79 Things You Didn't Know About Minecraft Mobs

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- [Skip] Did you know Striders used to look like this? Did you know Blazers were originally the good guys? And these are 79 facts about the 79 mobs in Minecraft. But first, we've got a problem. The analytics gods told me that next to no one has subscribed to the channel using their left hand. So, if you wanna help break down that right hand supremacy then take a south paw strike to that sub button below. It's free, and it helps out a ton. All right, we've got 79 facts to cover and we gotta move fast. So let's start talking about our first mob over here, which is the fox. - [JayMoji] This is not a fox. This is ice. - [Skip] When they will leap, they will get stuck in snow. (JayMoji shrieks) So this fox right here got stuck in the snow and it shivers. - [JayMoji] Oh, that's cute. Oh God! - So- - Is he dabbing? - [Skip] There used to be a thing with the warden when it was in development, where the Sonic Blast animation, where it does that like big roar, it would dab. - [JayMoji] Oh my God. (laughs) - [Skip] Next we've got number three, which is the parrot. If you have a parrot and you tame it with seeds- - [Failboat] Oh! - [Skip] It actually does not have a hit box. So it can't take any damage when the parrot's riding you. So the Illusioner actually has the fastest bow in Minecraft. When they charge up at the same time as the skeleton, the Illusioner shoots faster than the skeleton does. - [Failboat] Is it still like full damage and everything? - Oh yeah. Well, it's not a mob that's actually accessible through the game, but it is definitely there. With the Creeper, its detection range gets smaller when you wear a Creeper Hat. - Oh really? - What? - [Skip] So let's sneak across to the other side so we can continue. - [JayMoji] (laughing) Oh God dude. - [Failboat] I actually don't like... Ugh. - Okay, so it's detection- (Creeper explodes) (Failboat shrieks) (all laughing) This was sort of a sneaky addition that was added in, but the Pillager actually has its own font. - What? - Oh. - [Skip] There's an alphabet called Illageralt, it's like this. - Oh. - Wonder what that says. - [JayMoji] Don't forget to subscribe. - [Skip] He said it, not me. Now what we're gonna check out is the skeleton horse, which is how it's look changed. This is how it originally looked like, and now it looks like this. - [Failboat] Oh yeah. - [Skip] Goats can do parkour. - What? - Huh? - [Skip] So, because of their jumps, they're physically capable of jumping from one block gaps to another. - [JayMoji] Skip, this looks just borderline unethical. Are you sure this is like- - [Skip] No, it's fine, look. - Oh my God. - Oh look, there he goes. - [Skip] When the Phantom was first shown off in the mob vote, it originally had a mouth in the concept art. - [Failboat] Oh yeah. - [Skip] They removed it because, quote, "It looked too much like a Muppet." - [JayMoji] (laughing) I don't see that at all. That's ridiculous. - [Skip] Back in the past, it was possible for Enderman to not only pick up bedrock, but also spawners. If you killed them, this was a way to get the bedrock block or a spawner block in survival mode. - [JayMoji] I got a spawner. I gave you a spawner, I guess. - [Skip] All right, let's go check out the Ravager. When they were first introduced in the snapshot, the Ravager was actually scared of the rabbit. So if I grab this rabbit on a lead and walk towards the Ravagers, (Failboat laughs) they were scared of it. (JayMoji laughs) - [Failboat] Wait, this is amazing. - [Skip] So as you can maybe notice, especially if we see it in lower light, the Drowned's eyes will glow a little bit. - Ooh. - But they don't actually give off any light. - [JayMoji] (chuckling) I was like, "What is this thing in the wall?" It's your bird. - Oh no. - [Skip] Oh, dear. Okay, don't punch for too long though, you don't wanna kill him. - Nice. - [Skip] He's safe. Do you wanna name him? - [Failboat] I'm gonna call him Hurt Box. - [Skip] Oh my gosh, his head looks around while you're looking around. - [JayMoji] Whoa. (Failboat laughs) 80 Minecraft mob facts you didn't know. - [Skip] Now, the donkey's the only mob that's able to regenerate health naturally. So if we summon this donkey and you wanna tame it, after about 90 seconds, it'll regenerate half a heart. - [Failboat] Whoa. - [Skip] The ocelot can actually damage a chicken through a door and let's hope it's only a chicken, - Yeah. - and not a parrot. - [Failboat] Don't hit Hurt Box! Okay, good. - In Bedrock edition, there are three different sizes of salmon. There's a small, a normal, and a large. - [JayMoji] Wow. - [Skip] Now Ender mites are pretty annoying, but this is an easy way to get rid of them. Since they're so small, they actually just suffocate in soul sand. - Oh, that's so cute. - Aww. - [JayMoji] Look at him go. - [Skip] While you won't find many Ender mites in the nether, what you will find are Magma Cubes. The Magma Cube's size dictates its health and damage. The Piglin actually has eight inventory slots where they can store their different items. So once it gets eight items it'll have filled up its inventory, and it'll just leave the other stuff on the ground. So next we've got, from the Piglin, to the Piglin Brute. If we summon in Piglin Brutes and then we teleport them away, they'll always try to path find back to their original spawn. - Whoa. - Whoa. - [Failboat] What? - [Skip] So we've got ourselves kind of a Piglin pilgrimage. - What a a beautiful thing. - That's actually kind of insane. (Skip yelling) - But let's get outta here before they... Okay, okay. (laughs) - Uh-oh. - [Skip] The Mooshroom had it added where it's now the fourth mob that is affected by a lightning strike. This is gonna hurt me more than it hurts him. (lightning booming) - [Failboat] No! (JayMoji groans) - [Skip] Actually, maybe it won't. (laughs) Normally a baby pig cannot be saddled, but if you summon it with commands, it's a little tiny saddle. - [JayMoji] That's adorable. Can you ride... Oh my God, you can. - [Skip] In Bedrock edition, the rarest mob in Minecraft happens when you get a Panda jockey, - Whoa. - which is a zombie riding a panda, wearing enchanted armor. - What? - It's like looking in a mirror right now. (Skip laughs) This is awesome. - [Skip] Bees are the only arthropod that can exist in peaceful mode. So if we summon all of these arthropods and then hit this button to turn it into peaceful mode, (JayMoji gasps) - [Failboat] Aw. - [Skip] it's the only one that still exists. Dolphins normally would suffocate if they get too much air, but if they're in rain, that's just enough to keep them sleek. The Evoker when it's not in combat will actually turn different blue sheeps into red. - [Failboat] Also this dolphin isn't dying. - [JayMoji] Dolphin is alive and well dude. Minecraft fact debunked, we're back down to 79. (group laughs) - [Skip] In the original concept art, the frog looked like this. - [JayMoji] Gross. That's disgusting. I hate looking at it. - [Skip] And this is how they look nowadays. - Oh. - I think you can tell that they made the right decision. If we attack a villager, the Iron Golem, it would obviously get angry. But if this goat does it, - Oh, there we go. - [Skip] The villager got hit, but the Golem does not care. The Silverfish originally got a texture change. When you would make faulty Redstone, it would summon the Redstone bug. - Oh. - Oh. - And that was the Silverfish. - Really? - [Skip] We're coming up on something a little bit more dangerous, which is number 29, the Wither. The Wither's main head shoots at a rate of one shot every two seconds. (explosion booming) - Ow. - Oh. - Ow. - No, no Hurt Box! - [Skip] But the small heads shoot at a rate - Ow. of one shot every three seconds. - [JayMoji] Ow. I can't hear you over the Wither! - [Skip] Did Hurt Box die? What is happening? - [Failboat] How dare you! - [JayMoji] I don't know what's happening. - [Failboat] No! This is a terrible fact. I hate this part. - [Skip] I think Hurt Box would want you to have these. - [Failboat] I'm crying Skip. (Failboat chuckles) - [Skip] Uh, we're gonna see the Wither from a safer point of view over here. The Wither will attack every other mob that isn't undead except for the Ghast. The Cave Spider actually uses the same exact sounds as the regular spider, which makes it kind of confusing when we turn on subtitles. The wandering trader is one of the rare mobs where it's meant to disappear under all conditions. So if I get this name tag, after 40 minutes he'll just despawn. Number 33, we've got the Stray. If we get a Stray underwater, it doesn't shoot arrows like it does up above, but rather it'll attack you melee style. Now you're gonna have to look closely for this one, because Witches actually have small mouths that are made underneath their nose. You'll notice that there's two pixels worth of mouth underneath the Witch's nose. - [JayMoji] I'd love to, if Skip's big head weren't in the way. - [Skip] The bat officially has no purpose to the game. - [JayMoji] Wow. - [Skip] If you feed a regular Hoglin a red fungus before it zombifies in the overworld, the resulting Zoglin will not despawn naturally. If you cure a zombie villager that's on the jockey, it'll still be a regular villager, even when the chicken gets cured. - Aw. - As you'll notice with cod, they tend to swim in schools. If you see a bunch of cod, there's probably more around. If you have a baby chicken inside of a mine cart, it's hit box is so small, that you can't even hit the chicken. - [JayMoji] Wow. Dude my pig grew up. I'm so glad my companion lived to see adulthood. (group laughs) - [Skip] If you kill a horse and it drops leather, you'll still get the cow tipper achievement. Next we've got the Vex. If you fight one of these at the bottom of the world, it might fly through bedrock, go into the void, and actually start dying of void damage when it flies through. With the removal of the Firefly in 1.19, the baby turtle still remains the smallest mob in Minecraft. I'm gonna hit this button and we'll probably wanna back up. - Okay. - Because (Failboat shrieking) what we'll notice with the Elder Guardian, is that this eye is actually labeled as the head on the model. So even when it has no AI, it's head will still track you, because technically it's its eye. - [JayMoji] That's freaky dude. - [Skip] Originally polar bears were supposed to spawn in frozen ocean biomes like this. They removed that because they thought it was too sad. But then after the fact they added it back in, because it's frankly more accurate to their real world situation. - [JayMoji] Yeah, I think he likes Skip. - [Skip] Ah, I'd rather be friends. (JayMoji laughs) - [Skip] If you kill a Husk and it drops a potato, and you use a fire aspect sword, he'll drop a baked potato. - [JayMoji] Oh, look at that. - [Skip] All right, for number 46, we've got the Wither skeleton. They actually cannot fit through the gap (JayMoji laughs) underneath the stairs. - [JayMoji] Ow, ow. - [Skip] They definitely can still hit you through the gap. If you have a spider in an enclosed space, it'll just climb up into a corner and get stuck. Back in the beta, if you would punch a sheep that was the way that you sheared it. - [Failboat] Well. (all laugh) - [Skip] If you go into the games' files you'll see that back in the day, the original texture for the zombie pigmen actually had "THX XAPHOBIA", and that was because that was the original textures creator. - I remember this. - The person who originally came up with the idea of pigmen. We can see that zombies actually have a special characteristic. They'll pursue the player at a greater range than any other mob. So their range is 35 blocks to pursue a player, while most have it be 16. For number 51, we're gonna go over here for the villager, when it hits nighttime and they're afraid of a zombie, they can actually go faster than the player's sprint speed. - Whoa. - Really? - [Skip] Look at that villager go. Look at him go. - [Skip] The glow squid actually has a baby variant in that version of the game. (JayMoji sighs) - But there's no way to currently breed the squids or the glow squids. So there's just a 5% chance of having this happen naturally in the wild. So the tropical fish, it normally seems like there's only 22 named variations of them, but actually there are 2700 that naturally occur. - That's a lot. - Really? - If you're the one to find them, good luck. I haven't seen anyone get all 2700 yet. - [Failboat] Dude, I think that's the plot of "Finding Nemo." - [JayMoji] (laughing) I think it is. - [Skip] When we had the official Minecraft demo that came out on PC Gamer's website, the cows in that demo were branded with a PCG on their side. (Failboat laughs) If we have two tadpoles here, you'll notice that the axolotl will actively hunt them down as tadpoles, but as soon as they turn into frogs, then it doesn't care. The squids are pretty dumb. Turns out that they're so dumb, that even if you were to give them the fire resistance, they still can't swim in lava. - Wow. - They just fall down to the bottom. And it suffocates 'cause it's not in water. - [JayMoji] It's not water. Idiot can't even breathe lava. - [Skip] So if you summon a max strength Llama, the wolf will actually start to run away from it. - Whoa, that's crazy. - What? - [Skip] But if we tame the wolf. Oh first try, come on. - First try. - [Skip] Then it doesn't worry about it. We've got the trader Llama, which is oddly enough its own mob separate from the regular Llama. Now these have their own unique carpet design. But if you want one, you breed together two trader Llamas (JayMoji gasps) and you get this little guy. - He's so cute. - This is the best. - [Skip] We actually have number 59, the Snow Golem. Or, should I say the snowmen as they were originally called, and when Notch showed them off they had that name, but then a fan suggested that it would be better if it was called a Snow Golem Though if you shear a Snow Golem, you can still get the snowman version. Similar to real life, you can't breed a mule with another mule, but instead the only way to get a mule is to cross breed a horse and a donkey. The original rabbit was larger than the one that we currently have in the game. But in Bedrock, you can still summon this by using the larger rabbit tag. As well as a larger rabbit, we also have the unofficial 12th variant of the cat. It is the gray tabby. Puffer fish's poison does not damage the undead, and we'll see that with a bucket of puffer fish right here and a zombie. It takes damage from it, (Failboat laughs) but obviously it didn't get poisoned. When they were originally first shown off, the Vindicator had the same green eyes as the Evoker, though they later got changed to a blue eye texture. - Oh yeah. - Ooh. - [Skip] Back in the day when they were first added in, the Zombie Villager actually wore the same clothing as the original zombie. Skeletons cannot see the player through transparent blocks. So if I'm standing here, the skeleton sees me, - Oh. - but I go over to the glass, and he doesn't see me anymore. Dr. Zhark is credited as the creator of the horses, as well as the zombie horse. - Oh yeah. Mo' Creatures, oh my God, it's been a minute. - [Skip] If the Shulker is given the invisibility effect, only its shell will turn invisible. - [Failboat] Oh, oh where'd you guys go? - [JayMoji] He's just a little guy. (laughs) - [Skip] So next we've got number 69. - Yeah! - Which is the wolf. When they were first shown off, they were a lot darker and they only lasted around for a few days before they got the new textures. So Axolotls are small salamanders that are native to Mexico. There's only about 1400 to 1600 of them left in the wild, and that is also the reason why when you get the super rare blue Axolotl, there's a one out of 1400 chance that you'll get it. We're going from these small salamanders to a big zombie. - [Failboat] Whoa. - [Skip] It used to be able to spawn in the game, but it was removed because they were quote, "Too overpowered." They actually had a hundred points of health and could deal 75 points of damage. And to put that into perspective, the warden does 45. - [Failboat] Oh my God. - [JayMoji] It's awesome. - [Skip] Now the word allay, means to relieve or alleviate, which contrast the word Vex, which means to anger or worry. - Oh. - Oh, that's cool. - [JayMoji] Vocab class. - [Skip] If you have a guardian that's summoned on slime blocks, it'll jump up to an altitude of 17 blocks. - [JayMoji] Oh my God, look at 'em go. Look at 'em go dude. - Oh my God. - [Skip] According to the official Minecraft article, it says that Blazes are sentient beings made out of pure lava. These were originally created by the original inhabitants of the nether fortresses, and they served as some kind of peaceful guard. - [JayMoji] Peaceful guard? - [Skip] But that didn't work out so well. - [JayMoji] Oh my God. Okay, run. Just run. Just be fast. - Understood. - Just go fast. - If the Killer Bunny cannot find a player, it'll actively hunt foxes or wolves. - Whoa. - What? The Fox is fighting back. - I think he's gonna win. (all groaning) - [JayMoji] What is that? (JayMoji groans) (Failboat groans) (Skip laughs) - [Skip] Well, we'll check that out after we do the Hoglin. Baby Piglins can actually ride nearby baby Hoglins. But if there's more Piglins than Hoglins, they will actually all just start to stack on top of each other. - [JayMoji] What? (Failboat laughs) What? - Uh-oh, uh-oh. - [Skip] When the Strider was first added in, it used to look like a pill bug. - [JayMoji] That's disgusting, I hate it. Much more handsome. Look at this guy. (laughs) - Yeah. - [Skip] Now you guys have probably noticed we haven't brought up a certain boss yet. Let's check out number 78, the Ender Dragon. - Ooh. - Ooh. - Here we go. - But if you summon a Wither to battle the Ender Dragon, it's not capable of doing any damage to it. It'll chase after it, but none of it's heads are able to connect because the Ender Dragon's too fast. - [JayMoji] Oh, he's just making him dizzy. - [Skip] We've still got one last horrific experience, the Slime. - Slime? - [Skip] The size of a slime can be changed with the size NBT tag. And at a size of 255. - Oh my God! - Oh! - [Skip] It reaches 64 blocks tall. - [JayMoji] Help us please. (Failboat laughs) There's so many. - [Failboat] Another. - [JayMoji] No. (beep) - [Skip] And with that folks, YouTube thinks that you might like this video. So see if they're right, and have a good one, all right?
Channel: Skip the Tutorial
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Id: 1C0UiwHWWmk
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Length: 14min 20sec (860 seconds)
Published: Sun Aug 07 2022
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