7 Concert Violinists Teach Vibrato

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I would practice separately arm and wrist really it's a movement of the whole forearm I'm also thinking of releasing tension from the center of my palm outwards you only want to feel the impulse and the fingertip vibrato it's undoubtedly one of the most important aspects of modern violin technique and some might even say it's the soul of the violinist sound when it comes to the greatest violin sounds one of the most important aspects you'll always think of is the vibrato think sharing menu in David oystra foreign [Music] and of course no such list would be complete without Yasha haifetz however there is a surprising amount of confusion concerning vibrato which is odd considering just how important everyone believes it is should I use wrist vibrato arm vibrato or a combination of both thankfully we have our incredible artist over at tone base to help us out tonebase has an incredible library of master classes taught by some of the greatest teachers and performers of our time covering everything from technique like today's video on vibrato or full-length classes from specific pieces of the major repertoire to start your free trial you can click in the upper right hand corner or see the link in the description and now on to the Masters what is vibrato it's rhythmicbending of peach downward the top part of the vibrato which is the Entune note and the bottom part of the vibrato which is rolled back flat part of it the way we accomplish that is by Rolling the fingertip back and forth the common way of vibrating is to put the InTune note down first and then yank backwards and you can roll it by using your hand motion so called wrist vibrato arm motion called arm vibrato or a combination right vibrato isn't kind of a back and forth even motion it's an impulse and I would practice separately arm and wrist so you take a metronome so you put your metal number 60. you take your arm like this you can put your elbow hand underneath the elbow you rotate a little bit relax and then you go one and two and three and four and when I think about vibrato especially in the lower positions in slow motion I think about the movement of the vibrato actually coming from the bicep if you can do this like 20 times in a row completely even without a single twitch then you go up to 65 70 and so forth to 75 80 90 1 and 2 and 3 and 4. if the fingers are completely relaxed here almost loosey-goosey [Music] we can really find a place of relaxation in vibrato we want vibrato to feel as relaxed as possible and you should feel completely relaxed and completely even and a good test is if you go to a wall and you can knock absolutely even even speed even strength with no effort if I put my finger in the backward position of that of the vibrato and flick it forward towards my face it rebounds and goes right back to where it came from if I put the finger on the engine position to yank it backwards there's nothing there so therefore the impulse to vibrate starts from the behind position of the vibrato I'm also thinking of releasing tension from the center of my palm outwards and I think that helps me access a sharing like sound versus the intensity of hyphens [Music] what's definitely a faster and leaner vibrato I'm not deliberately saying okay wider narrower faster you know all these things I'm trying to listen to sharing's vibrato and feel kind of the mode of the vibrato the moment that you prepare to vibrate on each note that's where you can attach your emotional feeling a wide vibrato prepare wide [Music] little tiny one prepare tiny happy one sad one there's a kind of vibrato that almost feels like it's happening in your gut [Music] s and this is how if you listen to great singers I'm talking Joan Sutherland of course Pavarotti oh vibrato is a natural expression of the body's vibration how do we find that sound this position there is no way you can vibrate holding the finger third finger like this [Music] yeah right now right now so that's the thing which I don't most of the successful violinists who vibrate musically and with a lot of variety the engine of the vibrato is the wrist are you talking about specifically for arm vibrato or does this also a fighter well no I uh in general I don't use but at all yeah some great violinists who do it have a combination of the Hampton wrist but very few great violinists vibrate with the arm and and my experience is that they do have vibrato issues because risk is too slow and too wobbly when you move your wrist first of all the intonation suffers [Music] sounds good the best vibrato is when you don't think of vibrating you everybody knows oh he's vibrating we don't want to sound where you're noticing vibrato If somebody walks away from your concert saying wow whatever I'm not sure you did everything you could and my other teacher shondor vague said if you compliment me in my vibrato I'll be very unhappy [Music] foreign
Channel: tonebase Violin
Views: 123,088
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Violin, Violin technique, violin lessons, violin tone, online tutorial, classical music, Twoset, learn violin, Daniel Kurganov, tonebase, twoset violin, violin vibrato, ling ling 40 hrs, practice, conservatory, learn, violin techniques, abrsm, mozart, soloist, auditions, perform, concert, tutorial, education, Jascha Heifetz, tonebase violin, how to do wrist vibrato, David Oistrakh, Henryk Szeryng, Yehudi Menuhin
Id: 9ho7xfU6r7Q
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 7min 54sec (474 seconds)
Published: Sat May 13 2023
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