73 Questions With Derek Zoolander | Vogue

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sorry I don't want any oh it's you hi Derek come on in thanks for having me over I'm here to ask you 73 questions well I only have nine answers so I guess I'm gonna need more so how long have you lived here actually I only winter here my summer place is upstairs what's the first thing you thought of when you woke up this morning hmm I must have fallen asleep what's the best part about living in New York the diversity you have really good-looking people and also very attractive people what are three words to describe living in New York hustle bustle and how do you feel about Brooklyn I really hope they find a cure how often do you take the subway hardly ever sandwiches are a gateway to cake what's on your mind right now Pass can I get a tour sure perfect what's your favorite holiday well my faith is very important to me so I'd have to say my birthday what's your favorite season spring no salt no autumn who are you wearing right now oh this isn't a person it's a dead of a teen Napoleon jacket by the way this is my actual skull oh it's like a model nope okay what's your favorite country to visit I've always adored Tribeca where would you spend retirement models don't retire they get turned into glue it's better that way what's your spirit animal I don't believe in using animals for their spirits only for their fur come on in don't mind if I do Wow you have a lot of exercise equipment that's not a question what is this seventy-three statements sorry do you have a lot of exercise equipment better and no I don't how do you keep it smelling so fresh in here I had my sweat glands removed any sweating you see me do this through a surrogate you have a surrogate sweater no I hate cardigans they make me look hippy oh hey guys nice spinning Hey who's the last person you texted the woman who does all my texting I want to say Rachel what's your favorite website it's kind of up to the spider fair enough are you on Instagram do I look like I'm on Instagram I've always tested clean what's your favorite app probably Instagram you have a really nice bedroom Derek um who's a notable person who shared this bed with you well I don't like to name names but Carly Claus the model Karlie Kloss no Carly Claus okay what's your favorite TV show of all time oh that one with the lizard who sells insurance what's your favorite movie of all time the one with the dinosaurs Best Exotic Marigold Hotel that was really scary how about a movie that made you cry twelve years a slave Brad Pitt's highlights were just so perfect who's your favorite Disney character Walt what's your favorite musical of all time Oh Hamilton it's his hip-hop musical about the man who wrote the Emancipation declaration you know the one who invented electrolysis with the kite how would you describe your relationship with Hansel probably with words oh hey Erin Heatherton nice spinning mace Derek what's the last hobby you picked up knitting my brows you have any pets I have a snoot in Karl dog revelled and a cockapoo named bark Jacobs Oh like Marc Jacobs oh my god yes you can moonlight as another profession what would it be probably something where I could wear clothes and walk down a runway what are you reading right now the teleprompter what's the last book that you read I was told these we're gonna be softballs so who would you like to have dinner with living or dead living definitely Derek why do you keep closed racks with the exercise machines this is an exercise machine I just did four reps I'll get another set in before I do my cardio thanks Sara what's an accessory that you've had for ages accessory that's the name my pet monkey what is an item of clothing that you've had for the longest I once owned a single thong for three weeks what makes you smile the most tickling oh stop stop stop hey zoe kravitz hey Derek Hey what would you say is the greatest fashion trend of all time mmm I'll probably get a lot of flack for this but I'm gonna say clothes and could you please take your feet off the couch don't think Lenny's not gonna hear about that if you could have one superpower what would it be the power to understand things oh hey girls Europe early it's only four o'clock hey do you mind if I do some reps on one of these machines no these are reserved for Anna when she comes huh what is your favorite drink water with a lemon slice what's your favorite food water with a lime slice what's your guilty pleasure water with a cucumber slice favorite dessert carrots jello a pudding for food or for sex coffee or tea no thank you least favorite food solids what we got in this fridge over here let's take a look hmm I'm so bad what are your favorite curse words oh the ones that turn you into a frog until the princess kisses you nice pruning guys thank Derek if you could play one instrument what would it be tambourine what's your favorite color I don't see race but probably Chinese what's the best way to decompress KO colonic no question how much time do you spend looking yourself in this only three or four minutes out of every ten it's kind of like interval training what is your all-time favorite look hmm looks are like children there's always one favorite right now it's called Bitcoin can we see Bitcoin no it's completely virtual but it's very valuable I don't really understand it what was one thing you wish you knew when you were in high school hmm all the numbers and letters stuff what was your favorite subject in school hair least favorite learning Derek can I use the pool I can't answer a question I'm busy answering questions what's the coolest thing about being a model the chance to give back to the less attractive what's the hardest part about being a model all the chafing there's a lot of chafing going on out there and nobody wants to talk about it let's begin the conversation and we're moving right along so what's your favorite cocktail the one with Tom Cruise the live-action one do you have a favorite painter the guy who did my loft last year was pretty good but a little pricey hey Shepard Fairey I told you know doing your graffitis on the inside you let Banksy do it wait I just asked him a question does that count and if so does this count how do I stop asking questions how do I get out of this loop am I going to die you're gonna be fine if there's one thing missing in your life right now what is it I could really use another cell phone charger what advice would you give yourself at age 15 apply blush to the apple of your cheeks it'll give them more depth but we can't go back in time can we what's your new year's resolution for 2016 I can't think five years ahead what are you doing tomorrow getting my eyebrows lifted my ears bend at my bellybutton removed but then I'm gonna take some me time so you ready for the last question I literally thought you'd never ask how can I become a model believe in yourself never give up and call dr. Shapiro and ask for the Apollo package oh thanks Derek well we've gotten through 73 questions well I hope I'm not a suspect anymore good luck officer I hope you find your man uh yeah thanks Derek
Channel: Vogue
Views: 4,523,121
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: fashion, 73 questions, celebrity, derek zoolander, zoolander, zoolander 2, ben stiller, zoe kravitz, derek zoolander interview, derek zoolander 73 questions, 73, 73 questions derek zoolander, derek, zoolander interview, derek zoolander funny, derek zoolander movie, derek zoolander vogue, ben stiller interview, ben stiller zoolander, ben stiller derek zoolander, ben stiller 73 questions, 73 qs, 73 questions ben stiller, vogue, vogue.com
Id: H4q0K561WXs
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 8min 11sec (491 seconds)
Published: Tue Jan 19 2016
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