7 WONDERS TUTORIAL VIDEO | Learn how to play 7 Wonders in 10 minutes!

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hello everyone and welcome to this video explaining the rules of seven wonders before we start this explanation of the rules note that this game is adapted for colorblind players and all of the colors in the game are associated with a symbol seven wonders is a game for three to seven players age 10 and app with games that last about 30 minutes in seven wonders the objective of the game is to develop your city and make it more influential than those of your opponents before going over the rules of the game let's look at setup randomly deal a wonder to each player there are seven different wonders in the game you then choose if you'd rather play with the day or night side of your wonder for your first few games we suggest you play with the day side then place all of the coins in the middle of the table give three to each wonder the coins you own are called your treasury this treasury along with your wonder and the cards you'll choose in play are what's called your city now place all of the military tokens in the middle of the table next divide the cards into decks for age 1 2 and 3. then assemble the age one card deck these are the cards with a roman numeral one on their back sort these cards following this method if you're playing with three only take the cards marked three plus if there are four of you take the three plus and four plus cards with five the three plus four plus and five plus cards at six use the three plus four plus five plus and six plus cards and finally with seven take all of the cards return to the box any unused cards do the same for the h2 and h3 card decks be careful though for the h3 card deck you have to add guild cards you start with two guild cards and will add one more for each player in the game once the decks are sorted take the age one deck shuffle it and deal face down seven cards to each player if you've assembled the deck properly all of the cards should be dealt out the game is now set up let's start going over the rules as explained at the beginning of this video the objective of the game is to develop your city and make it more influential than those of your opponents this influence is represented by victory points you'll earn throughout the game thanks to your wonder and your cards which represent buildings now let's see how a game turn plays out simultaneously you and your opponents will take the cards you've been dealt and choose one keep your card face down in front of you while waiting for everyone else to make their choice then give the player to your left all of the remaining cards there should be six left after this first choice once you've chosen a card you have three choices the first is to reveal your card and construct the building it represents in your city we'll see later on how to pay its construction cost and what advantage that gives just remember that when a card is played it remains in your city until the end of the game your second choice is to use that card to build a stage of your wonder you just have to slip the card under the first stage of your wonder we'll see later on how to pay the construction cost of that stage and what advantage it gives you and finally the third choice is to sell that card to get three coins in this case the card is placed in the discard pile the first turn is over all together you've chosen a card given your hand to the player next to you and used your chosen card you can now start a new turn by choosing your second card from your new hand after a few turns when you only have two cards remaining in your hand you'll choose the card you prefer and will put the last card on the discard pile that last card won't be played and will thus not earn you any coins if you've done everything right each player will therefore have chosen and played six cards in age one in seven wonders there are seven types of cards the brown cards produce basic resources stone wood ore and clay gray cards produce manufactured resources cloth paper and glass the seven resources of the game along with your coins are used to pay the cost of your constructions blue cards earn you victory points at the end of the game the number written between the laurels tells you how many victory points you've won green cards will make the science of your city progress and their combinations will earn you victory points at the end of the game simply refer to the chart on the last page of the rule book to determine the total earned by your green cards yellow cards have to do with commerce they can earn you coins improve commerce with your neighboring players and even sometimes earn you victory points red cards increase your military power at the end of each age your armies will face off against opposing armies this military conflict phase will be explained a bit later finally violence cards come into play during age three they are worth victory points depending on sets of cards made during the game now let's move on to constructing your cards building as a reminder when you choose a card you have three choices construct the building represented on the card construct a stage of your wonder sell the card to claim three coins to construct your card's building you have to pay its construction cost once constructed you'll benefit from its effect each card is shown the same way it has a name an effect and potentially a construction cost though some cards may be free a building's cost will be shown under the banner on the left of the card cost can be displayed in one of three ways first the cost area is empty to construct that building you don't need to pay anything and you need no resources secondly the cost is indicated in coins to construct that building you'll have to take the number of coins shown from your treasury and put them in the reserve in the middle of the table as with a card which requires resources you will only be able to construct it if you have the required number of coins and finally the cost is indicated in resources to construct that building you'll thus need to have the shown resources let's imagine that you'd like to build the barracks which costs an ore if you already produce ore you can build the barracks for free you don't have to discard your card the fact that you're producing ore means that you're producing ore each turn for the whole game as if it was a mine which can never go empty however if you don't produce ore you can purchase that resource from the player to your left or right provided that player produces ore to purchase an ore from a neighboring player for the turn you have to give them two coins they can't stop you and once again the card remains in play they can also still use their resource on that turn as your purchase has no influence on their play if you want to later purchase an ore from them again you'll have to pay for it again pay attention to the names of your cards as you're not allowed to ever build two identical cards now let's see how to build a wonder stage leave the card face down and slip it under the first stage of your wonder the stages must be built in order from left to right do note that this order has nothing to do with the current age you're free to build them all during the first age the last age or even not build a single stage at all for the construction cost of a wonder stage don't take into account what's shown on the face of the selected card the cost is specified here on the wonder as with the cards if you don't have the resources required and you can't purchase them from your neighboring players you can't perform that construction and finally the third possible action consists of selling a card for three coins you place the card face down on the discard pile and take three coins which are added to your treasury at the end of the first age and before moving on to the next age all players must take part in military conflicts you simply have to tally the number of shields represented on your cards and possibly on your wonder as well you compare that total with that of your neighboring players each individually if you have a greater total than your neighbor you take a plus one military token which gives you one victory point at the end of the game if your total is smaller you take a -1 military token which makes you lose one victory points at the end of the game and if you're tired no one gets any military tokens each player will resolve their conflicts with both the player to their right and the one to their left when all of these conflicts are resolved and everyone has taken their military tokens age two can begin age 2 plays out as h1 did except that the cards are now handed to the next player in the other direction you'll thus pass your cards to the player to your right you still choose and play six cards and the age will also end with a military conflict starting in age 2 you'll see some cards which will have a small white icon which is called a chains if next to a card's cost you have this icon and you already have a card with this icon in its effect zone as shown here then you can construct this new card without having to pay anything age 3 plays out as age 1 did but cards are once again passed to the left to help you the direction the cards are passed is indicated on the back of each card also in age 3 guild cards appear as previously explained as for military conflicts the number of victory points increases with the ages it goes from 1 to 3 and then to 5 victory points following h3 however a military defeat still only gives you a -1 token now you know the basic rules for seven wonders all that's left for you is to learn the various icons of the game to understand the effects caused by your cards and your wonder you'll find the explanation for these icons in the effects description booklet thanks for watching this video we hope you have tons of fun playing seven wonders
Channel: Repos Production
Views: 53,452
Rating: 4.8669 out of 5
Id: XnBLz61FJYw
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 11min 55sec (715 seconds)
Published: Sun Sep 06 2020
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