#73 How I mix my paint and pouring medium

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hello everyone this is sharmin khan from milky way art design so today's video is a little bit different first of all before i start i want to say thank you thank you thank you for to each and every one of you for being my rock for supporting me today my channel is uh 5 000 subscribers strong and this is only possible because of every each and every one of you um if you are joining me today for the first time welcome to my channel if you are with me for a while thank you thank you thank you so much i cannot tell you how much i appreciate each and every one of you so on a lot of the videos many of you are asking me to show you how i mix my paint so today's video is all about i'm going to show you how i mix my pouring medium and then how i mix my paint so for my pouring medium i use deep base bear but the thing is i usually use uh 8300 but this one says 2-8 300 for some reason i could not find anything with just 8300 is there any difference i'm not sure but one thing i noticed that um if i don't use it for a while it kind of the the oil on the top separates so what i do is i mix it before i pour it i never noticed that before when it was only 8 300 probably uh it was happening before but i don't know if it's different or not from the ad 300 i should have saved my old containers to check on the ingredients which i didn't because i never thought that they will discontinue just the 8300 i'm not sure if they even discontinued it just i could not find it in my local home depot so i just bought two 8300 so this is the consistency of the deep base bear so for my pouring medium what i need is two of this so i will to take two of the proportions so i'm going to use these for easier instructions so i'm going to fill it up as you can see it's kind of messy but that's okay because you don't need to do it all the time i just make a batch and i use that as long as i can last them so i kind of ran out and i need to make some more because there are some color ideas coming in my head and i need some more pouring medium for that so i need two of these so i have two of these proportions now let me um just give me a second to clean up my chula uh since i'm not going to dip it in here the second part is joe sonia's varnish um this one if i run out probably i'm not going to buy it anymore because i don't i think i can get by without this one i'm using this right now because i already bought this one as i was practicing bloom i bought anything and everything oh i could find that people are actually why do i need this spoon i don't so i can just that's what happened once when you record yourself and pour in your stuff so that's that the third item that i'm going to use and i'm going to wipe my spoon before i dip my spoon inside i am going to use mine wax poly acrylic clear gloss and that's what we have oops i spilled a little that's okay a pain pouring is always a messy job it's never a clean art if you are very tidy and neat and clean probably this is not your hobby that's for sure because this is an addictive hobby and either you spend your time cleaning or creating of course i'm you know clear rather than feeling okay so here i will dump everything and mix and two of the bear c so now i mix it well so this is my pouring medium this is my pouring medium that is if i'm mixing my paint not pigment keep keep it in mind if i'm mixing my paint not pigment okay one more thing i want to share with you is you can also use what is the other one you can also use gideon this is also gideon semi gloss base three so the difference i have used that too but my suggestion is i use that i would use that when i'm just doing my basic paint because this one i find thicker so the bear is thicker than the kitten so for modified blue i will use this one for regular bloom i will i can use this one just wanted to share that with you so now just give me a second i will put away everything and then i'll show you how i mix my paint so now that i put away everything i'm going to show you how i mix this one i'm going to mix just a paint here i'm going to mix paint and pigment and this one i'm going to mix just pigment so this is my pouring medium i just made take a tiny bit of it and let's mix this one i just bought it the other day it's like so pretty you perfect consistency this is what i'm looking for when i drop it it's mount an amount an amount and the mound is kind of like dripping you can even see that it's dripping anyway so again you can see the crease on the mound on top of the mount so that's the perfect consistency that's my paint next one is pigment this one i am going to mix paint and pigment together so what i do take some pouring medium and i am going to add some pigment so let's see this is sangria from tlp so pretty probably i need tiny bit more [Music] i should not have done it but did it so this is my pigment as you can see it's very liquidy it's perfect for a regular bloom or deconstructed bloom things like that but it's not okay for the modified bloom so what i do is i add some painting or acrylic paint to this mixture and of course must make sure that this is either transparent or semi-transparent if it's opaque the shimmer is basically wasted because you cannot get much shimmer see when i mix the painting with the paint with the pigment what a rich color i have and i think i need a little bit more putting medium so let me add some when i mix my pigment it's a good idea to let it sit for maybe some time to three hours because you want to make sure all the pigments are dissolved into the medium so again perfect consistency you can see this is my paint plus pigment now let me show you how i mix just my pigment so such a beautiful shimmer but this is the problem when i drop it it's more liquidy so this is what i do anytime this is what i do when i have only pigment i add a tiny bit of triple thick rust-oleum polyurethane to make it thicker by the way i want to add a tiny bit of pigment on that one and that's how i mess around with colors because i just add this to that and something happens see this is my pigment mix it's not it's liquid it's not thick enough so i am going to add tiny bit of this into that mixture as you can see it's pretty very thick actually to be honest with you i rarely use just pigment by itself so now you can see that it's thicker than before and you can see all those squiggly lines on top of the mountain and this is my mixture uh next segment of the video you will see that i have sure i am going to show you what color i mix with what pigment um just to give you an idea i usually buy some colors or some acrylic paints which the colors i like very much and i bought some couple not too many because this pigments are very expensive so i bought some from little tlp and some from primary element then i just mix and match with different um what's it called acrylic paint to get different color combination so that's how basically i mix my paint in the second part which was recorded another day i wanted to show you how i mix my base coat and also some of the color combinations that i create using pigments mixing pigments and paints so i just wanted to share everything in the same video so the other day when i went to walmart i found this color which is called fossil gray and it's in satin finish color place brand again which is from walmart and it was on sale for five bucks for a gallon which was a steeler so i grabbed that and today i'm going to use that when i opened it it was the layers were separated because it's been sitting on the shelf for a while and i of course did not ask them to mix it for me because then i'll have tons of bubbles so i bought it as it is and at this point i am mixing it for at least three minutes um manually as much as i can and i'm telling you it's not still perfect it needs to go way longer than three minutes but i'm just showing you how i did that so pretty much at this point you can see that it's well mixed and i'm using the sticks you guys guys can get from home depot so those are very handy whenever i go there i'll grab one or two every time i go there um to use those for this purpose when you mix them make sure you're mixing them very well and all the layers are integrated it's not going to be like how they do it on the machine but it's pretty darn close so take your time at this level to make sure that you mix it very very well now let me put away the paint and i will show you what i mix with my base coat it's not too complicated uh at the beginning i used to measure them a perfect percent but now i just eyeball them so you saw that how much paint i took and with that i am just adding a dash of gak 800 it is supposed to help you with the creasing or cracking because when you do these things or this method sometimes you have thicker paint here and there it's not that i don't get any cracks anymore but it reduces the chances of getting cracks so with that i added some gag 800 and tiny bit of another dash of i should say flotrol and that's it when you mix these three make sure you're mixing them very well they have to be like perfectly mixed all together otherwise you will have cracks so that's very important i usually use that to what is it um one liter yogurt containers and make a batch and i use them as much as uh as long as it takes to finish then i'll make another batch so that's how i go so now i'm going to show you a couple of uh color combinations that i mixed earlier uh this should give you some ideas like how i mix so the first one that you see this one has primary elements hot cinnamon which is a pigment mixed with um liquitex basics professional series quinter grown red orange so i mixed those two to achieve the color that you see in my hand which is really pretty so this is just so what i do is bottom line i buy some nice pigments and i buy some nice uh acrylic paint and then i mix and match and i achieve different colors in different days so it's perfectly fine and if you well in the picture it doesn't show that off closely but if you see uh my paintings in bare eyes you will see that each and every paint that i create the colors are different they are not the same combination the second one that you see it's the pigment from tlp shangria i mixed with shangria a couple of drops of ink a liquid x ink which is quinter grown magenta by the way this one since it doesn't have any acrylic paint this one have 50 percent of my pouring medium and 50 of the [Music] triple x poly are thin to get the right consistency the next one that you see this one has a pomegranate from a primary element mixed with daxes and purple from the cutex basic next color is mixed with josonia's burgundy which is a acrylic paint mixed with um hot cinnamon from primary element which is a pigment this one is artist loved heavy body quinta grown blue violet mixed with shangria pigment from tlp this is my most favorite color so far which is groovy uh pigment from tlp and i mixed this with quinta grown magenta uh liquitex basics actually no i used professional series on this one and i love this color the yes i used the professional series quintagrum magenta the color or the pigment groovy this is actually you can use it with anything and you'll get beautiful colors um the green that i mixed i used primary elements um what's it called olive vine mixed with uh art minds what's it called candy apple i think it's the same as modern masters candy apple so it's the same thing so you can use those instead of this one i have to tell you one thing i love this pigment but these tends to bleed so be careful with this one make it thicker i today the consistency that i have i might bleed a little it should be even thicker but i don't want to work with more thicker paint than this so now i am going to pour on this six inch six by six inch tile and the colors i'm going to use is uh green gold from golden the second one is two pigments mixed together one is shy rose and the other one is i think firefly or something ah from primary element the third color that i'm using is uh sangria from tlp mixed with artist loft professional street series quinter grown blue violet which is a really really pretty color so those are the three colors i'm going to use also i am using the base coat which is fossil gray from color place walmart brand i have tiny bit of gak 800 and american flute roll mixed into the base coat just to make it a tiny bit thinner so this is the green gold from golden i just started with that color and this one is called viridian and i think it's from creative inspiration um yes i bought this color from jerry's adorama which was on sale so this is the first time i'm using it we'll see how it goes and the rest of the video i am going to just stop talking and i would let you enjoy and put on some music so um thank you again so much for watching me and supporting me [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] so [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] so [Music] [Music] [Music] you
Channel: Milkyway Art Design By Sharmin Khan
Views: 20,849
Rating: 4.9575973 out of 5
Keywords: Fluid art tutorial, fluid painting for beginners, fluid painting cells, how to make cells with acrylic paint, acrylic paint pouring, acrylic dirty pour techniques, acrylic pouring techniques, liquid painting for beginners, Milkyway, How to create cells, how to create cells with acrylic paint, Milkyway art design, straight pour, Acrylic pouring for beginers, Bloom Technique, Modified Bloom Technique, Shelee Art, Bloom, Art, Crafts, How to mix pouring medium, How to mix paint
Id: KHBoneN13pQ
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 32min 37sec (1957 seconds)
Published: Mon Apr 26 2021
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