8 Concert Violinists Teach Double Stops

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don't be afraid of double stop with the double stops here coming up some double stops double stops double stops if you've been playing the violin for even a short period of time I'm sure you've already discovered just how difficult it can be to play even just a line of single notes in tune play for much longer and you'll soon find out that before long you'll have to start playing two [Music] three and sometimes even four notes at once and they all have to line up with each other and as I might have demonstrated in a previous tone based video a lot of this is much more difficult than a great artist over tone base make it look thankfully the artist over at tonebase are willing to share their secrets with us I've divided this video up into four sections basics of double stops thirds octaves and tenths and chords I encourage you after of course liking this video and subscribing to the channel to go back after you've watched the entire video and watch the sections that are most applicable to what you happen to be working on in double stops and of course if you like the clips from this video go to tonebase.com violin and sign up for your 14 day free trial so you can watch the full master classes from which I took all of the clips for this video I've been to biomurphy for tone-based violin and now on to the Masters so why do we practice double stops good question it is much more valuable for your hand to learn a position where it can play multiple notes in tune simultaneously every double stop is a shape I don't think of them as individual notes so it kind of creates a framework for your hand where more than one note can be in tune simultaneously it's a large variety but it's limited amount of shapes that you have to memorize shape [Music] I try to keep always the same mango because it's the least the least promotion [Music] [Applause] and so on if you're completely new to double stops the first thing I would do is practice them as separate notes and then together like this [Music] so one of the ways I make my students practice double stops is playing one note at a time when you put them down on harmonics and you only allow the fingers to press when the ball comes down so you press together then you release you you touch the strings on harmonics and then you press when you practice your Thurs there's sort of another trick that you can do to maximize the number of fingers that are in tune simultaneously so what I do is the next one is going to be first do this [Music] so you see how I'm rather than playing a third followed by another third I'm playing a third and then I put down only the upper finger creating a fourth so by doing that I'm actually making sure that at one point three notes are in tune simultaneously because I've created this and then I've checked a third finger it must be a better way of getting double stops for instance the fingering in paganian [Music] how many shifts five or six [Applause] and that came from thinking about the hand position or yes I mean there's not the single shift this is one that we often will play and here bad idea so non-fingered octaves the key is holding the inner fingers under the fourth finger so I feel two three and four kind of together they're touching each other and they're pressing on a string equally so that way you both you feel the shape and your pinky support and doesn't have to tense up so [Music] is much harder to control the common cheat that you see sometimes is the idea of playing the lower notes of octaves louder than the upper notes and that can work up to a point but I think it becomes a problem uh sometimes the scene violence play where I don't I no longer hear the upper notes I'm hearing like sometimes I've cheated a little bit [Music] and it sounds in tune but it's no longer enough and one way is to play what he wrote but it sells this chart to me so when I when I want to get enough enough momentum in in the musical approach [Music] if you do that you have to make sure that it's still an octave being honest way is sometimes I'm a little dishonest as we go to the tenths there's two general approaches one is to really practice them and try to get every single pitch exactly right another approach is just to think okay where are the main spots that I have to reach and then just slide and people will sometimes just shake the hand even if you play a test you create a shape in the air but you're not pressing down you can still go so you never anchor a finger against the fingerboard to stretch you create you create the spread in the air and then you gently touch the strings so when they have a choice I can always choose between squeezing and stretching for me squeezing is always but it has a priority why because the natural thing after you squeeze is to open up and you go back to normal and then just relax yeah and relax so that concept of origami shapes it also works for chords so when I think of course I think I don't again I don't think of individual notes I think of folding the hand into a shape so [Applause] [Music] rather than doing this for another example when you have the this part so how do you how do you try to catch that and release that again you put put the ball on the string hold it there [Music] you I put the pressure any time I put the pressure on the string and then the release I will not get the scratching but I'll get a very powerful blow it's like you know it boxes you know they don't know anything okay and it goes down yeah you don't need to push your patch once you touch somebody you don't need to press it's not wrestling yeah boxing is a hit that knocks you down so the way I roll these chords has to have a very specific kind of timing [Music] and the way I do that I lift my bow and I articulate the very bottom and then I whip [Music] [Applause] so there's this this famously difficult place in the first minuet [Music] fifth right [Music] I've been playing with just my three and four there for a long time because I find that just the lack of a shift really helps me it helps me to just stay in first position right there if you're just absolutely not able to make that fourth finger work then you know doing with a two three three [Music] is another good option but I think think it's it's rare for people to try it with the 344 and I think it's it's worth at least a try just because the less you move generally I think the lower risk it's actually a lot simpler than it looks [Music] some double stops
Channel: tonebase Violin
Views: 17,724
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: double stops, daniel kurganov, how to, violin tutorial, violin lessons, violin technique, amazing violin, violin tips, violin tips for intermediate players, violin tips twoset, violin intonation tips, violin tutorial beginner chords, violin technique masterclass, amazing violin performance, daniel kurganov double stops, double stops violin exercises, double stops explained, murphy music academy, tobiah murphy, tonebase violin, tonebase piano
Id: Hr4EDoy8eOQ
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 9min 24sec (564 seconds)
Published: Sat Jul 01 2023
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