70's Makeup Tutorial Featuring My Mom 🎀 Fierce Aging with Nikol Johnson

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hey ladies welcome back to my fierce aging series so i wanted to take you back to all my new subscribers to the time that i really started fierce aging it was in march of 2019 and it was a really special month for me because i got to feature women in their 50s 60s 70s and 80s and that's really what started off fierce aging it wasn't going to be a series it was just going to be a month of showing that's what my audience asked for and that's what i showed you and then it really resonated and then i started showing women from all over the country on my channel and it was so much fun and so now it's become a series we are in the middle of building out the studio so in the meantime i thought let's bring my mom back let's feature her let's really celebrate being in your 70s looking beautiful and it was just such a really fun thing to do again and i'm so happy i get to share her beauty with you i get to share it she we put the velcro curlers in of course you know me i would never do another tutorial on any of my fierce aging ladies without the velcro curlers she just looks radiant beautiful so if you are in your 70s and feeling like you just you know you're not quite sure how to put your makeup on or just look fresh or look really pretty this is a great tutorial you can use any makeup i'm just showing you what i use my mom what really brings her beauty to the forefront and i hope you really enjoy this so ladies let's get this beauty started we're back with my mom this is very exciting because i have a lot of new subscribers and i featured her in my fierce aging series in march of 2019 and she actually told me no i tell the story all the time she actually told me no when i said mom i need to do this 70s decade you will be perfect do you want to come into the studio and you said no absolutely not and i said i said oh okay well that's great but i don't have anybody else like i really need to do this and then what happened you thought about it and then you called me back i felt bad for you so then she did it which was such a great experience and i was so thrilled that she would push herself and get out there which is what the channel is all about i said mom if you're say teens all about doing things that you think you can do or you're not that comfortable with or you're feeling like maybe you know you don't want to i don't know if it was like expose yourself with no makeup on to everyone on youtube no it was just i'm very shy so so she was really a great example of doing something pushing herself and then really enjoying it which i think you do because i brought you back in 2020 yes that was that was easier so we've been through 2019 then we went through 2020 which was a little bit different when we did that makeup tutorial and then we're back now so we were dealing with in 2019 you had said something that was really resonated with the ladies about feeling that you looked in the mirror and you were beige you were like one color yes like like i didn't have a face it was just it was just very sad did you feel like this in your 60s no i don't remember i i don't recall feeling that way at that point in time so it was 70s i think so yeah it was just all of a sudden i think i think that turning 70 just some things started changing so now you we when i featured you in 2019 you were 70 70. you were 70. yeah okay so now we are 74. all right so do you still feel beige after we've done these makeup tutorials or have you changed your makeup i don't feel beige so much because i use more color and i really like your cream blushes i think that it just makes it look really natural but what i have noticed is that i think that my eyes are starting to i i can't bring them up like i used to so you feel like your eyes are looking tired yeah so we're going to address putting more color into the skin working around the eye area but not looking like she's wearing a ton of makeup because my mom doesn't love wearing a ton of makeup she doesn't want to look covered she just wants to feel pretty and feel kind of like fresh and we're working back with the bottled blonde because it's a sheen and it's something different she used to wear all mattes and they were in the gray family and i think that's kind of wasn't something that really made you excited right it didn't brighten it was subdued to subdued i think and did you do that because that was basically what you've done forever yes you just stuck with it so we're going to go into this beautiful makeup tutorial i love staying beautiful because that's what it is we're going to feel beautiful we're going to feel inspired we're going to feel confident and that's really what i want to do for mother's day i called mom this morning and i was like you know what i want to do i want to do your makeup it's mother's day tomorrow we're going to do this we're going to put it up on monday encourage all the ladies to really play with makeup and to feel amazing i'm going to start first with the vitamin e because this is a big thing for my mom her lips are always dry and i'm always telling her to put on the lip balm moisturize those lips because your lipstick is not going to look nice ladies if you have dry chapped lips and you know what that looks like when you put your lipstick on and then you see all of those dry patches which you know about yeah i do i'm going to start off with something that i bought at the sephora sale this is a luxury product that i felt was luxurious to buy is the shishado facial cotton it was on sale so i used my 20 so this is amazing though because i cut them in half because i try to preserve them as much as possible but they are the softest cotton and i had the rounds that i was buying actually in bulk at costco and when i would go around my eye they would scratch and i thought you know what i want to try the shiseido and these are beautiful i'm going to put the ever beauty water just to cleanse my mom's skin first and you're going to see how these feel i mean this is like a little luxury so every time i use them i'm always like oh this feels so good you know because you use those costco rounds that's true i do and how do those compared to this i mean doesn't this feel like yeah this is very soft silk on the face you can feel the difference oh it's so nice i'm going to go in with the upper quench this is an advanced hydrating booster i want to just really get a lot of moisture into my mom's skin not too much but i do it definitely makes a huge difference to get that moisture into the skin lightweight products you don't want something that's going to be super super heavy on the skin this is going to just really prep the skin before our makeup i'm going to seal in that really beautiful hydra quench with the ever daytime brightening serum this is a vitamin c booster and i'm actually going to just i'm going to show my mom the gua sha that's coming out i just asked her have you ever used a gua sha and she said no so this is the gua sha i've showed it in some of my videos recently and i really love doing this every morning or you can do it at night and it really just helps drain the fluid it's a very simple easy and expensive way to really contour the face get that blood flow draining that extra fluid so i want to see how you feel you're going to see how these are here just grab the cheekbone and and pull out towards your ear all right like this yeah and just keep doing it nice and mm-hmm smooth how does it feel am i going too high on it no oh just be good yeah just want to be nice and cool and it's sliding nicely over this oil that you put on and then i do it over here and how long do you do this you can do you know like you can do ten times you can do you want to do three to five minutes and you keep this in the refrigerator i mean you can but it's nice and cool because it's stainless steel so you can just do it like that and then it's going you can start kind of feeling how you're draining that fluid back towards your ear area so the skincare is prepped you can see that beautiful glowy skin right now it's very nice and hydrated we're going to go right into an eye primer i should show you that i use this eye primer that is a nice creamy formula and i'm gonna go to the base of the lash line all the way up to the brow bone and it's just going to take out any of that pigmentation any of that redness any of those blues or grays everything we don't like so it's going to be just nice and silky you don't need a lot this is this color is light medium you don't want white on your eye eyelids and you don't want a really dark color this is going to be kind of in that middle that middle color of just correcting you'll see that it has a little yellow tinge to it so it's going to really correct that darkness and then we're going to be ready to go right into our eyeshadow i'm using the bottled wand this is going to be a beautiful color just very in the neutrals but it's going to just bring her eyes alive and we're using my essential makeup brush kit that is out it's coming back in in june you're going to be very excited there are some surprises that are coming out with the new brush palette so i'm going to just go right into the middle color here and i'm going to sweep across you're going to see how you're going to get that nice pop that sheen coming out you can again like the last week i just used this one color on my eye that was it but you can use all three you can use one you can use two whatever you want to do just to get a really nice easy soft fresh look just going to take the other side of the brush and go into the lightest color here and just sweep up over the brow bone i'm going to take the smudge brush and i'm going to go into the darkest color it's going to be really nice to give that dimension right in this outer corner and i'm just going to work it in so it's nicely fused into this eyeshadow that i already put on again you don't have to just use a brush if you want to go in with your finger there are no rules on how you blend how you get the look that you want again this is very soft this is very light it's about being in your 70s feeling that you can put on makeup and really just enhance your look it's not about i always say this it's not about youtube videos that i'm taking my mom and i'm like transforming her face into something it's not and that she wouldn't feel comfortable with this is just giving that enhancement taking your beauty taking it to the next level this is your makeup application to give you that really just great feeling i'm going to go in with the dark chocolate waterproof eyeliner my mom's a very good example of having very fine lashes we've talked about this a lot of times they're very straight they're very fine they're very thin so in order to thicken up her lash line and not try to over pack her lashes with mascara we're going to do a really pretty eyeliner that's very tight to her eyes it's in the actual lash right above in the lash line so you're doing little strokes like this and you're thickening up this lash line so she's going to make it look like she has more lashes than she does right in here but she's not looking like she has a big heavy eyeliner that's my biggest thing it's going to look really really just very polished very approachable and she'll feel very comfortable with her eyes lined [Music] the eyeliner is on and it's right in those lashes now we can take the smudge brush and we can smoke it up a little bit to work with the liner that we just did so we can just move the liner up a little bit if we wanted to see it a little bit more you're just really working with what you have or you can take the eyeliner again you can go just above it and then you're going to smudge it up so you don't have to be too precise here you can let it be a little bit more messy you don't have to be perfect and this is something great if you have shaky hands if you can't apply your eyeliner perfectly don't worry this is why i called the eraser brush you go back in and you smooth everything out so it's just going to give you a nice little just that shadowing [Music] [Music] [Music] my mom's very fair and so when you put a dark chocolate is what i always would choose i would never put black on her it's just too harsh i like to balance out the eye by putting a little on the bottom so this gives her that definition it's not over the top but at least she's getting something that's going to outline her eyes and define them also my mom's eyes water a lot so that's why i'm using waterproof [Music] so i'm going to give my mom the shumura eyelash curler to curl her lashes and we're going to get the mascara ready and we're going to use we just came up with that video i did with the charlotte tilbury pillow talk that that mascara that had a 45 000 person wait list which was so crazy and i'm going to be showing you the with shorter lashes like my mom's that are really thin and delicate you can't have a really big fluffy brush because you're going to really not be able to get the lashes it's very frustrating for women that have more fine lashes or they're just as you're aging they get a little bit thinner so i have a wand that is a little curved and has teeth on both sides and it's flat so this is going to be able to help my mom when she's applying her mascara get to the base grip those lashes and pull up so she can actually deposit the mascara on the lashes so you'll see that her lashes don't really curl as much as i knew we would like them to so we're going to just look down we're going to take the wand we're going to go to the base and it like grips them you can feel it and we pull up so you're going to get a beautiful application you can see how they just hold onto the lash we pull up so these lashes really nicely get coated when they don't even look like she has that much and again the issue i was having with the charlotte tilbury was that the wand was putting so much product on the lid and it was so messy so this is something that you really want to pay attention to everyone has to find the right mascara wand for them and their lashes everyone has different lashes but this is a great one for my mom because she has these little lashes that really are beautiful once you can bring them out with the right mascara the right brush this would be a really great time to use a heated eyelash curler to set the lashes up so that is something else that's coming in or back into stock we really have upgraded and redesigned our heated eyelash curlers we're very excited about that so now we're going to go into the brows so this is nice the eyes are done so we're going to go into the brows and you can see my mom's eyebrow is higher on the side and she really it doesn't have a lot of arch and she doesn't have a lot of hair just laterally that's just what happens um as she's been aging this is getting thinner and she has more hair here so we could take the stencils if you're having a really hard time understanding how to shape out your brows we do have stencils or just a little cheat sheet for you that you can do like so so you got four different sizes and classic arch slim arch full arch and bold arch so for instance if i did this slim arch on my mom you would basically where your brow starts and you would just match it up and it would show you the shape that would be really beautiful as a slim if you wanted just a nice slim you would just fill this all in so you could do that if you wanted to those are really nice when you kind of try to get an idea of what kind of shape you want to do you can experiment with all four stick to one i'm gonna go in with skinny brow pencil and taupe and i'm gonna just map out her brows we're gonna do something really natural but what i would like to do is i would like to give her some more body some more arch on this so it matches more there i don't need to go as high but i want it to look like it's you know the same same brow coming over onto the left side so we're gonna just go straight up she's starting where she should so you go from the outside of the nose straight up ball of the nose over you're going to see she's arching where she's supposed to and then corner of the nose corner of the eye right here i don't like to make the brows too long and i want to drag down the face but we have here starting where she should over the ball so we're going to see she should arch right here i'm going to just put a little little mark there so i know and then the corner of the nose corner of the eye and i like to when it goes to the corner of the eye it should be here i go a little bit shorter so i can see where i need to be so we're going to just take the brow pencil and i like to create hair strokes that's really the idea so you can see the tough of hair and then it kind of drops off and you got this thin thin line here what you want to do is find at the end see underneath here that's that's our area we need to match the two together we need to bridge them together so what i'm going to do is i'm going to create this line from our hair that she has right into this hair here and don't worry if your pencil gets a little that's what the spool is for it'll blend everything out so you can see i'm building underneath that's what's going to save you ladies you're going to build underneath the brow and then you're going to be able to create that consistent line i'm going to give it a little arch like it has i'm going to give it a nice tail see how this is the key it's right here we are making that brow one so it's not like this is one part and this is two parts so we have the full brow just being able to go nicely together [Music] same thing on the sides we're going to start creating those hair strokes so this hair seems to be shorter also because it's lower so we're going to bring it up get those nice strokes going so what we need to do on this brow here since we're not as high as that left row we don't want to build underneath here because we're okay we need to build on top so what i'm going to do is just keep that nice strokes that natural stroking coming up so we know where we're supposed to arch here so we're just going to keeping the brow moving following her own natural brow we're going to bring it up and then we're going to bring it down see how we're creating right here a nice arch for her smooth it out with the spoolie go back see where you missed maybe some little areas again you see how the brow pencil is being utilized the technique is about wispy hairs following the hair the natural hair growth it is not building out a template and filling it all in that looks very unnatural looks waxy doesn't look pretty in my opinion so this is a beautiful way to do you see how they're coming together now this might be a little light so we can go in a little bit harder with our application to get more deposit of that color spoolie it out so it doesn't look too dark in areas you can use a different brow color if you want to to give it more of an ombre maybe you start lighter go darker or maybe you go darker and you start lighter depending on what you want to do it's really up to you so you can see that this is a nice taupe color for her brows if we wanted to give her some more definition because her brow hair is a little bit darker and then we go into lighter i can take a medium brown pencil and i can literally do just the strokes where i want to emphasize the brow so if she needs a little help here marrying the hair to not having any hair i can easily do that with a darker color work it out nothing if you don't like your brows you can start over it's just a brow pencil you can start over if they look too dark if they look too light it's really up to how you see your brows but she has more hair hair on the left side it's going to look a little bit darker because of her hair we're going to just try to we're not trying to get them to be exactly the same we want them just to frame her face and it's and it's an appropriate color for her we're working with taupe and we just did a couple strokes of a medium brown it's not overdoing it we're not going to town but we want to have a nice symmetry and we want to have it to be really beautiful so once it all comes together we put the foundation or the bb cream on we put the concealer it all come together we're going to go into color correcting just underneath the eyes keeping it very simple for my mom still so it's almost lighter you can see she doesn't have a lot of darkness i mean it's almost like it's a lighter pinky blue tone so we're just going to take the just peachy color corrector it's a peach color we're going to take a concealer brush and we're going to just work on this really getting the color correction here it's really more of that those blues and greens that she's working with underneath the eye area so i don't want to go too heavy with lots of concealer i just want to use it just peachy it's going to be medium to full coverage we can still build up on it but you're going to see as we start applying this how it's starting to even and correct this bluish green color underneath the eye area don't forget to really get into this area here where that has that pocket of blue it's almost like this little pocket of blue and you also have the shading from your nose so i'd like to get in there making sure that we're lightening that up we don't miss it because you'll definitely see it once you finish your makeup it's it just kind of stands out so you can see it's beautiful color correction lightweight not slippery not heavy and then you'll see all of the the greens and the blues in the darkness that you have right in here so we like to color correct that area and then we're going to really make it all come together when we put the bb cream on so the color corrector is on something that i like to do that it's a really great tip for you if you're seeing darkness on your inner waterline on the bottom i just take a nude pencil this is not white it's a nude pencil and what i do is i go right into the water line taking out that redness taking out that darkness it just neutralizes makes the eyes look more awake so this is something that my mom was saying she doesn't feel that she her eyes look tired this is a great way because you've color corrected that under eye area blues greens any darkness and then you have that it's almost like you're you're skipping and you have this darkness this redness on the inner water line so easily be able to neutralize it with a nude pencil it's one of the best tricks as makeup artists that we have really beautiful simple easy technique to do to really give the eyes that refreshed look we're going to do a bb cream today we're going to just do the fair and the light mix the two colors together i do want to warm up my mom's skin i don't want it to be too dark for her though so i'm going to just mix the two colors together and this is going to give our burst of hydration it's going to be lightweight on her skin this is something that just will give her skin that extra radiance and we're just going to take our foundation buffing brush and we're going to work it in and one thing i want to do also is i'm going to add a little pool side i was excited to put this in this is a little bronzing kind of illuminator for her skin just just a little bit not too much because again we're fair and speaking of being really fair i would put sunscreen on my mom if she was going out or we were doing this and she was we're going to spend the day together and be out again sunscreen is really up to you on what you choose so i like to mention that because i do use sunscreen but i don't always put it in every single makeup tutorial so we're going to work this into the skin we want to warm up the skin buffing it in with the foundation buffing brush is just a really beautiful way to get that just glowy natural pretty look to the skin [Music] the salad [Music] so i've just buffed this into the skin brought it down to the neck really looks nice when you just get the whole skin uniformed how does it feel feels very nice it's very light and cool cool that's to say you feel the hydration right i know that's what i love it's like a burst of hydration it has a cucumber the aloe ginseng so i'm going to go in with just uh the translucent powder just to set just in the t-zone area here it's nice especially here in south florida doesn't matter what we do we will want to reinsure our makeup give it that assurance i'm going to go in with palm beach this is my favorite cream blush you like wearing this i do this is what did i did you start using an app after 2018 um i used that and i also used plum oh when we had that yum smile so you can see going right into the skimming just look at how it gives her that color so when she was feeling beige i think you were wearing powdered were you wearing powder blush what blush were you wearing powdered okay so when she uses a cream though this is going to give her that really beautiful radiance from within so you're you're adding on this cream blush it's not heavy it's not powdery it's not chalky it's not making you look like oh i added color but it's not really giving me that glow this is going to you can see i like to just tap it and you can layer if you want to you can really build it up but my mom has these beautiful cheekbones that i love my skin seems to be deflating yours seems to be staying beautiful nice and beautiful cheeks there i always say that i always wanted to have her cheeks was like your cheeks are nice and plump my skin seems to be coming down we have the blush on looking radiant and glowy wait until you see what it looks like so we have two options we can do with lips i mean we can if we really want to punch it up with just a really pretty pink we can do franny or we can do i'm wearing pretty smart so we could do pretty smart which is a softer pink so you can see a nice brighter pink for her or a softer pink either one would look beautiful mix them together why not i'm going to use glacier pink as my lip liner first and then we'll figure out which one you want to do let's see what you want to do so should we go for the lip lift that i did that i showed you before on my mom possibly we could do a little just on the top i'm going to show you how it works oh on someone's set in their 70s this is something that is a great technique it's not it's not too much what you're going to do is you see this top lip so we lose color as we're aging that's why a lip liner is so important ladies you want to line your lips you want to give that definition so we really don't see a lot of top lip right here because we did some foundation over the bb cream is basically kind of concealing the lip a little bit so we're going to just not dip down with the cupid's bow if you like that look you you do that that's amazing but this look i'm going to just connect them so they have she has a little bit of a fuller top lip nothing major just following her lip line but right here i'm just making it so it looks a little poutier why not i don't think i've ever done this on you have i did i ever do it no so it's just going to still look natural and very pretty but just giving her a little boost it's like a little push-up right here [Music] so i just fill in the lips a little bit because it's going to give her lipstick a little bit more staying power i'm going to do frannie which is named after my french bulldog franchesca and everybody in the studio would come in and call her franny and i thought okay and she always wore pink so we named so she's kind of like our mascot in the studio so we call this is our color named after our little beautiful french bulldog always wearing pink so we have the lipstick on it is high gloss but i always do a nice topper over with my shops this is going to be a nice kind of like topping for i love when they do champion cocktails and they just add the the little extra on the top of a little fizzy right so that's what i kind of feel like this is just a little fizzy just in the middle you can see that beautiful highlight it's giving just right in the middle and i think it looks really pretty pink in this beautiful champagne color so i took down the velcro curlers which my mom is the og of the velcro curlers that's why i started the velcro curlers and it gives her so much volume i did her hair so it's probably more height than she's probably used to so it'll be interesting but i'm going to show you the look see what you think oh wow that's great do you like the volume i do anytime i do my mom's hair or makeup or i'll do lashes i always that looks great i always take it to the next level because i know that she wouldn't normally she wouldn't make it as high but i know it's going to fall so i think it looks i think it actually looks really good but it looks great all right so tell the ladies why you use velcro curlers with the thin very thin limp hair well they gave me the most volume but the trick that nicole taught me today was using the dry shampoo before you put the curlers in and then you spray them with hairspray and this gives you the height i had been using heat heated the heated curlers i also tried the the what is it called what they oh the the styler yeah i've tried the straw but it was a big one it was a very large you couldn't get your hair around it right and it wouldn't keep it wouldn't keep the curl and these this was the only thing that did and i love them it's the easiest thing to do only takes about 10 minutes and you can hold it hold your hair up for hours well you know what what i think so interesting though when i do my mom's makeup so when she doesn't have any makeup on she has a totally different attitude like she definitely is you know she's she has a different attitude when i put the makeup on how do you feel and this is simple makeup oh i like the idea that it's so simple that it it's not complicated it's not heavy it's light and i feel like i have more of a finished look so i can meet the public so yeah i like it i like it very much i just think i think it looks so beautiful and ladies this is a very approachable look anyone can do you just find the right eyeshadows that you love working with and that you know that it's your it's your go-to and so you have that confidence when you go into your makeup bag and you say oh this looks beautiful on me i know this is going to look great or i love this foundation or bb cream and you just you enjoy the finished look because you feel confident you feel beautiful whether you're in your 70s whether you're in your 80s 90s 40s 50s wherever you are on the spectrum it's about taking that time to really enhance yourself feel good and really just show up oh thank you well this was really fun i'm so happy fierce aging is back intermittent this is like an intermittent um while we're building out the studio right we had to come back out of pure staging i was like we have to do it mom we have to do it like i've been talking about it with the ladies and we can't wait to get back we can't wait to feature all of you it's going to be a very big celebration and until my next video i'll see you later [Music] [Applause] [Music] you
Channel: Nikol Johnson
Views: 872,430
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: nikol johnson, mature beauty, nikol cosmetics, nicole johnson, over 50, over 60, over 40, mature women beauty tips, mature makeup, mature skin makeup tutorial, gray hair, nicol johnson, fierce aging, makeup tutorial on mature skin, mature skin makeup tips, makeup for mature women, silver hair, nikol johnson hair, over 70 style, over 70, 70's makeup, how to look good over 70, makeup on my mom, fierce aging nikol johnson, makeup in your 70's, older women makeup tutorial
Id: bqT1wbAe2EU
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 36min 24sec (2184 seconds)
Published: Mon May 09 2022
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