Unveiling a Hidden Power Student Unlocks Two Abilities, Surpassing All Others! (1) AninRecap

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the story Begins by introducing a student named mofon after he has taken a senior high school entrance exam exams are usually not much of a problem for mopan however this time it's about magic he explains that after falling asleep wearing a pendant everything had changed and everything became more about magic other students discuss how difficult the exam was but a student named by says it was too easy for him according to B what is really important is the talent They will receive during the magic Awakening Ba's entire family has the eyes Talent so it is practically a lot that he will as well mopon laments how he had studied for 3 months straight but the exam covered 9 years worth of material his father sing tells him not to worry since he has found him a job as a driver that pays well mofen explains that he still wants to be a mage but his father believes his exam results won't be high enough to meet the entrance requirement mofon is determined though and convinces his father when he says he will become a great Mage respected by everyone later mof's friend Z explains how a girl named n Su has returned and is more beautiful than ever still maon is disinterested as they walk he spots his father begging a powerful man named muhi to convince the school to admit his son muhi says that failing the exam was bad enough but what is worse is that mofon had once tried to run away with the arys of his family ning Su sing apologizes saying they were found quickly and nothing bad came from it he explains that he has served the powerful Mo family for many years and mofon is serious about becoming a mage muhi says that he is a failure and if sing had wanted mofan to pass he should have educated him better Singh says he will do anything to help his son and muhi agrees to help if he pledges his house to him that night mahang gets told the good news but knows the truth as his father explains he will be renting out the house while Molen lives at school his father also reveals that n Su has finally returned but mofon said says all he cares about now is studying magic to make lots of money to help their family that night he has a memory of when nin Su had asked him to leave with her as she would rather be anywhere other than home after they were found sing attempts to take the blame and spare mofon who is just a child from punishment mad however says he had seduced and kidnapped ning Su and threatens to break his legs one by one if he sees her again days later some students discuss how everyone will be having their magic Awakening that day and how they all wish to a fire become their talent even though it is extremely rare in class A teacher gives the students a badge that will change color after their Awakening based on what talent they have another student mocks mofon for only being there because of a favor and laughs at how embarrassing it will be if he can't awaken a talent by is another member of the mo family and is the first to have his Awakening to no one's surprise he receives the ice Talent the teacher explains that the stars on the badge will show the strength of their talent furthermore all Seven Stars s are usually not filled but by has managed to start right away with one star meaning he is exceptional the rest of the students receive their talents and no one else manages to get even one star like by it's mof's turn and all the students mock him as well explaining that even if he receives the weak Talent he is still better than mopan mofon touches the orb and pleads to receive anything at all as it would be better than failing during his Awakening mopon sees the color purple but has never heard of a talent corresponding to it the students become excited but it's for someone else in a separate class since a person has received a lightning Talent which only happens one out of every thousand Awakenings and is the most powerful one mofon is left all alone in class during his Awakening as the orb changes color mofet opens his eyes to see that he is alone and surprised to see that his orb has changed he begins to wonder if he has awakened both fire and lightning when the bully returns to class he makes fun of him for still standing there but is shocked to see that he has awakened the rare fire Talent mopan however can't help but laugh as he knows he has actually awakened two rare talents and how everyone's Jaws would drop if they knew he had awakened the lightning Talent first he excitedly plans to hide it for a while and reveal it to them at the perfect moment two months later Mr Shang explains how there are seven stars that revolve around each of their star systems their movements are random and the students must concentrate on controlling them into following strict orbits if they can manage to do it then they will have completed their magic release however after making any progress when they lose control of a star they will have to start over ba is asked to demonstrate and reveals that he is now able to control five stars which also shows on his badge ba is the fastest learner among all the students as the rest have barely managed to control three stars Mr sha reminds them that their progress will depend on both their ability and the effort they put in the class bully once again makes fun of mofon for only having one one star assuming that will mean he will fail the end of your exam he even mocks how his family had to sell their house to get him in the school the other students are rude as well claiming they feel better about their own poor results since he is the worst of all however once he is alone he explains how it's true he only has one star but that's just for his fire Talent when he practices his lightning Talent he reveals that he is only one star away from completing his magic release later he runs into his little sisters and Zia who seems upset and looks to find the cause she says not to do anything as they are outnumbered but mopon doesn't care the leader in a group of bullies explains that he will give her wheelchair back when she agrees to be his girlfriend when mofon arrives in her defense the leader explains that Zania should be grateful someone is interested and that she shouldn't be too picky considering her condition the bully goes even further saying he wouldn't mind carrying his sister around and mopan can only think about how this has to be the moment where he succeeds he Conant concentrates on controlling his stars and demands they stop insulting his sister mofon for the first time ever manages to release a powerful lightning attack the group now understands that he must be a Mage and beg for mercy neon returns his sister's wheelchair and is humble about his Newfound power elsewhere B explains his progress to his uncle muhi who is very pleased to hear about his ability to control five stars muuha explains that Ba's performance at the final exams will be extremely important since the moo family's arys will attend and he must make a good impression when asked about mopon B explains that he is doing terrible as he can't even manage to control one star mui explains that he will get mopang kicked out after he fails the exam that night Molin thinks about how his father has begun working outside the city with his uncle to pay for his education however that is extremely dangerous since monsters surround the city and his father is powerless he begins to work on progressing his fire talent in the bath but quickly realizes that is not a good idea afterwards Zenaya is pleased to see that her brother has mastered lightning magic but explains that he managed to do it in only months and wonders if he had help from the black curia mofon has no clue what that is and she explains that she was taught in class that they are a cult that helps people improve their skills faster he explains that he would never do that and when he is alone admits that he is progressing quite fast he is concerned that others will begin to think he is part of the cult as well and has decided to only reveal his fire talent in front of others while keeping his lightning Talent as a trump card in class everyone has a silly look on their face and mofon turns to see that it's because of an attractive woman Miss Tang she is the New Practical Magic teacher and asks that all fire talents stand up mofen is made fun of by the bully for only having one star and Miss Tang gives a demonstration of the level one Fire magic called fire burst later by explains to muhi that he doesn't actually believe mopan will fail badly enough to be kicked from the school since that only happens to students who get lower than ad in the final exam mui however explains that he has a backup plan he reveals a dark stone that can absorb magical energy and the light of the crystal ball The Examiner during the test works for him and he will have him apply the effects of the dark stone on the crystal ball when it is moin's turn to be tested ensuring that he will fail mui still holds a gr judge for mulan's wrongdoings towards the mo family and vows to make him pay elsewhere mopon practices his fire talent and explains that there is only one month left before the final exam he has only managed to control five stars which should be okay for the exam but he would like to perform better to impress the moo family time passes quickly and Mr Shan explains how the final exam will be done the crystal ball will measure their magic powers the brighter it glows the more power they possess they will be given grades based on its brightness ranging from the best a to the worst D all those that receive ad D will be kicked from the school furthermore since it's impossible for most of them to control all seven stars in just one year they will not be tested on Magic release however if anyone is able to do it then they will be moved to the Elite Class where they will receive a star bracelet that assists in progress at the exam the head of the mo family muel gives the students a speech it is explained that nuu is an exceptional student that graduated early and now attends a magic college she is asked to give a demonstration and amazes everyone with her Display of Power the students must be told to quiet down as they all discuss how worried they are that they might not do well however they are relieved to see that the exam isn't too difficult after a couple of students receive A's Jang is feeling pretty confident so he asks if he could try his magic release but fails he is laughed by his classmates but quickly feels better when he he is encouraged by Miss Tang it is Ba's turn he WS the class when the crystal ball glows brightly and Mr sha gives him an s-grade the only one in the entire School of course he would like to try his magic release as well and we see that mui speaks glowingly about him to Moo by successfully uses his ice magic and is given a begr for his magic release everyone is amazed at what he has managed to accomplish in just one year but ningu just thinks he is okay mopan is then called up for his turn and muad wants to leave as there really isn't much left to see but ningi wants to stay and muza agrees to watch as he wants to see what he can do after he and his family has sacrificed everything to get there mui gives the signal and the dark stone is put in place by watches and can't wait for him to fail so that ningi can finally realize how much of a waste of time he really is mofon begins but of course the light is weak and everyone including his teacher thinks he will receive ad muel explains means that with a performance like this mofon is better off just being a driver like his father mu he piles on saying he has learned nothing and Moon's father only wasted money paying for the school however in that moment mofon continues and somehow manages to destroy the dark stone finally allowing his magic to show the crystal ball glows brighter and he has given AB everyone thinks it's unfair how the worst student could get AB when a grade like that is exceptional and starts to question if the crystal is faulty m Mr Sean is proud of him but miss Tang reveals that that wasn't his real ability she claims the ball is faulty and insists that he be retested the students all agree and Mr Shang asks that she rethink her requests since it was not easy for mofon to get into the school Miss tank resists and ningu agrees with her asking for a retest as well after it is replaced everyone is surprised to see that the crystal ball glows much brighter than before and mofon is given an S grade it is clear that the glow was even brighter than b but mofon explains that he isn't done yet as he would like to try his magic release ba is shocked more than anyone but knows that if mofon spent so much time on controlling the Stars it would be impossible for him to have also mastered the magic release however he can only watch in amazement as mofon demonstrates his magical powers thanks for watching
Channel: Nothing But Serious
Views: 10,708
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: cAlV-WK_AhY
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 12min 22sec (742 seconds)
Published: Sun Jan 21 2024
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