7.4.1 Packet Tracer - Implement DHCPv4

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implement dhcp before addressing table three routers or one or two or three okay these routers two pcs two pcs a dns server and two public servers configure a router as a dhcp server configure the excluded ipv4 addresses configure r2 to exclude the first 10 addresses from the r1 and r3 langs all other addresses should be available in the dhcp address pool okay r2 will be the dhcp server for this network for r1 long network and for r2 also will be the dhcp server for this another network okay the r3 long network okay so on r2 okay access r2 click here command line interface enter enable configure terminal exclude the first send addresses from r1 lang okay this is the network 182.168 and 024 exclude the first thing host addresses of this network go back r2 ap dhcp excluded address from 180 168 10 1 to 180 168 10 10 okay from 10.1 to to 10.10 okay enter and exclude the first 10 addresses from our r3 lamp okay this is r3lang 0 182.168.024 exclude the first time okay repeat the previous command and use from theory that one to through the that chain and create hcp pull on r2 for r1 lung okay for this lung okay this this network uh create the hcp pool name it r1 dash r1-lung okay the pool name must match this value okay case sensitive okay go to r2 ipdhcp pull and r1 dash lan enter okay configure dhcp port to include network address this is the network address 181 cch 024 network 192.168 and zero 24 is 255 255 255 zero enter the default gateway the default gateway for this network is this gigabit zero zero on r1 and what is the ip address of gigabit 0 0 on r1 is 182 168 10.1 okay go to r2 the file dash router 192 168 10.1 enter okay and ip address of dns server okay this is the dns server and this is the ap address of dns server 180 168 20 that 254 okay go to r2 dns server enter okay great dhcp pull on r2 for r3 long create the acp pull name at r3 dash lan case sensitive okay ip dhcp pull r3 dash lan k sensitive enter okay i configure the acp put to include the network address this is the network address 181668 theordi.034 okay go to r2 network 182.168 theory that's hero and 24 is 255 255 255 0 and the default gateway okay the default gateway of this network of this subnet the default gateway is gigabit zero zero or r3 and gigabit zero zero on r3 is 192 168 theory that one okay go to r2 the file router 182 theordi.1 enter and finally the dns server is the same dns server because there is only one dns server go to r2 and the dns server is dns server 180 168 20.254 enter configure the hcp relay configure r1 and r3 as a dhcp relay agent okay okay configure the relay on r1 for this network okay with configure on gigabit zero zero on r1 because gigabit zero zero will receive all the dhcp requests okay gigabit zero zero will receive all dhcp requests so go to r1 and command line interface enter enable configure terminal interface jiggly0 ip helper helper dash address okay and r1 should point the server and the server is r2 and should point serial 0 on r2 okay serial zero zero zero on r2 is ten one one two okay go to r1 iphone rather 7 one one two okay enter very nice exit and now for r3 okay r3 on r3 the agent the relay agent for this network and configure on r3 gigabit zero zero because gigabit zero zero will receive all the dhcp requests okay go to r3 command line interface enter enable configure terminal interface going 0 0 ib helper dash others and r3 should point the r2 dhcp server and should point serial 0 0 1 on r2 serial 0 0 1 or not 2 is 10 2 2 2 okay go to r3 10 to 2 to enter exit okay and now set pc1 and pc2 to receive ip addressing information from dhcp you go to pc1 desktop ip configuration dhcp okay very nice when i do 168 10.11 okay go to r2 and excluded addresses from 1 to 10 so you will receive the next that is 10.11 subnet mask subnet mask default gateway default router and dns server dns server very good go to pc2 desktop ip dhcp okay very good theory.11 okay and finally configure r2 as a dhcp client configure gigabit zero one interface r2 to receive ip addressing from dhcp okay and on r2 configure a gigabit zero one interface to receive an ip address from the dhcp the dhcp is placed here on internet cloud and you will receive an ip address on gigabit 01 on r2 okay and go to r2 exit okay global configuration mode interface gigabit zero one enter and ip address dhcp enter and okay the the don't forget to enable the interface okay this red indicator is this red indicator the the interface is shut down so use no shutdown command enter and you will see this this green indicator and wait a moment because this orange indicator should be green okay and wait a moment okay don't forget to activate the interface with no shutdown comment on r2 on interfacing with zero one ip address dhcp no shutdown okay okay and wait a moment for the green indicator here okay okay and you will see this log dhcp address assigned interfacing with zero one assigned address 209 165 200 254 and the mask is 255 to 55 to 55 to 24 okay enter and review and show ip interface brief enter and you will see gigabit here one two or nine 165 254 and the method is dhcp status our protocol up very good okay and verify connectivity from pc1 and close this command prompt ping pc2 pc2 ib others pc2 ip address is 3d at 11 pm 192 168 theory that 11 okay being from pc1 to pc2 success ping to csco.com being trypwcsco.com okay may take a while okay because for dns translation success and now the another side being to triple w blickside.com and success completion 100 thank you very much you
Channel: Christian Augusto Romero Goyzueta
Views: 5,448
Rating: 4.9000001 out of 5
Keywords: switching, routing, wireless, essentials, srwe, ipv4, switch 2960, switch, dhcpv4, dhcp, dynamic host configuration protocol
Id: Ee1afZiQJss
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 12min 44sec (764 seconds)
Published: Fri Aug 07 2020
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