75. The D.E.N.N.I.S. System (with special guest, Jill Latiano Howerton!) | The Always Sunny Podcast

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foreign [Music] foreign [Music] foreign [Music] thank you [Music] foreign [Music] [Music] foreign [Music] all right High gel do the hugs fit how are you I'm good okay oh already 30 minutes ago already neglecting her by not even standing up to hug your life [Applause] by the way by the way just so you know just so you're aware okay this this is all this is all part of the show so you're the show's happening right now yeah I know okay I don't know I walked in everyone's like I was like oh they're like starting oh well no we weren't we were talking about schedule and stuff that's not going wow you never know when I start the podcast I'll probably start when Charlie was playing this morning when I walked in cool shirt Jill thanks Glenn Floyd now between the two of you the amount of band shirts that you own oh yeah now do you guys do you buy them off people on the side of the highway uh or do you yeah is it online it's not hard to find band shirts I think this might be my only van shirt right no you've got oh I have always show you one okay yeah nice do you have as many opinions on t-shirts as Glenn does and the arms and how long as I don't have as many opinions as one in general yeah that would be quite a feat an opinionated man any household can only have so many opinions and I imagine you gobble up most yeah oh wow I gobble up most of the opinion time let's give our our listeners and uh our creeps a a proper introduction of Jill um uh should we talk about your cat your character first uh the fact that you're married Where Do We Begin well first of all I just want to say I think it's like I mean you know the creeps and the listeners they they've seen a lot of Mary Elizabeth and and Caitlin uh as actors but also they've seen them on the podcast they they have some idea of how we interact with Caitlyn and Mary Elizabeth I don't think anybody really has any idea how we interact with Jill latiano Howard it's true yes this is going to be more you know mystery life but I will say Glenn has brought you up a lot in the most glowing and loving terms so the rest of it we cut out yeah [Laughter] um but we're also talking about the Dennis system yeah we're really happy to have you join us for this episode The Dennis system which is a fan favorite and you play such a crucial part in it yeah it's funny we laugh all the time because we cannot post a photo of ourselves without all of the comments or 99 of the comments just really works you forgot to separate entirely we got to separate entirely it's like hey guys okay so if any of you are the ones that making that making those comments any creeps and listeners that are listening right now I I get it I totally get we get it we get it we get it I understand why you're doing it but stop only but not because not because we're offended by it or anything like that just stop because it's like getting old you know what I mean it's like we get it we get it you did it you can't make the same joke and do they not see how many other people are making the same joke yeah a lot of like oh look I guess uh the waitress is uh letting you hang around this week or whatever yeah yeah yeah you get that too yeah separated entirely from our characters please yes I mean it's been cool yeah just go back to commenting on Glenn's bleary red eyes Okay so it was seasoned oh yes okay so thanks Charlie thank you let's give us some structure uh the dentist system is season five episode ten it aired on November 19 2009 and I've written down here that I believe you two were married on September 8 2009 so this was shot before or after you got it was shot before we got married and we got married on September 5th I don't know where oh sorry the internet Wikipedia it just doesn't September 5th September 5th um so you weren't married yet no we were engaged it could have gone wrong it could have been like so it could have gotten out yeah you know I've worked with you on set and just I see now I see now the man that you really are and I don't think I like it now we had Martin Roselle in the podcast and we were talking about the Dennis system which was they penned that they wrote it with David Hornsby Hornsby and it was directed by Randall Einhorn we'll have one at some point [Music] um now Recollections of things you're special you can't remember the words for how to remember things uh were you do you remember reading the script for the first time or did Glenn kind of pitch it to you and say hey Glenn probably pitched it to me I don't remember I don't remember reading it for the first time I don't if I'm being honest is Jill close enough to the mic guys yeah I believe so I'd be told oh testing testing one two three Rob likes to suck on it fully in his mouth this one um we have to change your mouth though so that's probably clean yeah great is that better yeah all good um where were we uh I don't remember reading the script for the first time I don't I remember like my general recollection well I just remember thinking it's hilarious and insane and you know and that it was gonna be super fun to work together well we caught and we caught Jill at a time where she was still acting yes Jill is no longer acting retired she retired from producing quite a bit though yes producing a lot of great documentaries yeah films yeah the episode I mean Glenn and I watched it last night I was just like oh my God this is so [ __ ] up have you had you not watched it since it aired I don't think so no maybe like maybe I caught it once or two I don't know but not like fully sat down to watch it you know I don't know I don't love watching myself I don't know some people are like that it's kind of weird and so I think I think most people yeah an uncomfortable Factor there yeah but when we watched it I was just like oh my god well she first of all she was like we look so young I did yeah you also put like a dreamy filter on this sort of flash but it felt like when you did the moments there was like a little bit of like a yeah maybe maybe yeah it was fun you look awfully young sitting here in front of me now so thanks Megan yeah it's been about 14 years I think uh it has been 14 years it has been almost 14 years yes we did that almost exactly 14 years since we shouldn't that crazy yeah that's depressing but I mean it's funny but it's just so crazy I and I it made me remember that at that time like when I was when we were just dating before married and people you know the show was still young at that point and and they'd say oh what does your boyfriend do and I'm like oh he's an actor oh is he on anything I would know I don't know do you know the show It's Always Sunny in Philadelphia like yeah oh yeah which one is he and I'm like I'm like he's I feel like he's the uh psychopath vain [ __ ] but I swear he's not like that in real life you know because he does it so well that I felt like I'd have to explain like I promise you he's just a really good actor that's not who he is but there have to be people out there that wonder why such a wonderful person as yourself would be married to such a horrible man not not being able to fully separate themselves from my character out of the fact that I could be I could be a different person you know or or that that I could present in public as a different person than than my character but there's got to be deep down like is he the guy you know what I mean but like I don't I mean we we couldn't have been together for that long if I was anywhere anything system is so strong yeah that's what I've always thought about like self-help books when it comes to dating is that a lot of them I feel like especially geared towards women give you a sort of like I remember I once got this one called why men love [ __ ] I heard some cackles wow um but it was all about how you need to like treat him badly at the beginning so that he'll like chase you but my thought is always okay so let's say that this system is like effective at what point do you rip off the mask and go actually it's me I'm really clingy independent yeah stitches you get that dissolve into the skin all right so maybe that was what happened so slowly that you did imperceptibly you didn't notice Yeah Yeah by that time it was too late I don't really remember that episode getting pitched I guess we were talking about those books those systems for picking up women yeah I have a memory of writing out the uh us writing out the dentist system uh on the board in the offices where we were writing season four yes I feel like I can I can read the letters on the board and trying to come up with I remember being in that space that we were in in season four when when that acronym when we first came up with the acronym and what it all meant but I don't remember why we weren't able to come well maybe we just didn't have a story for it yet right yeah we knew okay this is a funny concept sometimes that's how it goes we didn't have one of the right actress you guys weren't even engaged You're simply dating we didn't know if it was gonna last we were engaged we got we were engaged for a year and a half wow yeah what was the hesitation there wasn't you know what it was it was Caitlyn and Rob were getting married that year like and with four other friends of ourselves so many other friends getting married we're like we gotta wait until the next year and then I liked the weather in September and so we're like we didn't want to we knew our we knew our wedding was going to be absolutely amazing and we just didn't want to you know it was a good time for me because I would really cut loose at those weddings you know foreign but yeah so I I do remember I was coming and then I guess we finally came up with what the whole story was uh when we were breaking season five which was at Fox because season four oh we were we were in Culver City that's that's crazy yeah my whole visual image of the writing of that episode is is in the Culver City offices so interesting right yeah okay so you do so you do remember yes in the Culver City offices yes yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah isn't it funny how like that's how I remember things by the space we were in totally no I mean I mean it totally makes sense yeah yeah which is why like five through 10 are such a blur because we were in that those Fox offices forever yeah yeah does that does become a little bit of a blur five less so because it was our first year there so like this season in particular like really sticks in my memory because it was the first year we were at on the fox lot and I remember and and who pooped the bed that that's from this season right no that was for last well that was four that was four oh that's so weird because my memory of you writing all that stuff out on the board that's in those color city offices that wasn't the Columbia City offices all right so anyway back to you Jill what else when did you guys meat how did this happen I remember hanging around the Venice house that Robin Glenn lived at yes and every now and then they would have a party and I remember you were in the mix that's where we met wait was Charlie at that party I think he was I think he might have been well I don't know because I didn't know you yet that's why it's not that you're not memorable or maybe you remember someone else there was a lot of people there well the gravity of Glenn was so strong that you you only had eyes for him plus I was taken so much so we have uh we had a mutual friend we have a mutual friend yada Martinez um who Glenn went to college with and who I became like quick friends with when I moved to LA and she brought me to their house party I don't know if you want to say the beginnings of that Glenn kind of asked you want to tell your part well yeah I've been single at that point and uh for I don't know maybe two and a half three years or something like that and uh Jana and I were good friends and I was like hey you know you got any got any cute friends you want to invite over here to anybody you think I would like you know because we knew each other pretty well and she knew I guess but maybe what I would what I was into as far as like what I was looking for um and uh she was like you know it's funny you bring that up there is this one person and then she described to me the per she was and I was like oh tell me and what's her name I did not sound good on paper her name's Jill and and to me well in some ways you sound amazing they sound yeah but then in other ways I was like and she was like she'll get it when he said she was like her name's her name's Jill strike one yeah uh well my name's Glenn and Jill she needs to have a cooler name to balance yeah uh but uh no and she was like she was like she's a she's she just moved here from New York um she's a model uh she's a dancer you know and now she's acting as well yeah you know what I mean and I was like and I was like three things where I'm like okay so she's she's probably the track physically attractive but like is she gonna be yeah she did actually she did DJ she did it assistant okay yeah yeah yeah but yeah on paper I get out kind of like douchey I could have sounded or well I was just I was just like or there's preconceived notions of girls that you know are in those businesses sometimes but I knew that because you were friends with yada and how much I liked yada and I trusted yada's taste in human beings and I was like okay well she was shot pretty decent now wait sorry do you get Glenn's breakdown were you also aware that the setup was happening yes how was he pitched to you he was pitched to me you know what happened is I think we were in the car with another friend and they were talking about the show and it was only season two so I hadn't heard of the show yet okay and yeah it'd only been I don't even know if season two had aired maybe it had uh it had okay but still very early and and they're talking about the show and talking about the guys on the show and then they were talking about Glenn like oh he's cute and this and I was like what is a show who is this person you know and I unlike Glenn had just got out of like a five-year relationship so I was kind of like ready to have fun and not looking for something super serious but also I was single I just moved to LA you know so um she told me about him I probably looked him up you know and I'm like okay all right let's meet this guy yeah so on paper I might not have looked that good either then I mean no you looked good you looked like a successful like successful actor yeah he was amazing a pretty big house he was a it was a three-story no you're You're missing two stories it was it was no no one story but you had a big room it was a big room it was an apartment but it was a big apartment and it was on the top floor of like a very of like a two-story building or whatever or three-story so you and Rob had the top floor of that of that we had yeah and jacuzzi on the roof with the jacuzzi on the roof it was pretty Bachelor patties yeah you got taken back to that apartment with a jacuzzi on the roof and you were like well you were I guess you were in the place you're like well this isn't going to be a long-term thing like jacuzzi on the roof is not right you know like wow we craned it onto the roof if anyone's interested we literally had to get a crane yeah you were like mac and Dennis creating a hot tub onto first of all first of all picture Rob and I hot tub shopping today the first step was going to the hot tub place on Sepulveda and and and and looking and looking at various models and discussing the pros and cons of the different shapes and yeah it's gonna sit where and uh gloves one pack right now if we have a quick midlife crisis let's get an apartment be a lot sadder now [Laughter] um we've been going into to soak the things that hurt you know right it was just different motivation being on that room yeah yeah Rob's in a nice bath you'd have to have a nice bed about that Jacuzzi with ice okay so okay so we met at the house party you made it the house party and got past the whole jacuzzi on the roof thing got past that we talked about lots of interesting things yeah yeah we had some we had we bonded over the fact that Glenn had two cats I don't know if everyone knows this when we met he had two cats I grew up with cats I liked cats and I had zero cats at the time I had zero cats as a single woman in my mid-20s good for you but I I did I think what what we first started talking talking was I heard him the cats one of the cat's names was bean and my nickname my friends called me Bean like Jilly Bean like and bean for short so he's like bean bean you know and I'm like what and then I see he's talking to the cat and I was like and I think I said like I thought you were talking to me because my friends call me Julie Bean or Bean yeah and then we started talking and he's like oh I have another cat he had another cat in the other room he showed me his other cat Okay so he demonstrated talking about value with this cat and his rooftop Deku yes yes okay I showed her that I was in touch with my feminine side yes I think he rented those cats and then he was stuck into keeping them because it worked right you know no the funny thing is like like on the surface very like maybe to be considered like not that cool to be like a single dude with with two cats you know what I mean but the way but I to my mind and by the way I was like I wasn't single when I got the cats with an ex-girlfriend and then we broke up and I kept the cats and she left um but so so I ended up a single guy with two cats but I I decided at a certain point I was like I'm gonna own this like I'm gonna fully fully own this and and embrace the fact that that I'm a single dude with two cats you know what I mean I I think uh you're demonstrating your feminine size yeah with your mask on the side it's a good move so okay what's the next step e engage physically yeah everybody you may have he started we're gonna discover this and then I'm gonna yeah let's see let's find out um so I didn't demonstrate my value though that first night with my hot tub but in the episode Dennis doesn't even take Kaylee on a date no so you dated at least we dated you had some days we went on a first date something very shady happened on our on our first date um oh the money we were talking on the phone I have no money I've been to a lot of jacuzzi death pray for this sushi but no I think what happened is I told when we met and you asked me out and I said oh I'm going to Vegas that the next weekend for a friend's bachelorette party yes so let's hang out when I get back and he says I said when I said I said all right tell you what when you get to Vegas first thing you're going to do is walk in the casino put a hundred dollars on black right and if it pays I'll take 100 and you take you take a hundred right but if if you lose I'll pay you back a hundred dollars right I was like so so you're you're right okay so I was like so you're at no risk I like it you know um and then and she lost and so on our first date the first thing I did so I walk up at the sushi restaurant he's at the booth and he hands me a hundred dollars looks real good yeah it looks real good and they were laughing about it yeah exactly yeah meanwhile yeah yeah I was like that looks real bad thank you can I get a v can I get a u can I get a o r i that's right it's a fiori oh hey back to sponsor the Pod I love it yeah I love my viewers yeah we love it viori is a new perspective on performance apparel all of their core shorts Sunday joggers and activewear are designed to work out in but don't look or feel like it wait wait wait wait wait wait does that mean that they don't look or feel like workout clothes because uh I do want my workout clothes to feel like workout clothes you know what I mean yeah but what mag is I think actually saying is that you don't normally want to wear your gym clothes out casually because 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your parents or your parents come up to meet and meet him and no no it was my sister's birthday yeah my sister was living in Orange County at the time and she had a big it might have been her I don't know how old were we I mean it was our 30th or 30th yeah her 30th and I brought him to that and what did they think had they seen the show were they like okay I don't think they'd seen the show her dad okay so her sense of humor comes from her dad yeah all right so I just I okay so I go to this thing and I go to this this party which is basically just a family party yeah me like a handful of my sister's friends and like a family yeah that was it um but like I got along with all of them instantly um especially her dad who he and I just are like we were so we have the same sense of humor where the like we just got along like super super well and um we were at the bar we were gonna get like a beer or something like that and I was like hey you want to do a tequila shot to her dad yeah yeah yeah yeah and he was like yeah let's do it you know so we did it tequila shop and then and then and then like maybe 15 minutes after that he busted out the karaoke machine and was like we're gonna do karaoke and I was like oh [ __ ] this family gets crazy okay so a couple people got up did some karaoke I'm sitting next to her dad on the couch okay this is a true story yeah I'm sitting next to her dad on the couch and his song came up his turn came up right the song Started he's like he's like and he turns me and he's like oh it's it's my turn I'm gonna go I'm like oh yeah yeah go go and he literally gets up and as he's getting up he farts on me audibly like super loud and totally on purpose like it wasn't it didn't squeak out no just as he's lifting he was like just like fully farts on me oh my God and I was like that is the funniest [ __ ] thing like I've just met this guy so wow and he just territorial in a way this is the father this is the man who raised her yeah and he would do things like that he would just he's a car salesman right yeah and he was like the life of the party's a great athlete he's an awesome golfer we would often talk golf is amazing yeah and uh and you you sense that had his life taken him that direction he would have loved to have been a performer totally right like he's super charismatic like walked in a room and just like radiated you know and you're like like a big kind of strong Connery kind of energy you know um yeah but yeah that's his sense of humor but then like interesting to get farted on like intentional I couldn't believe it I don't know how I would I like it like yeah remember you're beneath me yeah yeah yeah yeah remember don't forget I might be having fun with the undoing shots but don't forget your place yeah yeah yeah I don't know I know he was like a it's like a frat boy trapped in an adult man's body you know yeah that was his sense of humor I mean he did that to me in high school I told I told our son miles story recently because whatever but I I he one time the phone rang oh I was telling miles how like back in the day when you called someone's house like you had to like talk to their parents and be like I'm gonna talk himself you know um and he's like that's awkward I'm like yeah I want to hear awkward my dad answered the phone once he's like hello the person was like is Jill there and he's like yeah hold on a second and put the phone to his ass and farted in it and it was my boyfriend [Applause] so this was like a move he did I guess he thought it was hilarious to make these things and they stick around there's a good man if they think this is funny then they're a keeper I don't know well so if they're offended by my casual flatulence uh you know they're not gonna make it like but if I can blast ass all over this guy he's cool anyway but the thing is is like you know there's some people who can get away with certain jokes and there are other people who can't like if you don't know Bob latiano you don't you don't you you don't know if he's the kind of person who can get away with something like that who coming from another person it would have been just disgusting disrespectful strange and awkward but coming from him just I mean I just knew I felt like I knew him almost instantly he just had that personality you just like and and he could just he was the type of person who could get away with something like that and it was genuinely funny thing too with men who've had raised two daughters right who suddenly you know there's this man in in the life to be like ah like it's kind of like enjoying the guy energy of it yeah I have this a little bit with you know Mary Elizabeth's father where I think they like you know they didn't have a son but and he didn't have a brother he was an only child you know he's like a sports guy he's just like he was very sporty and jocular yes exactly and I think he he just enjoyed that sense of humor and he was silly but when things like that happen you suddenly have permission to just be fully yourself in a weird way yeah you're like oh this okay you can let it all hang out with these people like that's a good feeling to feel like you can be your authentic self and that you're not going to be misunderstood you can you can let your full sense of humor your You Can Let your freak flag fly you can find your inner mantis toboggan and just and just kind of go for it I mean let's talk about that let's talk about Dr mantis toboggan um which is such a big part of what happened without a doubt Rob martyr and Roselle uh name There's Something About the Name mantis that I remember Roselle I think was had latched on to that as as a word so did you think of the full the full name mantis toboggan and then you went back and inserted it into the dialogue because because Max says he you should see him Feast he's like right and then he's like I liked that and so then he takes that as the name so I wondered if that was done organically in the script writing or if it was thought of at the end like we want him to be this guy named mantis toboggan so you can't remember that I think it was I think the name came first honestly yeah and then I think it was a way to organically have him you know realize anything although it occurred to me I was like so he's been signing scripts just as Dr toboggan and he he hadn't created a first name for his doctor character yet until that moment yeah and in that moment he realized like that's the first name I've been searching for yes yeah video because I remember bitching pitching like video hey Danny will you say Dr deboggan and then remember your first name's mantis mantis yeah and he did it in such a funny way take it from me I am a doctor doctor toboggan mantis toboggan [Music] but that mantis discussion is very close to my favorite line of the episode which is Danny saying I got my Magnum condoms I got my wad of hundreds I'm ready to plow yeah I'm not realizing until this moment right now that I forgot to re-watch the episode oh you did I forgot you forgot to watch it I forg just it skipped my mind but I'm excited because now I get to I get to go back and watch it I completely forgot about your storyline what is it what is my story you're trying to Dennis the waitress yeah oh and I go over a master plumbing up yeah yeah yeah Brad Carter yeah yeah also an amazing musician he's a good actor there's a great there's a really crazy video of him getting like very serious brain surgery while he's playing the guitar what yes [Music] make sure they're not going near that's right that's exactly right yeah they'll have people play like the violin they're taking around to see if they can you know trigger any new skills right yeah right yeah if this guy handing them new instruments they start speaking Portuguese you know right we're doing something wrong I love this episode actually because you think it's going to be a very Denison trick episode and it kind of is but what I like about it is like your major want for the episode is that you want to be understood by the gang that your system works you don't even he's not his want his characters want isn't even to get the girl no he doesn't care about that at all the system works for the rest of you and then the the it just has a great Sunny um uh structure of that sending you all off into these like little story lines which are really fun to watch with like you know Frank and his Amanda toboggan and Mac trying to move it after Caitlyn getting all paranoid that her boyfriend is yeah I like turtles we convinced yes we convince her that Ben the soldier is denising her sitting in that hot car yeah it's just so sweet you're probably getting Dennis right now by that new boyfriend of yours and you don't even know what boyfriend she don't have a boyfriend and you know the online soldier that I met I went back together now what does that not doing a date you after what you put him through yeah maybe he does you but he wouldn't date you he's not denising me he's in the car right now I told him to wait for me [Music] [Applause] [Music] so wait is your guys been waiting out here the whole time in the hot sun yeah I just told him to wait for him and he kind of just does whatever I say it's pretty great why'd you tell him to do it with the windows I know the engines I didn't I didn't I just didn't tell him to do it with the windows down he's not you know the smartest it's like 100 degrees outside now I'm assuming that he has engaged you physically well I mean of course we've engaged physically look at that body it is stupid of course we've engaged over and over physically but that doesn't mean that he's pulling some sort of a system hey guys hey hey I didn't see you there are you almost done yeah yeah I just I got caught up in a story but I'll be done pretty soon oh oh okay do you want me to come in no no I don't no you just you just stay where you are and you know what I'll text you when I'm wrapping up and then you can crank the AC cool the car off for me sure thing okay see you fellas okay okay see you man D you're getting played you're getting played big time doing big time anything he's just I told him and then it does also have a great Sunny structure and then it just sort of ends like it kind of gets up to a point and then well you'll see this it just sort of no no I I recall I I think there might have been a couple lines past it that we just cut we we we leave it on um yeah am I gonna get a ride home so sometimes we you know we have those endings and they just they feel wooden or they feel like super scripty and so it's just better to find out depending on Gladys 100 years old when she shot this episode oh she's so wow I think the best version of finding an ending that wasn't in the script was um it's Seasons later but it's a water park episode where it ends with Max but on the on the thing we had a whole thing of us going back to the car oh yes and recall a conversation about it yeah like what went wrong and it just it just felt clunky when we got in the editing room and then just ending it on Rob he even kind of like looks in the camera a little bit yeah he basically looks right into the camera yeah it's actually perfect there's her in there one of my favorite moments is this is the first time we see Dennis's sort of flashback as Dennis is describing his system and for and the first time we see you yeah and uh and you get this sort of like flashback feeling to it where they're mouthing the words that they're saying but urinary getting it yeah and then you just look straight into the lens which I think is really really funny and kind of sets the tone for how like creepy this is what he's doing yeah I demonstrated my value to her by filling a prescription I told her it's for my grandmother she's quite ill thus demonstrating my value as a loving grandson and an all-around great guy I don't know about what the time frame was for when you started dating but do you I was we were talking about the other day the game the thing this this episode is based on do you remember ever feeling like you were the victim of like the game being done on you like the negging or any of that sort of do you remember that that were you dating then you said you were in a five-year relationship before yeah yeah yes yeah yeah she might have missed the game window man it was weird yeah yeah so you were saying you you experienced someone trying to the game you oh yeah I I experienced the peacocking I started seeing that and because this that was like in the book came out in 2005 and 2006 to 2009 I was in New York just like dating and just kidding in my early 20s and just yeah what was the peacocking like what like wearing weird things like you talked about your buddy like they talked about um having friends had wearing strange things like coming in with like a bird on the shoulder or something like like that but also just coming up and having pickup lines that are really random like how often do you wash your towel your bath towel or like just these weird things throwing people off balance right right like becoming becoming a person of interest by peacocking yeah and then having interactions with people where you throw them off balance and then they have they can't they don't have time to recalibrate before you've you've like you tell a woman oh I I really love those shoes you're wearing I think I saw another woman wearing them and so you're kind of complimenting her but also being like you're basic that's fantastic you're also a basic [ __ ] did you see um yeah you guys saw licorice pizza right like uh the character Bradley Cooper's playing is um the famous guy who's like a hairdresser turned movie producer who dated uh Barbra Streisand like anyway he had a pickup line that he you know Paul Thomas Sanderson had written the script and he'd asked him hey can I you know represent you in this film this is okay and he was like you know I wouldn't be yelling at the the girl from Haim I would be trying to sleep with her he's like oh that's much better and he's like hey can you get my pickup line in the movie he's like what's your pickup plan he's like I would just ask girls if they like peanut butter sandwiches and they would think that was a random question and they would laugh at it and then it would kick off a conversation more like an icebreaker I feel like good I like that so yeah you like peanut butter sandwich yeah yeah I mean that's that's it's got nothing to do with like hooking up with them yeah it's not gross or like how often do you wash your towels is creepy yeah that's really creepy yeah yeah but that is yeah you like peanut butter sandwiches is just perfectly normal yeah did you ever have pickup lines what do you think definitely not definitely not no Charlie was just waiting and waiting and waiting for her to make it very clear that she wanted him to approach him to start a conversation yeah uh and that was yeah I don't know I would not like I definitely would just it used my sense of humor right like if we're hanging out meet someone start joking around the way I'm always joking around and if they didn't like my jokes or understand what I was talking about adios you know yeah yeah that's pretty good so it's pretty clear indication this ain't gonna work attention New York City hello New York City talking to you hello are you there we have another exciting announcement the Always Sunny podcast is coming to you live for not one but two nights at where two Radio City Music Hall that's right Radio City Music here's the thing our October 12th show it's sold out you can't go you waited too long uh whatever 60 seconds it was in which it sold out and and now you need us to do a second night but guess what we are doing a second all right we'll do a second it turns out New York is a very big city and there are lots of people who'd like to come so we're gonna do that second night on on Friday October 13th pre-sale begins this Wednesday at 10 A.M Eastern with the code Sunny before the General on sale Friday at 10 A.M eastern time because you live in the East we also have a live show at TD Pavilion at the man in Philadelphia on Saturday September 23rd so if you can't get a New York City ticket maybe you get on a train you go see that's right but don't wait don't wait okay tickets and all info at the alwayssunnipod.com [Music] foreign [Applause] this episode like uh Max swimming in in your wake and then Frank swimming in his wake and how Frank says that one thing he wants to do is move up a rank so he wants he's trying to rise to get seconds and go in front of Mac he's doing The Bookworm routine with the with the reading glasses Outdoors at the fair which I thought was really a funny choice to be like oh smart people wear these but they're not recognizing that they're for reading and yeah it's very flipping the Magnum and monster in the end where he says I dropped my um I couldn't get it my monster condom which wasn't an accident I think we scripted it like that I can't remember if it or it was either I think he screwed it up in the rehearsal or something or is there something really yeah I think it was one of those like Danny accidents that were like yes that yeah that one in the same way that you know that one the guy in 100 baby said uh you know oh yeah don't get your panties of mistake perfect we're like that is so much funnier than don't get your panties in a wad yeah well also in this episode sorry uh the uh Charlie you know tries to Dennis the waitress and there's a great Charlie line that I love I'm a plumber you're a fair worker we go well together well together that's funny yeah yeah yeah yeah I think we laughed at that I feel like that was probably an improvised line I feel like that was one of those things where you guys are just playing on the day another we had a real speed pitch thing there oh yeah I remember like trying to like throw seeing how fast and like hurting my shoulder already back then oh and also just being bummed out at like how slow it was like I was like I have no I never had a strong arm but just be like oh man I'm like maxing out at like mid 50s it's terrible I really enjoyed that sequence too because Charlie is like what what is this and she just has to read off the board like the very big letters that says speed yeah where do I win she's like I think that was her improv yeah yeah pitch [Laughter] or improvised I love is Dennis coming up with how he's going to fix the plan with that classical music okay clearly none of you have any idea how to run my system God damn all right I'm gonna get everybody what they want including myself let me just think for a second let me let me just work something out here and then well what's he doing just shut up and let him work [Music] we're going to the fair that was an editing room Discovery I think that was something that I think that wasn't on the day thing I I think I just I thought like wouldn't it be funny to like you know have some sort of like orchestra playing in my head where I'm literally orchestrating a plan as an orchestra is playing and I I don't know I think you go through all of that and then you just say we're going to the fair which has already been put forward do you play it drier do we do music and then cut it out no we put his music yeah yeah okay yeah it's great did you have that in your mind when you were doing it that I don't because in some matches pretty well like what you were doing to that song so I don't know if they had to find a song to the match or yeah I think I did I think it just worked out somehow that's funny which is weird you'd be surprised like how often things fit you put it in just sometimes right it fits so good you're like oh perfect right right but yeah but it does end perfectly on that and I go like that well that wasn't editing it's crazy yeah I don't know if maybe maybe we could just put the timing yeah um how was it to act with one another have you done had you done that before or have you done it since uh in all in all those scenes you had together uh uh I don't think we have done it before or since I mean no we used to work on auditions with each other yeah but that's different no projects that we've worked on together no you've produced things that Glenn's been a part of but like uh yeah yeah I just recently yeah that's correct the the thief collector was a great documentary that she produced and Glenn is in some of the reenactments yeah he starts in our reenactments with a very fantastic mustache yes they're very kind of quirky stylized reenactments um that was just released last Friday yes yes Amazon iTunes Google Play can we talk a little bit about the transition that you made from being an actor to being a producer and yeah like how that happened and what kind of stuff you're working on right now yeah of course um yeah it's interesting I I was always kind of Performing I grew up dancing you know since I was three years old and that transition in my early 20s when I moved to New York I was a Nick City dancer for a short time and then I got into modeling from that and then I did that for a while and then I started doing commercials and I'm like oh acting's fun and so I transitioned into acting I talked about a commercial you did with Tom Brady is that right I did do a commercial I talked about in the podcast I'm not sure if it ever made it but I did and you can find that uh on YouTube I think it's out there as a Visa commercial with Tom Brady yeah we'll put it right here yeah are you guys can watch it watch right here yeah Tom we're figurative metaphors what we represent the five layers of Visa security to surround you in a pocket of protection hi there yeah so it you know it was evolving and kind of always trying to find the thing that was my thing you know and I enjoyed every piece of that Journey but even as an actor like I enjoyed it when I was doing it but anyone that acts and knows that it's a very or can be a very difficult Journey you know it's like a lot of waiting I felt like I was waiting for something because it's like you work and then the job's over and then you're auditioning auditioning and auditioning oh it's between you and one other girl oh you didn't get it it's like this roller coaster I think I tested I remember hearing you talk about this one so many times you tested like before Sunny oh my God I tested I remember seven times in one year for the leads and pilots and didn't get any of them and it was just like so rough you know and although I enjoyed it I'm like I just feel like I have more to give and I'm just like sitting here like I need to put this energy into something and so we Glenn and I enjoyed documentaries and we had reached out to a director of a doc that we saw that we really liked and I said look and I just started putting it out there I'm like if you need help with anything like this is an issue I really care about you know let me know and I started doing work with non-profit groups and environmental groups and um and that director who we reached out to she was doing this um these celebrity PSAs for prop 37 which was to get GMOs labeled this was back in 2012 and she calls me out of the blue and she goes hey you know I'm doing these PSAs and I was wondering you know I know you haven't produced before but I was wondering if you want to produce them for me and I think at the time she was asking because I had a lot of connections with actors that shoot you know like it would be easy to kind of like cast and get people in and I'm like oh okay I haven't done this before but sure and through that process I was like oh like this is my thing like I just enjoyed it so much like my natural skill set is that of a producer and so it doesn't feel like work to me and then couple it with an issue that I cared about it was like this is amazing and so my now producing partner Josh um he was also producing that those PSAs with me and he had started another project which is called GMO OMG which was a full feature doc about GMOs and he's like look it's just me and my best friend who is the director and we've shot it but we haven't edited it we need some new blood like I know you're new but I can tell like you're great at this would you want to come on and help finish this movie and I was like yes and so it just kind of took off from there and then Josh and I had such a good experience on that movie that we decided to start our company Roots Productions and it's just been growing from there it's amazing when you have that moment right the spark where you're like oh this fits this is right yeah I know you don't feel like you're pushing the boulder up a hill yeah I saw it it was really interesting to see happen too because I could see that she was searching for something like this that is like I have like she would say like I feel like I have so much more to give right um so much more to offer the world um and just couldn't quite figure out what that was and it wasn't until she got involved in GMO OMG that like I really saw like this I saw you light up yeah and I could see I was like oh okay this is yeah and I think because I'd always been in like the Performing Arts like I guess I never even considered it really but then once I got into that role I was like oh no this is it you know and all the experience I have from being a performer helps me so much because I've been on sets I've been you know like I feel very comfortable in that setting I've seen how producers work how they interact with Talent how they you know like so it was amazing how it just kind of like I was like oh my gosh this is it this is what I'm supposed to do so after after GMO OMG you guys produced The Devil we know yeah we went on to do the devil we know um and then the thief collector was next the thief collector was the first DOC we did that was not issue based it's just a fun quirky art Heist film also about like a very interesting couple a very interesting yeah so it's like well it became about that yeah it started out as this you know basically a decooning painting was cut out of the frame in 1985 at this tiny Museum in Arizona and they had no video like security cameras or anything so it kind of disappeared into the desert and then cut to 32 years later this 85 year old woman passes away her husband and died a few years earlier a small town in New Mexico like 300 people and they find this painting now worth 160 million dollars hanging behind their bedroom door crazy just to do something like that and then to never tell anybody about it well they were they were School teachers well that's what the whole documentary is about it's about it's exploring did they know what it was did they because they were deceased so like there isn't full full proof that they did it did they not do it did they purchase it you know all these things there's a lot of evidence in the film as you'll see that well you know it points to them actually doing it themselves but but how how did two School teachers become like art thieves and why they don't sell it they don't like profit off it no it's purely for Russian like how well they're knowing or maybe the sense of like having some sort of power and like a yeah powerless life yeah it's really interesting and how the people in their lives would never have guessed in a million years that they would could be capable of something like this like it's it's fascinating couples that commit crimes together are just interesting because like it's I always think it's so hard to meet somebody that jives with you on so many different things yeah but like imagine if you found somebody that was like no I literally I also want to kill people yeah and what are you working on now or are there projects that you're working on that you can talk about yeah there's a handful I can't talk about yet but um I guess the next one the one we're working on now two things were in production on one is a four-part doc series for MGM plus about the serial killer Ed Gein oh interesting it's not it's it's outside like pull up Shades that's why it's a little ironic that the wife of Dennis would be yeah producing a doc about the guy who makes skins like I've made so many jokes that were all based on my knowledge of Ed Gein only because I remember seeing a movie and by the way I got [ __ ] up just to call them Circa like serial killer slash designer yes DJ but I'd seen a movie about Ed Gein years ago and I was just I was like oh my this is the most [ __ ] up [ __ ] I've ever and like and the thing that really stuck with me was the fact that he would take people's skin and like turn it into like lamp shades yeah and you know and so and so that became a source of Comedy yeah for like my characters like he's saying do you think that if somebody made a mask of my face all those jokes and then in the in the the podcasts thing that we did where you know I talk about like turning someone's into a lampshade or right and then in the episode where I'm talking to Dee about oh yeah a luggage collection yeah so it's very ironic because it's really not the subject matter is not in our wheelhouse it's we've never done true crime or anything but there's a really unique aspect to the show that hasn't been announced that I'm not allowed to talk about but stay tuned because it's something that are organic lamp shades let's make it uh different than any other show or movie you've seen about it well first of all most people don't most people don't even know that much about Ed Gein there have been so many things about other serial killers but he was like the psychology behind what he did is really interesting like he's not a charismatic Ted Bundy type he's like a very simple farmer but he had a very complicated relationship with his mother and so the skin suit stuff is like trying to recreate they think she is maybe trying to recreate his mother like it's very what a lot of for those people who don't know much about Ed Gein uh Leatherface is based on Ed Gein psycho that character in Psycho is based on Ed Gein signs of the Lamb silence yeah Hannibal Lecter is based on like so many of those like horrible characters yeah we're based off are based on Ed Gein and yet people don't know that much about it again and this this stock has like as she said like an element to it that is it's going to be surprising I'm not allowed to say it yeah but it's it's all right new discoveries yeah um yeah so that one that'll be out in September I believe we were thinking Halloween but I'm thinking it's going to come out after Labor Day so we'll see um and then yeah we're in production another feature talk about domestic workers um and their fight for protections under federal labor laws and dignity um you know uh there we like to say that not we I should say ijinpu from the National Domestic workers Alliance coined this phrase which is so true that domestic workers make all other work possible you know women like me would not be able to be in the workforce if it weren't for domestic workers for our nannies and you know Home Health Care aides that take care of our elderly and are disabled so it's about um that group of mostly women not all women mostly women of color immigrants so that's a really important story that I'm excited to be working on and then we have a handful of other things in development and we've kind of organically gotten into scripted because I'd be looking for stories for docs and kind of read things that are like this would be an amazing movie so Glenn and I are actually speaking of working together we're producing a scripted movie together great I don't think this is how those things seem to find their way around like you say you've retired from acting but I wouldn't be surprised if it found its way all the way around until you make a scripted thing that you're like you know what I want to be in this yes you're acting again you never know I I don't I mean maybe maybe it came up it came up even when we were working on the thief collector of like should we be in this together like do you want to play right we were casting the woman you know and I was trying to get different actresses and well I did say I'm like if we can't get who we want I will do this you know everyone's like just do it and I was like I will but I didn't really want to yeah that was the thing that was interesting I'm kind of done with it I mean if someone had something that was just right or it was like a funny Cameo or like if they asked me to like for Kaylee to come back for an episode like yes I would do that but like oh that's interesting but I'm not looking I'm not looking for that so I I enjoyed separated I've separated entirely yeah I really have that's fine but yeah but it's fun it just makes it want you so much more yeah you know that's been proven yeah and your marriage It's Gonna Last well the kids are driving you nuts and and uh there's there's no telling there's no there's no telling I mean there's all kinds of things that can you know ruin a marriage but for now we're bonding over the skin lips um I think we did it yeah we did do it but it was what do you think of being on the podcast I enjoyed it okay I did enjoy it into please separate separate entirely
Channel: The Always Sunny Podcast
Views: 835,447
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: it’s always sunny in philadelphia, its always sunny in philadelphia, always sunny in Philadelphia, always sunny, always sunny podcast, it’s always sunny podcast, the sunny podcast, the always sunny podcast, Charlie Day, Rob McElhenney, Glenn Howerton, megan ganz, podcast, podcasting, iasip, always sunny mac, always sunny charlie, always sunny dennis, it's always sunny, its always sunny podcast, tv recap, sunny podcast, Jill Latiano Howerton, jill howerton, dennis system
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 59min 46sec (3586 seconds)
Published: Mon Jun 26 2023
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