73 Questions With Bella Hadid | Vogue

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Love these 73 questions series. Thanks op!

👍︎︎ 1 👤︎︎ u/itsme_matt 📅︎︎ Dec 19 2018 🗫︎ replies
you know bella i have to say that it's so cool to be able to ask you 73 questions at a horse stable how cool is this it's whoa we have horses this is legit how often are you riding these days not as much as i used to and you did this competitively i did for 10 years how many competitions did you ride um probably hundreds at this point when did you really fall in love with the sport i fell in love with this sport when i realized that horses can be my best friend can we go see the horses yes please let's go okay where were you born i was born in washington dc and how often did you go back home to l.a i go back as much as i can but it ends up being every month or so what would you say is the biggest difference between the coasts um probably the change of pace or the weather okay what's the most californian thing about you hi baby probably how much i love nature and animals nice what's something that immediately jumps to mind when you think of your childhood um probably my horse lego a horse named lego he actually looks just like this one what is your current obsession my current obsession is chocolate i never really was a big chocolate fan but recently i just obsession came up what's something everyone needs to read right now everyone needs to read believe me by yolanda hadid what goes through your mind as you're being photographed um be fierce be fierce be fierce but don't be too fierce because apparently it really freaks people out what are you often told when people work with you um i get told that people don't think i'm as nice as i am and i guess the resting face kind of throws them off who do you consider to be a mentor my mom is my mentor what qualities of hers do you most admire her work ethic and how strong she is your instagram handle is a butterfly why is that um i think butterflies really represent me growing up in my family my mother always kind of put that around us so i guess at this point i'm just the butterfly of our family is it true that you enrolled as a photography student before you started modeling it's true i never left the house without my camera and then i went to school for photography and film at persons so why photography why photography um i just love making art i i love lighting i love holding a camera i love the you know being able to take a picture and set a time and place and capture emotion is there an image oh someone wants attention is there an image or artist that sparked your passion you know stephen mizell growing up i think all of his pictures from the 90s and i mean up until now he's such an iconic photographer and he actually made me love photography and modeling and if you can sit down with any of the masters who would it be for who annie leibowitz what is the bravest thing that you've ever done the bravest thing i ever did was probably skydiving and we have a little friend at your five o'clock hello olivia i think this is the first time we've ever had a cameo featuring a little goat this is olivia hi olivia you're so sweet she's a beautiful rescue goat and we're very happy she's a lie is there anything more adorable than this scene that i'm looking at right now absolutely not do you believe in horoscopes or astrology i believe in horoscopes a little bit more than i should and what's your sign i'm a libra what qualities of that sign pertain to you i think probably that i want everybody to be happy all the time and also that i can never make a decision for myself and who makes you laugh the hardest uh my boyfriend who's the most beautiful person you know my boyfriend what makes you feel the most beautiful um what makes me feel the most beautiful probably when i feel healthy and confident in myself what's the best makeup trend right now um contouring peter phillips actually taught me how to contour only a few years ago so thank you peter what would you say to yourself 10 years from now 10 years from now i was excuse me olivia where do you think you're going you're gonna be on a vogue baby um i think 10 years from now i would tell myself i'm very proud of you and what would you say to yourself five years ago five years ago keep going nice so holiday season is approaching what do you in the family have planned um goodbye olivia for the holidays i'm doing absolutely nothing what are the hadith holiday traditions we just like to all be together no matter where we are it doesn't really matter we all teach busy schedules these days that i think that it's just nice that we can finally take time for ourselves hello beautiful all right bella show us how to feed this horse yeah oh pretty hungry i know you oh if you and your family did a secret santa who would you hope you would receive a gift from um absolutely gigi who's a celebrity that you've met that's made you the most starstruck oh my gosh michelle obama i love her so much i think i was shaking more than anything in the world what tv show should i watch by now um i hope you watched seinfeld did you yeah okay good what's your favorite guilty pleasure late night snack um pizza hut dominoes anything sweet honestly anything i can get my hands on at this point what's the favorite show that you've walked in uh favorite show i've walked in probably closing fendi at the chubby fountain it was one i could never forget before what show have you been the most nervous oh probably my first chanel show was a big dream of mine so being able to walk that show was huge on average how many seconds are you allowed between victoria's secret changes mid shell oh um i think we have like two minutes but we're pretty quick so 30 seconds is all we need okay we have baby horses here oh my gosh this is rockstar hi rockstar oh hi beautiful bella what do you consider to be your biggest career success um my biggest success is probably my health and my mental state right now what's something that will always be in fashion no matter how much time passes i think kindness will always be in fashion yeah you can have it please take it so bella what are my chances i can uh do you want to feed him one yes i thought you never asked all right this is me attempting to feed a baby oh this is me getting rejected by a baby or this is not working he only wants my kids is it true that you hate getting your nails done i absolutely hate it why do you hate getting your nails done oh actually why because it's a task for me i'd rather be doing things like this what's the most important thing to you um my family and my friends are the most important things to me hi baby what's an emoji that sums you up right now an emoji probably any of the very mischievous ones okay feeding time over and oh outside of its stable we have this beautiful black horse this is coco and this is chris hi chris thank you so much thank you what is something that you wear without fail every single day every single day probably in my lip glow and looking into your crystal ball tell me what the next big trend will be the next big trend i don't know you should ask vogue if there was a lip shade named after you what would you call it something that has to do with butterflies i'm sure if you could go back in time and star in any film what film would that be um probably cool intentions okay bella i'm not that horse and nailed it you make that look easy goodness he wants to go home for dinner what's the hardest thing about the modeling industry the hardest thing about the modeling industry is probably gaining respect for my peers and what advice would you give someone entering modeling i think there's a lot of pretty girls out there so if you can't be kind and work hard there's no reason to do it what's your favorite dish your mom cooks my favorite dish my mom cooks is probably spaghetti bolognese but it's the only thing she cooks okay what's the most played track on your phone most plate shock on my phone is anything at a bond okay if you had to give away every pair of shoes but three pairs which pairs would you keep probably my doc martens my air force ones and my riding boots okay travel questions window or aisle seat uh window what's a cure for jet lag water in the past month roughly how many planes have you been on i counted today 17. what what's the most interesting city you've been to in the past two weeks uh singapore uh what's the longest you've gone without sleeping because of work probably two days but i'm a really really good napper okay bella best habit i guess being kind worst habit i guess being kind you could switch lives for a day with anyone who would it be um i'm really happy in my life right now what movie can you watch over and over again without ever getting tired mamma mia and what's the most thoughtful gift you've ever received probably this bracelet i keep it with me all the time very nice whoa hello are you coughing uh what's the best gift you've ever given um i guess my love and what's your earliest memory my earliest memory is going to the barn with my family and watching my little brother collect crystals on the floor and riding with my sister bella let's wrap this interview up by you deciding what music you want as we show you riding off into the sunset i would love some emotional holiday music you got it yeah cue the music let's do it let's see what thank you good boy
Channel: Vogue
Views: 10,835,243
Rating: 4.9016953 out of 5
Keywords: 73 questions, bella, bella hadid, bella hadid model, celeb style, celebrity, homes, style, 73 questions interview, bella hadid interview, bella hadid 73, 73 question, bella hadid 73 questions, 73 bella hadid, bella hadid vogue, bella hadid vogue interview, bella hadid interview vogue, hadid, bella hadid 73 questions interview, bella hadid horse, bella hadid horses, bella hadid funny, bella hadid modeling, bella hadid riding horse, horse riding, bella horse riding, vogue
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 9min 19sec (559 seconds)
Published: Wed Dec 19 2018
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