737 Throttle V3

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hello guys and welcome back to the sim here in brunei now i know it's been a little while since the last throttle quadrant here that was created on youtube but i have been extremely busy with work and designing other stuff in the background if i give you a quick sneaky peek of some other videos that are coming up here you can see the screens that wrap around the front of the cockpit and down here we've got the two computers that run the system at the front end inside the cockpit i've pulled down the forward overhead panel and that's so i can carry out some modifications to the starter switches they're already out on the website and if you haven't grabbed them yet feel free to re-download them as there's no change in the throttle levers or the flaps lever i'm going to create them now and i'll get back to you once they're done [Music] this is the main body that replaces the satech throttle unit and first up i want to attach the flaps detent i've printed it in light gray i think what really adds to the aesthetics is if we got some metallic grey pla however it hasn't arrived yet so it's going to be light gray and that will simply just slide into position and hopefully if i've done my job right on the cad these should line up perfectly that's the flaps d10 bracket fitted next up i want to fit the bell cut out switch which is going to fit into this nice big hole here but first of all let's attach some wires flaps detent brackets fitted bell horn cut out switch is now fitted we've got the wires coming from the inside now it's time to move on to the flaps mounting bracket which is here and hopefully you can see that i've actually labeled it inside we've got a high quality pot and they should just slide together like so flip it over and insert the nut tighten up if you wonder what i'm doing i'm just color coding the cables red for positive black for negative and the output being orange so i just need to put the flats bracket into the case through the flaps handle i think that's got it feels good and just have to install some screws with the flats bracket installed next up are the throttle bracket assemblies number one and number two i've got the number one here in front of me and you can see this is the prototype that i use to build the rest and it works quite well here's the throttle stem it's labeled number one we've got the aluminium bar that attaches into it and hopefully using aluminium bar and a rather large rubbing head here what really adds the rigidity of the unit so here in orange we have the brake the throttle brake and the whole idea of that is if i slack it off here's the maintenance hole at the side you can already see that the throttle is now free to do what it wants and to stop that from happening when we use the sim we can adjust the tension on the brake lever and that is adding a huge amount of friction i mean it can support the metal bar out right so we need to create them now to create these friction breaks what i'm going to do is apply hot glue to the surface so the first thing to fit is the friction brake tension screw and we're just going to slide that into position and hopefully screw that into the block that's the screw installed again time for a high quality pot and the throttle stem just pushes onto the pot now like so i'm going to make a quick adjustment on this one because i can feel the pot bottoming out so i'm just going to twist it in there and you can see now it doesn't get restricted either way time to install our friction brake hopefully it fit in there flip her over and put an m4 screw in that's the number two throttle bracket nearly finished it's going to install the cover and that should help really with the rigidity of the throttle unit itself now it's time to fit the throttle bases and the throttle units need to feed the wiring from the number two throttle assembly into the gap where the throttle slides this should help tidy it up so that's a pretty perfect fit i'm going to insert the aluminium bar which is going to go in there and the handle should go on like so now that that's in position what we're going to do is insert the screws now we have to repeat for the number one throttle so once again throttle handle through the slot like so bring that a bit closer i think that's all the wires threaded through the holes now we've got to get this bracket into position let's get the handle on let's see if we can get some screws in there we have our flaps lever and two throttle levers all installed ready to go lots of wiring we'll come back to that in a bit now i'm going to do the speed brake i'll put that behind me and that's going to be very similar so we've got our mounting bracket first thing we need to do is install the friction brake screw i'm going to put the speed brake bracket to one side i'm going to take our last pot insert it into the boss in the middle put the nut on we've now got our speed brake stem and that should slide onto the pot nice tight fit our speed brake stem is fitted and now we're going to fit the speed brake bracket it just goes over the top like so and we're going to put a couple of four mil screws in so now we need to fit the speed brake and it basically just slides into the hole and we insert a screw from the top and hopefully screw it in okay so that's very floppy a quick friction adjustment there we go let's move on to the parking brake now this is exactly the same as in the last version of the throttle assembly there is absolutely no change and that should slot into there and then for all it does wow now we get to bring in the unit that we completed earlier and if all goes well all we have to do is feed the wires through the maintenance hole at the bottom and they should fit together perfectly so hopefully that's going to sit in there like that it's going to push together pretty much like that now these decals haven't turned out too well really i mean they'll do for the job but i think probably using a paper and ink to print the decal itself and then to place onto the unit would be a better option i'll try that a bit later on the type in these should just fit in position with the rear section complete now let's concentrate on building the front section and the right section so just like in the last version this is the parking brake light so we're going to feed those wires into the brake light unit just going to apply a bit of super glue to the edge push the light into position so what we've got next instead of using tiny little m3 eight millimeter screws to attach all these sections together we're gonna use six millimeter threaded rod now i've not tried this yet so i'm not sure if it's going to work but hopefully it will it does on cam and we've got one piece that's 196 millimeters in long and three pieces at 170 millimeters long we've got our threaded bar installed we have to feed our wires now through the maintenance hole for the braking light and then insert the free threaded bars into the parking brake light i've wired up my micro switches for the cutoff levers hopefully now we can install one of each in the units [Music] [Music] feels really good [Music] hopefully that's all the wiring connected through to the left hand side that just leaves us to put the end cap on it was a late finish last night i did the wiring to the leo bottler card here i didn't film it because that was also in the previous video and i also learned from all the comments in the last throttle unit people don't like using the leo bodner card because shipping outside the uk is just as expensive as purchasing the car itself now if we had a postal system here that actually worked i would already have ordered the leonardo arduino leonardo cards which are about five pounds each or the arduino micro pro cards which apparently exactly the same as this you just need to upload the sketch that replicates the joystick they are five pounds each which makes creating this unit here without the satech throttle unit exceptionally cheap obviously you're going to have to fork out for the pla and i'm still gutted about having two colours of grey that's breaking my heart but again i just cannot get pla because the post has not arrived let me finish wiring this up all i've got to do is connect the usb cable up tidy this board away in the side and then fit the end panel let's do that now so as i mentioned before i really like the idea of everything being self-contained in the unit and that the all we've got is a single usb cord coming out so i feed that through the rear hole and plug that in and then it really is just a single usb now that is a slight lie because you probably can see that i've got these two wires here for the parking brake light and that's because the leonardo car doesn't do led outputs however i have a sneak suspicion that if we do get the arduino micro pro that you not only can create that as a joystick card but you'd also be able to add leds to it just like any other arduino card so i've got one usb cable and unfortunately i've got the ground and the 5 volt line to the parking brake line which is going to have to go to an arduino let's get the cover fitted and finish this project off and there we have my version three throttle unit for the 737 that is solely created without any major other components so we've got rid of the satech unit it's all just pots and a leo bodner card or an arduino micro pro and all the levers feel absolutely really good i mean they are they've got a bit of feel to them a bit of weight in fact you can actually see the whole body moving so the body will have to be fixed at some point and i've got one more mod that won't be in this video but we'll be coming to this unit slightly later even with elia bodner and the arduino micro pro cards you've got enough for eight axes and we're only using six axes at the moment so i am going to add a 10 turn 10k ohm pot to the left and right for manual trim wheels that will just be an add-on where you print the end caps again they'll have the mounting hole for the pots to be fitted and you'll just attach the with the 3d printed wheel to the unit let's head inside see if i've wired it up correctly and everything is working here we are guys we're back inside i'm sat at the computer the throttle is to the left of me here ready for filming but in that time the arduino micro has arrived there it is it is a tiny bit of kit it's about the size of my the end of my finger and i spent the last couple of nights playing with this what an amazing bit of kit for three to four pounds three to four euros even it does exactly the same as the leo bodner card that costs 25 pounds alone without shipping and people have been telling me it's about 25 pounds for shipping as well so this makes this exceptionally cheap all you do is you upload a sketch a joystick sketch and this card then emulates a joystick card so you plug your axes and your buttons in and it does the job what a fantastic bit of kit now let's move on and check the throttle assembly and see how we've done so first thing i'm going to do is i'm going to go to the search bar and type in usb game controller it's already come up because i use it so often here we go it's the only interface i've got plugged in onto my main computer here i'm going to hit properties and you can see that we've got the six axes in front of us and the 32 buttons so let's run through the buttons first and make sure they all work so we've got the 80 disengage that's going to be button 12 we've got the auto take-offs and go-arounds that works fine we've got the parking brake that's button eight the idle cut-offs they work fine stab trims four and five uh let's do the parking brake light you can see that lights up really well and then we've got the axes so we got the speed brake that works really well throttle one throttle two and then the first versus that's really good i can also feel the indents there we go setting them up and then max froze pulling through you may have noticed already that i actually have to hold the base of the unit and then move the throttles because they are very rigid and actually feel quite solid the same as the speed brake feels absolutely solid i've forgotten the horn cut out button that's button tenon it works without a problem and here we have version three seven three seven throttle this is ten times better than the last version we've got rid of the seitech unit everything feels a lot more firm it needs a positive action to move all the levers now the only thing that lets it down is the two different colors that was unavoidable at the time you don't need to do that just make sure you've got enough pla now that this one's finished behind this big wall here is the 737 max throttle assembly that's already looking pretty cool but it's not built and it's not tested 757 the 767 throttles are also behind there and the prototyping of the actual motorized unit full size is also behind there that's all coming up that's why these videos are so slow it's because there's so much happening also on top of that if you've seen on social media i've also done the 737 tiller mechanism and tiller arm to my left where the big sim is the monitors are installed last night saw the installation of microsoft flight similar to 2020 now even though it's not compatible with the hardware installed in the sim the visuals and the controls still are fully compatible it looks absolutely fantastic for the time being guys until the next episode i'll catch you later sim out
Channel: Heli Mech
Views: 30,673
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: aNPjT4M89KI
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 20min 44sec (1244 seconds)
Published: Fri Aug 21 2020
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