72 Hours of FOOD & FUN in SEOUL πŸ‡°πŸ‡· (Essential guide + travel tips!)

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hey it's Phoebe and today I'm in Soul South Korea's vibrant Capital City Soul Blends ancient tradition with modern Flare from historic places and unique neighborhoods to delicious food and lovely locals this bustling city has it all and in this episode we'll be spending 3 days exploring Soul's unique neighborhoods and uncovering some of the very best things to see do and eat let's go I thought we could start things off today by exploring in sedong now this neighborhood is famous for being historic and artsy but you guys it is gray it is overcast I am really cold and I need two things today immediately coffee and second I really need a coat so let's go get some coffee let's get some breakfast let's start things off right let's find your girl a coat and let's explore insid tell me [Applause] he okay yeah I don't need this no more I don't need a stay going to walk out that door M St giving you love Gore hope you find someone that can really adore it is beautiful inside that Cafe it's also extremely chaotic um and here's the thing it was an hour wait to get a seat and I'm not waiting an hour for any kind of food no no no I'm hungry now so I just got takeaway they're famous to something called soap bread what is that I have no idea we're about to find out so I got two I got cinnamon because I love cinnamon and well we'll talk about the other one in a second but let's start with the cinnamon let's eat it oh my God wao what is that that's delicious now it was it was 19,000 Korean w the coffee and two of these bad boys which is about $2 Australian it's not cheap but it's not crazy crazy either we've got another one now I asked the lady who was putting out all of the salt breads um which other one should I try and she suggests this one it's lemon I love a lemony dessert oh my God I don't know yeah I'm just going to say it that's the best P I've ever had in my life I didn't think that was happening to me today who knew I was showing up to insadong and soul to artist Bakery to get the best pastry of my entire life that's unreal look at that that is just a big fat whack of lemon Cur oozing out the middle of it I love lemon curb what are they doing in there um okay coffee it all comes down to this this could be a 10 out of 10 Bakery the coffee is okay it's okay it's very watery which isn't my vibe I like a nice creamy latte I did a double shot maybe the second shot has something to do with it who knows either way the coffe mid these are [Music] late me on you're making all these promises and You' always quit you just another hypocrite no I'm can't [Music] you when I was researching things that really wanted to do in Soul I came across something on Tik Tok and it was called Acorn caricature and you show up and you pay 7,000 one and these beautiful ladies do a caricature of you so I'm sitting really still while this lovely lady draws me and I'm so excited for it but also nervous hopefully it's not one of those main caricatures where they like accentuate your worst features cuz I I can't handle it I'll have a meltdown okay hold on I have film both ways it's ready I'm going try and film my reaction and the reveal all at once this is Advanced filming I'm nervous okay oh my God I love it oh my oh you did so good thank you so much what do you guys think oh it looks so good a little while ago I snuck up a a merch store on this channel and I didn't really tell any of you about it because I didn't want you to feel like pressured to buy anything or I didn't want you to feel like it was a money grab but some people had asked so I did it um there's a lot of fibby merch on there which is my favorite um but I think I'm going to turn this into a little piece of merch cuz I'm not very good at making merch about myself but I think this is a nice way to do it so if you would like something with this on it that's going to be in the merch store um yeah and then you can live the Soul experience with me oh my gosh thank you so much the things you you know M on I already have a bunch of guys lined up how you lose a like me boss boy I'm actually doing just fine even when you will love my but Shake no anle shap good C I really need to cut you all you always trying [Music] to always qu hpoc okay I was just walking along and I saw this beautiful Art Gallery Art Shop and I was like I have to buy some of those little pieces so I can put them up in my house when I go home next um and I've come in here and they're so lovely and this is the beautiful manager and they were like oh they saw my camera and they're like oh introduce our shop hello hello it's so nice to meet you no that's okay your shop is so beautiful thank you and this is all local Korean by Korean artists artist okay he's the artist okay my husband your husband's the artist he painted all the all I didn't know I was meeting the artist wow did you paint the pictures I bought I didn't know all is my artwork really briefly I introduced my artwork I would love that please uh this side is pictures uh I draw it with a pan and water color they're beautiful about B okay is I oil pastel wow o pastel okay would you um would you sign would you sign the ones I bought would you sign for me okay oh my gosh he okay well I get signature I would love that here please I would love that oh my gosh um that's pretty amazing to get the actual artist to sign the Beast that you just bought I'll put that up in my house okay thank you so much sir thank you come okay I will [Music] I want you to know you're not the only one call me whever you want just keep me entertained play it on my ADHD I can't focus on you lately I want you to know you haven't been [Music] As you move around so you will see so many people in the traditional garments and for the girls that is this beautiful hok and I've gone full hok barie I booked the um the premium hok rental with a photo shoot so me and the photographer were running around he was directing me he showed me like a little sneak peek of some of the photos they're the best photos I've ever seen in my life he's incredible um I highly recommend doing this it's just so much fun and you come away with it with away from it with such a great momento anyway I booked mine via clerk I'll have a link below for you so you can check it out and book it with or without the photographer it's up to you but the photographer is pretty cool cuz you're guaranteed to get amazing photos um I don't know all the local girls keep looking at me and waving and smiling and it's just like I don't know I feel like when you do stuff like this you're just I don't know I don't know how to describe it it's like you're really immersing yourself in the culture and really making that effort to connect and experience it and I feel like the locals kind of love that I know why I love [Music] it did you say you [Music] me I in myle I really didn't know to get around here in Soul I've been catching public transport and it has been super easy to navigate the Train the bus easy to figure out now I did get a t money card which is their public transport card I picked this up from a convenience store 7-Eleven um I was able to buy this using my Visa debit card but to put credit on it I had to pay cash to make sure you do have some cash although in saying that I mostly been paying for everything I've been doing with my Visa debit card anyway but I think a little bit of cash for street food and charging up your MRT card or or Transit card or whatever they call it here t- money card is a good idea um now I've been getting directions on the bus with Google Maps but here's the thing about Google Maps it's not so good for walking directions it will just say that there's no possible route to get there even though there is a possible route to get there um so just use your live location look at where you are look at where you're going going and use the blue dot to help you navigate your way but all in all I am finding Soul so easy to navigate and we're going to catch the bus right now to our next [Music] location no n uh all days I'm [Music] n but you don't know yeah we really need to take a break we got to find our own ways girl at the tip of the iceberg of love and devotion Welcome to The Madness of meong we started off nice and gentle this morning in in song and with that was all things quiet and peaceful and chill meong Nong is very busy um that's why we needed to ease into it and work our way up to it um I don't super love crowds and this is super super crowded um now I have heard that these markets selling all of this street food here I've actually heard they're not the best if you're from Saul and you have an opinion on that please let me know what I had heard was that these Street venders know that the people that are eating here are tourists not locals so the incentive to make amazing food that draws people back time and time again just isn't there they're happy just to put together something that looks visually grabbing let's say and makes you want to buy it but maybe necessarily isn't the best taste wise um I'm happy to taste something maybe if I see something that I think looks good um and takes my fancy and we can confirm that theory but so far I have to be honest with you I'm not really seeing anything that grabs me it's all very showy and I don't know steamy and people are kind of crowded around it but to me it's just not really grabbing me now in addition to the this street food Yong is actually really famous for shopping so I thought we could have a little bit of a wander around maybe check out some of the shops grab some K Beauty and hopefully find somewhere to grab a bite to eat um oh my God it is so chaotic let's see if we can get off this main this Main Street and find somewhere else and also I really need to find a coart I still don't have a coat and I am freezing my nuggets off so let's see if we can find a cart long gone these nights we've been fighting sick of pretending that we'll see the light of dawn at me let at you where you cross the line now time out look at this look what we've become oh baby look at me look at you done done playing Game Stop our changes make a break now drop the drop the ACT this R talk is meaningless going cuz we fragile like cand a window I had to get out of me on that was my personal h i get absolutely no enjoyment out of that whatsoever there's just too many people um I have been there before during the daytime hours and it it was much better than that so if that's you and you don't love a crowd and you don't love slow Walkers and all that kind of stuff avoid it at night go during the day and you might feel a little bit better um but it's time for dinner and I didn't want to eat around there so I made my way back to my hotel and I thought I'll just wonder to until I see something that takes my fancy now we are going to be going in on Korean food tomorrow so tonight I'm treating myself to some sushi um I walked past the sushi place it looked amazing I don't know what the name is it's written in Korean characters I tried to look on Google Maps there's no English translation which I love um I'm the only Gringo in here we love that um I just wandered in off the street ordered off the screen some Sushi's come out it looks amazing I'll show the outside of the shop for you so that you can find it if you really want to um I thought I was ordering something kind of small thank you um I've ordered a lot I've ordered a lot okay the AI salmon is excellent um now I didn't order soup or a side dish but I was presented a soup and a side dish this I'm no idea what this is it smells like cat food let's eat it this is real Brave at me right now that is delicious if you know what that is please comment it I'm going to sit here I'm going to Feast I'm going to enjoy my Sushi and then I'm going to show you where I'm staying it might be the smallest hotel room I have ever stayed in and I love it I'll show you why for accommodation I'm staying at snowflower guest house now I love the location of this place it is in such a good spot it's easy to access all the best sites it feels super safe and there's loads of good places to eat nearby too now this is a homestead rather than a hotel so think of it like a fancy hostel there's shared facilities like this cozy Terrace and kitchen the fridges and shelves are stocked full of food that's included in the price of the stay seriously you could eat all your meals here and not spend an additional scent if you didn't want to there's also shared laundry facilities super fast Wi-Fi a computer and printer you can use and so many more little details like that now at 12 M squared this is the tiniest room I have ever stayed in and I didn't expect to like it but I do it's awesome the bed is so comfy the TV is huge and Netflix is included there's a shower in the room with shared toilets outside in the main area there's a desk for me to do my work and it just it just works it really does I don't know why but I've been having the best sleeps of my life in this room for some reason now I'll have a link below so that you can check out snowflower guest house but I'll also put some other hotels down there at varying price points for you as well so that you can find something perfect for your soul stay check out the links in the video description good morning you guys o that was an extra juicy on cuz I'm feeling really happy today um the weather let's talk about it it's gray it's raining it's overcast and it's very cold now I may look like I'm wearing the exact same outfit as yesterday cuz I sort of am except I've got a lot more layers under it because still don't have a coat and I think I might be in the right place to find one um we're going to spend the day or the morning in Gangdam Gangam Style enough of that but first things first before we start exploring gangam and doing a few things I've always wanted to do here I need to eat I'm so hungry so let's see if we can find something tasty to warm this up I'm agitated I'm agitated I lined up at the London Bagel museum for 30 minutes waiting to get a nice cozy table inside was having visions of like a nice toasty bagel with a bowl of soup hot coffee check check check so I waited 30 minutes the lime was going so slow I was like that's fine I'll just switch to takeaway get in get out I'll figure it out I wait another 20 minutes I go inside everyone's like push and Shar snatching the lp this that Bagel it's rough in there anyway I get my two Bagels on my tray I get up the top I choose my cream cheese I order my coffee I say the girl great I'll have that Toasted please um this cream cheese on this one this cream cheese on that one she's like oh no we don't do that like what do you mean you don't you don't do that how am I going to eat it she like do you cut it can you give me a knife even just like I'll put the cream cheese on myself outside she's like no we don't do that so this is it I've got it and I can't eat it I'm no I lost an hour of my life and I'm no closer to getting something to eat do you know what I mean I got a coffee let's try that yeah coffee's mid the coffee's mid um let's just walk the first decent thing I see to eat I'm eating it yes the Instagram and Tik Tok famous places to eat are great but they come with a price sometimes that price can be your money and it can also be your time there is something to be said for places like this butter finger pancakes their slogan is my kind of place I'm feeling that no queue plenty of open seats walked right in sat right down pancakes please big old cup of black coffee appears pancakes are on the table in 10 minutes they're hot they're fresh they look amazing do you know what I mean do you know what I mean let's see if this place is any good I was going crazy I had to eat immediately I was getting real hangry I was out of control I just I love this kind of comfort food is the thing and what's funny about it is I was watching um some Anthony B D the other day and he was at Waffle House I've never eaten at WAFF house but you know what I love about an Bain is he was into that kind of stuff and I that really resonates with me like I love to have the real highend luxury experiences and try the Michelin star food and the degustation and all this great stuff but I also love just eat some plain old pancakes from ad Denis or a Butterfinger pancakes or Waffle House or do you know what I mean all right I've got the banana and nut pancakes that's really good keep your cruffle keep your million doll Bagel I'm happy with my $2 pancakes lights out I'm your favorite to many ways been in your place there delayers add it up plus sign Z on a table jaing and VI to be later want to make it bigger just a little bit off they showing up to my space I'm a fashion dealer I'm your biggest B meet me in the middle I just don't want want to set under I'm having a weird day today a real weird day the Starfield library has been on my travel bucket wish list for a really long time I love libraries and if you guys are this is embarrassing I'll say it again I said it in the Copenhagen episode I can't look at you when I say it hold on don't don't make eye contact it's my secret fantasydream I'm meet the love of my life in a library so I like to visit libraries when I travel to give that dream possibility of becoming a reality so I thought this would to be great this is everything this is the anti Library what heck about the library is it's quiet it's uncrowded it's a chill place where introvert me can flourish um this is not that this is not that this is not I don't know if it really is a library if you're from here um if you could just let me know if if anybody actually comes here to quietly read a book or do some study I don't see how you would this feels like a like a gimmick like an Instagram gimmick which is a little disappointing that's not really what I wanted I wanted a nice peaceful Library time um today is just a weird one for me it's not really panning out how I planned it's all making sense to me not a b sick and no stay we going to get higher you're the product I could be your buyer under these lucid dreams I'm not thinking off my head yet just being honest what's the big difference and I've been [Music] feeling you may have noticed I haven't eaten a lot of Korean food yet I've been saving it for this very moment I signed up for a street food tour specifically of the Guang Chong market now it is 2 hours of intense eating in the market and we have an amazing guide with us um it's all girls here which is really cool um would you like to say hello to the these are the other girls on my tour hi hi so cute and our beautiful tour guide hiding in the background there this is our first stop it's a really famous Noodle and Dumpling spot I believe it was featured on Netflix I'll have a link below so you can check it out um now for me they've got kimchi dumplings which I'm really excited about they've got some handcuff noodles this I'm super super excited about kimchi one of my favorite foods and so a lot makes you skinny I'm going in babe I'm going in no okay this is the Kim DPL the wrapper is real nice and gooey the inside is all things spicy a little bit sweet garlicky salty that's [Music] delicious refocus your mind e Junction [Music] my my more it's time for our very last course this is the famous twisty donut let's hope it's good that's very different to what I thought it was going to be it's super super soft and the outside is super super crunchy perfect amount of sugary cinnamon goodness on the outside I really like that I have absolutely loved doing the street food tour I told you guys I saved up doing this and the reason for that look I can work a street food market like nobody's business but because I don't eat a lot of meat and I know the Korean cuisine is a bit meat heavy I wasn't sure what I should eat what I shouldn't I was a little bit intimidated and this is the best way for me to get into it honestly I'm glad I saved it up I'm glad I waited and I'm really glad I did it this way cuz I got to try so much food that I never would have tried otherwise and I got to make some new friends some other solo travel girls and have this shared experience with them which has been really really wonderful so I highly recommend doing it I'll have a link below for you so that you can book as well and hopefully you get the same amazing guide as [Music] me good morning you guys today I'm going to try and reconnect with the side of soul that I really love so we're going to be exploring another one of the really cool neighborhoods it's called Hong day and it's like a bit of a university young people's hangout um and we're starting things off of coffee of course so I've come to a place called oats I saw it online it looked awesome I thought let's try it when I showed up I was a little nervous cuz there was no queue which is great but there's no one here and I thought oh no maybe that means it's really bad and I've gotten this wrong but I'm here I'll try it the coffee and the little scone pastry thing have come out they look amazing let's start with the coffee um oh I've ordered an iron spinner sounds German if you know what that is please tell me that's really good it's worth coming here just for that I they do it in an iced version in a hot version I've got the hot version the iced version looks cuter in the cup but I felt like a hot drink okay and then I've got a a chuo scone it's like a dry hard biscuit so I don't that's not what it's going is to me but I'm curious to try wo wo i oh that's a bit that's a bit Rich for me I like sweets I'm not one of these people like don't like sweets you guys know I love sweets but that one for me is a a little too much I'll give it I'll give it one more bite not my favorite but this this thing [Music] slaps I feel I'm Hur baby oh yeah [Music] the I think I got to balance you guys between my KN wait let's start up here let's see if I can do this I had gotten on Google Maps this is a hack I don't have a attack maybe you do this too before I travel to a city I write down a list in the my notes of all the places that I could potentially eat every Cafe every restaurant every everything and then I get on Google Maps and I star them all so on a day like today we're in Hong day I don't have to think about it I open Google Maps I see where I am I look at what's nearest I press the Stars I go yep yep yep y Yep this was one of the star places it's a Mochi ice cream store I can't remember what it's called I'll find out and I'll put the name on the cream for you but you guys know I'm obsessed with Mochi ice cream I eat it nonstop when I'm in Japan but I've only ever had it from the convenience store this is my first fancy Emoji um I'm excited but I have to tell you the convenience store one goes hard soorry how much better can this be um I've got two flavors we're going to try them both and see which one's the best or if they're good at all um we'll start with Rasberry crumble so I'm just going to put you guys between my knees just balance you there okay a great angle for you oh my god that's way better than convenience store I love dark chocolate it's my favorite and this one dark [Music] chocolate that's excellent that is [Music] excellent tell me what you want to do [Music] I can I do oh no beautiful nightmare the girl go Beau nightmare I'm sure you can tell but I really love this neighborhood it has been really nice just wandering around and looking at everything I think this would be a really great location to stay my hotel isn't here um I I'll give you the link to where my hotel is so you can check out the location I don't want to describe it because I'm going to describe it wrong but it's been in the best location if I hadn't stayed there I would have been very happy to stay in this neighborhood it's just got a really good feel to it lots of great places to eat it feels very friendly very accessible um and easy to get around from here as well so a few essential Soul travel tips for you definitely get your team money card it's just going to make it a lot easier to get around in the public transport you can use Google Maps I've been using it has been fine for public transport and then for days like today where I'm walking along I just figured out myself by looking at Google Maps but I I didn't download any special Korean apps or anything like that I have been able to use Apple pay and my physical card in most places but I did need to have a little bit of cash here and there so do take some cash out if you need receipts you're going to need to ask for them I found They Don't Really offer you a receipt here or hand it over naturally so if you need receipts for whatever reason you're going to need to ask for them you should definitely have Google translate downloaded um I found most people speak English which is very lovely because I don't speak Korean but Google translate has really come in handy a lot of times and I've never said this in an episode before but I recommend you have your passport on you at all times it's so that you can do some duty-free shopping so some of them you hand the passport over and they give you the the discounted rate on the spot and other times they give you a receipt and I've got a whole stack of them and I'm going to go scan them at the airport the international airport when I leave and I'm going to get my tax refunds there but definitely make sure you have your passwort on you so you can take advantage of that but other than that I have had a wonderful time here in Soul and tomorrow I'm going to be catching the bullet train down to Busan my sister is very excited her all-time favorite BTS Jun cook he's from bran I'm really excited to see it um brsan is a brand new city for me and I'm really excited to find out what it's all about I've got some really cool stuff booked and with that that brings our time and soul and this week's episode to a close I really hope you've enjoyed it now if you don't already be sure to subscribe right now so you never miss a single episode and say hello in the comments below I hope you have a great week ahead and I will see you with a brand new Busan episode next week you know I love you in the Beautiful
Channel: Travel For Phoebe
Views: 55,372
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: travel, travel guide, travel tips, how to travel, seoul, seoul travel, seoul travel guide, hanbok, bukchon hanok village, seoul food, seoul food tour, travel seoul, myeongdong street food, myeongdong, seoul eats, gwangjang market, gwangjang market netflix, Seoul Explore, insadong seoul, hongdae, hongdae seoul, south korea travel, seoul vlog, seoul travel itinerary, solo travel, seoul experience, gangnam, travel review, most beautiful places on earth, tiktok
Id: K8SXsOc-t5o
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 32min 56sec (1976 seconds)
Published: Sun Apr 14 2024
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