(8) Boy Loves Fighting So Much He Goes To New School To Destroy All Strongest Fighters | Anime Recap

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Sakira an ugly antisocial loser is considered a nuisance to society because he is a delinquent who is good at nothing but fighting his hair and eyes are of different colors which also disgusts the people around him even more and their accumulated hatred towards him makes him feel like he is on a tight RPP barely holding on to his life Sakura goes out for a walk one day and makes the statement that he only loves the strong and doesn't care about the weak people in society ironically he sees a weak girl just across the road being bullied by four Thugs who want to get their way with her the girl who has no interest in these ugly losers threatens to smash her eggs in their faces I mean the store bought eggs of course not her own produced eggs because that would have an entirely different meaning the leader of the thugs likes the girl's attitude but warns her that if she acts too tough with them he won't go smoothly with her he grabs her hand to assert dominance which triggers Sakura who has been watching from a distance Sakura states that weak people who think they are strong must be punished so he approaches the leader of the thugs knocks him out with a straight punch to the face and makes it clear to him that he is mistaken if he thinks he is some strong big shot telling the loser to remember his name so that every weak Loser Like Him fears him Sakura introduces himself as Sakura harokah the soon to be Top Dog of fur and high school just after teaching the thugs a lesson Sakira begins to walk but is stopped by the girl who who thanks him for helping her this small show of appreciation shocks Sakura as he has never been thanked by anyone ever before this small thank you fills his heart with warm feelings causing his face to turn all red while blushing uncomfortably Sakura denies ever saving the girl and claims that he only beat the guy up because he didn't like him still the girl offers to treat him to lunch at her Cafe for saving her from the thugs regardless of his intentions and learns that he is not from this town she finds it weird that someone from outside will move to a small town like Theirs to which Sakura agrees saying that he is indeed a weirdo according to the girl this town was very unpleasant and an unsafe place to live in and people from outside wouldn't even think of coming anywhere near here because of the constant fights and Wars amongst Thugs and gangsters that being said the girl serves him the dish and finally introduces herself as tabina Katona revealing that she herself wasn't originally from this town as well secur doesn't understand why this girl is acting so friendly with him since all the other people in his life have either been grossed out to the point they avoided him or have freaked out completely if not for his looks Sakira thinks that Katona should still be scared of him since he brutally beat up Five Guys right in front of her in any case he starts eating his free meal expressing how Exquisite the flavor of the Omelette rice is Katona finally questions him about his black and white hair and his separate colored eyes and she gets amazed to the point that she unintentionally gets close to him appreciating his beautiful features her actions freak Secura out who states how weird she is and tells her that unlike her normally people would be disgusted by how he looks Katona who doesn't think of it that way because she has seen much crazier things happening in the town because of the gang fights figures out why Sakura came to this town because the people here are too involved in fights they won't normally judge someone by their looks and that is why Aura has moved here Sakura admits it and reveals that this town named furin is filled with the strongest Fighters and Misan groups that overthrow each other every single day apparently even on holidays the wars between these gangs never stop and that makes this town the most chaotic out of all the towns in Japan so that is why Sakura has chosen to come here with the goal of becoming the top gangster in fan Katona realizes that Sakira is wearing his school uniform even though his school will start the day after because he wants to make an impact in the area by beating people up while wearing the uniform however that is not the case as sakuda is only wearing the uniform because he doesn't have any more clothes to wear indicating how broke he is financially an old man walks in stating that he forgot his money when he came earlier here and upon taking it he leaves again Sakura stops the old man giving him a bag that he has forgotten as well so the old man thanks Sak Ura by giving him some chocolates as a token of appreciation Sakura doesn't understand why both Sakura and the old man acted so nicely with him since he was despised by anyone and everyone in the previous town he used to live in he wonders why people aren't despising him even though he looks ugly and is wearing the uniform of the biggest delinquent School in town he tells Katona that instead of treating him nicely she should have put her guard up and avoided him he gives her an example of one situation he faced back in his City when he found someone's wallet on the street when he returned that wallet to that person that person immediately accused him of stealing it just based on his appearance Katona realizes that Sakura who has perhaps been hated his whole life is finding it disturbing that people are trusting him so easily she tells him not to worry about it and also adds that he made the right choice by coming to furan because no one here judges each other based on their looks but what she thinks Sakira is misbelief is his goal of being the top dog of furan she tells him that he will never be able to reach the top even if he is the strongest because he is all alone unlike the dozens of gangs at the top ranks who are all loyal and will die for the sake of each other Sakura also understands what Sakura means but he doesn't think anyone will ever be his friend still Katona advises him to give it a shot and tells him to go meet the people of furen to get to know each other better without judging prematurely not taking her advice seriously Sakura walks out of her Cafe and continues to stroll around the town on the other hand a gang of dozens of thugs is causing a ruckus in front of a liquor store and is on their way to Sakura to take revenge revealing that their leader is the guy who got beaten up by Sakura earlier Sakura comes right before them without fear of anything in the world the guy stops him and upon noticing that he's not cosplaying but his hair and eyes are real he gets disgusted with him Sakura gets excited as this type of response is what he has been waiting for and tells us that the hatred shown towards him only makes him stronger most importantly he needs to prove Katona wrong that he cannot climb the top ranks of tyin alone so he happily takes the challenge and punches the thug leader in the face once again he admits that he is aware of how unconventional and weird his facial features are but he doesn't blame himself for it because that is how God has chosen to create him so he accepts how he looks and that fills him with so much adrenaline that he goes on a total Rampage and starts beating up every single thugs in his line of sight he knocks out one guy turns in behind back kicks the other guy throws around another guy and continues the process soloing everyone there Katona comes out after hearing the commotion outside which turns out to be her biggest mistake as one of the grunts takes her hostage in order to put Sakura at a disadvantage however Sakira defeats the grunt in no time with his Swift movement and beats up anyone who dares to Ambush him from behind the thugs keep coming at him not being able to accept their defeat and as their number grows Sakura realizes that he can no longer afford to move freely because he has to protect Katona from them as well one of the thugs grabs a knife and stabs his feet while another guy comes at him with a baseball bat making him instantly regret ever trying to protect Katona whom he has only known for less than an hour but because she is the first person in his life who has ever shown kindness to him and is not disgusted by his looks he continues to protect her and accepts to take the beating in order to save her life even if it means it would end his own thankfully for him though another tough guy wearing the same furing uniform saves him from being beaten up and takes the hit himself the guy who seems to be acquainted with Katona first makes sure that she is okay and only then he focuses on the other thugs showing them that he has other members who are coming here as well to teach them a lesson the thugs recognize the guy as heragi and his three friends as mat simoto Kaji and Yan jida from tyin high school which scares them at first but since they know they greatly outnumber these four guys they come at them but unfortunately for them these four Pro Fighters are better than the hundreds of them combined while dealing with the thugs paragi also protects Sakura which leaves him completely out of words because there has never been such an incident where a person has protected him before he also notices how excited The Neighbors in this area are to see the thugs being beaten up like that as if they were waiting just for this day to happen seeing how confused Sakura is Katona explains that this town which was unsafe because of the gangsters changed 2 years ago when the students of furan High School stepped up and took over control of the main area of the town and because the area they are currently fighting and also falls under the jurisdiction of furan High School more specifically the student Fighters called buurin or wind Breakers the thugs are now paying a price for causing chaos in a place they were not meant to be in the first place Sakura is again completely Shook Up by the fact that the students of fear in high school are this monstrously strong and also by the fact that they are loved by the general people of this town he questions why Society has accepted them as if they are some Heroes of Justice ice when when he himself did the same thing in his previous home people despised him as he starts to find the disparity between the two towns unfair the people of the Town approach him and praise him as well for holding on to his own when the fight began a granny notices that Sakura has been injured on his leg so she comes with a medical kit to treat his wounds Sakura finds such generous and wholesome Behavior by everyone to be unrealistic but Katona helps him accept the fact that the people of this town are different she explains that since the town is controlled by the gangsters the people living here put their only hopes on the students of fear and high school who are the only ones who can save them from these low lives she also makes him understand that even though he has been all alone his entire life he needs others in his life too and she encourages him to start looking at others with a smile like they do to him Sakura although he doesn't accept the fact that delinquents can be treated as Heroes finds this unrealistic neighborhood to be rather amazing so he shows that he too can be considered one of the windbreakers and swiftly kicks the leader of the thugs from midair this is the beginning of this loser's life who has been hated by all his entire life but is now given a chance to become a hero loved by all the next day Sakira comes to katona's Cafe being all angry because he was forced to give a piggyback ride to a granny here now that she is here Sakira tells the granny to get off him already but she still takes her time telling him to stop being so inconsiderate of his Elders the grandmother apparently told Sakira that her hips hurt badly and that's how she persuaded him into giving her the piggyback right here but now that she reveals herself to be in perfect condition he realizes that she was just playing with him regardless of Sakira screaming at the old lady for betraying him she still thanks him for carrying her here which yet again makes him blush so he decides to leave before his emotions can get the better of him but Katona doesn't just let him leave empty-handed she offers him a fully packed egg sandwich along with fruits as well Sakira doesn't understand why she is giving him a sudden treat to which she explains that since today will be Sakura's entrance ceremony at his new school she wanted him to start his day with a good meal but what she doesn't understand is why he is out here at 10:00 a.m. early in the morning when his ceremony will start in the afternoon she realizes that the boy must be excited for his first day at school but Sakura claims that is not the case and makes an excuse to her saying that he was only going to walk out in the streets at that moment a blonde guy named naari enters the shop expressing his enthusiasm over the fact he is meeting Katona today but just as he steps in he trips and falls flat on the ground but the guy naari doesn't get embarrassed at all and continues to enthusiastically ask Katona if he looks good in his new furing uniform Sakura notices the price tag hanging on the back of Nai so he points it out but na fails to grab it and once again makes a fool of himself which weirds out Sakura the weirdest guy in town Sakura realizes that since this will be the first day of naari at furan High School it means that they are going to be in the same grade naari also realizes that so he approaches Sakura to get acquainted with him and feels pity for him because of his gray hair assuming that his stressful life must have led to him having gray hair anyway na learns that Sakura just came to this town the previous day which makes him wonder why nobody would come to a town like this Sakura is infuriated by Na's joking Behavior so he goes to complain to his mom Katona who calms him down saying that Nai is just joking down na boasts about fur in high school telling Sakura that the members of the windbreakers buurin stood up in order to protect the locals and are no joke because they not only defend the weak but also crush the wicked making them the Heroes of Justice Nai continues to comment on how great baurin is and proudly claims to be one of the members of bifuran so he again brings up the question which is why Sakura a nobody who has no relation to furin came here Sakura while eating his sandwich gives him the straightforward answer saying that he wants to become the top dog of furin and also wants to be the hero of Justice Nai doesn't think Sakira will ever be able to achieve such a goal and again comments that if Akira continues to have such unrealistic goals he will end up taking more stress which will result in him becoming completely bald Sakira no longer takes the jokes of this loser lightly but before he can pick up a fight with him the loser strategically takes his leave from the cafe telling him and Katona that he needs to do three rounds of town Patrol before the entrance ceremony Sakura wonders if furan High School is filled with dumb dorks like na and hopes that the actual Heroes of Justice are much cooler than that loser Katona doesn't understand why Sakura doesn't like naeri so she asks him about it and Sakura explains that he thinks na is the type of guy who tends to chicken out in fights however Katona reveals that na isn't the type of guy he thinks he is just because he seems playful and she tells him not to make quick assumptions about a book just by its cover but she doesn't confirm whether Nai is actually good at fighting so Sakira has to leave her Cafe without any clear answers at least he knows he has a different perspective and won't make quick assumptions about the people he meets anymore while he is walking in the streets a bakery owner offers him some fresh bread because he is a furan kid and furing kids always help them out in case of any dangers they also claim to know that Sakura was the one who took out all of the thugs by himself when there were no other furan kids nearby so that's why they want to repay him the favor as well however Sakura who has never been blessed with such special treat gets too shy to take anything from them and walks away from the bakery telling them that he isn't hungry still the bakery owner runs to him and gives him a bag of baked goods telling him to eat them later since he isn't hungry after taking his leave from the bakery Sakura is stopped by a grocery store owner a butcher and an alcohol store owner who all praise him and gift him with tons of stuff Sakura is left completely dumbfounded as he doesn't understand why the people in this town are treating him in such a good manner when he is just an ugly nobody but then he realizes from katona's words that he made quick assumptions about the people of this town and should have looked at them from a different perspective at that moment a girl approaches Sakura scaring him so much that he throws all of his stuff midair she begs for his help since he is a student at furan high school and informs him that another guy from furan high is being beaten up by some thugs that guy of course is none other than naeri who who is being thrashed around by these thugs because he meddled in with their business when they were busy harassing a girl in fact the same girl who has now come for Sakura's help after teaching na a lesson the thugs head on their way again thinking that na will stop mending with other businesses but naeri having the hero of Justice mentality in him doesn't let the thugs go and makes a clear statement by saying the bofan motto which goes like the evil who cause pain and destruction will be brought to Justice by the windbreakers however instead of being intimidated by Na's speech the thugs laugh at him and start to beat him up again telling him that a loser like him will never have a place in the buurin gang before he can hurt him any further Securo the actual hero of Justice steps in and before the thugs make any assumptions like he is here to save naeri because they are friends Sakira makes it clear that they aren't friends and claims that he is only here to teach the thugs a lesson because it makes him sick when these l losers think they are strong even though they are a bunch of weaklings after making this bold statement Sakira beats all of the thugs instantly making Nai realize that this guy truly has the potential to be the best windbreaker he thanks Sakira for helping him in need and at the same time starts to feel embarrassed at himself for being a member of bofan even though he is a weakling Sakira agrees that Nai doesn't deserve to be in bofin but he is glad that na can admit that he is weak unlike those Thugs who act all tough and mighty na tells Sakira that when he was in Middle School he was a victim of bullying but then one day a guy from fan High School saved him from his bullies which made him realize that the delinquents from furan aren't actually bad people but actual Heroes and that is why he came to furan High School wanting to become as strong and awesome as those bofan guys yet he is still as pathetic as ever Sakura realizes that although he was right about Nai being weak he was wrong when he said that na would chicken out in fights because the guy certainly didn't give up even though he was beaten up badly so sakua tries to motivate na telling him he is not lame at all the girl from before also comes there thanking na for saving her when she was being harassed by the thugs she also thanks Sakira which makes him blush again so he hurries to leave but like every other time he is stopped This Time by naeri who brings out his top secret journal diary Di and begins to ask personal questions about Sakura including his weight height hobbies and even the type of girls he likes this shows how much interest he has taken in Sakura and even reveals that he tends to gather data on cool people whom he likes Sakira being unable to take the compliments again walks away but naeri this time tags along with him telling him that he will help him learn more about the town and even promising to guide him all the way to the top of furan he proceeds to drag him away towards their school where only an intimidating senior student is standing alone patiently waiting to welcome the first years Sakira takes a break Midway to eat telling Nae that he tends to get hungry after fighting and eats the delicious bread that was given to him by the bakery owner earlier Nae doesn't want to wait any longer so Sakira gets up and goes to school with him they head to Ban's headquarters which looks like a post-apocalyptic building that hasn't been touched for thousands of years but Sakira believes that inside will be dozens of strong guys like heragi and his friends who helped him earlier Nai finds the class rosters on the signboard and learns that he and Sakura are conveniently in the same class he also learns that SEO cuu and suera will also be in the same class as them although Nai doesn't personally know either of them according to his sources they are apparently super amazing people na also notices that another student will be in their class which complet completely turns around his mood and makes him want to leave this world immediately however the person remains undisclosed for now in any case as they head towards their classroom naeri begs Secura to be friendly with everyone in their class as otherwise the bifuran members might become suspicious of him since he is not from this town and showed up here for no particular reason Sakira doesn't care and gets ready for a fight in case anything goes south disregarding all of Na's warnings Secura steps inside his classroom and sees that it's filled with angry delinquents all over the place one of them named Leonardo DiCaprio recognizes Sakura and introduces himself to him Sakura who was originally wary of Leonardo becomes excited to be in the company of a guy from abroad so he tries to converse with him using his broken English and only manages to push the conversation to I am Saku Leonardo clarifies saying that he is Japanese and also goes by the name suo who naeri mentioned earlier as one of the strongest guys in the first year suo also explains to himself why he wears an eye patch saying that it seals away the ancient Chinese spirit that is locked inside his right eye but according to naeri he actually wears it because of an accident that injured his right eye with su's introduction phase done he comes close to him with a serious face and Pats him on the back for being the star of the street brawl yesterday giving him his approval the others also learned that sakuro was the guy who fought all of the thugs alone and basically saved the locals so the other students also come to thank him since their families were among the locals who Sakura saved that day Sakura becomes overwhelmed with his emotions but makes it clear to them that he has only come here to become the top dog of this school prompting one of the dangerous guys in their class suisha to challenge him e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e to secure his eyes to game's fists seem so slow as tame tries to punch him he just leans to the right and Dodges the man's attacks he doesn't understand why but T's momentum and drive are just gone he Dodges another punch and kicks togame in the side pushing him to the ground togame stands back up but Sakura tells him that he's not giving his all he's not trying to hit Sakura and he's also also not dodging Sakura's kicks Sakura knows that he was the one who started this fight between bofin and shishin he thought he knew everything he had to know but he was wrong he doesn't understand why togame would beat up arama and canama their own members he also wants to know what to game's deal is he tries to just directly ask togame what he wants but togame just cradles his head and also questions himself about the same thing Secura reminds him that he thought Shish torin's supposed motto was to be strong so they can do whatever to game agrees and states that this is a home for the strong but it's not also home for scum the Lions of shishin cannot function properly if they are confused togame himself acted as the villain in their group by taking the jackets off of more and more scum that tried to join them but then he also met the group that choji is obsessing over ban he thought that they could be the spark that changed Shish Tor in for the better so he forced everyone into totally unjustified duels nevertheless he cannot stop being the villain he has to continue carrying on choji's mistake and he shouldn't stop now the shishan members all cheer and urge to game to continue the duel meanwhile toan just stares blankly at the fading shishan logo adorning their headquarters he thinks over what he really wants and he finally answers Sakura's question he wants to go to the mountains Sakira was confused with Tag's answers and he warned him to stop daydreaming he points out how Shish Torin isn't for scum but toam himself has done things just as scummy he acknowledges his strength but togame is still lame in his eyes that's why he promises to beat up tagame until he stops being lame and starts being cool enough that sakiro would want to fight him for real to Chuckles and points out how selfish his goal is however Sakura doesn't care about that he doesn't care if it's selfish because that's what fighting to settle a score is all about he jumps and prepares to land a kick directly at togame togame steps backward and Dodges the blow but Sakura continues charging with his fists even though tame continues dodging them all Sakura then also screams out how no matter how strong his opponent is he won't look away and he won't change Sakura's unshaking resolve makes tagame remember that fateful day in the rain when choji changed when choji beat up their fallen member and told him that he's the leader and he makes the rules choji also told him that if he doesn't understand that then togame should just leave on that fateful day togame just lowered his eyes and accepted joi's decision however he instead told Choi that he'll be the one to tell everyone the new rules he'll also be the one taking the jackets off of their defeated members meanwhile he just wants choji to smile and keep laughing back in the present tagame reels back from a devastating kick from Sakira he laughs and compliments Sakura's skill at pissing people off he then abruptly punches Sakira in the face Sakira stumbles back but he smiles and asks togame if he's finally getting serious in response toim just kicks off his sandals and removes his braid he then smiles and calmly tells Sakura he'll finally give it all he's got Sakira laughs and the Fight Continues blows and blocks fly between the two combat Sakura was hit but he just jumps in the air and delivers a spinning kick that tagame manages to block tame then grabs Sakura by the shoulders and pulls him in for a headbutt he then knees Sakura in the chest twice making Sakura cough up Sakura recovers and pushes toen back with a flurry of punches the two continue their exchange of blows while the audience can only watch in silence they are surprised to see that despite the two combatants getting hit multiple times the two of them are still smiling toan managed to tackle Sakira in the ground but Sakira tilted his head when he tried to follow up with a punch Sakira then lands a couple of hits on toan's head and kicks him off of him the two stand up and recover they then go back to trading blows and kick to game's feet lands on Sakura's stomach and launches him a few feet back but Sakura Just Smiles and charges back after a couple of seconds fighting he manages to land an uppercut into to's face but to game slams down hard on Sakura's back he then tosses Sakura away like a doll but Sakura rolls and darts back in they hit each other multiple times in quick succession with their techniques almost equal in the crowd suo was amazed at his friend's skill Nai was crying again but he couldn't explain why he is just feeling super moved by the way Sakira and to game are happily fighting heragi is also surprised with Sakura's skill level meanwhile on the other side of the theer choji is just watching the fight with his Clear unblinking Eyes back on stage Sakira can't explain what he's feeling he's currently fighting a guy who did scummy and lame stuff like hurting his fellow members and kicking them off the team however their fight feels really good and he can't stop smiling he also appreciated how tagame acknowledged him by his name as for togame he is happy yet also annoyed at how happy Sakira looks he also noticed that Sakura's moves are getting smoo as their Fight Continues he tries to tackle Sakura but Sakura leaps and vaults over him Sakura pivots and charges back while tgam shouts at Sakira to come at him the two fighters charge at each other and jump into a flying kick despite both their feet pressed on the other's cheeks their eyes are still locked and focused on each other their impact then caused both to fall down on the ground with their energy drained and both just panting there trying to catch their breath with their match looking like a stalemate secua gets up first showing that he hasn't given up yet both Sakura and T begin to laugh as if they have never felt so happy and excited before togame expresses his excitement saying out loud that he has Never Felt This Good by fighting with all he has and admitting that Sakura is a truly commendable fighter they both get up to finish their fight and as they lean towards each other they both state their approval of each other as they are about to punch each other in the face at the same time hoping that it would end their match in a draw togame realizes what Secura meant when he said that no matter how strong the opponent is and even if he owes them his life he won't look away and continue fighting them toam realizes that he shouldn't have looked away when his friend choji pondered the wrong path became a dictative leader and should have fought him instead to bring him back to his senses regardless of his mistake to thinks that Sakura will improve even more because he doesn't look away or try to dominate others like the shishin or the Lion's head's gain so he hopes that Sakura will forever be the way he is and do his best to become stronger with this he gives up his fighting will and takes the L by letting Sakira deliver the finishing blow Sakira also realizes that togame has let him win and he doesn't accept the fact that his toughest opponent will give up like that at such an intense moment of the fight as Sakira like his usual self goes on a rant about how much he hates people who give up without giving it their all the leader of sh Chi interrupts him and tells him to get off stage already as it is his turn to fight the baurin leader yumia secur tries to reason with choji telling him that he isn't done fighting with toim yet toim himself tries to stop choji telling him that they should no longer fight ban because they were in the wrong to begin with he also blames himself for triggering this battle to begin with and again tells choji to stand down however choji who has no intention to back down knocks out Tain with a kick telling him to shut his mouth because he is a loser now who cannot even defeat a firste fur and high Sakira of course doesn't like the fact that this arrogant Maniac treats everyone if they are not strong according to his standards so he steps up to defend Tag's honor grabs choji by his collar and goes for a punch but before things can end badly yumia intervenes saving Sakira from being thrashed down by choji he tells Sakira to calm down saying that he has done enough already and has also succeeded in having a real conversation with his opponent in his fight as the buuran top dog manages to calm Sakura down both he and tagame get off the stage Sakura who knows very well how strong yumia is still gives him the warning saying that he will personally come to kick his butt if he loses against choji while walking away Sakira wonders why choji has pissed him off so much even though choji is only causing harm to people Sakira should shouldn't even care for since he doesn't know them at all in his previous City Sakura has seen hundreds of people being beaten around and that is why it confuses him as to why he suddenly is starting to care for others he barely knows what he doesn't realize is that when he traded punches with togame he had a real conversation with him and that let him have a proper understanding of his opponent which is why he grew to care for him anyway he is welcomed back to his seat by ner who immediately starts complimenting Kira for his amazing fight with to heragi also commends Sakira for defeating to which leaves the antisocial boy speechless as he doesn't know how to deal with such wholesome situations Choi in the meantime starts acting like a frantic kid again and beg yumia to begin their fight but before doing so yumia asks choji if watching the fight between tame and Sakura made him feel anything upon learning that choji felt nothing at all yumia realizes that choji has become compl completely emotionless so he calls it a pity which confuses choji as he doesn't understand why yumia is looking down on him in any case choji expresses how unfair it is that bofin has so many strong members when his own Gang has none at all he calls everyone a bunch of weaklings who he blames for not letting him be free but now that he has a chance to fight Yia he thinks that if he is able to defeat him he will be able to conquer bin all by himself choji thinks that unlike him you umia can afford to be free since he has strong allies who have his back at all times this makes him envious of yumia because he also wants to be free and wishes to have fun in his life and that is why he can't wait any longer for their fight everyone present there including yumia realizes that this little dude is a complete psycho which only makes him more determined to win because he cannot allow a maniac to rule over furin their fight begins and immediately choji climbs on top of yumia shoulder with his Swift speed delivering heavy punches to his face as yumia pushes him down he jumps up again and delivers another blow at him showing how swiftly he can move around with his small body Sakira realizes that he would have embarrassed himself badly if Yia hadn't stopped him at that moment earlier so he becomes determined to become stronger as that is what he needs in order to become the next top dog at fear in high school Choi continues to move around like a wild beast and continues to land hits on yumia yumia while blocking his attacks tries to have a conversation with him telling him that things won't get easier for him if he puts his focus on hypothetical possibilities Choi doesn't get what yumia is trying to tell him and only thinks that this guy is once again looking down on him with his pitiful eyes yumia also realizes that choji's words are not going through with him which leads him to believe that he himself will come out as the winner of this fight thanks for watching guys make sure to leave a like on this video And subscribe for more
Channel: Empty Note Recaps
Views: 33,218
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: MohJ3tODoO4
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 96min 0sec (5760 seconds)
Published: Thu May 23 2024
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