Make Your Violin Sound €10000 More Expensive, For FREE

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how do you make your violins violas or cellos sound 10 000 euros more expensive as it were with one very simple and practically free trick and this is what you're going to learn in this video before we dive into this let me just mentioned as a violin maker as luteer you probably spent a lot of time optimizing the tonal qualities of your instruments optimizing the tonal setup maybe you've spent hundreds of euros or dollars on different stream sets and different chin rests and shoulder rests and tail pieces maybe i've spent thousands of euros doing this well majority of serious instrument makers did i did and it can be really frustrating it can be really time consuming and in this video i want to share with you one trick which is commonly overlooked and this is the trick about how you set up your sound post and how you dramatically improve the sound with just this sound post and even know the sound post but by changing the tools you are using to set the sound post inside your instruments i'm dimitri i'm the author of the book on fine valid making from the old masters legacy to the future of the craft in the past 30 plus years i've been specializing in crafting instruments for world-class musicians and also helping other instrument makers to achieve more success in their lives and attract the respect recognition revenue their talent deserves now let's dive into that myth of this video you see when you tonally set up your instruments you fiddle with bridges and strings and sound posts and thickness of the soundpost the position of the soundpost the length of soundpost et cetera et cetera and at the end normally if you are like the majority of luthiers out there you are utilizing a sound post setter which you probably bought on ebay or some fancy more fancy internet shop well i've bought this at a professional shop this was about 40 maybe 50 euros this tall it's pretty high quality now the problem with this tool is that in order to set the sound post you need to make an incision in the sound post and this is how you put it inside an instrument now the smaller the hole the better it is for the sound post the bigger the hole the worse it is now this sound post has practically been assassinated it has this massive a gaping hole in the middle and why is this a problem you see when sound post vibrates it basically transmits the energy vibration from the top plate to the bottom plate and it has its feet and its head fixed between the plates so when it vibrates it dances a hula hoop dance as it were so it kind of rotates in the center now if that sound pose has a gaping hole where it should be the strongest well guess what it stops transmitting that vibrational energy in the most optimal way and when i've discovered this and i've discovered this dramatic impact on the tonal qualities of my instruments i've spent entire months changing sound posts in all of my instruments and instruments of my clients and seeing this result again and again and again instruments improved dramatically and this is when i decided why not to take this whole thing a step further and insert some posts without any hole and this is when i have designed and created this wonderful tool so this is basically a brass tube inside the brass tube there is a fishing line it's a very thin fishing line about 0.3 millimeters in thickness maybe a tad thicker but it's very thin and it has a handle just like this with a hole in the middle and the shape is split into and there is this kind of a nice round filed round shape there so that the sound post fits it snuggly so when you make the sound post you put it inside the fishing line the loop just like this then what you do is you pull the line and now the sound post is firmly held in the sound post setter the diameter of this tube is just 3.5 millimeters the thinner the better but not too thin it's very strong so this is the way you insert the sound post without any hole the most healthy most beautiful most happy most optimal sound pose into your instrument and this sound post is like on steroids it's a spaceship it's a rocket it's just transmits so much more vibrational energy from the top of your violin or your viola or chiller to the bottom that it literally your instrument improves its tonal quality and it starts to sound as if it was 10 000 euros more expensive and the cost of this tool free well this is how you can make your violins violas or chill sound 10 000 euros more expensive practically for free and totally optimize the sound of your instruments and make your customers musicians happy and if you are a musician you can rush to a violin make around the corner share with them this video so they learn about this uh trick and just help you to sound even better i hope you found some value in this video if you did do subscribe to my channel and click the lovely bell button so that you do not miss my future content and thank you very much for watching this video but if you are a violin maker and you're really passionate about your work about helping instrument musicians in your area then do grab a copy of my best-selling book on fine violin making from the old masters legacy to the future of the craft with afford by new york times best-selling author i will leave a link to the book's website somewhere below this video by the way the book comes together with bonuses worth 1 500 euros completely for free and even do not have to buy the book first to get access to the bonuses so go ahead to the books website and grab the bonuses at least and if you want to have your own signed by the author copy of the book on fine violin making then we'll order your copy of the book is just 24.97 and save up to 30 and i will ship this book to your mailing address completely free of charge and regardless whether you buy the book or you do not buy the book you are getting access to all of those valuable amazing books bonuses completely for free you have absolutely nothing to lose and a lot value to gain in your workshop and in the lives of the customers that you want to serve so that is it for now subscribe to my channel and i see you in the next video the one that will be recommended to you by youtube [Music]
Channel: Dmitry Badiarov
Views: 8,861
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: baroque violin maker, book on violin making, cello da spalla, elite luthiers academy, how to, how to build violin, how to double income, how to make a fiddle, how to make more money as musician, how you find customers, musician success, sound post setter, soundpost, soundpost setter, success as a violin maker, viola da spalla, violin acoustics, violin maker, violin making, violin making techniques, violin pricing, violin sales, violoncello da spalla
Id: gy8CccI1V14
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 7min 1sec (421 seconds)
Published: Fri Jun 24 2022
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