant and we run at a fixed tick rate which is not usual for an unreal engine game but I'm actually quite surprised it isn't usual with a fixed tick rate you can have deterministic physics so your physics frames are always working with the same Delta time no matter how fast the game is rendering for rocket League we chose to go with 120 Hertz tick rate so each frame is approximately 8 milliseconds and I want to get into why we made that decision rather than going with something more standard like 60 Hertz so I want to look at a scenario where a car is actually driving towards the ball it comes from a stop hit smack speed and hits this ball towards the goal notice how high the ball gets in the frame and where it lands on the back of the goal now we're going to repeat this experiment with the ball going to the speed and hitting the or the car getting up to speed and hitting the ball at max speed but we're just going to move the ball back a couple of units notice the difference in the trajectory notice where the ball lands so as far as we know we have a deterministic physics simulation but we have these inconsistencies so what happens if we have the physics rate to 120 Hertz ball ends there repeat the experiment we get much more consistent results what's going on so if we look at look at frame by frame here we see a physics frame run where the car moves and then we look for intersections and no intersections yet car continues moving nothing's happening finally the car moves and we just are barely intersecting the ball so at this point the physics engine needs to calculate the impact normal so it gets a vector from the impact point on the car to the center of the ball and this is roughly the direction the ball is going to travel it I should clarify that rocket League doesn't exactly do this we do augment this vector a little bit with our custom forces and Cory talks about that in his talk but it's the same principle so with our experiments instead of starting the car here we're gonna move him back just a little bit so step through the physics simulation again at this point in the previous simulation we were actually intersecting the ball but because we move the car back it hasn't quite made it there yet now when it steps it's actually got a pretty deep penetration this impact normal is calculated again and now it looks like that instead of that so that's the differences we're seeing in these hits and that's why we went with 120 Hertz just for better consistency with the physics simulation so when you run on a slower of physics rate you have to take larger steps for each physics frame that results in a larger variance and penetrations and you get inconsistent physics simulation we up the rate to have more consistency but of course this made everything more expensive it was the easy thing to do in retrospect I wish we had found another way to handle these penetrations but the games released and so we're kind of stuck with it so coming to the end of the physics engine part of this talk I strongly suggest if you're making a physics driven game get a physics engine that you can change use a fixed tick rate for deterministic deterministic physics that's good not just for replayability but also for networking as we'll see when we get to the networking section and you can play around with your tick rate for a better physics simulation but it will come at a cost and you might have to optimize that later on so switching gears over to vehicle tuning section we have some high-level goals with rocket League specific to our vehicles we needed the fast acceleration baked and braking for a fast gameplay we need a sharp steering and despite all those things we also need the cars to be stable we don't want them to leave the ground too much by accident and the event they do leave the ground when to make sure that they are able to have a fast recovery so they can get back into the action so you would think that making a vehicle drive faster would be something pretty simple to do we just simply say depending on the implementation of your physic system or your vehicle implementation you just simply add more torque to the wheel so if the player presses thatΓ­ll we're just gonna up that torque value this should calls the wheel to spin move the car forward problem is that depends on friction them specifically the tire friction as it's touching the ground this could be a complicated friction model so if you have too little friction the tire is just going to spin if you have too much friction you might have sticky tires whenever you come in for a landing friction depends on the spin speed of the wheel so if we'll spinning faster you have less friction so you have unpredictable driving spin speed of the wheel depends on the wheel radius so you might want to grow the rear wheel as we have here just because you think it looks cool but then you have to retweet everything there is about your vehicle suspension is important for keeping wheels on the ground if you have saw suspension they will maintain their contact with the ground better if you have hard suspension then they might ride off the ground a little bit and affect the driving gravity and mass pretty much affect everything about your vehicle's driving driving if anything about those changes then you end up retweeting all these values anyways and if you are really mad at your game designer and we just want to ruin his day give him a transmission to work with this means he has to sort out gear ratios in order to figure out an acceleration curve so these are all things that we have dealt with over the years you're constantly having to tweak all these values and it's always a balancing act and you're only you have to settle on a compromise for how you want your vehicle to behave in any given scenario we know this is a pretty prevalent problem in the industry because Sonic's over the years our primary income was through contract work and many of our contracts were just simply helping other studios implement vehicles because they couldn't sort out all these problems on their own so we know it's a problem and we know we needed to do something better for rocket League so the idea was just simplify the vehicle system as much as we can while still making it feel like you're driving a vehicle so in order to reduce complexity talking about the transmission maybe don't start immediately having transmission just because a car has it in real life doesn't mean you actually need to simulate one in the physics engine if you ever play our game you'll notice the cars sound like they're changing gears but it's all fake it's just in the sound system instead provide your designers an acceleration curve that they can tweak directly so if the vehicles have to stop and the player presses throttle apply this amount of force to the vehicle if the vehicle is going top speed and the player is pressing throttle maybe don't apply any force at all so much easier to work with much better to get the desired acceleration curve that you want right off the bat mass is a super important property affects pretty much everything about how your vehicle handles so it's very important to make sure it doesn't change out from underneath you many physics engines offer a feature where you just simply provide them the density of an actor and the size of the actor or its collision size and it will calculate the mass for you and this is a pain in the butt because if you play around with the collision shape for your vehicle your mass will suddenly change and now your driving is change and now you've got to tweak all those variables all over again so how you suggest you just turn that off and override the mass manually also ignore mass when you're applying all these driving forces so driving braking if in case the rocket league you have jumping in the dodging you want to take mass out of the equation so if you apply a force of five to a car you want to make sure it has the same amount even if that mass changes many physics engines offer the ability to do this by simply you know passing a flag to the add force function to say ignore mass tire friction is another complicated thing longitudinal tire friction is where the wheel spins and it's what causes the car Ford it catches on the ground all those variables we saw on the blueprint slide or all directly affecting longitudinal tire friction so we can actually just get rid of longitudinal tire friction we don't simulate it at all in rocket League just simply if the player presses forward and they have the wheels have contact with the ground we apply a force to the vehicle we also simplify the lateral friction instead of depending on lat slits lat slip angles or ratios and what not we were trying to figure out how can we simulate it so that you have actual friction such as if the vehicle comes in from sliding or necessary for steering while being simple to work with and we tried a few different scenarios and I want to share with you what we ended up with and what we're using today so for our lateral tire friction what we end up doing is we look at the wheel and we look at how fast it's moving through world space and in this case we look at how fast it's moving forward and we also look at how fast is moving to the side so we look at these speeds we use this the calculator ratio we just do side speed divided by side speed plus forward speed this gives us a value between zero and one where zero means the wheel is going perfectly forward and one means the wheel is going perfectly to the side we feed this into a curve if it's a pretty simple curve I think ours only actually has two points but basically if you feed in a value of one where the vehicle the wheel is going perfectly to the side they're gonna get a value of zero point two out of it so it's nice and slippery when the car comes in from a sideways landing but if you feed in a value of zero so that the wheel is going forward it's going to give you a value of 1 for friction so you have very sticky friction and this is how we're able to make it so the cars have very tight steering very sticky steering but they stay slippery when they come in for a sideways landing and that's pretty hard to do when you have a more realistic tyre friction model you also have to throw in ground fiction friction because you don't want the vehicle just sticking on a slope perfectly so we just throw the ground normal into another curve that's scales friction finally we use the physics engine to give us what impulse would be necessary to make this will come to a stop right now given the look of the wheel and the mass that the wheel supports once the physics engine gives us that we just scale that number by this friction value that we calculated and apply to the wheel and that's pretty much all we do these few lines of code is basically our lateral tire friction model it's pretty simple but it works really well and as again allows us to do the tight steering while also having the vehicles be sliding while we're talking about friction another important aspect is where you actually apply the forces on the vehicle so in this scenario we have the vehicle on the ground but he's sliding to the right so we're applying friction force right here normally when you're doing friction forces you want to apply them somewhere around the bottom of the wheel or maybe around the wheel axle the point is it's usually offset from the cars center of mass which is indicated there when you apply a force that is offset from the center of mass you get a torque in this case a rolling torque which causes the car to roll and that's not good because we want our players to build driver around without fear of having their cars roll seeing this in action the player is able to steer a little bit and it's fine but once they get up to speed and steer too much they just flip over on their side and they're done for this is great if you're making Reliant Robin simulator not so good for a competitive game there are a few workarounds you can do for this one you can just lower tire friction obviously this is not great if you want to have good steering you can limit your steering goals so just simply prevent the player from turning that sharply now you're limiting your turn radiuses and it's a big pain in the butt to maintain that steering angle curve you can apply a physics constraint usually called a state upright constraint which is a constraint that you actually flip on when all the wheels are on the ground that will try to align the vehicles up access with the surface normal that it's touching it comes tricky trying to figure out when you should turn this constraint on or off depending on various specific gameplay scenarios what we did for rocket League and what I would continue doing going forward for any vehicle game is we apply the friction forces at the height of the center of mass so we don't get that rolling torque so instead of applying them down here apply them up there so now there's no rolling torque and we don't have to worry about flipping the from steering once we see that in action the vehicle is able to turn as tight as we want it to and we don't have to worry about it rolling well you'll notice it has really uninteresting turning right now there's no suspension wobble that got lost because we don't have any of that torque anymore but you can just add it back individuals so our cars look like they have suspension but it's all fake it's all just done in the animation system and so this way you can have suspension look as wobbly as you want without it actually affecting how you want the vehicle to drive wheel positions this is an important aspect of how well your vehicle can steer looking at two properties I call them axle separation which is how far the rear wheels are from the front wheels and axle width which is how far the left wheel is from the right wheel these two numbers make a ratio and that ratio is a very important number for how well your vehicle can steer here we have a tool that we use to measure a vehicle's handling so what we'll do is we'll have the vehicle drive forward and steer various maneuvers have various speeds and record its position along the track just to see how well Tenley and to compare it to other vehicles so what happens if we move the front axle forward just two centimetres already the vehicle is not turning as well it's getting a little sluggish and it's sometimes very subtle you won't notice it playing but your hardcore players will and they'll call you out on it so what can we do about this whereas say was a big problem that we had with rocket League is we allowed the physics wheels to be defined by the arts we just simply put the physics wheel wherever the visual wheel was on the car as you can guess this had a dramatic effect on handling we would get a new vehicle in and we'd have a long iteration times of trying to figure out how to get it drivable either adjusting the visual mesh or more likely adding offsets the physics wheels until it became drivable so as of summer of last year after release we switched to a vehicle preset system the idea of a vehicle preset system is we simply completely separate the physics settings from the visuals we don't look at the visuals all visuals at all when setting up the physics for the vehicle for us that includes the collision size and translation for the vehicle collision and also the wheel positions and the radius of each wheel with this we have many vehicles I don't mean know how many vehicles we have in the game now but we only have a handful of actual physics presets so as soon as we get a new vehicle in we just give an existing preset and it's good to go of course this gave us faster iteration I wish we had done in a really long time ago possible downside is your physics don't line up with your visuals anymore obviously so I thought there would be a problem where if the wheel is going up a slope it might intersect the geometry because the visual is all set from the physics nobody seems to really care it's not that important a very fast-paced game stability talking about how we can get vehicles back in the action once they become unstable let's look at a scenario where vehicle actually leaves the ground and lands awkwardly on its side notice it takes a while to recover it does recover because it's got a low center of mass but when it does it's facing the wrong direction so for rocket league we work around this by adding auxiliary forces to help out looking at two scenarios here we have a vehicle on the left who has wheels touching the ground but not all of them and a vehicle on the right who has a body touching the ground but no wheels for both of these situations we're going to look at the surface normal that it's touching and we're going to apply a rolling torch to try to align the vehicles up axis with that surface normal we played around with also doing pitch torques to try to get maybe the front end down faster or y'all torques if it was maybe y'all'd up and rolled we found that made really unpredictable corrections on the vehicle and decided that roll alone was perfectly fine one difference between these two scenarios is once the vehicles got a wheel on the ground we're also going to give a downward linear force to really clamp it down into that ground much faster obviously we don't want to do that for this scenario on the right because that would be counteracting that roll force but once he's rolled far enough we will flip it on and that plants our vehicles to the ground and will flip off these extra forces once we got three or more wheels touching the ground looking at what we had before just refresh your memory we have the vehicle leave the ground takes a while to recover it's facing the wrong direction after we apply stability forces the vehicle is able to write itself much quicker and it's now facing the correct direction still so coming into an end talking about everything that we did for our vehicles and some key takeaways from it strongly encourage you to start with the simplest vehicle system you possibly can and just simply add complexity whenever the need arises you'll you'll find that the need doesn't arise that often or if you read have a vehicle system you want to use or you have to use find ways to trim out the complexity by keeping things constant or removing things from the equation anything that you lose with that you can always just make up in the visuals we have a surprising amount of our things that look like physics that are actually all happening sort of under the hood so to speak in the animation layer and another thing is when iterating on your vehicles don't depend on the visuals those are going to change all the time so just keep your physics headings separate and you'll be able to iterate much faster so concluding our vehicle tuning section we get to move on to what I would think would be the meat of the talk in my favorite part is talking about networking so we had some interesting challenges with rocky league's networking first off input delay is not an option so what I mean by this is many physics driven games that involve vehicles they can get away with having the client send their input up to the server and have the server simulate the physics emulation and send the results back down to the client before the client even sees the car move at all they can do this because the vehicles are more realistic they have a slow acceleration slow braking they don't turn too sharply and you can totally get away with having this added network latency obviously we can't do that for oculi because it's so fast pace it would be very noticeable it makes pretty unplayable so since we can't have input delay we're gonna have to implement some kind of client prediction this has been kind of a solved problem since the mid 90s we've had client prediction for shooters for so long the tricky part is how we're going to apply client prediction to a physics simulation that involves rigidbody vehicles another issue is when the player is sending their inputs up to the server it suffers from packet loss package jitter it arrives unpredictably on the server this isn't a problem for most games because the server can just simply not run physics for that particular player until his input comes in and once it comes in we run physics immediately and everything's good we don't want to do that for Rocky League and we'll get into more detailed reasons why and the next slides another challenge is collision with moving objects normally when you're using client prediction if you've played a game a shooter where you've been had high latency and have either run into other players and been rubber-banding around or maybe even something as simple as going up an elevator and characters jittering on the way up that is because client prediction is fighting this server server authoritative moving object so we need to overcome that in rocket Li because the core game involves hitting a moving object last but not least we wanted to be a PC game so we needed a hundred percent server Authority we didn't want to trust the clients for anything because cheaters like to cheat so why can't we have the server just simply wait for client input as players send their inputs to the server they suffer from loss they suffer from jitter so this so the server can just simply wait for inputs to come in before running physics for that player this isn't very good for rigidbody simulation because a core tenant of rigidbody simulations is everyone moves at the same time a little bit at a time we can't have one actor sitting there while all the rest are running their own simulations it's also particularly bad for rocket Li because you could get a pretty bad D sync when you're hitting a moving object and I want to take a look at that real quick here we have a scenario where a client's car on the left is moving towards the moving ball we're gonna step through it frame by frame and see what the client sees as he's approaching the ball finally he thinks that he has hit the ball here and is able to predict the hit and maybe he sees the ball go into the goal for a server he's sitting here waiting for the client inputs to come in before running physics one comes in so he's good to go runs a physics frame but then the next input gets delayed a little bit this isn't a problem the server could just not run physics for that car but he's got to run everyone else because the show must go on so it continues running physics for the ball finally the player input comes in but at this point the balls already moved past him and he has missed the ball finally the server sends this new information back down to the client clients who thought the ball was in the goal sees the ball just walk back here he says what the hell so the reason we don't want servers to Pauls individual players to wait for their inputs is because it results in non-deterministic behavior between the client simulation and the server simulation what about hitting a moving object what kind of challenges are we seeing with that the idea is the client is predicting his vehicle so his vehicle is ahead of the server's but the server is authoritative over the ball so the client under these in this situation normally for most games is just simply drawing the ball where the server tells him the ball is at but this is old information the tricky part with this is we have two things interacting on the client that are kind of existing in two different timelines with the car being ahead of the server the ball being behind the server looking at this in action to see what actually happens here we have a car moving down towards a moving ball we're gonna overlay the client's view so we can see what he sees and what the server sees at the same time the client thinks he's driving towards the ball and is able to get a hit off here this is what the client sees in his view this is what the server sees the client is nowhere near the ball and he doesn't get a hit so this time line discrepancy is something that we have to overcome for rocket League now some people ask for that particular scenario why don't we just do some form of lag compensation this is something we can take from a page from the book of first-person shooters is the idea that in a shooter you can predict your weapon shooting and then predict that it hits something and sin to pack it to the server saying hey I shot this guy when the server eventually gets that packet he can look back in time see that that guy was where you thought he was confirm the hit maybe give you a kill and this way you're able to fire your weapon as if we have zero latency and everything is great how would this apply to rocket League maybe clients could predict hitting the ball and send a packet up to the server saying hey I hit the ball server can do the same thing look back in time confirm that it's a good hit update the balls position update the trajectory and continue on like everything is going great what does this actually look like in practice here we're going to overlay the server view on top of a laggy client this example will say the client has a 200 millisecond ping which is pretty high client's driving towards the ball thinks that he hits the ball here so he's gonna send a packet up to the server saying hey I hit the ball server keeps running the physics simulation until he finally gets the packet from the client saying when the ball is back here I think I hit it server's gonna look back in time and agree yep you're not a cheater I agree so I'm gonna move the ball back here and update its position run a few frames of physics to get back ahead of the client and now we're all in sync again everything's good and the client just felt like he hit the ball with zero latency so everything seems great until we add another player into the mix now we're gonna see things from the point of view of a low ping player this guy's ping is so low basically what he sees is what the server sees walking through frame by frame he's gonna try to hit the ball as well at this point he thinks he's about to hit the ball or maybe that he did hit the ball but remember this packet is now arriving on the server from the high ping client indicating that he hit the ball so the server is gonna move that ball back rerun physics send that update down to the low ping client and he sees the ball warp past him maybe rolling into the goal he says what the hell man so we can't do lag compensation because laggy clients would ruin the game for everyone else now I should specify that this is actually a viable option option lag compensation if you're running out of time or resources because this is exactly what we did for supersonic acrobatic rocket-powered model cars people had fun playing the game online it developed an online kind of cult following but we can do better what do we end up doing for rocket League to get it playable over the Internet it really came down to two key concepts as far as I'm concerned first one is to handle the problem of jittery player inputs coming into the server we're gonna buffer those inputs just like a video player would buffer a video stream the second thing that ended up being kind of wacky is we have the clients predict everything about the simulation so instead of running prediction and corrections on their own vehicle they're actually going to run it on their own vehicle every other vehicle and the ball so with that said I'm going to split and networking up into two distinct sections and talk about input buffer after apologize you're about to get a wall of text I don't have pretty slides for this one so just bear with me so the idea what the input buffer is the client for every physics frame he runs he's recording input and just sending that off to the server this is arriving on the server at some random rate who knows when an input was gonna get in there so instead of processing input as soon as it comes into the server the server is gonna put it into a buffer and let that buffer fill up for a little bit so when it comes time for the server run physics you can just take one item from this buffer and he's good to go he doesn't have to ever pause for the player because ideally there's always something in this input buffer that he can pull from the nice thing about this is it eliminates certain classes of cheats you don't get speed cheaters because if player increases the rate of which their game is running as a cheater all they're gonna do is fill up that input buffer faster likewise if they intentionally try to make their network jittery or laggy to try to appear jittery to other players it can't happen because the server's just simply pulling inputs out of a buffer whenever it needs it downside is it increases average latency because the server instead of processing input from a player as soon as it arrives it's going to sit on it for a few frames and then process it sometime later there are a few key requirements if you're going to implement an input buffer on the server first off you don't want it to run empty because if a new input buffer runs empty that means the next time the server goes through run physics he won't have any input to work with so he's just gonna have to reuse whatever the previous input was not terrible but you might miss something important you also don't want the buffer to get too big because now inputs are just sitting in the buffer for longer and it's adding latency to the player so the question becomes what techniques can we use to grow or shrink this input buffer one technique is upstream throttle or at least I'm calling it upstream throttle the idea is the server can tell the client to run faster or slower depending on how empty or full the IMP input buffer on the server is so if the input buffer is low he tells the client to speed up maybe run an extra physics frame more than he would have normally if the buffers getting full tells the client maybe don't run one more physics frame and now inputs are coming in to the buffer slower than they're being pulled out so the buffer can shrink down this is the technique used by overwatch as explained in last year's see talk given by Tim Ford overwatch gameplay architecture netcode if you haven't seen this you have to watch it if you have seen it go watch it again it's totally worth it what rocket league uses is what I'm calling downstream throttle the idea here is the server handles the input buffer himself without talking to the client he just simply consumes 0 1 or 2 client inputs for every physics frame depending on what he needs so the idea is if the buffer is running low the server's gonna repeat an input for to physics frames so that he's consuming inputs slower and it gives a chance for the buffer to fill up if the buffer is running full is gonna consume two inputs for one physics frame not throw out an input it'll still process it so we can catch jumps and dodges and other important things but he's just simply gonna consume it and then consume the next input 2 for 1 physics frame this is effective it works we're still running with this today but if you think about it it can result in minor D sinks because the server is doing exactly what we didn't want to do which is repeating player input or reading input without running a physics frame for it so the one to one ratio of input to physics frame that the client is running may not be the exact same thing the server is running and you could get D sinks I just mentioned if you're gonna go with input buffers I strongly suggest starting off with the upstream throttle method where you tell the client to run faster or slower it seems much smarter to me and we're investigating converting rocket League to that system pretty much right now sorry not today we're investigating it today the other aspect for rocket leagues networking is predicting everything so the best way I can explain this and to see how exactly it works and how we're able to hit moving objects is just walking it through walking through it with you one frame at a time and we're going to see this whole process from beginning in the end so the idea what we have here is the client on the Left has a vehicle and use press throttle but that input hasn't made it to the server yet so the server doesn't know the ball isn't on the client maybe he doesn't know it's moving yet but the server knows it does maybe somebody just hit it so they're out of sync and we need to get them back in sync for every physics train that the client runs he's gonna record the current input and an incremental frame number this is just a number to identify this particular physics frame he then runs physics and record the results to history so for frame number one the car is there the ball is there he then sends this frame number and his inputs up to the server it's gonna take some time to get there while it's in route the client and server are just going to keep on running physics finally this information makes it to the server the server is able to read that players input see that the player is actually pressing throttle now and then it's gonna run physics just like it always would car moves forward on server ball moves forward on server now that the server has run physics he's able to pack the current physics state up into a packet and send that information plus the frame number back down to the client it's going to take some time for this information to get down there so again the server and the client just keep on running physics finally it makes it to the client and the client is able to see or I should say compare the server state to what he had recorded in history so this is what we got from the server this is what we have recorded for frame number one on the client the car is good because we were predicting our car and we knew we were holding throttle so that's fine but we didn't know the ball was moving so that is way off it's far enough off that we're gonna have to do a correction so the first thing we do for a correction is we update that pointing history to the new data that we got just got from the server then we're gonna take where all of our physics actors are now so our car all cars and the ball and we're going to move them back in time to that point in history then we're going to rerun physics frames a whole bunch of times to catch back up to the frame we had just left from now the car is back where it was before because we have deterministic physics simulation the ball is where it should be because we now know that the ball was moving on frame 1 and we can accurately predict that it should be further ahead now if you compare what the server receives versus what the client sees at this moment in time the clients car is ahead of the service car which we kind of expect with client prediction but an interesting point is now the clients ball is ahead of the server's ball instead of behind so now the car and the ball are on the same timeline so he's able to hit the ball exactly how does that work out here we have the client moving towards a moving ball here Rick the seat we're gonna overlay the server's you with his car being behind the clients and the ball being behind the clients as well here is the data that the server is sending down to the client here client thinks he hits the ball eventually the input from that frame number makes its way up to the server the server runs physics and because we have deterministic physics between client and server they calculate the exact same outcome there's no coordination they're just running the same inputs in the same physics that frame makes its way back down to the clients where you can look up in history confirm that everything's good and we don't need to do a correction and continue on just playing the game as we work so now the client can hit the ball predict inning as if it's zero latency but we don't have to do any lag compensation we're the results of all this if you think about it if you've ever played a first-person shooter back before lag compensation was invented you know back in the day you remember that you would actually have to lead your target and shoot ahead of them so if they're over here you're shooting ahead of them and you kind of just hope that they run into your bullet that's basically what we're doing in raqqa league but we're able to project the ball where the player needs to be going in order to hit it we're just kind of doing it behind the scenes for them this works really well with the ball because the ball predictably it's predictable physics it's not a whole lot of dynamic input is happening with the ball as you might guess it doesn't work so well with other cars because they can change their inputs at any time and all of a sudden you got 150 milliseconds of steering this way changes to 150 milliseconds of steering that way it's still better than not running prediction on the cars at all trust me up I've tried turning it off on the other cars it looks really bad huge upside is we don't have server-side lag compensation so high paying clients aren't ruining the game for everyone else downside is we have crazy expensive Corrections on the client because instead of running correction on just the clients character like most games do we're running corrections on the entire physics scene this is where that 120 Hertz physics simulation really bites us in the ass you get a 200 millisecond ping client running 120 Hertz physics that's twenty-four physics trains we gotta run all at once while continuing to run everything else about the game it's it's tough but it's doable after all this work what we get is you can play the game you can drive around in your own car with a high latency hit the ball around it feels like you have no latency at all high ping clients aren't ruining the game for everyone else we can hit moving objects which is not something you're supposed to be allowed to do when running client prediction and we have what I consider the holy grail of client-server networking a completely authoritative server all he does is read inputs execute physics so summary for the whole talk for today and key takeaways reducing complexity can help you achieve your goals this is not just for physics systems and for vehicles but really just everything about your game if you don't like how it's going you just gut it and start from simple we we probably redid how the car interacts with the ball like three times you do have a choice of physics engine we didn't think we did until we tried it and found it surprisingly easy to add an additional physics engine so maybe you consider that for your game networking is still hard had client predictions since the mid-90s but we still find interesting new ways to apply it to new types of games and I highly recommend any games to go forward use a fixed tick rate it's so much easier to debug to reproduce problems it's great for client-server networking because they're running the same deterministic simulation and I also recommend client input buffers instead of having the server wait for clients even if I was to make a shooter I would go this route it's just more reliable but extra work some resources if you want to learn a little bit more about we talked about today gaffur on games but it's a fantastic website you should just read everything on it but particularly if you want to know more about fixed time steps there's this article I already mentioned the overwatch gameplay architecture and netcode that's available on the vault there's these two articles I found that seem to do a really good job explaining client prediction and reconciliation in general if you want to know more about how that works in other games and there's also a YouTube channel called rocket science where they actually really dive very deep into how physics and other things work in rocket League and I've actually watched all the episodes and I've actually learned a few things about our game that I didn't know so I highly recommend it it's really great that's it for this presentation we got some pretty good time for Q&A [Applause] cool sooo I kind of understand the system you showed we're on the client site prediction it looks like you almost kind of extrapolate the ball forward based on what the server seeing when you rewind back it seems like forward and I can see how that system would work really well in the beginning of a match case for example where the two Center forwards are charging the ball in the center and if they don't do any kind of crazy turning that should work out perfectly because the extrapolated other car will collide with the ball where he would normally collide on his side of the simulation but do you know if that causes issues of one of the guys at the last second changes his a vector to decide not to hit the ball because it takes a while from the input to arrive yes absolutely does I said I should clarify real quick we don't use extrapolation what we're doing is rerunning physics frames but I get what you're saying and it absolutely absolutely does cause problems that's why kickoffs are basically the worst thing for our game there the player can change their input at the last moment and you predicted that they hit the ball but instead they actually miss the ball so you see the ball moving on your screen but it's actually not moving what we did for that was make sure that we send the ball information down to the client at a regular interval even if nothing has changed so you'll see the ball slide away for a second and then slide back cool okay got it um so you had said they use a 120 Hertz fixed physics step to improve consistency yes but you said also multiple times or a few times throughout the presentation that there are some minor regrets regarding that I'm curious if you were to go back and say remake everything from scratch if you would go with a different method yes I would at least investigate something where possibly taking the penetration depths into account when calculating those vectors I would try that out first before turning on 120 Hertz we did 120 Hertz because we were strapped for time well you're always strapped for time marching when you're working on a game but it was the easy thing to do but yeah I would definitely investigate a different solution to the problem often length I have to hopefully short questions one being how do you deal with things like audio or effects that you can't necessarily roll back so like the collision of the ball Nick's an audio cue happened but then if that collision didn't turn out to happen when you get the information back from the server do you actually like stop the audio or you just say screw it you heard that and it's erroneous luckily our audio is pretty short so we just leave it one thing we make sure not to do is repeat audio so if we if the player thinks they hit the ball and then a correction comes in and they rerun physics and they just hit the ball again we make sure we're not going to repeat that audio and it won't stack up but otherwise if the player thinks they hit the ball and a correction comes in and turns out they actually missed it it's a short-lived audio so we just let it keep playing and sorry the second one is on the input buffers on the server sometimes things can come in out of order do you respect that and reorder them on the way into the buffer or does order actually not end up mattering because you've buffered anyway yeah we respect well they can come in a vorded but we'll enter them into the buffer in order but because they have that sequential frame number we know what order they belong in and like any other sort of out of order things that that end up affecting that system like maybe that we've made a decision when we have frame 5 but frame 6 is still on the way we so we don't player inputs one at a time we're always saying like the last 10 inputs cool which is you know it's a standard thing to do so that way if you lose a packet and when the next one comes in it's got a whole lot of inputs ready for you great thanks mm-hmm so obviously if you can predict the inputs of other players more accurately it'll end up in a better consistent view of the world can talk a little bit about the model you use for that prediction obviously discrete button presses might be tough to predict for other players but what about something like the analog stick we it's a good point so with the analog stick what we actually do we don't try to predict player inputs it's just I mean maybe you could do some like machine learning or something that might be kind of cool but beyond that you can't predict what they're gonna do so your your client doesn't predict the other cars in correct shape it'll take so here's what we actually do is it'll take whatever their input is that the last input that we know of that we got from the server and it'll for the first frame of the correction it's gonna use that input for that frame and then the next frame specifically in regards to your comment about analog inputs it's gonna decay that input a little bit and then the next frame decay it some more so it's kind of like we're losing certainty over amount of time so if the car is like full steering right on the first correction frame by like 150 milliseconds in we're just it's got like it's straight steering and no brakes and that was actually something we did in response to people were saying the game looked more laggy and even though we hadn't changed the networking we had made the game faster and so they were seeing cars if you throttled back and forth between steering they would see cars doing this and so if I decaying the inputs now the cars just kind of do that and it looks less laggy okay so I do have a real question but first so you were saying lag high lag players don't ruin the experience I like to counter that by saying they suck his teammates well so they actually it's a real real question so if on my screen and it's interesting what he was saying about my client doesn't predict other players if on my screen I see someone else hit the ball and they swear they hit the ball but then it's a goal and the replay shows that that was missed how is that being handled that I saw it and a teammate saw it it could have didn't happen yeah so you saw a hit the teammates saw the hit you both could have been working with the compressed inputs that were sent down from the server and so that's a problem is up until this patch that we're going to be coming out with April 3rd April 3rd this server would actually send compressed physics State down to the clients for the networking reasons but the so the server is running with you know full bits floating point precision compresses it and then the clients have to work with this compress state so there's a slight desync there so what we added was again on that gaff Ron gamed website it talks about quantizing physics state and the idea is you're going to run the same compression on the server then run physics then run that compress the result back down to the client and we implemented that for this upcoming patch so we're hoping there will be less instances of exactly what you just described great thank you thank you hello sir I got a question about cheaters do guys cheaters physik visit cheaters or revisional visual only or nobody cheats so far we've only seen visual cheaters the question is what kind of cheers we're running with our game well we were blessed with a game that doesn't quite fit the normal cheating model since it's not a shooter it's actually really quite nice we haven't had to worry about cheaters too much mostly we've just seen visual where they'll kind of draw the trajectory of the ball a little bit and then we actually try it out we're like wow that really doesn't help all that much so we actually just don't care about that yet druga the biggest concern we'd have is people start adding things to help them with like a mist or flying or something so that would be a physical cheat but as far as people actually like warping around on the server or futzing with their inputs or something going to the server we just don't have that problem thank you all right thanks for your stalkers fascinating thank you umm I'm wondering you hinted a little bit at how you deploy physics changes post-launch and I'm wondering kind of how you if you could talk a little bit about the process of how you test and evaluate those physics changes and net code changes and how you decide what's too risky and might affect the competitive landscape yeah so specifically some of the vehicle presets we considered a win because we have data on what cars people are using and of course everyone's using octane so it was actually a big win because we were able to apply these physics presets to these cars that nobody was using and now they're more playable so some people complained that my car drives a little differently but then once they try it out like oh wait it's actually better so in that particular regard we weren't too concerned we just kind of did it otherwise pretty much any time we make a physics change and this includes any kind of bug fix we do in physics any kind of networking change with all the networking changes we have coming out with this April 3rd patch we always add an ability to dynamically turn it off from from the back end so every single feature that goes out if something goes wrong after we deploy it and of course we test it before we send it out but if something goes wrong which sometimes it does we can just flip it off and then fix it and deploy a patch cool thanks hmm I actually prefer the hybrid hitbox but thanks sorry great talk very clear slides that's very easy to understand thank you at the risk of sounding lazy since you guys started the development of this have you run into any third-party solutions that solve all of this for you so velvet forests I have not seen anything I haven't seen anybody else doing any anything like this before the only thing we've seen is third-party solutions that claim to help your latency in general which is definitely worth looking into but that's pretty much it thank you mm-hmm you go ahead so you talked about how you can predict ball easily and that allows you to calculate the physics for player 2 ball collisions and that's that's not an Austin what do you do with like player 2 player collisions when they're not near a ball so for example if I gums were being really fast and on my client I see that I have avoided hitting their a but because of flag or whatever it is on his client it might seem that he still at the first position and this hitting him do you run into issues surrounding that how do you solve those were you asking about other players hitting the ball or just simply other players other players interacting with other players with other players yeah we still run prediction on them because if you don't it's extremely hard to actually run into another player there are distinct issues you'll think you hit a player but then he'll just you know suck right back to where he was before and it's luckily it's not a core issue for our game so it hasn't been a huge problem but pretty much we just run prediction just like we do for the ball and we decay the player inputs as I mentioned with the previous question that's pretty much it me again I was curious on the slide where you had you know we find that the client because the clients in control of his own car you know that matches up with the server's understanding of the future or the past and like do you do any kind of diff when you're re running and re simulating to know that like okay these these objects are in sync and they continue to be in sync so we don't need to simulate that or is it just like a regular old simulation when you're planning it back do we do a diff between the server information coming in on the client or what the client have recorded well in other words when that matches up right like when the server and the client agree that they're both in the same position in a historical frame does that mean you don't need to re simulate that object or potentially you could interact with other things yes so before we added quantization quantities Asian I don't know we would basically if a correction came in from the server and it was kind of close to what we had we're not going to bother doing a correction so if it's like with just a few units off you know that's close enough after quantization I haven't turned it on yet but I might make it so that it has to be exact because we're now working with more exact units but like per object does that matter in other words if it's not if no correction is needed that I understand but if there is correction being done do you do it on all of the objects in simulation or do only of the objects that disagree we do it for all objects so if the balls miss corrected we're gonna rerun physics we're gonna warp everyone back and rerun physics for all the cars on the ball thanks mm-hmm hi thank you for the talk is so what kind of extra work you had to do on the physics system to achieve a deterministic simulation was it to achieve the I'm sorry to achieve what about simulate deterministic simulation termina sztyc um it was mostly deterministic there were a few weird things that you wouldn't expect there was an issue where if the ball hit to physics objects kind of at the same time versus if it hit one on it first and then hit the other one let me clarify that if the ball hits two different meshes such as like a triangle mesh and then a plane there is an issue where it gets added to the collision hash and then that the size of the collision hash is used later on to determine what order collisions are processed in so depending on what order those things get added to the hash and the size of the hash you could have things processed in different orders so we end up with non-deterministic results sometimes surprisingly non-deterministic the the quick fix would have been to make the hash a fixed size but I don't want to do that so though we actually dived in and fixed the code to say if the ball is hitting these two things at the same time make sure that the order in which their process produces the same results other than that there you want to make sure you turn off any randomization some physics users use randomization so to turn that off yes yeah I'm optimization for the compiler right for what for the compiler some optimizations oh I remember all in the writing about it no I mean you're not gonna get especially with being multi-platform they're all playable with each other we're not gonna get perfect floating-point simulation so that's why all the corrections and stuff they're just gonna fix that out for us a great thank you thank you yeah I'm surprised you guys didn't run into a bullet physics floating point errors because it's full of them but my question is I guess so whenever you're running these kind of simulations where your requirement is that whatever a player's driving has to be super responsive and there's latency involved and they can crash into each other you usually have some form of desync like it's an unsolved problem essentially so do you guys do any kind of tracking on seeing like hey how often our corrections happening in clients like do you know like approximately what number of percentage of interactions end up being some form of a decent even if it's not something that human eyes gonna catch is like a bad behavior right it's a metric that we're actually behind the scenes we report metrics of various things from the game server we actually just flipping on with this latest patch to actually track that sort of thing so that we can if a you know a game is running poorly or servers running poorly we can actually see that oh this server is actually having larger Corrections happening on the client so it's something we just recently turned on probably should turn a long time ago you want to share any numbers sir um well you don't have them flooding in yet it's not until the patch goes out thank you okay well we'll be out in the overlook if any Wells has any more questions otherwise thanks for coming out [Applause]
Channel: GDC
Views: 52,426
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Keywords: gdc, talk, panel, game, games, gaming, development, hd, design
Id: ueEmiDM94IE
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Length: 61min 58sec (3718 seconds)
Published: Tue Apr 24 2018
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