8 Forbidden Items That Are BANNED In The NBA!

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over the years the NBA has implemented a lot of different rules and regulations that try to control the way the players dressed from the older dress codes to the more modern ones if the commissioners have always tried to create an image of the league that they wanted to see however most of those dress codes apply to players off the court during press interviews or postgame conferences in this video we're gonna take a look at eight forbidden items or accessories that are banned on the NBA Court how's going folks my name's Andy and without further ado let's begin number eight the Air Jordan one Andy Nike airship throughout the beginning of NBA history when players started to partner with shoe companies to sign their own deals everything was going on smoothly for the most part there was no controversy that is until Michael Jordan entered the scene in 1984 Jordan introduced his first signature shoe the Nike Air Jordan 1 this is what they looked like predominantly red and black however this saga is still shrouded in mystery over the years sneaker heads have assumed that it was actually the Nike airship that got banned regardless the NBA League office did not like this color scheme because apparently it broke a previous rule that stated a player must wear shoes that not only matched their uniforms but match the shoes worn by their teammates the issue was most of his teammates Ward lighter color choose mostly white or gray so because the colors of Jordan shoes were unorthodox former NBA vice president Russ Granick said these red and black Nike basketball shoes broke the dress code as a result Jordan would get fined $5,000 for every game he wore these shoes until they were officially banned from the NBA over the years though the rules regarding what color shoes you could wear became relaxed nowadays there are still some regulations like how it still must match your team's colors but besides that the MBA doesn't really care as much anymore number seven thought number 69 Jersey no player in the history of the NBA has ever picked 69 for their jersey number are they avoiding this on purpose due to the sexual connotations well not really in 1999 Dennis Rodman joined the Los Angeles Lakers and requested to wear the number 69 but David Stern rejected his request instead Rodman decided to wear number 73 obviously that's not as exciting while the NBA has never explicitly stated that the number 69 was banned it is implicitly assumed ever since then no other NBA player has even tried to wear that jersey number maybe in the future somebody will break this trend number 6 performance-enhancing shoes in 2010 a company called athletic propulsion labs created a $300 sneaker which they claimed quote allows players to instantly jump higher thanks to the spring-like device hidden near the front of the shoe almost immediately the NBA caught wind of this and they decided to ban them because they gave an unfair competitive advantage one of the founders of the company Adam Goldstein talked about how this works when you apply pressure to it it compresses and when you go to jump it propels you upward and releases it's a mechanical device there's no other technology in shoes that works that way obviously that's against the rules however the funny thing is the NBA banning these shoes basically gave the company a ton of free marketing most players most fans around the country have never even heard of these shoes before so when the NBA released a statement that banned these shoes from athletic propulsion labs the companies saw their sales skyrocket after the ban they sold more shoes in a single day than the entire previous month in fact that's a huge part of their marketing plan even now on their website they use the all banned by the NBA label as a way to market their products it's pretty hilarious actually number five tinted goggles generally we don't see many players wear goggles anymore back in the 80s and 90s it was more popular Kareem was one of those players who popularized it in recent times Amar'e Stoudemire was probably the last NBA star to frequently wear goggles they do have a practical use though for him it was because one time he got poked in the eye and then wanted to wear goggles to prevent that from happening again however in 2011 Dwyane Wade was suffering through migraines and all the flashy lights in the NBA arenas were causing it that's when he decided to wear these a pair of tinted lens goggles d-wade submitted these to the league office to get approval however after analyzing his goggles the NBA League officials determined that there was too much tinting and it would have given him a competitive advantage because opponents would not be able to see his eyes I could see where they're coming from but it did lead to some issues from the heat organization Wade was suffering through some serious migraines and banning these tinted goggles certainly did not help his situation the funny thing is over a year later rajon rondo tried to do the same thing after suffering a serious eye injury these were the goggles he tried to wear they were the straight-up sunglasses of course the NBA also stopped him from wearing those speaking of Rondo he also caused one of the most bizarre bands of all time if that leads us to number four the upside down headband throughout the early years of Rondo's career he was well known for wearing a headband but he wore his headband upside down with the NBA logo upside down when asked about why he claimed that it was just a ritual he's worn his headbands upside down throughout his entire life and it's become a part of who he is however in the beginning of the 2010 211 season the NBA banned this treacherous act of wearing your headband upside down nobody really knew why but there were some conspiracy theorists who believe they were targeting Rondo maybe there was some beef between Rondo and David Stern who knows while other players did wear their headbands upside down Rondo was by far the most prominent player who did it instead Rondo ditched the headband altogether for a few years in his last couple seasons with Boston he was seen with a naked head no longer donning his signature headband however over time he decided to put it back on but this time it was up straight number three the black mask in 2014 LeBron James suffered a broken nose usually players who break their noses wear some sort of protection usually a mask that looks something like this however since we're talking about LeBron he's always got to turn it up a few notches in a game between the Miami Heat and New York Knicks this is what he wore a black mask made out of carbon fiber if this created some amazing photos and it sued him quite well back in Miami he was pretty much seen as the villain across the NBA fan base and everyone liked the way he looked it generated a lot of buzz and became a part of popular culture however the league was not having it if they requested him to change it to a normal clear mask according to a Bryan Windhorse of ESPN quote James appealed the decision and is still trying to get clearance to wear the black mask because he likes the lightness and fit of it he also said he liked the style and how it matched the heat's black throwback uniforms his appeal would fail additionally other players like Kyrie Irving and Kobe Bryant both wore black masks before but they were also asked to change to a clear mask so it didn't just happen to LeBron although his mask was certainly the most noteworthy number two logos wearing the logo of a different company that's not sponsored by the NBA was always a pretty controversial point but that rule was never set in stone that would all change in the summer of 2015 the NBA would sign an official agreement with Nike to produce all of their apparel if this would come into effect starting in the 2017 to 18 season and nobody thought much of it I mean the only big difference was that we'd see a Nike logo on every Jersey now and some of the colors might have been off but the other big deal was that NBA players were no longer allowed to wear or display logos of any other companies the first notable case happened in December of 2017 where Kelly Oubre wore a supreme sleeve during halftime of a game he was asked to take it off another incident happened a year later in October of 2018 jr. Smith was told by NBA officials that he must cover up all of his tattoos of corporate brands he has a large tattoo of the supreme logo and the NBA told him that he would be fined if he did not cover it up Lonzo Ball would also be forced to cover up his big baller brand tattoo so his tattoo artist turned it into some weird-looking dice this complete banning of corporate logos outside of Nike drew in a lot of controversy because players believed it was forcing them to limit their creativity and that it was promoting censorship and finally number one karate headbands as of this video this is the latest ban that the NBA has implemented throughout the 2018 to 19 season we saw the rise in popularity of the karate style headband it's very common to see them in tennis as well as Roger Federer and Rafael Nadal where similar headbands in the NBA now it became popular amongst our players like Jimmy Butler drew holiday Russell Westbrook plus a lot more unfortunately the NBA was like we can't have these Naruto looking asses running around like ninjas so they were banned the official statement said that it was due to safety concerns I guess they were scared that the back of the headbands were hanging outs and it could be pulled and caused a whiplash since basketball is a contact sport it is a bit more dangerous to be running around wearing those compared to tennis anyway that's all folks those were eight items or accessories that are banned from the NBA let me know your thoughts in the comment section do you think some of these were unjustified or unreasonable I certainly think some of them are thank you everybody so much for watching I hope you all enjoyed the video and as always I'll see you next time peace [Music] you
Channel: Andy Hoops
Views: 2,469,142
Rating: 4.8280544 out of 5
Keywords: nba basketball, nba history, nba trivia, nba conspiracy, nba story, nba analysis, nba mystery, best nba youtuber, andy hoops, nba, banned nba, nba banned items, nba banned sneakers, banned shoes, nba banned shoes, michael jordan banned shoes, rajon rondo headband, lebron james black mask, dwyane wade goggles, rondo goggles, rondo black goggles, athletic propulsion labs, upside down headband, karate headband, ninja headband, air jordan 1, nike airship
Id: -aLRGR2Bc9k
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 11min 52sec (712 seconds)
Published: Sat Apr 11 2020
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