Flight- and Navigation panel - A Boeing 737-800 Homecockpit #38

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hello and welcome back to my keys flight deck today I will show you how I made the first two sections of my overhead panel which will be the flight and navigation panel [Music] luckily Peter a member of the community gave me his plans and all the drawings of the panels he has made until now and so I didn't have to design everything new from scratch but even with his plans I had to invest many hours to adapt the files to my needs and free space I have left over in my carpet ceiling here you can see the flight control panel and the navigation panel and these are the two parts I will make him this video here I had to in depth especially the cutouts for all the switches and the rotary knobs here and also had to arrange all the phones and cutouts when I have to think about the frame I will have to build later and I think I finally found the font which comes near to the original Boeing font when you look at the fond of my annunciator I have built in my last video you can see the ends of the letters are very hard and especially look at the shape of the M you will understand what I mean when I show you the next picture when you compare this with a picture of a real Boeing panel then you can see all the ends of the letters are rounded the legs of the M go down straight and this is a little bit different from the font I have used before many and billa's use these two two are fond but I think this isn't the correct font for the panels and so I found this font here which has the simple name M s 3 3 5 5 8 and when you look at the letters then you can see everything comes really near the original font everything is rounded and especially the legs of the M go down straight and I think this will be the font I can use in the future to avoid any breakouts when I cut the acrylic on my miter saw I covered the end of the cut with a piece of wood [Music] now I have the problem that the holes for my switches which are underneath these security caps here are a little bit too low on this panel here I can't place the whole security cap into here and and it collides with the top panel but instead of making these two underneath line panels new I will try to widen the hole a little bit more to the upper side of the panel and I think the switches will still hold here so this is not dramatically and I think you will have to take several tries before you know how every cutout in your panel has to be made for every type of your switches [Music] I aligned to pieces temporarily to send some flush edges and round the corners of the top panels [Music] the top panel will be pent later but there are some parts of the panels underneath that shall be painted too to avoid the back lighting coming through the panels so you might think that you can assemble all the three panels together and spray over it but then I think you could run into the trouble that these edges here would stick together and you wouldn't be able to disassemble the panels later which you will have to do to mount all the switches in so I want to try out to place a sticker onto this panel here and then mark the positions of all these areas that should be painted too and then cut away the sticker on these parts here so all the parts of the panel that should be stay unpainted will be masked out with a sticker [Music] [Applause] until now I have done the engraving by placing a separate text in estill cam here directly onto the DXF file this time I wanted to come out with another solution so I wanted to use my DXF file directly to create the engraving of the text so you can use my DXF files from our website to produce your own panels creating the passes for the engraving is really easy when you have closed forms like this as the T for example then you just and go to the hole tool in estwick M and select the shape the reason for using the hole and the part tool you can see when we zoom in a little bit and it is because you can see the whole tool will engrave on the inside of the original line which you can see highlighted green here especially when you make those small letters you don't want to waste any space here and let that become bigger so you won't come over this edge here on the outside so now select the pocket option so that it is filled my tool past death will be point two millimeters and with this method you can go on with all the easy shapes here when you are finished you can select all the passes at once and save pocket and enter your to pass test the engraving of those letters with a hole inside here will be a little bit more trickier you select the whole tool and the outside shape and then select the power tool and select all the inside shapes when you then select the outside shape again and say Island the inside shapes here will be spared out now you enter your two paths paths again and with this that you go on with every other letter here and this is how it looks when it is finished [Music] you [Music] the first switch I mounted onto the bottom layer of the flight panel is momentary on of on switch then an on/off switch now some of the annunciators should be mounted in to ensure that they will fit in later [Music] the two upper guarded switches will be on/off on switches [Music] and the last switches are on off types again [Music] [Applause] now all the annunciators amounted at their final positions [Music] the NLCS are fixed with thumb hot view for the navigation panel you will need far on/off on switches and eight position rotary switch [Music] [Applause] there are different ways for backlighting such a pal one way would be that you have a PCB where most of the components are soldered in and were also some LEDs are placed at exactly the places where as they will be needed therefore you need to have professional made PCB or you must have the ability to make your own so I think and hobby scene most of the people are using these LED stripes here and some people's are making their overhead panel placing all the panels side by side and them place a second layer over it and cover this layer full of these LED stripes so they light up most of the panels the disadvantage at this method I think is that you throw light all over the panel and don't look exactly where you need the light and so you still can have areas that aren't really lighted so I will try to place the LEDs on this panel I've cut out just now and this panel will fit over here over these switches and let all the cables go through here and it will be fixed to the panel with some spacers here so that it will stay in place and I will try to place the LEDs on this panel where I will need them I will use a white covered and EF because I think it can reflect some light and so I will have a better usage of the light from the LEDs here you can see the process of making b-spec lighting panels on my CNC [Music] did I say that I love this super glue and tape method for fixing things definitely for fixing small or light divided things onto the sacrificial layer of the CNC router this is now my favorite method because you don't need any additional clamps to hold this pieces and also your safe material so you can see there is only a small rest here and this would be impossible when you're using clamps except when you use this flying clamp method don't use this method for cutting aluminum or anything like this but for wide wide pieces and this thin materials here or especially engraving this is definitely my favorite method now so thanks for they device from the community I positioned the LED stripes and secured them with hot glue [Music] now all the stripes must be solved together [Music] the backlighting panel is hold in place by 450 millimeter hex standoffs [Music] [Applause] [Music] on the navigation panel there are installed these locking switches which are very expensive and you have seen I haven't installed them I just use big on off or on off on switches but I want to come out with something that looks near these locking switches and they come with these big caps and big solid body so I have printed out these caps with a it's really printer they look something like this and I have this aluminum tube here and I want to drill it into this cap an eight millimeter hole which will allow to fit in this eight millimeter tube inside here cut away a small piece of it and slide it over the switch but as I have said in my not making video these 3d printed object aren't filled 100% and so I will make a silicon mold of it and cast some caps here which are then full solid bodies and I can drill in and slide them over this tube but first I will have to smooth the surface a little bit [Music] by applying the filler with a brush you have less semi work to do later [Music] [Applause] I applied a coat of primer paint and clear varnish to each cab I've just made this easy to build aluminum tooth dispenser and this is just a hole drilled through a piece of wood and this will help me to cut off small and straight pieces from this long aluminum tube [Music] the caps are glued under the shafts with um epoxy and then fixed under the switches with hot glue [Music] [Applause] [Music] a long journey finally came to its end but as I've written on my Instagram account it's big step for me but only a small step to the finished carpet it's incredible how heavy these things are and now I get a sense of how much weight there will be when the whole overhead pail is finished I haven't showed the installation and all the programming and protein and now because I want to do this later when I have redesigned my overhead frame which will be part of my next video and I'm looking forward to the next panel sections but when I'm looking at the time it took me to make these two sections here which I thought were the easiest sections of the overhead panel then I think I will be giving the whole next year by creating this overhead panel I'm seeing the 7-segment displays and seven motors do a rotary encoders and so on so there will be much content coming for you now but you can save yourself time with all the files from my memo section and I have made you a big package you will find all the X F files needed to and do these panels here you will find the 3d print files to make the caps and all the knobs I've used here and even all the prepared st cam files so that you and just can load them into your CNC router and cut these panels out so stay tuned for another episode here on the fly tech and if you don't want to miss this episode then you should subscribe to my channel to stay informed about any upcoming new video for me so I hope we'll see you soon back on the flat deck [Music] you [Music]
Channel: Michael Schulz
Views: 7,589
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: mickey's flightdeck, mickeys flightdeck, 737-800, b737, boeing, flight simulator, home cockpit, homecockpit, homemade cockpit, michael schulz, boeing 737 cockpit, boeing 737-800, home cockpit 737, home cockpit build, 737 home cockpit, overhead panel 737 800, overhead panel, annunciators, boeing overhead, navigation panel, flight control panel, flight panel, boeing overhead panel
Id: Ou4LSmiFD6Q
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 24min 54sec (1494 seconds)
Published: Sat Dec 21 2019
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