5 Ways to Win: 7 Wonders

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whether it's your first time playing you can't seem to win or you've just been waiting forever for me to release another video here it is five ways to win seven wonders number five be a bully or as my friends call it a warmonger I find it best to establish early that you're going to be the one who's going out for military points if your neighbors realize that you have the upper hand and military they're less likely to challenge you and waste their turns playing military cars if they know you're just going to do the same and easily beat them anyways an easy way to do this is to play two or more military cards quickly in the first phase if this intimidation works you will be more free to play other cards for points in the later phases instead of constantly trying to maintain military dominance this way you can snag the eighteen military points and give your neighbors - three points with minimal effort likewise if you find yourself next to a bully for instance roads with their extra to military possible it may be in your interest to submit early and focus your limited number of turns on more profitable cards the point here is don't get caught in a stick measuring contest established early that your stick is the biggest you don't get more points for having more military cards just for beating your opponents minimal effort is best number four bear you the best this tip is less about being a bully and more about being sneaky look ahead to the players you'll be passing the cards in your hand - do you have a guild card you can't play but if they get it it will be their dream come true are they focusing on science and desperately need the library in your hand are these fortifications all they need to beat your military moments like these and cards like these are the best to bury away and use to build your wonder in fact and maybe in your interest to just sell the card if you can't bury it even if you could play another card because the points they could potentially get is greater than what you would earn number three be prepared with resources resources are only available in phase one and two sure maybe you think you'll be fine because you plan to just play cards for free on existing structures but at the very least you should ensure that you have enough resources to complete your wonder if you're Wanderers or stone make sure you can get four stone either from your own supply or a neighbor number to maximize your wonder each wonder board offers different abilities take advantage of them so that you get the most benefit for example babylon side VIII lets you play an extra card at the end of each phase build this wonder as quickly as possible and you could play through extra cars Helicon RCS lets you play one card from the discard pile for free save this wonder until later when better cards have been discarded if you have roads you have an upper hand in military take advantage of it number one diversified after playing the game dozens of times I've come upon this nugget of wisdom points win the game so as I've played again and again I've tried different approaches to see which get the most points should I focus on military science blue public structures wonders money or yellow cards or guild cards to win which one earns the most points contrary to what works well in many other games that is picking one or two options and focusing heavily on those in my experience the winner of seven wonders is often a player who scored points in all the available categories and doesn't have a zero in a nice lob except maybe science but I'll talk more about that later common mistakes believing science can save you I've never seen a player focus on science and win it just requires too much investment and there is too much risk I've gotten 48 points from science before and still lost in an ideal game you could get more but let's be realistic to get 55 points or to require 10 cards half your total moves but it's more likely that these cards will be buried by opponents show up in the same hand or be used by another competing player before you get them three science cars is an easy way to get 10 points but trying to get 10 science cards more than likely will require a miracle thanks for watching you found the tips helpful feel free to add your own tips comments or requests down below and give it miracle science Wacka Wacka
Channel: rayreviewsgames
Views: 37,443
Rating: 4.7647057 out of 5
Keywords: 7 Wonders, 5 Ways to Win, How to, Board Game, Ray Reviews Games, Strategy, Tactics, Tips, Tricks, Repos Production
Id: M9drftpeeKg
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 4min 38sec (278 seconds)
Published: Wed Sep 17 2014
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