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hello guys and welcome back to the sim in this episode I'm hoping to finish the DIY MCP concentrating on the buttons switches and LEDs now for the LEDs we're going to need resistors now I'm using 220 ohm resistors you're going to see me now create a resistor pack with quick-release connections now you don't need to do this this is just for me so I can take it all back apart use the resistors for future use and it's just a great way to kick things in and out nice and quickly so let's head over to the workshop and get started with the dremel I'm just going to break each of the PCB links so the power has to go through the resistor and that has produced two halves of the PCB joined by what will be the resistors bridge in the circuit now we need to do is pick the resistors and the connectors I'm especially little hammers to do that over to him waiting to take the resistors off for you to bend the legs like so okay and then just insert them through those two holes there like so push them in and then just bend the legs out slightly at the back take another one bend it over like so see the little gold band on top need to leave us leave a row and then in so all the gold bands over the top of the board and it makes no difference which way the resistors go it's just that it makes it look pretty okay if I could ask you to do that now all the way along the board touch the leg solder only a little bit and liftoff so we've got these connectors and hopefully we're going to slide these into the board okay and they're gonna go really little bit tight but that's good so there's one I use the short one in the middle and then we have one soldered resistor board flip it over and as you can see from this side it looks very neat that's the resistor board complete and I can't member who because someone suggested getting an Arduino shield with the same type of connectors on and that will hold all the wires nice and securely so I'll get my son Josh just solder all this up I think all you need to do is line them up and push them through the holes like so clean the tip solder now this time just touch the board and the pin apply the solder you're gonna see sucked into the hole and release I'll do the one the opposite end the way she goes this time we don't want to try and leave it on too long this is different type of plastic and it's prone to melting if it gets too hot okay you with the Arduino shields and resistor packed ready to go next up is to connect every button at every switch and every LED and a daisy chain in the ground to each unit you that's the grounds all daisy-chain for both of their buttons switches and LEDs next up I'm going to use pink 17 wires here for the 17th LEDs and there's 22 great wires for every switch and button on the mCP that way it's nice and easy to distinguish between the two types of devices back to solitary we're back in from the CNC workshop all the soldiering is done we now have about 67 wires I believe to wire up into the earth to arduino z' that's what this big mess is here and we also have a quick release resistor pack now obviously you don't need to do this this is just so i can quickly use these resistors for anything it's like a prototype board for me and same as these Arduino shields you wouldn't actually use these on the real thing well these are quite expensive compared to the standard Arduino shields where you just plug the wires straight in turbine for me this is ideal but it allow us to connect all these connections up and then I'll be able to remove them and use them to something else later on with that set I think it's time that I've got my screwdriver in my hand here and start the attaching everything and bringing in this unit to an end and back to life as you can see we've got the various colors and the first thing I'm going to connect up is the ground we've only got one ground now because I've connected them all together with a daisy chain it's black and you can go into any of the grounds on the Arduino let's try that way when in that time so there's the ground to the mCP connected and now this wire is the other ground it's a bit long so let me just shorten it down a bit I'm going to put this into the ground of the other board so everything is connected ground wise now next up we have the seven segment displays they were pins 45 46 and 47 well that's much easier and as you can see they're quite secure as well so heavens gonna be much better next we should have two five volts positive and that goes in there it's nice and secure I've just finished wiring up into the two prototyping boards whoever suggested them I'll have to look back and see who it was they are absolutely fantastic only one drawback I've got and that was the cheap wire I've got two kinds the pink stuff is the really good stuff with never say at least 10 strands of wire inside it and this gray stuff and the black stuff I used I've only got three strands so it's very fragile I wouldn't suggestions no at all but as this it's just a demonstration piece is it be taken apart and certain parts will be thrown away so it makes no difference as long as I don't knock it it should be good moment of truth let's start maybe fly and just make sure that everything that we had working works it's a clip there we go so zero is one hundred zero is one hundreds blank and zero as well seven segments seem to work that's always a good start quick check of the encoders I'll come back to the vertical speed because I need to push the flight director on the air so on then sir perfect so we are exactly where we left off in the last episode time to start programming its extras in two settings mode the flight modules first module for me now slept it and they go add device and it's going to be a switch she's going to be a butter and it is on pin 2 which is correct and that is MCP fault hold now I'm going to stick with those four inputs I'll continue but inputting the rest and hopefully speed this process up that's all the buttons programmed I've uploaded at this point here cuz I make a mistake and lose everything so hit the upload button wait a couple of seconds and then I will start on the indicators here we go active ice this time is going to be an LED output and select its weight so we've told maybe flight was connected on those pins what devices its lead into now interpro similar to all that data all the offsets required up into config configuration combined config all the way down to mCP throttle and we're starting with a switches scroll down so we're looking for all MC o pushed select FSU IPC 8-bit unsigned and it's 5300 dot 0 the next one mCP will int pushed 8-bit unsigned this one's going to be 5,300 point one to stop you from getting bored I'm gonna went all the data and hopefully speed this up that's all the switch data inputted as you can see move miss lines out because that's because we're only interested in the pushed values and not be off values the reason for that is every bit can be either 1 or 0 so that one line contains the off or on code so now that we fish with the switches I think if we scroll a bit further down and it's the indicators we select now we just enter the data before it's still FSU IPC 8-bit unsigned and the cone I'm starting off with now is 5 3 over 3.2 then we've got hold this should be quite quick this time by 33.3 this is the latter that in the byte five three oh three point seven and now it switches to five three zero four five three zero four point zero and repeat that's the switch is done very quickly I'm going to hit okay and head over back over to maybe flight and program the lines so switches are inputs the open didn't put us haven't got to stop maybe five from working at the moment there we go and then edit a new line MCP alt hold hit the edit button slept maybe five ever bought one it's gonna be FCP out hold FSU IPC offsets and we're going to enter 5300 sizing bodies one is correct and if I type in the zero warning there is that correct it should be bit zero it is and I love value one because when we push it it enters the value one which is on and then on release FSU I'd be upset it's fifty three hundred again it's zero one and this time one release we're going to push zero okay you can guess what I'm going to say now and that is to placate the line and just edit the data we need so duplicate line and this is called thoughts Vince pushed it hit the edit button change the device or bit and of course it's bit one now over to FSU obviously on release and again we're changing the 0 to 1 because it's big one and we hit OK that's the switches all programmed in motor fly switch up the taps to the output and I'll carom the LEDs just a water or a word of warning make sure you get the values correct on every single one if you don't get it correct you're gonna get some horrible results of cross margination of digits if you switch one switch on it might do something you're expecting so just double check and take your time and went to the data set the outputs tab scroll down so you want to add a new line this time is going to be MCP autothrottle edit the line our offset is going to be 5303 and our bit will be to deselect the rest press ok this time we go to display module set the first maybe flag board for myself and then it's going to be a pin and it is indeed pin 28 and now when I click test we should see it highlight on the mCP boom for winners click OK and it was that simple activate the line and then duplicate with the unit all wired up it's time to push run and see what happens beryllium okay so let's try the flight director switch this you've come on and we should see a green LED that's pretty cool let's try the auto throttle switch that's good if I push the n1 button now that works as well you should be able to do heading select as well that looks good let's turn the vertical speed button on that highlights and switches on the display that's brilliant and a quick check of the encoders all working so the m1 push let's try the co button let's try the head in select button yep that works the encoder perfect voi lock to localize that that works let's try altitude hold yes and vertical speed should bring on the display and it does and that brings us to the end of another episode the DIY mCP is complete it's been a great refresher for me ready to build my history panels MCP now if you believe that when I pushed run this thing works straight away let me tell you know we didn't I have never had so many problems and I'm going to discuss this in the next episode hints and tips on the mCP because I must have had every single possible problem when I hit that run button and most of them were just simple things that hopefully wouldn't call that so you don't make the same mistake as I did until next time I'll catch you later guys Simo
Channel: Heli Mech
Views: 39,853
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: 737 MCP Prosim Mobiflight Daisy chaining 7 segment displays 737 v/s 737 altitude 737 diy 737 sim, prosim, mobiflight, 737 diy sim
Id: jCFgyTPkXbQ
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 18min 46sec (1126 seconds)
Published: Tue Feb 12 2019
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