70 Riddles Make Even a Know-It-All Think Twice

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tomas was washing a window on the 24th floor of a large office building and suddenly he heard someone screaming the guy looked outside and saw a lady falling from the 30th floor but in five minutes the woman was standing on the ground totally unharmed how did she survive [Music] take a closer look at the sky yes it's superman he saved the lady look at the picture what's wrong here watermelons don't grow on palms twin brothers stan and ken had been working hard they wanted to collect money for their mother's anniversary unfortunately they didn't manage to save enough to buy her the car for dreams the brothers were very upset and agreed to go shopping the next day and pick another gift at night ken couldn't fall asleep because he got a genius idea while his twin was sleeping ken secretly took all their savings and headed to a casino it was his lucky night he tripled the sum in the morning ken put all the money back in the box and fell asleep stan woke up opened the box and immediately realized that ken had touched their savings he didn't even need to count the money to understand that how did stan figure it out [Music] in the box there were large and small bills in the evening but now there are only large ones kelly was traveling and discovered a beautiful abandoned castle she entered the building and went downstairs she was taking pictures when someone locked her inside the basement kelly looked around and saw three tunnels leading to freedom in the first tunnel a huge hungry monster was waiting for her the second tunnel was full of snakes and the third tunnel was filled with sleeping gas in five minutes kelly was outside the castle running to the nearest police station how did she escape she used her headband as a mask and ran away through the third door look at these animals attentively what's wrong with this picture [Applause] this little guy on the left is listening to music two sisters went on a hike each of them took a box of matches nelly put her matches in a bag together with toothpaste and shelly decided to store her matches in a bag with nail polish while the sisters were walking through the forest they accidentally fell into a huge puddle when they got out of it shelley suggested making a fire to dry their clothes and cook something to eat both sisters took out their matches unfortunately nellie's matches were covered in toothpaste and shellies were in nail polish both girls left the matches to dry in the sun and left to collect some firewood it started raining and all the matches got soaked but 10 minutes later the sisters still managed to make a fire and toast some marshmallows whose matches did they use they used shelley's matches the nail polish dried and made them waterproof if you don't keep it it'll break what is it [Music] it's a promise susan was asked to describe her sons she said they're all redheads but three all blondes but three all brunettes but three and all pink haired but three how many suns did susan have the answer is four one redhead one pink haired one brunette and one blonde lisa was a famous top model she was found unconscious in her dressing room during a photo shoot and taken to a hospital doctors said she had a severe allergic reaction but when lisa came to herself she insisted she hadn't eaten anything all day the model's manager was very concerned and interrogated everyone who had been around lisa the stylist said she had applied lisa's makeup and indeed hadn't seen her eating anything the cleaning lady said she had cleaned the dressing room with organic non-allergenic products lisa's main rival nora said she had been watching the shooting all day long she hadn't noticed anything suspicious who's the culprit it was the stylist lipstick was the only thing lisa could have swallowed that day look at the pictures which of these people is a risk taker [Music] the girl is risking less she's sitting on the second floor and there's a pool below the guy is risking more the building he's sitting on is taller you can see clouds and planes in the sky what food can you never cheer up [Music] a blueberry because it's always blue okay let's move on there are five lemons in a bowl you take away three of them how many lemons do you have now [Music] well you have the three lemons you took erika works at the railway security service this morning she received an emergency alert there's a person with fake documents trying to escape to canada by train erica and her colleagues found three suspects who look almost the same can you identify a criminal just by looking at one's passport no matter what country a person is from no passport can have a photo with mountains in the background so this documents are fake is a college teacher he invited his worst student dan for a conversation bob wants to test the guy's logical thinking he says if you tell a lie i will expel you from college and if you tell the truth i'll still expel you what should the student say to stay in college bob should say i'm telling lies this phrase will create a paradox because it cannot be a lie or the truth nancy has 10 bowling balls her brother josh decided to check her intelligence so he asked nancy to place those ten balls in five lines such that each of the lines has exactly four balls on them can you help her accomplish this task she should draw a five point star and place the ten balls occupying the corners and the intersection points voila five lines with four balls in each row kevin has been hitchhiking in a desert for hours finally one driver stopped and said i will give you a ride wherever you want but first you gotta crack my riddle which letter can make the road larger can you help kevin solve this task the letter b can turn road into broad alex is a shepherd he had 30 sheep out of which all but 13 ran away can you calculate how many sheep alex has now he has 13 sheep the phrase all but 13 ran away actually means that all except the 13 escaped take a look at these three prisoners the first guy pushes the iron bars the second guy shakes muscles with dumbbells the third guy sits and reads a book there's a picture hanging on the wall can you say for sure who's likely to escape take a closer look at the third guy can you see the sand under the painting he must be digging a tunnel and covering it with a picture so he's the one who wants to escape all becky's shoes are black except two also all becky's shoes are red except two and all becky's shoes are yellow except two can you calculate how many shoes becky has in general just three one of each color dr smith prescribed dan expensive vitamins he gave dan two bottles labeled r and b the pills are entirely identical the doctor asked dan to take one pill daily from the r bottle and one pill from the bee bottle he can't take more or less than that one morning dan was taking out the pills he took out one pill from the r bottle as usual and then by mistake he took out two from the b bottle now dan has no idea which pill is which he can't just throw away the expensive pills what would you suggest dan should cut each of the three pills in half and put each half in two piles now each of the two piles will contain half of pill r and two halves of pill b now dan should take one more pill from the r bottle cut it into half and put the two halves in two different piles this way we'll know that each pile will have two halves of pill r and two halves of pill b or one complete r pill and one complete b pill dan can take one pile today and keep the second pile for tomorrow i am red but i smell like blue paint what am i red paint timmy's mother has three sons she named her first son april the next one's name is may can you guess the youngest son's name and the correct answer is timmy pretty obvious huh can you spot what's wrong in this picture the reflection in the mirrors doesn't match reality what about this picture can you see anything odd these two ladies seem completely fine but there's a bandage on this guy's leg no one would go to a swimming pool if they had big scratches unless they're a zombie the king of octopuses has sons who have six seven or eight legs the one with seven legs always lies but the one with either six or eight legs always tells the truth on a certain night four sons meet and chat the blue octopus says we have 28 legs altogether the green one says we have 27 legs all together the purple one says we have 26 legs altogether and the red octopus says we have 25 legs altogether can you identify the color of the sun who's speaking the truth the green sun is telling the truth to prove it let us first assume that one of them is telling the truth obviously three of the four sons lie as they disagree with each other let's suppose that the blue octopus is telling the truth in that case he has either six or eight legs and each of the other octopuses is lying which means they have seven legs in this case the total number of legs will be six plus seven plus seven plus seven equals 27 legs or eight plus seven plus seven plus seven equals twenty nine legs adam is a famous opera singer he's going to perform for the king and queen for seven days in a row in return for his work they should pay him one-seventh of a gold bar per day adam doesn't accept prepayments he requires a daily payment which is one-seventh of a gold bar what's the fewest number of cuts they should make to be able to pay adam each day just two here's how it works day one cut one seventh of the gold bar and give it to adam day 2 cut 2 7 of the gold bar and give this piece to adam he'll give you 1 7th of the bar back day 3 give the singer the 1 7th piece you received the previous day day 4 give adam four sevenths of the gold bar and he will give you the one seventh and two seventh pieces as change day five give adam the one seventh part of the bar day six give him the two seventh piece and get the one seventh one as change and finally day seven give adam his final one seventh piece of the gold bar [Music] jenny and sam arrived at a picturesque campground they had to set up a tent there were three good spots in the forest in the field and near the lake which place should they opt for the best option is to choose the field wild animals live in the forest as for the lake look a zombie is hiding in the bushes over there probably not the best neighbor george was walking down the street suddenly a wizard popped out of nowhere and teleported george to his castle he offered the guy to choose between these three doors there's a hungry tiger behind the first door there's an angry dinosaur behind the second door and the room behind the third door is filled with toxic gas which door should george choose [Music] the second one dinosaurs went extinct millions of years ago jerry has an apple tree the number of apples on his tree doubles every week after 30 weeks the tree is completely covered with fruit can you guess how many weeks the tree needs to get half covered with oranges [Music] oranges don't grow on apple trees but if i asked you about apples the answer would be 29 weeks because as we know the number of apples doubles every week [Music] in the ocean there's an island on the island there's a house in the middle of the house there's a glass of water inside the glass of water there's a coin what's in the middle of the ocean the correct answer is simple the letter e harry went to a party he liked these four ladies he wanted to talk to one of them which one should he choose take a look at the first lady's hand she's a zombie the second lady has a vampire bite on her neck she can turn into a vampire any minute and ruin the date and the fourth lady is a ghost so harry should go and talk to the third lady detective thomas received a call from holly she said please come over i got robbed it happened so fast i left my purse in the back seat of the car when i stopped at the traffic light someone opened the door and snatched my purse detective thomas hit the road and rushed to the crime scene but when he saw holly he realized that she was a liar right away how holly has a two-door car how could a thief steal something from the back seat there are three houses one of the houses seems very weird can you tell which one of them looks suspicious look at the footprints they lead to and from houses one and three so people come and go from those houses as for the second house the footprints only lead in one direction inside people come in but they never go out take a look at this messy floor can you count the number of laptops that you can charge with the help of these extension leads [Music] the cord of extension lead 3 is torn as for the second lead one of its outlets is broken extension lead 4 has only one outlet which makes the entire thing pretty useless and extension lead 6 doesn't have any cable at all now let's see what we can do about it connect extension lead 1 to the wall outlet then connect extension lead 2 to extension lead 1. this way you can use two outlets from the first extension lead to charge two laptops one outlet of extension lead two can be used to connect the fifth extension lead and one of them is useless anyway now we can use two outlets from extension lead two and all four outlets of the fifth extension lead to charge six laptops so the total number of outlets in use will be eight simple danny and diana are spouses they jog in the park every morning to match every two steps dany makes diana needs to take three steps if both of them start with the right foot how many steps would they make before their left feet are in the front at the same time [Music] they'll never reach that goal here's how it'll go i'm a five letter word under you remove the first letter and i'm above you remove the second and i'm around you who am i [Music] [Music] well have you managed to crack this riddle it's a chair great job driving through the country to visit their family one day late at night they were on a lonely country road that's when a powerful storm broke and their car tire burst they had to leave the vehicle to find help but there was nothing and no one around some time later they came across an old and spooky mansion that seemed abandoned but the guys decided to try and see if anyone lived there and could help them they arrived at the mansion gate on a metal address plaque it was written the house of riddles gemma and andy got suspicious but they desperately needed shelter from the storm and some help with their car so they decided to enter but the gate was locked there was a digital security keypad on it and nothing else suddenly they heard a sound coming from the gate intercom a voice said the answer to this riddle of mine is the password you need to unlock the gate i sleep by day and fly at night but i have no feathers to aid my flight what am [Music] i that's a bat [Music] when the guys arrived at the door they saw there was something engraved on it stop right there wanderer don't knock on the door just yet for if you knock more or fewer times than you should that you're gonna regret here's your second riddle i am an odd number but i become even if you take away a letter what am i gemma and andy realize that the number equaled the number of times they had to knock on the door for it to open can you help them figure out the correct number [Music] the answer is seven so they had to knock on the door seven times a scary old butler opened the door and let the guys in the door suddenly closed behind their backs and then just vanished into thin air there were no doors in the room they had entered the butler said welcome mortals to your doom to make it out of this house you have to solve every riddle in every room if you can't you'll stay in this place forever here's your riddle for this room which bride is marrying this groom if they managed to figure out the answer a door would appear if they could not well too bad [Music] do you see the shadows behind them the third bride's shadow is holding hands with the groom's shadow they're in love so she must be his chosen one after they answered the riddle correctly a door appeared in front of them they got into the next room which was a library three books fell from a bookcase in front of their feet then they heard the butler's voice echoing you have to open one of these books but choose wisely because whatever creature the book mentions it will appear here if gemma and andy opened the first book a venomous basilisk would come out if they opened the second book a giant piranha monster with razor sharp teeth would appear in the library if they opened the third book a fire-breathing dragon would charge at them which book should they choose [Music] since the giant piranha is a water creature it can't survive on land so the guys should choose the second book the library door opened and they walked into the next room it turned out to be a dining room a large mirror covered one of its walls yet the reflection of the room in the mirror had some differences from the real room can you spot them the reflection of the deer statue in the mirror has more antlers in the reflection you can see someone hiding behind the curtains but there's no one besides gemma and andy in the room and lastly in the mirror one of the plates on the table is different from the others but in the real dining room all the plates are the same gemma and andy felt very hungry thankfully the next door that opened led them to the kitchen there were three different chefs inside the first chef was a zombie the second one was a vampire and the third chef was human each of them was holding a pie in their hands but only one pie was safe to eat which one [Music] do you see the bugs coming out of the zombie chef's pie yikes the pie that the human chef is holding is glowing in a weird way looks dangerous to me so they should choose the vampire chef's pie because that's not blood that's cherry sauce on top if it was blood the vampire would have already eaten that after they answered the riddle two doors appeared in front of them one of them had gemma's name on it and the other had andes the butler sneaked behind the guys and pushed gemma through the gemma door and andy threw the andy door gemma fell down a pit and found herself in a mysterious garden she accidentally woke a garden gnome who had been sleeping he got very angry with her and still he agreed to let gemma go if she answered his question correctly he showed gemma three tiny mushroom houses and asked which one was his home can you figure it out [Music] do you see the flower on the gnome's hat the door handle of the second mushroom house handle is the same flower so that must be his home andy on the other hand fell into a magical dungeon the dungeon guard was an ogre and he looked very pleased to finally have a prisoner yet he agreed to let andy go if the guy chose the correct magical portal to escape two magical portals appeared in front of him each of them led to a room and he had to stay inside the room of his choice for five minutes the first room was full of poisonous gas that would knock him out in four minutes and the second room was filled with water if andy opted for this room he would have to be chained to the floor with the water rising really fast in which room can the guy survive and he should choose the first room he should take a breath and try not to breathe for a minute after that he'll have to wait for four minutes for the door to open and then he can escape kira is a very independent young lady two years ago she moved into a one-story house in alaska since then she's been living there with her dog her house is made of sandstone and it's pretty cozy and warm can you guess the color of the stairs inside [Music] there are no stairs in a one-story building one day kira went to town to buy some dog food and meet with her sister mia they went for a walk and stopped in front of these two houses in each house a family with two pets with dogs or cats lived there kira told mia two facts about those houses on the left the family has a dog that likes dry food but the other pet loves canned food and the family in the house on the right has a seven-year-old dog and a newborn pet mia asks kira do both families have a cat kira replied i'm not sure but if you manage to guest the house with the cat i'll give you one hundred dollars can you guess which family is more likely to have a cat okay let's analyze this the house on the left offers us three possible scenarios a younger cat and an older dog a younger dog and an older cat or just two dogs we can't consider a cat cat option because mia mentioned that there was at least one dog in that house now all these three options are equally possible and two of them include cats so the chances of a cat living in that house are two out of three as for the house on the right there are two possible scenarios since we already know that the older pet is a dog here's the first possibility the younger pet is a cat and the older animal is a dog and the second possibility suggests that there are just two dogs so here the chances are one in two that's why kira should choose the house on the left this way her chances of winning are higher mia invited kira to visit her workplace she's a manager in a luxury resort hotel the building has seven floors five people are now staying in the rooms on the first floor and on each next floor there are three people more than on the previous floor can you figure out which floor the elevator is called most often to the first floor any person living not on the first floor has to call the elevator to get to their room will is a famous billionaire he decided to stay in the best room in the hotel he's got three gold bars that weigh four two and one pound respectively the charge for the room is one pound of gold per day and the hotel staff don't accept any advanced payments will wants to stay at the hotel for seven days how can he pay for the room here's the scheme on the first day will should give them his one pound bar on the second day he should give the two pound bar and take his one pound gold bar back on the third day will should pay with the one pound bar again and on the fourth day the guy should give the four pound bar and take both the one and two pound gold bars back on the fifth day he can pay with the one pound bar on the sixth day he can give them the two pound bar and take the one pound bar back and finally on the seventh day will should pay with his last one pound gold bar will offered mia a deal if you crack my riddle i'm going to give you the biggest diamond from my collection he arranged these matchsticks in a square which contained four smaller squares can you remove only two matches so that there's only two squares instead of the five mia nailed it right away what about you [Music] here's the solution you have to remove these matchsticks and voila you have only two squares left then will offered kira an opportunity to win a fortune there are 100 precious redstones and 100 simple white stones in his collection the billionaire gave the girl two different bags labeled heads and tails she can put the stones wherever she likes then kira has to flip a coin and choose a stone from the corresponding bag heads or tails if it's a red one she will receive all the precious stones but if she picks a white stone she'll get nothing how should kira distribute the stones to increase her chances of winning if she puts just one red stone in one bag and all the other stones in another her chances of winning will be three and four let's wish her luck there are both humans and werewolves in the lobby of this hotel they look very similar so you can't identify who is who by their appearance both people and werewolves tell either only the truth or only lies these two handsome gentlemen came up to mia and kira adam said bill is a lying werewolf and i'm a human and bill said adam is telling the truth can you help kira and mia decide who these two guys really are [Music] we know that they cannot tell half truths so adam's statement is only true if both parts of it are true let's suppose that bill is an honest human then adam should be honest too but adam called bill a liar which creates a conflict it means that bill's statement cannot be true so bill is a liar and knowing that we can conclude that adam is a liar too but what about their nature are they humans or werewolves adam's first statement is a lie which means that bill is not a werewolf therefore bill is a lying human and the second part of adam's statement means that he's a lying werewolf adam and bill invited kira and mia for dinner when they asked the ladies about their parents kira replied we have the same father and mother and we are both born on the same day adam asked are you twins mia replied nope no we're not how can this be possible have you guessed kira and mia are not twins they're two of a set of triplets they have a third sister sophie kira and mia went to the swimming pool they saw 10 swimmers chilling on sun beds near the pool two of them decided to jump into the water how many swimmers remain near the pool at that moment 10. the two swimmers might have decided to get into the water but it doesn't mean they've done it kyra entered a very small dressing room there were four cats sitting in four corners there were three cats across from each cat and at each cat's tail there was one more cat can you tell how many cats there were in the room [Music] the room was very small each cat was sitting near the tail of the cat from the neighboring corner who is wanted [Music] the girl on the right she has the same mole as the girl on the poster who is an identity thief [Music] it's the man on the right his real id is sticking out of his backpack which means he must be showing a fake id who is an imposter [Music] [Music] the girl on the left the script she's reading is turned upside down it means she only pretends to be an actress who is the real thief [Music] both of these men are thieves while one man is distracting the girl the other is preparing to steal her phone [Music] the last will of mr wilson a rich businessman got stolen there were five people in the house at that moment mr wilson's wife their cook butler maid and gardner they all told the detective what they'd been doing that evening mrs wilson was sitting by the fireplace embroidering the cook was making breakfast the butler was supervising several workers in the living room the maid was sweeping the floors in the hallway the gardener was watering the plants in the greenhouse right after this conversation the detective arrested the thief who is the culprit and how'd the detective figure it out [Music] the cook is the thief he said he'd been preparing breakfast but the crime happened in the evening [Music] lily owned a flower store one day she got a call from the police they told her that her shop had been robbed when she arrived shards of glass were on the ground near the store and the pots and plants inside were broken the police questioned three suspects jacob lilly's ex said i was in a hurry and didn't notice that the windows were broken when i was passing by the store i only realized what had happened when the police called me camille lilly's friend said lily asked me to help her with something in the store when i arrived everything had already been broken i called the police immediately matt lily's ex-co-worker said i was walking nearby and i saw someone breaking a window and sneaking into the shop i left my phone at home so i ran to the police station can you guess who's lying matt is lying shards of glass were laying on the ground which meant that the criminal had to break the window from the inside [Music] let's take a little break now you need to think fast mary's mom has four daughters one daughter is called april the second is named may and the third daughter is june what's the fourth daughter's name it's mary of course who doesn't belong to this list napoleon bonaparte queen elizabeth william shakespeare sherlock holmes aristotle christopher columbus donald trump sherlock holmes he's the only fictional character on the list eight girls are in the house and each of them is busy with something the first one is cooking dinner the second one is lighting the fireplace the third girl is playing chess the fourth one is reading a book the fifth girl is drawing a picture the sixth is cleaning up the house the seventh girl is watering the plants what is the eighth girl doing [Music] she's playing chess with the third girl [Music] one woman turned 40 in 1850 but in 1860 she was 30 years old how could this happen [Music] [Music] this could only happen if 1860 was earlier than 1850 which means that the woman turned 40 in 1850 bce and 30 in 1860 bce [Music] an artist was walking in the park when it suddenly started raining he had neither a hat nor an umbrella to cover his head he also couldn't hide under a tree because the downpour was too heavy and still not a single hair on his head got wet how can that happen the artist was bald now let's get back to our detective riddles robert won a million dollars in the lottery he decided not to tell anyone about this including his wife at home he put his money in a safe hidden behind a painting the next day the money disappeared the police invited all the suspects for questioning emily robert's wife said in the morning i went to my husband's home to clean up there the safe was open and there was nothing inside james robert's business partner said paul robert he always wanted to win a lottery i stayed at home all day and yesterday and watched tv and mark robert's friend said i was at the gym last night then i went home i can't imagine why anyone would do this the police arrested the thief can you guess who it was robert's business partner did this robert didn't tell anyone that he'd won the lottery his wife noticed an empty safe when she entered the office but she didn't know what was inside [Music] mourinho was participating in a figure skating championship she was a very strong competitor and many people believed she could win when the time for a warm-up ran out all the participants started preparing for the performance marina was the first she was amazing but suddenly she tripped fell down and broke her leg which made her unable to continue the investigation revealed that someone had ruined her skates the police interviewed three suspects anna said i didn't do anything but i saw jacqueline and kate walking into the locker room before marina's performance they're the ones who ruined her skates jacqueline said yes i indeed went into the locker room to take my things but i didn't see kate there and kate said yeah that's because i've been practicing in the gym until it was my turn besides anna is lying i saw her in the locker room can you guess who's lying [Music] kate she couldn't train in the gym because the time for the warm-up had been over by the time the competition started here's what happened kate went into the locker room and ruined marina's skates jacqueline came into the locker room after her and that's what anna saw [Music] jane is afraid that she might have a stalker she brought some photos of herself and her friends to the police the police immediately found the culprit who is jane stalker jane's friend mike he's the only one who is present in all the photos and sometimes he even tries to conceal his identity that's it for today so hey if you pacified your curiosity then give the video a like and share it with your friends or if you want more just click on these videos and stay on the bright side
Views: 631,617
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: bright side, brightside, riddles, puzzles, creative thinking, critical thinking, improve your memory, analytical skills, brainteasers, logical puzzles, test your logic, riddles with answers, test your intelligence, observation skills, train your brain, creative thinking techniques, creative thinking activities, creativity, brightside riddles, survival riddles
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 43min 58sec (2638 seconds)
Published: Wed Jul 13 2022
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