7 Wonders - Game Play 2

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[Music] welcome back to watch it played my name is Rodney Smith we're gonna be resuming our Seven Wonders playthrough in a moment but there are a couple questions I wanted to answer and a couple of errors that I need to correct these are weird errors if you remember towards the beginning of the first age I played the clay pit and I mentioned that it costs one coin I even paid that coin go back and watch I really did I took it from my Treasury and I put it into the bank however if you keep watching a few seconds later on screen that coin reappears back in my Treasury which is very strange then later in the in the game I played the timber-yard that one I mentioned costs a point as well and that one I just I just forgot to pay for I was caught up in the video and the gameplay was happening around me and sometimes sometimes I make little mistakes like that so I apologize for that was it was definitely unintentional I'm glad the kids aren't here they would claim I was cheating the only way I can explain that that first error happened is that sometimes you've probably noticed we have those little edit points and usually that's because we're trying to cut it some that's little bit clunky slowing down the game play always made a mistake we're just going back and correcting it all I can imagine I didn't edit and somehow I reset my Treasury thinking that I didn't need to I don't I have no idea anyway just keep an eye out for those things they sometimes happen I definitely try to make sure they don't happen in the future the next thing I'm really excited to tell you about is our indiegogo fundraiser seven Wonders contest one of our viewers has generously donated a copy of seven Wonders for us to give away to help our fundraising campaign I really do want to tell you about it but I'm gonna make a separate video for that because listen if you're watching this video months from now how annoying and painful would it be to sit to the details of a contest that you can't enter so keep watching the channel there's gonna be a video both that very shortly but let's let's move along the next thing I wanted to mention was just a quick reminder in the second age the cards that you aren't playing in front of you you pass to your right now in the first stage we passed our cards to the that's something I did mention in the instruction video but it's an easy thing to forget so I want to remind you of that again it's just in case I forget at the end of this gameplay video the third age cards you pass to your left the other thing that I wanted to mention is something I didn't say in the instruction video and it's what happens when you flip over a card to play it and then realize you can't okay this has happened to me I've seen it happen to other people maybe the card has a cost of two stone and you have one in front of you and you see that your neighbor is producing it's you I got it sorry I'll pay my neighbor everything's fine then you go to flip it over and then you realize they're probably more likely someone else realizes hey you don't have the coin to pay for that stone what do you do then well you have to discard the card but it's not all bad remember when you just if you want you can choose to discard occurred and collect three coins and that's what happens just by default you disturb that courage you can't play you do get to collect three coins so it's not all bad the punishment really is that that isn't what you intended to do so you've probably wasted a better option but that raises another point which answers a question that I got in one of the YouTube comments so I want to know can I use the coins that I've collected during a turn to pay for a card that I'm playing that turn so if you have a card in your hand that costs a 1-point but you have no coins in your Treasury and that turns someone needed a resource from you so they're going to be paying you to coins that turn could you use those coins that you just got to play that card the answer is no in order to pay for a card you have to have had those coins in your Treasury at the beginning of that turn likewise let's say you've had a card in your hand that required two stone to play and you don't have two stone and your neighbors don't have two stone you will not be able to play that card even if you've got lucky and during that turn your neighbor flipped over a card they wanted to play and it produced two stone that you could buy from them it's too late you cannot do it at that time in order to pay for the resources on occurred you have to have you the coin or the resources or your neighbors have to rehab those resources at the beginning of that turn oK we've answered all the questions we've corrected all of the stakes keep an eye out for more mistakes let me know if you see any let's get on with the gameplay [Music] [Music] okay we're back it's the dawn of a new age age number two and they're seven wonders play through we've all picked our cards - picking Dickens is picked by you guys and we'll start with Andrew this time Andrea reveal I have the dispensary okay which I could play for three for free because I had the pup I built that before which means I can build a free excellent now for my card chase it's a little trickier I think some of you are going to be disappointed because there were two options that were very popular and one of them just worn out by a small merchant so those of you who didn't didn't pick it well you're gonna blame all the rest of those people who didn't go with what you thought we should do I am gonna be playing the first stage of my wonder with this card here so I don't reveal it I just slide under in my wonder board it costs two wood which I have already so that's done Luke what did you pick to do I picked you copycat no but I am going to be nice and give you free coins the payoff would because I need two wood and I'm gonna be nice I'm only going to take two from you cuz you only have to give me two thank you and so now you can build your wonder all right so that's done now we're all gonna grab our cards we pass them to the right and so Luke Andrew your net pastures over to Luke and we'll take a look and see we're choosing next now one thing to mention before I get looking at these cards is I'm able to build the second stage of my wonder anytime I want because I do have the resources required for us and once I do that I'll be able to play any other card I want during this age for free I only do that once but that could be very useful now looking at these first two cards or science cards and I think Andrews collecting science so I'm not sure that I want to pass these to her however she does not have any science cards that match this symbol so right now these would only be worth one victory point each to her this one is kind of interesting but allow me to generate these resources just for me my neighbor's Andrea and Luke cannot pay me coins to use either any of these resources listed here now Andrea already has all of these so I could buy these off of her if I wanted to I don't really want to handle ook the chance to get more military cards or Andrea for that matter because this would put her ahead of me but I'm also looking here and I see well the altar would give me three victory points which isn't that great I could build this card for free because it says if you have the bats you can build it for free and I do have those that would give me an immediate 5 victory points so I think I'm gonna go ahead with this card here and then hope I get something I can throw away and the next turn to build a second stage whom I wonder because I would like to have that build all right so we've all picked our cards let's reveal Andrea let's start with you I built the vineyard and it doesn't cost anything to build and it means that I get a point for every brown card that is played in this age and that currently exists on the table for the person to the right the left and myself okay so every brown card that you have that I have that Luke has plus any brown cards that were played this turn Andrea gets appointed for so that's one two three four five six and Luke is building a brown car it's a seven points alright so here you going Andrea there's one two three four five six seven so you're rolling in coins okay so now it's my turn I as you know I'm playing the aqueduct so I'm gonna place that's and just give me five victory points and it's free to play because I already have the baths Luke what are you doing I'm flying the Brickyard which are asked to play pave one coin to use it okay now you can place that too and now we passed the cards to the right let's see what I got looking at this hand I noticed two things right away first of all I could build all of these cards for free I have the resources for this and this these are free anyway and you remember I was kind of saying I wanted to build the second stage in my wonder so that sometime during this age I'd be able to build something for free but you know you want that something to be really awesome and nothing I've seen so far has been really awesome so it's not as important to me right now to be building that second stage and I wonder instead I'm looking at this current over here and I'm realizing if I build this you know time he was Luke actually will put me ahead of Luke right now until he builds the second stage of his wonder you know definitely put me ahead of Andrea so that's looking a little more appealing than these resource cards or even this one here because I'm already building two stone in my civilization anyway I don't really think I need another two so I think this is the card I'm gonna go with so we've all picked our cards let's reveal Andrea I'm building the temple and I get to build it for free because I already have the altar built was that give you three on that victory point nice all right I am gonna build as you know the archery range puts me a slightly stronger military position so look out maybe you look what are you building well I'm gonna build the foundry okay what I need give away one coin that's your last coin pay that's right and now what's that going to give you Luke or or yeah or Lucy oh there's no oil in this game okay so now we can take our cards and see we're gonna do next first card on my hands quite easy I don't want the extra two woods so I'm definitely not gonna play that card could build the stage when I wonder with it but we'll see this is carry was actually the one that was second most popular for me to play during the first turn so I do have some temptation I could definitely use the ore that this produces and possibly even the brick so maybe this one but I'm very tempted to play one of these two cards actually this one the most because it only cost me one resource I have to pay for to get this and this is one that Luke can bill for free so I wouldn't mind taking that option away from him since they're both worth worth for victory points if I'm gonna pick one of them it's definitely in be this one here so I'm afraid I'm gonna disappoint some people who I know want me to play this but I think I'm gonna go for the quick four point victory grab here and play this card all right we've all picked our cards let's reveal no okay but you can pay for cuz it costs to brick and she has two bricks - all right I'm playing the the statue and it's gonna cost two orna would I have one order would I'm gonna buy the second one I need off of Luke Luke you're no longer in the poorhouse buddy whoa one coin because that has the West trading walk that's right at the West train post so it makes things a little cheaper I'm going to be playing the forum which it has because - brick which I have to brick so I can play it excellent all right so let's take our cards see what happens next looking at these three cards I'd like to be able to play this one in front of me it would definitely get me ahead in the military unfortunately it cost three stone I have to but neither lucrative entry are her producing stone so I can't buy any more off of them so this would you have to go you know to the second stage of my wonder or I'd have to pass it on these two Kurds I also don't want I'm not gonna start science right now and they would only give me one victory point if I did so of these two the one I least want to pass on D'Andrea is this one this would give her the ability to build the workshop for free now I don't want this to get to Luke but I don't have to worry that it will because during this turn I'm gonna be passing two cards onto Andrea let's just say I passed these two on to her on the turn that she has to choose from these two cards it's the sixth round and that means that she should have to throw it the courage doesn't pick so this will never get to Luke so I don't have to worry about that so in that case I think what I'll do is I'll build the second stage of my wonder using the laboratory we've all picked our cards let's reveal I'm building the courthouse and I can build it for free since I already have the resources and it gives me four automatic victory points mmm not good I am building a second stage of my wondrous I'm going to slide that under there cost me two stone which I have Luke what are you doing I'm doing the class work all right that's free to play it's gonna give him the glass resource and now we pick up our cards I'm not real excited about either these card choices if I played one of them in front of me it's one less resource that I have to buy off of Andrea and she's already got piles and piles of coins over there on the other hand you know is this may be the last chance I'm gonna get to build the third stage of my wonder maybe the cards I get in the third age will be so good I won't want to use up any of them for my wonder so with that risk in mind I think I will take this card here the loom and I will use it to build the third stage of my wonder alright we've all picked our cards which means the card that we're not picking we have to throw it out garbage garbage alright so now I Andrea let's reveal what are you gonna be building school two coins excellent I'll take those coins yeah she could have bought off you but she chose her father smart dad gives the allowance alright and I am going to be building actually does yeah right mom does whatever I'm gonna be building a third stage of the wonder it requires two or I have one and I can buy one off of Luke for one coin there you go buddy and I'll slide that under there now Luke what are you building I'm gonna describe this to get free coins all right you need some money so go ahead and Luke take your three coins alright it's the end of the second age and now we have to compare military might and surprisingly I'm in the lead actually yes I'm beating both Luke and Andrea so in the second age you get to collect three victory points per military victory so I've done that and you should all take only minus one if you get defeated that's right so you took two minus ones if you lose to me and Luke and Luke you get a plus three here's your beat Andrea and a minus one if you lose to me now it's the start of the third age or it's about to be so I have to deal with these kurds and once again i'm going to show you guys the hand that i guess get you guys to decide for me what you think i should do i think i did a little better in this age that I did in the first age I feel a little more confident of course that could all change very quickly alright thanks again for watching guys we'll see you real soon before I start talking to you about this hand of cards I have for the third age I just want to mention that I'm going to take a still shot of all these cards as well as my civilization and Andrea loose civilization I'm gonna put the on our watch it played Facebook page and that way you can just go there and look them over perhaps a little more easily than you can when you're trying to scrub through a video this was suggested to me and I thought it was a good idea we'll give it a try see how it works okay the other thing I want to let you know is I can afford to play any of these cards either because I have the resources or I have the wealth to buy the resources I need so that's something else to keep in mind as I'm showing you these cards the first two you've seen before while these kind of cards you've seen they're gonna give me an immediate six victory points so that's certainly an option that's worth considering if anyone recommends that I play this card I will know that you are a saboteur trying to destroy my chances of winning this game I'll have my eyes on you for the rest of this series all right so this card here this is another one of those commercial cards but this one's neat when I play this card for every stage of my wonder that I built so far I'll get three coins since I've built all three stages that means I'll get nine coins and then at the end of the game for every stage of my wonder that I've built I'll get an additional victory point so one thing I didn't tell you about is that at the end of the game for every three coins someone has in their Treasury that they will get an additional victory point so this is potentially worth six victory points assuming I don't spend all the money I get right away now this is a purple card it's a guild card these generally are giving you the victory points but they're only available to you in the third age to build now this one says for that my neighbors to the left and right for every single - one military token that they have I will get an additional victory point so if nothing changed what this would mean at the end of the game I would have five victory points from this card of course there's a chance that will change especially if Andrea and Luke both lose to me I'll get an additional two victory points this one here says that for every brown card to the left and right of me I will get a victory point so right now that would mean five potential victory points this card here says two victory points for every gray card to the left or right of me so Andrian Luke together have a combined total of four grey cards so that would be eight victory points that brings us back to the start so lots of victory point options here except for this one and so check over these carrots tell me what you think I should play put a comment in the youtube comment section go on Facebook Twitter whatever you feel like let me know what you want to play whichever gets the most votes that is what I'll play for the opening turn of the Third Age [Music]
Channel: Watch It Played
Views: 110,371
Rating: 4.947907 out of 5
Keywords: 7 Wonders, Repos Productions, watch it played, rodney smith, play by mob, board games, let's play, gameplay, Asmodee, tabletop
Id: _fRd4jkAFSg
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 18min 8sec (1088 seconds)
Published: Sun Jan 15 2012
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