They Exiled Him for Being LVL 1 But Soon He Awakened Overpowered Magic Skills (7)

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bonazza is a short and ugly looking ordinary Merchant from an ice sky world who gets summoned to another fantasy ice sky world as a failed hero candidate with no special abilities during his time in his home World his righteousness makes the other humans around him worry for his mental health as they do not understand why a man who is superior to all demihumans would go to such a length to help them demihumans who are slaves to All Humans aren't allowed to use any currency in this world but bonaza still gives his demium worker a big pouch of money for completing the given job successfully the demium of course doesn't take the money as he knows he will only get into trouble if the Royal Guards find out that he has taken money from humans still bonaza insists on paying him and also brings his colleague Quinn to convince him to take the money unlike others Quinn knows how kind-hearted and generous bonaza is so she tells the demah team to go have a nice dinner with the money that bonaza offered them they thank bonaza for giving them such a treat but the other Merchants who have been keeping a close eye on bonaza call him a hypocrite for pretending to help the slaves who are technically forced to work against their will bonaza understands how the other merchants in the town feel about him but he doesn't let it hurt his feelings and defends his actions stating that he just wants all of the species to get along with each other suddenly a a miraculous event makes bonazza glow shiny golden in color and teleports him away from where he was making his subordinate Quinn worry as to where he vanished off to out of nowhere it is revealed that bonaza has just gotten ice guy from an ice sky world to another ice sky world to become that world's 198th hero candidate as he makes his entry into this ice sky world he finds himself surrounded by dozens of Mages who welcome him to the Magical Kingdom of Clyro upon learning that he was selected to be this world's hero bonaza becomes confused as he is just a merchant who is clearly not worthy to become one the head Mage assures bonaza that he is a hero who will have to assist them in their prolonged war against the Dark Lord's army before assigning bonaza to one of the hero's posts the head Mage asks one of his maids to bring the assessment crystal ball to learn about the abilities that bonaza possesses bonaza reluctantly places both of his hands on the crystal ball making it illuminate in white apparently the hero candidates who are summoned in this world are typically given Divine Blessings by the gods that help them stand out and become one of the strongest of the generation however Baza reveals to have given no such Divine blessings which terrifies even the maid who brought the crystal ball as there has never been such an incident where a hero candidate is seen to have such ordinary statuses hearing the the news all of the maids who were responsible for summoning bonaza here are also let down as the other Mage team who are just a few feet away has been successful in summoning a person who possesses Powers worthy of becoming the world's strongest hero the hero with blonde hair who just got summoned gets full of himself because of his great stats and belittles bonaza for being an unlucky sore loser anyway because of the legendary hero bonaza gets completely ignored by everyone making making him wonder if anyone will send him back to his home world or not since he is no longer worthy to be a hero the king of the Magical Kingdom thanks the blonde hero for coming to this world and immediately gives him the title of Knight which is the highest title you can get in the meantime bonaza sulks on the balcony of the royal castle being totally disappointed to see that nobody is treating him well just because he is ordinary since he has nothing else to do now he looks around to check if he is actually in a different world from his home world and sees similarities that make him question where he is shortly after the royal guards of the Kingdom throw benazza out of the castle and send him away to the far side of the Kingdom granting him permission to live in the dangerous Forest as he pleases bonazza of course wanted to return to his home world but since the portal that was used to summon him has closed down and cannot be used to send him back he accepts his fate and happily heads towards his next destination on his way he tries to make small talk with the Lizardman Carriage driver but the Lizardman refus to speak to him as he has been commanded specifically not to tell him anything about this world seeing the Lizardman being so obedient to the kingdom bonaza assumes that he is a slave and tells the lizard men that the world he has come from is a very horrible place where humans have made all of the other species their slaves the Lizardman cracks up hearing about such a vile world and explains that unlike bonazza's World there is no discrimination in the world between demihumans and humans now that the Lizardman has opened up a little bonaza asks him again about the forest they are heading to since he knows nothing of it but the Lizardman still refuses to speak to him and he closes the window on him so for the rest of his traveling days bonaza just eats drinks and sleeps and after 20 lonely and long days he reaches his Destin ation the deaves of forest before leaving the Lizardman gives bonaza a special other-dimensional pouch full of money and food that was given to him by the king and Whispers to him giving him the horrifying news that the dark lord who is the one the kingdom is at war against lives somewhere inside the delava forest bonaza thanks the Lizardman for the heads up but he doesn't run away as he doesn't know where he should go instead he redirects his Focus to see what items the pouch has has and extracts everything from his inventory by simply placing his hands on top of the pouch the system menu shows that bonazza has received basic clothes a pouch that contains endless water a good amount of food armor basic farming tools loads of gold coins and a set of house construction magic bonaza takes out the armor which is just a cheap sword and immediately tests its sharpness on the Slime nearby after killing only three slimes the sword gets completely destroyed leaving bonaza to become disappointed and feel scammed the system menu pops up again notifying bonaza that his rank has leveled up to level two which has caused all of his abilities to increase to Infinity however bonaza doesn't understand what the infinity sign means so he turns on the voice guidance of the system who informs him that he has unlocked tons and tons of magical spells due to the level up the system also lets him know that it has has detected negative magical spells like location tracking monster luring and forced recovery on the pouch that the lizard men gave him earlier making him realize that the king never wanted him to survive in the forest thankfully the system removes all of the negative spells that were applied to the pouch so bonaza no longer worries about it he forgets to ask the system about the infinity symbol that he is unfamiliar with and heads inside the forest looking for a safe place to stay but before entering the system warns him again telling him that the entire Forest is highly contaminated with melissi which is a malicious gaseous substance released by the demons though bazza jokingly asks the system to purify the forest for him and it does it accordingly making him realize how incredibly overpowered his system menu is the system pops up again notifying bonaza that his overall level has increased yet again and this time to the infinity rank as he has taken out all of the living demons in the forest indirectly by purifying it on the other side back at the Royal Castle the first princess finds it cruel that the hero candidate bonaza was treated so harshly just because he wasn't blessed with any superpowers however the king states that it is only fair that a piece of trash like bonaza should be sent to die as he is nothing but good for nothing for their Kingdom the court Mage visits the king telling him that he has found evidence that the most powerful holy magic in their world named purification was just used in the forest where bonaza was sent making the king realize that something is definitely out of place speaking of which bazza's level increases from only level two to an outstanding level of 367 he wonders why he leveled up so quickly and assumes that everyone else also levels up just like him since he still considers himself to be ordinary so he turns off the level up notifications and asks the system how much magical power he has left after purifying the forest the system informs him that his magical power has already been replenished which makes him think that his power only got restored so quickly because there wasn't much magic power to begin with to be increased still considering himself to be a weakling bonaza takes a Peak at the Spells he has unlocked and out of sheer curiosity changes his appearance so that no one in this world recognizes him as the failed hero candidate now that he can no longer be recognized bonaza decides to return to the Royal capital and uses his teleportation magic to head back there although anyone else in existence would understand at this point that they have been blessed with I am overpowered now in this ice sky world not this Blockhead this Blockhead thinks that everyone in this world knows how to use these powerful spells anyway he heads into the town looking to join a merchant Guild to make some money since he was originally a merchant in his previous World however the system advises him to head to the adventurers Guild instead so he heads there and registers himself as fleo his new name and his new appearance after completing the registration bonaza who is now fleo gets his e- ranked Adventurer batch and heads off immediately looking to take some Adventurer quests at that time a little girl at the guild begs all the venturers to escort her to the forest where the demon Army resides so fleo agrees to take her there revealing in front of everyone that she has the ability to use teleportation magic hearing this Revelation all of the adventurers are shocked to their cores as they cannot believe that an e- ranker like him can use such a highlevel spell that only a few Sorcerers can use a woman named Bal Rosa a royal Knight gets too triggered by hearing fleo claims and tells him immediately to move away from the little girl as she assumes that he is an impostor who is trying to take advantage of the little girl by lying to her as all of the women inside the guild begin suspecting fleo of being a human trafficker he demonstrates to all of them that he can indeed use teleport magic and takes five of the girls including the little girl to the delesa forest in the blink of an eye a young Mage who tagged along with him still gets suspicious of him and calls him a great Sorcerer of the highest order who is hiding his abilities the Royal Knight Bosa also formally apologizes to him for acting so rudely without considering that he could have been telling the truth following her all of the girls also apologized to him and promised to no longer be suspicious of him the little girl notices that the forest is no longer surrounded by msum to which fleo tries to explain that he was the one who used the purification spell to clean up the entire Forest but the system stops him from revealing that information and tells him that the little girl in front of him is a demon who will definitely become hostile towards him if he gives her that information the other girls who came with fleo also realize that the little girl with them is a demon who has been hiding her true appearance so they prepare themselves to kill her as the little innocent reveals its true terrifying form and threatens to crush everyone to a pulp all of the girls lose their fighting Spirit instantly but not the main character as he is completely protected with his infinite plot armor so he steps up to protect the others and teleports the girls away first before dealing with the demon refusing to die at the hands of the demon he decides to go all out on the demon and summons all of his Spells at once to use them on the demon not knowing that his spells are completely overpowered the episode ends with the question of whether the entire Kingdom will be reduced to nothing because of such a wild decision not wanting to be killed by the wolf demon fenri fleo summons all of his available magic spells being completely unaware of how devastating the results would be as he still considers himself to be weak fenri rushes towards him to prevent him from activating the spell but it doesn't work as fleo dashes away from him using another one of his insane magic spells fenri follows up with a tail whip but once again it gets blocked by the self unaware Prodigy Mage who uses the spell called Magic wall to stop the wolf demon from coming any further towards him fleo uses the Whirlwind spell next to it causing it to get trapped midair however fenri who reveals to also know some magic spells uses the short teleportation spell to teleport behind fleo and attacks him once again but fleo ensures that the demon doesn't manage to move any further towards him and uses a gravitational spell on it to make it fall flat on the ground realizing that this is the perfect opportunity to defeat her fleo wonders what magic SP he should use next the system being the most helpful thing ever suggests fleo use the subjugation spell on the wolf demon explain that the spell will allow fleo to have total control over fen's thoughts and actions however fleo who has seen how slavery Works in his past life decides not to use that spell on the wolf demon so he asks the system to come up with some other suggestions the wolf demon in the meantime tries to activate her own magic spells totally disrespecting the overpowered system that is in the middle of talking with the main character so system takes the Liberty herself to cancel the spell of the wolf demon and continues her conversation with fleo telling him once again that he should use the subjugation spell but fleo refuses once again giving up the opportunity to add a demon girl to his harim and once again asks the system to come up with something else but the system persists in using that spell over and over therefore being left with no other choice fleo Waits out until fenri gets out of magical energy making it easy for him to win without losing any blood on the other hand fenri who has given up completely also gives up on her life telling fleo to just eliminate her stating that a warrior like her who cannot fight has no right to continue living however fleo expresses his wish to be a pacifist claiming that he has never liked fighting with others he even turns off his gravitational spell to prove to fen's that he doesn't have the will to fight her over nothing but it should be mentioned that he was the one who completely eradicated fen's species when the system cleansed the demon Forest so fenri does have the right to fight him but since she doesn't know that she decides to listen to what this unaware hypocrite has to say fleo states that he doesn't differentiate between humans and demons and thinks of all Races equally his statement shocks fenri who calls him an idiot for thinking in such a naive way telling him that his ideology will lead him to his own Doom but his naivity is exactly the reason why she decides to befriend him and turns back to her human form fleo asks fenri to promise him that she won't be fighting anyone ever but before she can give him an answer she is rendered unconscious because she has no magical energy left in her but the system assures fleo that fenri isn't in any type of danger so he gets relieved and continues looking after her till the evening in the meantime he goes through the Spells he possesses and finally realizes that he is a completely overpowered magician which makes him question why he was given the Liberty to use such great spells fleo wakes up finding herself inside the tent and as she sees that fleo is just outside waiting for her she goes out to meet him as she realizes that he must have used healing Magic on her when she was asleep she starts to respect him and follows up on their previous conversation promising fleo that she won't be attacking any humans anymore she also acknowledges fleo as her master because why the heck not fleo being the Heavenly gentleman clearly states that he is not into Master Slave relationships but fen's insists on making him her master and threatens to take her own life if he doesn't agree to her terms so fleo lets her do as she pleases and allows her to join his unofficial eai harim he quite transparently reveals to fenri that he is from another world and even shows her his original form who was summoned as a failed hero in this world his secret only causes fenri to respect him even more who now vows to be beside him for eternity on the other side the king summons the hero of their Kingdom asking for an explanation as to how the army that he provided him to fight against the Dark Army was completely defeated the hero instead of admitting his fault blames the king for providing him with weaklings who apparently were all gone for good when they were in the presence of the Demonic beasts the king who reveals to know that the hero was using the knights as human Shields because of being a coward doesn't like the fact that the hero blamed everything on the knights calling them a bunch of weaklings realizing that this blonde idiot is not worthy of being being called a hero he wonders what to do with this loser moving on to fleo perspective he returns to the city with fenri in order to join the adventurer's guild as he would need money to eat and have a place to stay they walk around in the local market where the general public assumes that both fleo and fenry are couples seeing them walk together fen's takes this opportunity to propose to fleo and offers to become his wife who will serve him her whole life before he can give her his answer she grabs his hand decides to be his wife and walks inside the adventurer's guild together upon reaching an agreement and deciding to take her to the world fenri is more than excited to go with him they decide that they will be married and she is Overjoyed to be married to the only person who has ever defeated her they take their new Union to the guild and she is excited to relate better with humans and understand how humans do their things by the time she gets to the registration part of the guild she recalls that in their culture to commemorate a new Union between couples the couples are meant to hunt together and also eat a bone in their hunting she tells him she would like to share a bone with him and no matter how excited she is he really can't put his head around everything she is saying and how she sounds the attendant asks her for her name and as she is about to mention her demon name he quickly stops her so she won't reveal her identity he tells the attendant that her name is rise and she takes over the name before they complete their registration they hear an instruction that there is a herd of psycho bear in the forest this herd of psycho Bears has has completely defeated the hero and all his soldiers and they need adventurers who will defeat the psycho Bears there is no level of adventurers that can't take the mission and as they all know which risky Mission has some Advantage as regards the price fleo thinks about the deal and he knows he needs the money however he doesn't think he has enough experience to deal with a psycho bear rhs on the other hand doesn't want to believe he can't win he reminds her that even the hero and his crew couldn't win and she tells him he defeated her and she can defeat the psycho Bears so if she takes the mission alone she will still succeed reluctantly he decides to take the mission and teleport to the forest by the time they get there just as the Guild Master has earlier informed them they find a Hut where they can stay until they finish their mission rhs barely cares about the mission but the opportunity to spend more time with him just as they are about to enter the building they hear a loud noise by the other side of the forest they go to the other side and find out it is the same adventurers that they were with some minutes ago the team of knights headed by Bal Rosa are against some psycho Bears they try their best to win the fights but the Bears are bigger and stronger than they are before they get defeated fleo jumps in and kills one of the Bears the other bear tries to attack the others but rhs jumps down and defeats it within a few minutes they have completely defeated all the Bears Bal Rosa is shocked that it is the same person who had saved her and her team some minutes ago that had saved them again she bows and appreciates fleo asking him how he had survived the demon earlier she complains that she felt bad about how they had left him with the demon but they had no other choice and they are so lucky that he came through for them again the more they talk about the demon the more enraged rhs is at that point fleo feels the need to introduce rhs and he tells them she is her companion suddenly a psycho bear jumps at rhs from behind fleo calls her attention to it so she can defeat it but when she turns and the bear sees the red light beaming from her eyes it realizes that it isn't a great fit for her and she will destroy him the bear quickly collapses In Fear And even rhs wonders what she has done fleo goes nearer and tries to find out what has happened he asks the bear if he is scared of rhs and if he acknowledges that rhs is stronger the bear admits and submits itself to their governance rhs feels that is very cute and she wonders if it is possible they take it as a pet as a result fleo uses his power to seal the Bear's strength and also sh shs its shape into a smaller pet they take the pet and Bal Rosa feeling like they are so powerful begs to have a conversation with fleo they take her to the house and in the house she asks if fleo can train them they confess that they are new Knights and following the incident with the hero the hero has refused to fight the dark lord if he doesn't have Knights that are strong enough to defeat psycho Bears he thinks about their offer but knows he isn't strong enough to train them before he can talk rhs gets angry at their request and she she starts emitting fire he calms her down and introduces her as his wife so the woman feels it will be bad for them to stress a married man they accept their fate but rhs asks fleo to train them so fleo offers to train them after that request they also ask him for another thing they tell him that they don't have anywhere to sleep in the forest and they hope to sleep in his house rhs happily accepts telling them there are several rooms in the house and they can take their rooms and she will sleep in the same room with fleo the women accept the off off ER but fleo doesn't want that rhs insists that is how married couple should live and that she will stay in the same bed with him they conclude that night however one of the Servants of the dark one finds out about fleo influence in the forest she goes to inform the dark one telling him it isn't even the hero that had done it The Dark One asks her to make sure they find fleo and bring fleo to him do you think they will find fleo and capture him in his new house fleo wakes up in the morning opening his eyes to find reys who has been staring at him with the Gaze of love the best wfu wishes her husband a very good morning which causes him to get startled as he didn't expect that she would be there waiting eagerly for him to wake up reys explains that it's natural for her to be beside him in the morning since they are a married couple now which makes fleo think of their wedding night when she came to him expecting some intimacy but unlike her fleo wasn't prepared to give away his body and his eternal virginity and that is why he rejected her making her presumed that he hated her beauty fleo explained that he didn't have any emotional attachment to her but that only made it worse for him knowing that she might still do something without his consent fleo decided to sleep in the hallway but reys stopped him telling him that if Bal Rosa and the other female adventurers found out that he was sleeping alone on his first wedding night they may suspect that their wedding is fake hence fleo decided to stay and ended up sleeping in the same room with a fine woman like Reese now back to the present reys asks fleo who is still concerned about his marriage life if he would like her to help him get changed fleo claims to be fine doing it on his own but ree insists and starts doing plot relevant things just as Bal rasa enters their room perfect timing I would say Bal Rosa instantly becomes embarrassed seeing the two in such an unpleasant position and leaves immediately realizing that she is just causing disturbance to this newly married couple later Bal rasa and the Advent group head out into the forest where she encounters a giant War boar and prepares to attack it for her Knight's swordsmanship training however the war boore overwhelms her with its strength easily and forces her to fall back and run for his life blossom comes to assist Bal Rosa as she too is good as a swordsman but she too ends up getting trapped by the war boore so before it can harm her fleo instructs the Mage Balano to use defensive spells against it to help out Blossom Byer who is the Archer follows up with her Arrow but she reveals herself to be just as pathetically weak as the others balo's magic gets completely drained after using it for only 5 Seconds prompting many men to bash her in the comment section questioning how a weak woman like her can expect men to last more than a minute anyway with her defensive spell gone the boar attacks the group once again which just shows that they all have a long way to go before getting anywhere near becoming professional adventurers the training session ends with a big L which conveniently happens to be my name if you'd like to see that change to a w simply hit the Subscribe button and help me reach 300,000 subscribers anyway fleo brings all of them back home and gives all of them a room for free as they need a place to stay he also got this house at a very cheap price for defeating the psycho Bears earlier in the story so sharing a commodity with his friends doesn't matter to him much the adventurers thank fleo for showing them such generosity when he is already doing them a huge favor by training them for free Reese comes there stating that their Lunch is ready but it's just some raw meat that she prepared by cutting the mountain boore they hunted earlier it's so raw that I think a skilled surgeon can patch its wounds up and revive them back to their original form fleo is certainly not a fan of raw steak so he tells Rees that she should try cooking the meat first before serving it to them but clearly reys doesn't have any experience cooking food since she is used to eating everything raw so fleo decides to do it on his own and Cooks a grand meal for all of them causing Reese to get mad at him since she believes that it's a woman's duty to be in the kitchen before I get cancelled by you guys that's what the anime is saying not me after having a very nutritious lunch fleo brings back all of the war bores he hunted in the mountains to the adventurer's guild to exchange them for money he realizes that he went a little overboard with the hunting as his loot collection leads him to become the center of attention by people who don't understand understand how a rookie Adventurer can be so skilled while the receptionist assesses their loot Reese decides to go around the town claiming to have some personal business to deal with which raises certain suspicions as she is still a demon as she takes her leave a beastman named lelith approaches fleo informing him that he has become the Talk of the Town recently because of his outstanding adventuring abilities even the hero has apparently learned about fleo prowess which is why he has invited him to work under him leth promis is that if fleo accepts the hero's offer there is a chance that the king will make him a knight of the Kingdom however fleo isn't sure if saving the world using his powers is better than chilling in this world using his cheating skills even after realizing that he won't be getting any better offer than this one in this lifetime fleo refuses it because he doesn't want to take part in subjugating the demons who belong to his wife Reese's race he steps out of the adventurer's guild finding Rees who looks completely worn out making him assume that she was attacked by magical beasts or something but Reese explains that she went out in town to learn how to cook from a chef which ended up becoming the hardest thing she has ever done in her life but wanting to gain the love of her husband she gave it her all and went through all sorts of chaos destroying the entire kitchen accidentally on the other hand the hero who has taken an interest in fleo reveals to have already done his main quest in this eai world which is to make a herim he realizes that if he can make fleo and his wife Reese join his team he will be able to defeat the dark one and get the king's favor once again so he continues to send repeated invitations to fleo for the next 3 to 4 weeks but fleo answer Remains the Same as ever reys who can't take this mental torture anymore decides to get rid of the knights so that they don't bother them again but fleo doesn't want her to take such Extreme Measures as he wants to have friendly relations with everyone in this world the female Adventures are still living with fleo for this past month to train under him Blossom and the bunny rabbit occasionally help fleo grow his cabbage Farm by working as a part-time farmer there the entire team spends several months training so they can become better they get exhausted as a result of their training and they feel tired Bolino can no longer wield her magic due to tiredness and as a result fleo gets a magic ring and gives it to her so she can train with it he asks her to put the ring in her middle finger to enhance her magic but after he leaves she removes the ring from her middle finger and intentionally puts it in her marriage finger when rise sees her she immediately stares at her warning her not to try that with her man also Bal rasa gets attacked by a sea-level beast although she knows she can defeat the Beast without doing too much she intentionally refuses to fight the Beast and starts calling fleo name rise realizes her pretense and slays the Beast she approaches her telling her that she knows she could kill the Beast and she was only calling fleo name because she was craving attention and she wanted it they return to the house that evening after all their argument they are welcomed home by a dinner specially made for them by Rise when they all get a taste of the food they are amazed at how awesome it tastes they admit that they have barely eaten a meal that nice and fleo is shocked that rise can cook he comments that he didn't know she had that many skills and she also admits that she never felt the need to learn because she had always thought she could use her magic to prepare meals however when he went on his trip she decided to take a class so she could provide for her husband's needs and moving on she realized it was a good investment she asks them to dig into the meal and also tells fleo that she has another meal that she had prepared specially for him she recalls that when she was in the kitchen she was told by the chef that there was a meal and that if she prepared pred it for her husband it would make him fall in love with her it is curry stew and she also tells her that she should add a love portion to the stew as she was advised she prepares the meal with the portion and serves fleo fleo enjoys the meal and he appreciates her greatly for it unfortunately ulz the right-hand demon of the Dark Lord arrives at the mount to find out the man destroying their territory she is shocked to see fenri one of the greatest demons eating and dining with hum she can't believe her eyes and she goes closer to get a better view just as she has assumed it is fen's before she could even think of what to do fenri appears behind her asking her what she is doing in her territory she is startled seeing fenri and she shifts a back fenri asks for the reasons behind her visit and invites her into the house fleo who doesn't realize that he is with another great demon treats Ulin as well and serves her tea when Ulin as drinks the tea it is too hot for her rise doesn't care about all of that she is more interested in ainz's Mission ulz asks her what she is doing there and she brags that fleo is her husband ulz eventually narrates that she has been hearing several things about the forest and she was sent by the dark lord to confirm what is happening upon getting to the forest she found out all the demons that had been situated there had been destroyed fleo chips in that he was the one who used his purification power to destroy the demons there ulam minz is shocked that rise is still with fleo despite knowing that she asks rise if she knows that her elder brother ferel and his entire crew are part of the demons that were killed because of the purification when fleo finds out he is shocked he turns to rise asking her if she knew about that rise admits that she knew she says that she knows not all humans could use that much purification power and if anyone could kill her brother it's fleo however it doesn't affect her love for fleo because she wasn't the one who asked her brother to be a coward and die that way also her brother is the type of person who would hate to be pied in death so she won't like to do that again she reaffirms her love for fleo Ulus tries to use her power to confirm fleo skills but his skills are hidden as a result she asks fleo for a duel and she plans to use that opportunity to kill both fleo and Rise because rise has also betrayed them fleo refuses because he thinks he is too weak but rise refuses because she thinks ulz wants her man at that moment Bolino and the other Knights reveal that they had been eavesdropping on the conversation and they are shocked that rise is fen's fleo eventually agrees to the duel and ulz gives him the rules of the duel which is that the first to surrender loses she jumps up and uses her cat claws to attack but fleo disperses her attacks immediately and uses us es the Heavenly bounds to hold her captive on the sky she is shocked to be defeated in such an embarrassing matter so she surrenders and leaves the following day the knights have an intimate conversation with fleo fleo apologizes for deceiving them about ry's identity and admits that they must report to the king he doesn't intend to stop them from that Duty and asks them to do what they wish however they inform him that although they have their Duty they can't also turn their back on someone who has been helping them for a while rise has been instrumental to their growth for the past month and they don't see her as a threat so they aren't reporting her before they could finish the conversation rise noticed the dragons of the dark lord outside they all go out and they find out Ulus has come to attack them for going against the Demon Lord while ulz brags about the strength of the Dragons fleo is more excited that he is seeing a dragon as he hadn't seen one in the real world he calls a strike and kills most of the dragons while the others run away leaving ulz on the ground ulz is shocked that one man could destroy the strongest army of the Dark Lord she calls back the remaining Dragon so they can leave with her but the dragons do not respond Blossom complains that she wishes to kill one of the Dragons so she can get the rank of a dragon slayer and fleo asks her to throw her weapon he accelerates the weapon with his magic and kills a dragon for her so she can get the title The Others beg for the same opportunity but the dragon has left the dark lord watches the entire scene and wonders what kind of person fleo is he plans to attack fleo next will he succeed fleo sets up a barrier around his house using his overpowered magical abilities in order to stay protected just in case some other dumb BH like ulam minz decides to attack them with a demon Army although Reese thinks they don't need to worry about any unknown Intruder not only fleo but Reese herself is strong enough to take down noisy cats like ulam minz even thinking about that Sassy cat makes Reese mad so she moves on telling fleo that he should have punished ulamas rather than sparing her life like the king- hearted hero he is fleo states that he wasn't being kind at all explaining that earlier when he learned from ulam Minas that he or more exactly his system was the one responsible for eliminating not only Reese's brother but also the entire demon Army it made him feel responsible and filled him with guilt it also made him realize that the Revenge that ulam minz is seeking is completely Justified hence he chose to not harm her anymore and let her walk away but it's all good since Reese herself isn't very bothered about her brother's death so fleo moves on and focuses on what's more important the big jiggly melons just hanging there blissfully back at home all of the adventurers are looking at Blossom status who seems to be too proud of herself as she has achieved many new stats and also a new title called the dragon slayer for beating one of the dragons in ulam's Army earlier although it's all thanks to fleo overwhelming support that Blossom was able to beat a dragon using a farming tool she is still proud of herself Bal Rosa who is somewhat jealous of Blossom's achievements decides to go back in the forest to hunt magical beasts since she too wants to become just as strong as Blossom the other girls don't understand why this blonde girl is so obsessed with training and also call her out for being jealous even though the title that Blossom received was all thanks to fleo contribution Bano the Mage who also wants to become stronger takes motivation from Bal Rosa and decides to work as hard as she does in the meantime Bal rasa reveals being in tears because she doesn't have a title let alone the dragon slayer 1 which apparently is so prestigious that even a commoner in their Kingdom would be promoted as a noble if they were able to attain it wanting to have that title for herself balasa wonders if she should beg fleo to once again provoke the Demon King's Army so that she too can defeat a dragon with his help but because she also has a pride that doesn't let her cheat she starts training in silence lamenting over the fact that with Blossom's title she could have been able to live in the castle again with it revealing that her family are ex Nobles anyway while Bal Rosa is still crying like a baby a man approaches her asking her if she is familiar with an old acquaintance of his claiming that he is a friend of Rees hearing his answer and judging by his lack of equipment in this dangerous Forest B rasa realizes that this man is dangerous so she prepares herself for any incoming attack and asks the man what exactly his business is with Reese The Man reveals himself to be from the Dark Army but promises Bal Rosa that he doesn't have any ill intentions claiming that he has only come here today because he wants to see a glimpse of Reese in any case they come back home and move on with their lives again until the Demon Lord once again comes at Reese and fleo House's doorsteps telling Reese that he has been dying to speak with her fleo also greets Gul and shows him the way inside their house while drinking tea Gul with a death stare sarcastically thanks fleo for defeating his subordinate ulamas and his army of demons to which Reese asks Gul if he perhaps wishes to avenge UL menz's defeat Gaul reveals that he has other plans as he tells Reese that he wants fleo to join the Dark Army acknowledging that he is a very formidably strong man however fleo refuses the offer right in gul's face even though it's a personal invitation and explains his reasoning stating that he doesn't want to fight on anyone's side not even humans because he has no clue why the two races are at war in the first place Gaul explains the reason for the war telling fleo that the war between humans and demons has been going on for the past 500 years ever since the first Demon Lord came to this world apparently the first Demon Lord was also Eide and wanted to conquer the world and that led to the fight between the endless war between both races Gaul also claims to have no desire to rule the world unlike the first Demon Lord and that is why he wants the war to stop but at the same time he has a huge sense of responsibility for the the Demons of his kingdoms who are on the verge of being oppressed by humans and that is also why he wants to protect them at the price of continuing the endless war understanding gaul's point of view and recognizing his overpowering fleo still decides not to join the demons as he still considers himself to be a pacifist so Gaul stops insisting for now and takes his leave telling them that he will come another day to fleo with the same offer in the hope that the answer won't be the same B Osa on the other hand who has completely lost the state of her mind being in the presence of the overpowered Demon Lord loses Consciousness for a whole day but on the very next day she once again finds Gaul in their House's kitchen having breakfast with Reese and fleo very casually leading her to lose Consciousness again Gul realizes that he is intimidating the poor girl too much so he approaches her with the goal of making her his friend he keeps approaching her every day but she continues to to run away for her life every time because her only wish is to be in fleo herim the king finds out about the close friendship and interaction between the dark lord lord Gaul and fleo and he gets very jealous he assumes that fleo has decided to take revenge against the way they had treated him when he first arrived and he has decided to ignore their invitation and follow Lord Gaul instead he decides that if fleo doesn't want to work with them it means fleo is working against them and he plans to make fle regret that in Anger he assembles all his armies and tells them to visit fleo house and fight against him the princess on the other hand doesn't think things should be done like that she tries to counsel her father as to the best way they can deal with issues like that and reminds him that if his assumptions are wrong and fleo hasn't joined hands with Lord Gaul and they attack what fleo has planned he may eventually get pissed at them and join Lord Gul in Anger the King asks her what she thinks should be done in that situation and she suggests that they should peacefully match fleo house and convince him to join them her father screams at her he is tired of the weak ways she responds to issues and reminds her that weak controversies and ideas can't govern the country if you want to make a stand you have to make it violently and with so much grace he warns her about her weak ways before she can talk the hero arrives and says he is ready to fight he asks the king to give him the troop so he can control fleo and ensure that fleo joins his troop without considering what his daughter has told him the king falls for the hero's superiority complex and sends his armies out to find fleo on the other hand Lord Gul prepares to hoist fleo again as he is about to leave his quarters he meets ulz who is so angry about Lord gul's unfounded kindness and love towards fleo she advises him that his people will take his kindness for weakness as he is no longer talking about his intending war against the kingdom and he is now more interested in becoming friends with fleo Lord Gaul doesn't take any of his acts as an act of weakness he reminds ulz that fleo is a very understanding person and he is someone who is relatable he claims he needs to get fleo on his side in the battle because if the king gets fleo then the ball will be difficult he also admits that fleo is a much better leader than the king or the hero because he feels the need to settle issues amicably instead of fight he advises ulz to step down the armies because he isn't set to fight at the moment and he is sure there will be a better way to solve the issue than to fight he leaves his home and proceeds to visit fleo on the other hand fleo keeps working on his dragon skin at home and Rise comes to meet him she asks him what he is doing and he explains to her that he wants to ensure he does the skin well so he can sell better he intends to make it a creative business for them so he can take care of his family in such ways he also tells her the expenses they will have to cover she wonders why he is doing all that stress when if he joins the king Army he will be paid much more than that and he will also get honor she wonders if the reason he doesn't want to fight against Lord Gaul is because she is a demon and he thinks he will be fighting against her family she Praises his kindness saying she didn't know anyone could be as kind is that however he tells her that that isn't his reason she still insists he is very kind but he says he isn't that kind the reason he avoids any fight is that realizing how strong he is he feels there is no reason to join any of the conflicting parties in the war and he should be on his own she feels that decision is also because he is kind and she appreciates him for that suddenly they hear that there are Intruders in their house and they wonder why the barrier they had kept didn't stop lord Gaul from visiting again little do they know that their visitors this time around are the hero and his armies immediately rise sees them and she asks if she should destroy them with her power but fleo stops her and wants to hear what the hero has to say the hero tells him he is giving him a choice the first is to join them at that moment and they will fight Lord Gul together while the second is that he will die with Lord Gaul Lord Gaul wages his attacks against the Kingdom with great force as time goes on he defeats almost all of the strongholds of the kingdom and he heads towards the northern stronghold where the king lives as expected reports of what had happened reached the king who was so shocked he wonders what could have gone wrong but there is really no time for him to think about all of that he eventually asks about the hero and he is disappointed to find out that as usual his Hero has locked himself up in the southern stronghold because he doesn't know what to do he asks them to get the hero to fight on their behalf but it has to be a hero who can save himself and will save other people realizing that there is nothing he can do he plans to send the knights ahead to defend the city still they inform him that the situation is more than the nights and in the next few minutes the dark ones will reach the northern stronghold which means the entire city will crumble the only solution available to them is to get the Mage and start a purification to secure the city from the dark ones the king weighs his situation and he eventually picks his last way out which is to start the purification meanwhile Greeno meets Lord Gaul who asks for feedback on the attack she informs him that they are breaking the strongholds and in minutes they will succeed he asks them to retreat but she is disappointed because she thinks they will win he informs her that the kingdom will resort to purification and he doesn't want any of his demons to get caught just as he had expected purification starts and the city gets cleansed of all demons on the other hand fleo arrives home after a stressful day and he meets rise waiting by the door while he is excited to be welcomed by someone he wonders if she has been there for a while she asks him if he wants to take his bath and eat first or if he wants to eat her first he awkwardly picks the former and she prepares his bath while they eat she asks about his journey to the city and if he has gotten a good place for business he informs them that he wants to get a place to sell and they appreciate all he does to ensure the family succeeds Bal Rosa informs him that she wants to start selling the vegetables in their Garden so she can also make income for the family and Byer also says she wants to start horse breeding so she can also add her quota to the family Bal Rossa reveals that berer is an horse breeder so fleo gives her a place to use the others get jealous but fleo informs them that they do not have to be worried and they have all done enough to help him out the following day the guard gives the princess a feedback about the purification he tells her that because of the purification it will take the demons about 3 months before they can attack again and this can give them enough time to prepare for such an attack she appreciates all they have done to take care of the situation still she reveals that as a result of the purification that they had used the Mages are tired and they have collapsed including the king her father and it will take them a while before they will recover so it isn't like it was a good thing irrespective of that since her father is now incapacitated according to their law she is the one in charge of the country and her first command is that the hero should be dethroned the guard is shocked to hear this she reminds him that the hero does nothing to help them when they are in need the guard asks her what she intends to do after dethroning the hero and how she intends to fight the dark ones He suggests if they could summon another hero but she reminds him that they don't have enough Mages to do the summoning so she doesn't know what to do she intends to consult the Oracle and find a solution but she is fine with the hero being away following her command the guards visit the hero and tell him that he has been dethroned at first he assumes it was all jokes and tries to brag that they will need his help soon he reminds them that he was crowned by the king and the princess cannot Dethrone him but they throw his bag at him tell telling him to leave their city and do whatever he wants to do in the new world he tries to beg at this point and Promises to fight for them the next time the dark ones attack but it is too late that night fleo calls rise and appreciates her for being with him she tells him she will always be there for him but before he finishes his talk she sleeps off after noticing that she is asleep he comments about how he had thought he would be lonely in that world and he didn't know he could be that blessed the following day day Bal Rosa and the girls tell the couple to go out on a date rise is so glad to hear this and fleo reluctantly follows her too they enjoy the City walk around as couples they also visit a restaurant and eat good food after eating they walk around the city and fleo asks rise what she wants she stops at a jewelry store and the seller tells them the jewelries will look good on her he takes one of the bres and gives it to her as a gift which makes her very excited a on getting home she stares at it repeatedly that the other girls despite being happy that she had a fun day are also jealous of her Fortune she gets so tired that night that she jumps on fleo bed and sleeps while holding on to him he admits that he can't sleep that way but he leaves her since she is tired the next morning the hero who has been banished from his hero status knocks out the Knight who was guarding the Royal Castle's treasure room and enters there with his busty little girlfriend who doesn't even have a name in this anime because she doesn't get enough screen time anyway while searching for valuable treasure to steal the hero curses the first princess for kicking him like that by taking advantage of the king's absence his girlfriend accidentally refers to him as the hero which greatly offends him as that status has been officially Stripped Away From Him she tells him not to be let down like that and encourages him to climb up the ranks once again to re earn his hero status thanks to her motivation the hero gets his spirits up once again and reveals that he intends to defeat the dark one so that he can reattain his hero status and live happily once again so he continues looking for any valuable Treasures that might allow him to defeat the dark one telling himself repeatedly that he is special because unlike anyone else he was chosen by the gods to be the hero he gets jealous of fleo for having magical powers that he cannot even use which makes him wonder if he will ever be able to become even been nearly as powerful as fleo is currently a mysterious voice seeks out the hero at that moment asking him if he desires power as the hero replies in the affirmative the voice tells him that if he releases her from her restraints she will bless him with all the powers he can imagine although this is clearly a very cliche bait given by any evil villain the dumb Hero Of course Falls for it being oblivious to how deceiving the people of this world can be and follows the instructions of The Voice heading to a secret room that leads to a sword The Voice promises that she will fulfill any of his wildest desires if he draws out the sword so the hero happily takes it out releasing an immeasurable amount of air that turns into an evil Jin named haa who supposedly was locked inside that sword now that haa is released she reveals her true self telling both the obviously dumb hero and his dumb side chick that she is the primodial demon who commands light and and darkness but being a Jin she of course has to fulfill her Aladdin's three wishes so she asks the hero what the three things are that he desires the most as both haa and the hero give off a menacing smile the hero makes his first wish which remains undisclosed for now on the other side the first princess summons the Oracle named Ursula telling her about the Kingdom's current troubles at the very moment the princess begs for the Oracle help in finding a way to save the kingdom every single one of them present there gets Bound by a mysterious collar making the princess realize instantly that someone might have entered their Royal Castle's underground treasury the Oracle reveals that what they are wearing is called the collar of sacrifice which the Jin haa uses to behead a certain number of victims in exchange for granting Wishes the princess who seems to be aware of the Jin reveals that a long long time ago one of the previous Kings wished for the death of the dark one and in exchange he sacrificed half of the lives on this continent realizing how wicked and evil the Jin is the Mages of the continent sealed her sacrificing their own lives in order to do so but now that someone has released that seal that can no longer be undone since all of the Mages in their kingdom are out cold for the next two months the princess wonders how she will get past this catastrophe she seeks the oracle's help who uses her powers and suggests that the princess find the true hero claiming the that he will be able to help her the Kingdom's advisers instantly realize that it must be fleo who is known to be immensely overpowered in both strength and Magic but upon learning that he has been deliberately avoiding working under the king and the hero the princess decides to go find him and convince him to come help them while she is on the way to find fleo fleo is busy selling a shield to a local armor shop owner and showing off his Merchant skills he manages to also convince the shop owner to buy many more of his monster loot items and the goods that he has been procuring here in this small town Bal Rossa and reys who have been watching fleo converse with the shop owner find it surprising to see how skilled and talented fleo is in every field including trading reys who knows about fleo past tells Bal rasa that fleo was once a merchant which explains why he is so good at trading Bosa only gets jealous of Reese's gloating and wonders what her own life would have been like if fleo were her husband instead of Reese's Rees who doesn't even want Bal Rosa to imagine having fleo as her husband makes it clear to her that only she can have him she also mentions that the dark one has already taken an interest in Bal rasa so she thinks Bal Rosa should put her focus on improving her relationship with him instead of being a married man Bal rasa on the other hand who was oblivious to that gets dismayed as she cannot believe the dark one the most evil demon Lord has taken an interest in her and wonders if she will be forced by him to do things that she cannot even imagine fleo makes his return having sold the dragon scales shield and thanks Bal rasa especially for telling him about the armor shop earlier now that the job is done they begin to walk back home when reys becomes upset realizing that if fleo gets busy working as a merchant again he won't be spending as much time with her as he used to fleo Comforts her her saying that he will make sure to occasionally go out hunting with her and also promising her that they will hang out together whenever he gets the chance at that moment Jin haa approaches fleo informing him that she has come here to take his life on the hero's first wish as she attacks fleo with her first strike Reese comes up front to protect him and takes the hit leaving her injured badly as a result fleo who is completely taken aback by this sudden turn of events desperately tries to heal Reese but as nothing works he asks the system for an explanation which tells him that Reese's injuries are too severe to be healed thankfully the system comes in handy and informs fleo that in his stad it has mastered primordial light and dark magic for him so he gets up tells the evil jyn that he won't forgive her and gets ready to take revenge that's it for this video thanks for watching stay safe and take care best girl rise had just been attacked now would haa get away with it or will fleo introduce her to his fist the episode starts with haya's attack fleo couldn't react fast enough to it and the next thing he knew he was watching ry's blood being spilled and the gift he gave her breaking on the floor he remembers how rise pledged her life and loyalty to him she was the first one in this foreign world who believed and stayed with him she was even so happy when they pretended to be husband and wife even if he was the reason all her siblings died rise still chose to be with him fleo hugs rise wounded body and he tells haa that he will never forgive him meanwhile a status screen appears telling him that he has mastered primordial light and dark spells surprisingly fleo new skill activates and a magic circle appears over him announcing that time will be reversed slowly but surely ry's body vanishes into nowhere meanwhile haa was surprised and confused as to how a human can use a Time reversal spell she was about to ask fleo who he really is but fleo just punched her in the face she stumbles back with blood flowing from her face but fleo quickly follows up by stomping her into the ground fleo face was full of calm hatred and haa casts a spell spewing out Darkness from her hands unfortunately fleo dispels her spell before she can even finish casting and grabs her in the head who is this human man handling her like this she uses another skill to peek at fleo status windows but what she saw just confused used her more all of his stats are infinite fleo slams her into a wall delivers a heavy punch in her stomach and then upper cuts her to the air meanwhile rise finally wakes up without a scratch on her she has no idea what happened Bal Rosa quickly asks her how she's doing and also explains how fleo magic had healed her however he is now currently busy they watch as fleo uses ha's body as a punching bag pummeling her with strikes ha's blood splatter all around her but fleo doesn't even stop rise is very touched as to how fleo is mercilessly fighting for her however she suddenly remembers how fleo once told her how he doesn't like fighting and violence very much as ha's beating continues her sight blurs as fleo lifts her by her throat she tries to ask fleo for forgiveness but unfortunately fleo rejects her request and casually replies that she had hurt rise Cleo's fingers tighten against her throat and she slowly suffocates thankfully rise intervenes and hugs fleo chest she begs him to stop this finally gets through fleo mind and his hand slackens dropping higher to the ground fleo was shocked by rise's actions but rise tells him that she is indeed happy that he is angry and fighting for her sake even so fleo kindness was the reason they were together in the first place he could have killed her when they were enemies but fleo just forgave her thus she wouldn't forgive herself if he would lose that kindness because of her fleo kneels in front of her and wipes away her tears he couldn't believe that she was actually alive rise smiles and promises that she is okay the two cry and hug while Bal Rosa approaches them in the midst of the now deserted Town meanwhile in a nearby Forest a small contingent of knights and mages suddenly appears they have teleported from the capital with the princess the princess apologizes to the Mages for forcing them to cast teleport even though their magic is still recovering the Mages assuages her worries and apologizes themselves for not doing more if they had more Mana they would have been able to take her to the nearest town the princess turns to her nearby guard Knights and gives them their orders they will guard the Mages while they rest currently their group's mission is to search for the true hero by asking around to their surprise the collar of sacrifice around their necks suddenly breaks apart all of them were surprised and the princess wondered if the Jin who put the collars on them might have failed to Grant the wish in exchange back in the capital guard Knights pound on a door in one of their dungeons they demand that the blond hero surrenders himself before the princess the blonde Hero's follower suya panics and wonders if they are going to be executed meanwhile the blonde hero was annoyed that the Jin's promise to Grant His Wish of killing fleo failed to their surprise another voice abruptly emanates from the room where the Jin came from The Voice Giggles about the fact that the Jin failed dark smoke leaks out from the room and wraps around suya causing her to faint after a few seconds she gets up again but with a whole new personality someone else had taken over her body the new suya examines her body and then casts a spell to change her clothes the stupid blonde Knight is wondering what is happening to His companion and he asks her if she can use magic now however suya just thanks her for releasing the Jin's seal and casts a spell on him introduces herself as the grand Magus of midnight damalas and she promises to give him what he wants the blonde Knight screams in pain as the spell takes effect and the room shakes from its power outside the room the guard Knights grip their spear as the castle shakes all around them all of a sudden the wall explodes as the blonde Knight emerges from it now transformed into a huge monster demolin laughs evily and compliments the Knight for his new looks she then rides on his shoulders as he climbs up the castle damina plans to punish the royal family who sealed her away when they reach the ground floor damalas notices a teleportation Circle Vanishing in front of them it seems that her Target had escaped nevertheless she still hasn't given up back to fleo location the citizens slowly return to their damaged Town haa also wakes up to find fleo looking down on her she quickly gets up and begs for Mercy she asks them why he healed her but fleo just points out that rise is fine now Bosa asks fleo what they should do with haa since they can't just leave her to the guards fleo wonders if he can seal her again in the capital haa was surprised that he knew about that but fleo explains that he looked in her memories to know why she attacked them she saw how the blonde Knight had freed her in exchange for the wish if he just returns her to the castle something similar might happen again thankfully rise has a solution she jumps into haa and pronounces that she will now be fleo servant fleo tries to interfere but rise stops him after all a Jin would be a good asset to their group fleo asks her if she's truly okay with that but rise is actually just frustrated that it's her own weakness that caused her to be defeated Reese finds it rather frustrating that she lost and blames everything on her own weakness which shocks both fleo and Bal Rosa as they cannot believe how easily forgiving this girl is since she has forgiven haa already fleo himself no longer holds a grudge against haa and considers making haa his ally or more precisely his new servant he holds out his hand to her telling her to promise him that she will never take anyone's life again at first haa is shocked by fleo kindness just as Reese was once and just like her she too Falls for his kindness up until now haa has always thought that humans were a bunch of greedy creatures who only wanted to meet their desires at any cost but seeing fleo her perspective changes and she again starts to believe that Humanity still exists haa gets up on her feet and refers to fleo as the transcendental being because of his infinite Powers she expresses her wishes to see what he will accomplish in this world with all the worldly Powers he has and then pledges her soul and her body to be under fleo care fleo becomes flattered by ha's words and makes up with her apologizing for getting carried away earlier when he kept smacking her around like a sandbag haa doesn't want fleo to apologize as she knows she completely deserves each and every punch moreover those punches also excited her feminine side since she has never been backed up into a corner by a strong man before as the excitement of even thinking about fleo getting mad at her again grows haa makes happy noises in her mind and starts smiling in a creepy way Reese realizes that this thous year-old jyn is having some perverted thoughts about her husband so she makes it clear to her that fleo is only for her to have with everything settled fleo takes a look around the town and notices how everything in their surroundings is in shambles because of his and ha's battle he takes responsibility and decides to use the time reversal spell on this area to fix everything back to its original state just like he used it on Reese when she got injured however haa interrupts him from using that spell telling him that if he does so it will complicate things as the time reversal spell only moves time within a specified area and that means that a discrepancy will be created between the areas which can lead to unwanted accidents so she suggests that fleo only use the time reversal spell on a single person as in that case there won't be any sort of side effects she also reveals that the time reversal spell was never meant to be used by any human but by gods and that is exactly why it has to be used with precautions fleo doesn't want to know why he has such Godly abilities and asks haa if she has any idea about it haa who has already seen fleo stats reveals to him that he has infinite stats and skills so she refers to him as the exalted one putting him in the highest regard because of his wisdom and Authority fleo who didn't know that the horizontal eight sign was the infinite symbol realizes that he has indeed somehow become a Transcendent being he also learns from haa that he can use total acquisition magic which means that whenever he is hit with a spell he is able to learn that spell in an instant which explains why he was able to learn all of ha's magical abilities during their fight he finally understands why using powerful spells can bring unnecessary harm to people so he decides not to use the time reversal spell on the town and instead uses his normal restoration spell to fix the place they go back to their house where haa introduces herself to the other girls as the Jinn who commands primordial light and darkness she also reveals to them that she will be living with them from now on because her new master fleo has turned her into his servant the girls who were already baffled that fleo had befriended The Dark One cannot believe that he is now making mythical beings like jins into his slaves belli doesn't want to share a roof with jyn so she turns to Bal Rosa begging her to convince fleo to take haa somewhere else Bosa assures her that they will be okay to live together with the Jin and even promises her that in case things go wrong they do have the overpowered cheat skills user by their side who can bring any situation in his favor later at night B Rosa approaches fleo noticing that he is just staring mindlessly at his hand which makes her assume that he wants to beat his hidden monster but I guess that isn't the case as fleo explains that he is just thinking about the great power and the great responsibility he now has that he doesn't know how to use Bal Rosa Comforts him saying that he always makes the best judgments and believes that he will only use his powers to protect the people he cares for fleo then returns to his home finding Reese to be upset before he can ask her what's wrong she grabs his hand and gets on top of him Rees who has come to the realization that fleo will be able to return to his world if he manages to learn the summoning spell using his cheating Powers makes it clear to him that this is his current home but in case he still intends to go back she requests that he take her along with him as she doesn't want to leave by her side ever fleo didn't have any attachments to his previous world to begin with so she promised reys that he wouldn't be leaving her side he gives her a hug and expresses his desire to make her his real wife as he has now realized how much he cherishes her as both of them realize that they share the same feelings they kiss each other fleo gets ready to share his protein juice with Reese but out of nowhere haa enters the room at that moment claiming that she wants to see her master's hidden monster and ruining the moment for all of us Reese actually decides to erase haa from existence but fleo stops her just in time telling her that they can always do the thing later that's it for this video thanks for watching make sure to give us a like And subscribe to our channel for more and as always stay safe and take care the first princess had finally reached the western town of hotto where fleo and his friends relocated to she tries asking in one of the shops whether they know of an adventurer who can defeat magic beasts on his own unfortunately the shop owner just shakes his head and tells her that he knows of No Such person matching that description the princess dejectedly leaves the shop and looks around the busy street she has no idea where to look and how to find sir fleo meanwhile fleo and his friends are just about to eat lunch back on their Farm everyone immediately compliments the delicious food which makes rise the cook very happy haa tells them that she could have cooked with magic but it seems rise doesn't want that rise proudly reminds her that it's her duty to make food for their pack so she wants to do it by hand instead haa can help in other chores like cleaning and laundry haa nods her head and immediately accepts the job their interaction makes the other girls nervous rise was originally in charge of cooking so they help with the other chores to make themselves useful but if haa does all of it with magic they'd look like freeloaders now after lunch everyone heads out to start their day Blossom tills the land with her hoe since she doesn't want to lose to the Gin in chores Sy also transforms into her large psycho bear form and helps her with digging up the land at the Stables Vier is hard at work raking the hay for the horses she was hoping to help the house by working as a coach but the best she can do is in raising the horses she might be disappointed with her lack of skills but the horses are clearly happy with her since they all start licking her cheeks one licks her in the back sending Goose backs all over her spine making her shriek meanwhile the witch Balano is inside the house looking at the sky and reminiscing about her family she apologizes to her brother and father for failing to follow their footsteps instead of becoming a royal Mage like them she decided to leave the knights and follow fleo thus she doesn't have any reason anymore to get stronger however she stares longingly at her staff and remembers fleo teachings to her she doesn't want to let fleo effort go to waste so she decides to learn more spells Balano and byer's thoughts were interrupted when they suddenly heard a shout they both Rush outdoors and see a magical horse trampling through the fields while Blossom screams the horse then changes directions and runs straight towards the two girls thankfully Bano manages to cast a shield before them and stops the horse in its traps B Rosa approaches them and apologizes for the trouble she couldn't bear to Kill the Magic beast and it seemed docel so she decided to just bring it near their Farm but now that it's attacked people she pulls out her sword but B asks her to wait they all stare at the scene for a few seconds and bie guesses that she might know the reason the horse went wild she yells out to sa and asks her to turn back to a rabbit bie then took some rope a spade and after a few seconds managed to make a pretty good makeshift rain for the horse she tosses the Spade at the horse and it bites down on it letting Byer pull on the horse and jump on its back after a few seconds of wrangling she finally calms the horse down and steadies its gate the other girls congratulate bie for her masterful taming berer looks around and she asks balasa if they can use the land around them balasa replies that it's currently owned by the town's Lord so if they buy it it would be fine meanwhile fleo and Rise are back in hoto to sell some armor rise clings to fleo since she can't flirt without getting interrupted back home at a shop the shop owner starts inspecting the salamander armor fleo brought it's lightweight and ideal for a woman so he asks fleo if he wants some ornamentation added into it the shop owner pulls out some magic stones and a gemstone quickly catches fleo eyes meanwhile rise is happily w outside the store she then notices the surroundings are suddenly getting overshadowed by something in the sky in another part of the town the princess and her guards are still looking for fleo when the shadow falls upon them they all look up and see a large magic circle in the sky from this magic circle emerges a huge monster with a woman riding on its shoulder it was damina and the hero turned monster the town's People starts running away while fleo exits the store and learns from Rise what's causing the commotion realizing that people might be in danger they rush in to help the monster starts rampaging through the town but when damina spots the princess she directs it towards her the princess's guards immediately jump in front of their charge but damalas just casts a spell and they are all blown away with magic meanwhile haa meets up with fleo and rise in town she explains that she sensed evil from the town so she hurriedly rushed over she also points out how the monster is a human and the witch is the grand maggus of midnight damina is the apricot she was once the strongest Mage in the Magical Kingdom of Clyro and ruled over it with her forbidden magic black magic she was defeated by a hero but her will lingered on it was sealed in the pedestal of the sword where haa herself was sealed so when she was released from her seal then damalas was also revived she was acting as the sword since humans were too weak to seal her high above goes to fleo and asks for permission to eliminate damalas fleo allows her but also tasks her to prioritize saving lives meanwhile he and Rise will Evacuate the people the princess is down to one guard and the monster is almost upon them the princess also recognized damalas while damalas taunts her she was about to attack when a magic spell suddenly explodes between them and haa appears damalas asks her why she's interrupting them but haa coldly replies she's just eliminating those who disturb her master damalas flies to the sky and starts raining lightning upon them but haa just absorbs them she tells damalas that a resident of this world like her will never defeat a Jin damalas changes tactics and the monster pounces on the haa but that's not all she also starts casting fire lances at her haa creates a whirlwind which deflects both the magic and monster damalas is starting to get annoyed but she still hasn't given up she starts calling upon her black magic and the monster suddenly grows exponentially and it soon stands towering over the whole town the princess realizes that if that monster Rampages everyone will be doomed dealin laughs at the spectacle being certain that her monster will cause Terror in this town however out of the blue her magic circle disappears into nothing mysteriously leaving her completely out of words as never before has such a phenomenon happened where her spell was completely broken haa realizes who might be behind it and as she turns behind her back she finds fleo and Reese running towards her fleo proudly claims that he was the one who dispelled the magic circle by directly taking down the huge monster fleo isn't upset with haa for failing him but still haa begs him for his forgiveness as she has failed her task to subdue the monster and had to seek his help at the end she promises that she did her best and even knowing so she tells him to punish her as he sees fit as that is what she deserves however fleo isn't a tyrant who would punish his servants every time they make a mistake so he tells haa to chill out haa still doesn't chill out and requests fleo permission to let her at least finish the task that she was assigned and she gets ready to punish damalas for being the one who humiliated her in front of her master damalas on the other hand overhears that fleo was the one who took out her magic circle she she can't believe that there is a human who can go on par with a witch but before she can even express her utmost regrets haa casts a spell on her and reduces her to a cotton ball with damina is gone the hero and his dumb girlfriend are turned back to their normal states so the matter is settled haa on the other hand swallows the cotton ball as she wants damalas to be a part of her forever apparently in this way haa conceal anyone within her psychic realm and sees a potential opport opportunity to discipline damalas there so that she can turn into a proper servant for fleo haa assures fleo that if damalas becomes a good girl her powers can be used for their benefit although any other wife would be instantly jealous to learn that her husband is about to get another busty woman in his herim not Reese because she actually commends haa for getting her another useful servant anyway they move on to the much more important matter which is how they are going to deal with this hero disguised as a villain fleo being as peaceful as ever expresses that he doesn't want to get involved in any further trouble so He suggests that they hand over the hero and his girlfriend to the Knights of this Kingdom the first princess who has been keenly wanting to meet fleo for all this time finally approaches him she introduces herself cordially as Elizabeth Clyro the first princess of this magical princess and bows down to him showing him a glimpse of her Heavenly melons she thanks him for for saving this Kingdom from such a huge crisis and at the same time apologizes to him on behalf of the king and also the former hero of this Kingdom who was the reason behind this crisis before giving her his reply fleo first asks her to raise her head because he finds her current position rather distracting fleo didn't know that the hero who was summoned with him was no longer in possession of the hero status so he asked why the king had dismissed him from being a hero princess Elizabeth explains that because the hero was very problematic and not very beneficial for the kingdom she herself dismissed him a few days ago in the absence of her ill father but that's not important what's important is Elizabeth's encounter with fleo she reveals to him that she and her Knights came to this town just because she wanted to see him personally because she wanted him to have the hero status of this Kingdom Elizabeth tries convincing him saying that the hope for good amongst the people in this kingdom is almost gone and that is why they need a good person to lead the kingdom who can bring back the Hope in the people however fleo doesn't want to face the same humiliation as he has already been stripped of his hero status since he was summoned here as bonaza which is unknown to Elizabeth so he refuses the offer and tells Elizabeth to give such a role to someone who won't hesitate to fight for humans implying that he has no intention of helping the people of this Kingdom moreover he also has to lead a peaceful life with his wife Reese here and he finds this life lifestyle much more amusing than a hero's chaotic one he comes back home and learns from belli about her and the other girl's plans to expand their overall land area to increase their opportunity to fight more magical beasts to farm more vegetables and to have better transportation they think that expanding their territory is the best option for them since fleo is a thriving Merchant they also come up with the idea to tame magical beasts in order to use them to transport the goods that fleo will be Trading fleo loves their idea and decides to talk with the Lord of this area so they can negotiate regarding this matter the girls initially offered to pay for the expanded land since fleo has been doing them so many favors but upon learning the costly price of this place even though it is so far from the capital they realize that they will have to sell their entire family's kidneys to afford it fleo decides to pay everything himself telling the girls to compensate him by managing all the land for him here but they still Express their wish to do something for him so he asks them to pay only 30% to him of the money that they get from the land with the deal complete the girls led by Blossom begin plowing the land to grow a large quantity of crops there so that they can sell those and pay him the revenue haa also joins in offering her help using her Genie Magic for a better Harvest although Blossom doesn't want her crops to be grown magically Balano steps in because she wants to see ha's magic and learn from her Balano has has changed her attire by the way because she has been appointed as a teacher at the magic Academy anyway she gets blossoms approval so haa begins using her magic on the farming field which enhances the growth rate of the crops there fleo on the other hand finds what he truly wants to do in this world and shares his dream with Reese of opening his own store in this world fleo also gives Reese a beautiful ring as a token of appreciation for always being beside him and he makes her wear it on her for finger as her wedding ring oh and the former Hero has been imprisoned in a prison cell and is probably going to rot in there forever that's it for this video thanks for watching guys
Channel: Empty Note Recaps
Views: 97,094
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: rRkoKeEuR2c
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 84min 36sec (5076 seconds)
Published: Mon May 20 2024
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