4 Levels of Grilled Cheese: Amateur to Food Scientist | Epicurious

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hi I'm Bianca and I'm a level one chef I'm Daniel I'm a level two chef hi I'm Remy and I've been a chef for more than 15 years my favorite thing about this recipe are the onion it gives it flavor and also a little bit of a crunch maybe it's just me but I like to add a little fruit to my grilled cheese kind of cuts off the savory adds a little sweetness and I have a sweet tooth like nobody's business so this works for me I'm going to be making a grilled cheese sandwich that we find many cafes in Paris this is the perfect mix between crispy bread and melted cheese first up the bread I like to start with a nice country loaf it is Hardy and it really adds some nice texture it makes it more a whole sandwich so I like the wheat bread of a white bread because I'm trying to be health-conscious the ground I'll be using is its beautiful homemade sabado the sourness of the dough will work very well with the richness of the cheese for cheese I like to use American and cheddar cheddar and gives it a bit of a more cheesy stretch to it and you know you can't really go wrong with American that's the way to go I have three different cheeses got a white cheddar a Gruyere and a yellow sharp cheddar the Gruyere is like a Swiss but it's a little bit on the sweet side and the sharp cheddar adds a nice little bit of punch we'll use two cheeses for this recipe we were using a mantle on and some Parmesan cheese Emmentaler will be the Burke of the sandwich we will slice it it will melt with the heat and the Parmesan cheese will just bring a little bit of saltiness I don't like the packaged slices doesn't look good doesn't taste good it feels artificial and fake I don't mind using the American singles because it's easy I'm going to be putting some portrait or color into my sandwich I'll also be making a béchamel sauce it's a traditional French milk and cheese sauce I'll be making my Norfolk today first I'm going to melt some baronetage oven and bring my burner on medium heat I don't want to end my mom would put onions in everything so she said hey why not put it in a grilled cheese - I like to add a little fruit to my sandwiches to add some sweetness and today I'm using blackberries I cut them in half just to increase the surface area I think the more sugar and coating and juice that gets into everything ultimately enhances the flavor of the entire dish I whisk in some all-purpose flour the flour is going to thicken the sauce put a pinch of salt I gently put some warm a little bit at the time until all the milk is incorporated medium add some olive oil so my onions are chopped time to fry it up so maybe we cook them for about maybe two minutes or so we don't want to overcook them you still want a bit of a crunch so when I reached the consistency I want I've read the whole thing to a boil making sure it doesn't scorch the whole thing has come to a boil I can tie it off and now between my freshly ground peppercorn some fresh nutmeg members and cheese in my mouth and I can whiz the whole thing so that she's got melt no my bechamel sauce is done I'm gonna macerate the blackberries and it takes some sugar I'm sort of generously coat the berries toss them a little bit so when you're done you kind of have this little coating over all the berries they look a little wet and you can set these aside for about fifteen to thirty minutes nobody good to go so these look about ready so I'm gonna turn it off they're nice and brown can't wait to eat them all right I'm ready to build this sandwich first the bread I'm going in the widest part of the roof so I can have a big sandwich I like to choose from the middle because you know we want to stay as far from what is this part of the bread cards blood end which is very tiny and I want to eat a good nice size sandwich that only the middle slices can provide me the middle is with that I like to keep about a half inch like something like this on my top layer I'm going to poke the little hole in that hole I will pull an egg yolk later on no honor the cheese I like the coat that she's thin just because if you have to think of a cut it's not gonna melt all the way through and we have three different kinds of cheeses so I want to make sure that they're all melting properly so I like to start off with American slice cheese so I have my cheese I have my bread now for the secret ingredient to nice golden bread is mayonnaise it spreads a lot easier than butter and it actually is a higher smoking point so you get a nice crispy brown bread as opposed to a burnt toast yes so mayonnaise might sound a little weird to some people because it's mayonnaise but if you give it a try trust me it'll it'll taste phenomenal okay to assemble the sandwich I'm going to start with a slice of cheese and a slice of ham I want to put cheese close to the outside layer so it gets closer to the heat and that's quicker so I won't piece of bread the mayo side is gonna be face down that's what's gonna cook and brown the bread so I like to put layers of cheese layers Ilias or keys so this is the first they're followed by the will finish with the sharp cheddar so I start by putting my slices I don't anything over the edges because it's really about the center that counts I got all my cheese down time to add onion yeah just scrape them on I'm going to be putting some portrait or color into my sandwich the prosciutto should because I think it brings out more flavor now I'm gonna take the macerated blackberries and that is going to go on top so let's and now I take my room-temperature butter and I spread it I like it better it brings a ton of flavors it doesn't fight with the other flavors of the sandwich and since I'm going to see the sandwich on both sides I also spread butter on the other side now for this grouchy Ziggy grilled I am going to heat up a customer skillet I like to use cast iron because it looks nice I like using a nonstick pan I don't really know if the flavor is any different with a nonstick pan but I know that the cleanup is much easier we're gonna add some butter and we're gonna move the butter around because it looks good so I am looking for the butter to bubble but not turn brown if it turns brown then your pan is too hot you don't want to go too low just injury become soggy so first you take your loaded end you put that mayo side down I start searing my sandwich hole site it down and the top slice also Mayo side down on the other side I guess now we just wait until I start sizzling [Music] I had that little searing noise this is good stuff dystocia is ready when it's nice and golden-brown on horse sights this side is starting to brown a little bit so I'm going to take the side that has no toppings on it and I'm gonna flip it over the top here oh so you want to cook like I would say four to five minutes per side so I usually like to cook one side for about one to two minutes cheese is not really melting the whole is looking good I can say that my cheese is melting the whole thing is getting warm on the inside the bread is crispy I can check the other side waiting for the sandwich to be done is always the hardest part salivating it smells so good both sides of them I will be spreading my bechamel making sure I don't put anything on top of the hole now I'm going to put this whole thing under the broiler the cheese is draping over the sides here now hopefully the cheese melts that's also my signature just come out of the broiler just she's his perfect melted another final touch I will put my yolk on top and go to the broiler just to warm enough that my friends [Music] take the sandwich from the pan way back from the broiler the egg yolk is warm but still runny we are ready to slice it [Music] I like to cut diagonally I mean what's better on the plate you could shove the corners in your mouth like an animal and this is my grilled cheese sandwich this is my grilled cheese sandwich this is my grilled cheese sandwich bread the cheese the eggs perfect it's just my wine this is this is a really key signature when making grilled cheese there's a wide array of breads cheeses and extras you can use let's talk about the bread the anchor usually store-bought whole-wheat bread you know trying to be fake healthy Daniel use a rustic peasant flow and Remy use a sourdough break the sourness of the dough will work very well with the richness of the cheese Bianca's store-bought whole-wheat bread is made of commercial yeast and other additives like molasses or honey ascorbic acid amylase protease and mono diglycerides and that's what's important these additives have anti stealing properties and contributes the volume and slice ability of the Finnish bread so Daniel chose a rustic peasant loaf which is considered artisan bread this looks great and it tastes even better artisan breads have four basic ingredients that's a flour water salt and yeast Remy's sourdough is made of an Lagaan preformance of flour and water and a pinch of yeast the yeast produces carbon dioxide which through fermentation leavens the dough while bacteria produces lactic acid that contributes to its signature tangy sour flavor the sourness of the dough will work very well with the richness of the cheese bianca use a combination of american and cheddar cheese cheddar cheese is relatively hot and has more flavor than american depending on the aging process I love cheddar cheese smells so good American is a smooth and creamy processed cheese mild and salty and flavor with a medium firm consistency and you know you can't really go wrong with American Daniel use griot cheese and whites and yellow cheddar cheeses variety is the spice of life Korea is a hard yellow cheese that is earthy creamy and nutty becoming more assertive in flavor as it ages these cheeses combined presents a rich creamy buttery flavor profile helps with the blackberries Remy use em in tall and promising cheese's in his sandwich Emmental is one of the best melting cheese's Parmesan is made from unpasteurized cosmo and has a gritty texture that is fruity and not taste and the Parmesan cheese will just bring a little bit of saltiness Bianca sauteed onions to add to her sandwich I love love onions Jen sauteing the reaction and breakdown of sugar molecules in the onions cause them to caramelize developing a sweet flavor that complemented the cheeses daniel chose to include macerated blackberries i know some people do apples or pears slices the sugar extracted water from the blackberries softening their fibers and bringing out the sweetness Remy added prosciutto passional sauce and an egg yolk to his dish bechamel sauce is a combination of equal parts of fat and flour blended together to form a roof a lot of time is using pasta dishes the addition of an egg yolk and Remy sandwich gave you the rich flavor any layer of velvety texture Bianca using a nonstick frying pan Daniel and Remy used a cast-iron skillet I like using cast iron it's convenient it's pretty as a very good hitter attention and Remy finished off her sandwich under a broiler frying pans can heat up extremely fast due to a reduced thickness and shallow design since Bianca cooked has sandwich on high heat her bread became fully toasted before the heat was able to completely melt or cheese cast iron skillets having high volumetric heat capacity meaning once heated they stay hot they also expel a lot of heat energy from their surface therefore food cook evenly and can create a good all-around sear Bianca added butter to help Anne creating a surface area of creamy brown battery notes he did it for too long can burn the butter and make it accurate in taste butter can also unfortunately needs of oily sandwiches Daniel smeared mayonnaise on his breath before adding it to a heated skillet really honest there's personal preference the addition of mayonnaise does not leave the bread oily on the surface it creates a barrier allowing for a more even heat penetration any better handheld sandwich when making grilled cheese their countless ingredients you can use to make a delicious sandwich just make sure you're taking your cooking medium and let us into consideration go me just job down the back mmm
Channel: Epicurious
Views: 5,925,636
Rating: 4.8313489 out of 5
Keywords: 4 levels, 4 levels epicurious, grilled cheese, chefs, amateur chef, how to make grilled cheese, expert grilled cheese, make grilled cheese, perfect grilled cheese, grilled cheese sandwich, grill cheese, grill cheese sandwich, grilled cheese steps, gourmet grilled cheese, basic grilled cheese, cheese sandwich, sandwich tutorial, grilled cheese tips, grilled cheese competition, grilled cheese test, grilled cheese toastie, cheese toastie, expert cheese toastie, epicurious
Id: wDw3gqHMTHQ
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 13min 32sec (812 seconds)
Published: Fri Oct 25 2019
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