7 Wins at the Daytona 500 1964

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[Music] [Music] in a town of 500 is the Super Bowl of racing real honor and a privilege have been able to win if you don't win the Daytona 500 you hadn't had a good racing career I think as the years went on it meant a lot more to me than what happened in because I realized the seriousness seven reason I how damn lucky I wasn't sitting here we're talking about the Daytona 500 of to win it seven times Richard Petty car number 43 71 plymouth winning third time here at Daytona flies under the checkered flag winner of the [Music] there's a fight between Cale Yarborough and Donnie Allison [Music] for the seventh time Richard Petty and we came down here for the first two or three years and and we didn't really have that competitive in the engines in our cars but always remembered we were in psyche of the third or fourth you know I mean if we looked at Daytona and it was just another race it wasn't the Daytona 500 as far as the great American race or whatever they call it now but we just looked at it said look this is the first race of the season you know if we get off to a good start you know this is and this is going to sort of dictate the rest of year for you and the whole deal and I don't know that we put anything extra into the car or thinking about it or what we just have better luck I guess and then a lot of people was in the right place at the right time Richard was 21 when he started driving and really he he didn't know nothing else you know Richard Petty was one of the best race drivers that ever lived he did have good equipment I felt like if I could beat him I could win the race he knew what he wanted in a race car and he if he got that he knowed it was in his hands and and he took care of business at the same time you got to look at my uncle Maurice Patti you got a look at Dellen then you got liquor wait Thornburg colder you got a look at all those guys ritchie bars guys that have been there they were a great team from today no the International Speedway it's the sixth annual Daytona 500 America's problem ever the watch the sports event in the state of Florida has gathered here today watch the world's fastest automobile race this is truly the international center of racing in the world today fans have come from all over the 50 states from Great Britain from Japan from Latin America they're even two spectators here from Russia hello everybody this is bill Fleming welcoming you once again to the sixth annual they told us 500-mile race here at Daytona Florida this could be one of the great stock car races of all time today if the qualifying speeds have anything to do with it if you recall a year ago we were here in the Fords finished one two three four and five well the Plymouth's and the Dodgers are out today to try to break that stranglehold that Ford had in 1963 and well they could do it because the first seven fastest qualifying cars today are at Chrysler product the big question seems to be will they have the durability to go 500 miles with these tremendous speed we've got a perfect day for racing it's a little bit breezy here but bright sunshine and it should be cool at least for the comfort of the drivers and also it should have an effect on the tire wear however to comment further on that our racing expert Krista Kaname he editor of the national speed board used at all time great race drivers sterling walk down in the pits before the start of the race there's a lot of exciting 46 cars on the line it's going to be a tremendous event the record for 500 miles is a little over 152 miles an hour estimates of the winning speed today range as high as 170 miles an hour and the cars are all powerful the plummets and dodges have special engine hemispherical combustion chamber jobs putting out over 500 horsepower the tire companies have made special tires for the left side of the car and special tires for the right side of the car they're different the pit crews have to pay attention and the concentration the drivers have to undergo at these speeds is tremendous it's gonna be an interesting race and help make it more interesting as a colleague sterling Morris the former racing brake throwing well you'll be today well I'll be all over the place getting in people tears trying to find out exactly how they're going to get over these problems of fuel consumption and tar consumption all these things I think there's a lot of a lot of things cut out or leave their work cut out to get over these problems and I know to try and find out how they're gonna do it that's it all right here are some of the drivers will be out there today one of the favorite 26 year old Richard Petty a random a North Carolina whose father Lee won this race in 59 he'll be the crew chief today and earlier we recorded these the sessions with the crew chief to see what they thought of their drive I think rich is a real good driver in fact he follows sorting the soup what I have done before and when he gets out on the track we've started uses the head and I think it's the time they run this speed he should be able to use his head because they run up to 110 to 75 mile an hour and they started up to him to be able to control his own speed and whatnot on a race track muscle in a 64 Plymouth will be full Goldsmith the top qualifier a hundred and seventy four point nine 100 miles per hour here's what his crew chief Greg Nickels had to say about Paul what we like best about Paul is his ability to tell us what to do the cat see to make the car better forum and Marvin Panch who won this race in 1961 his crew chief today Glenwood you'll be driving a 64 Ford well we like Marvin because he pays good attention to the pits and is real money back is always that penny but heretofore I don't know what to do in this one but we've always had real good luck with it now we're December the other favorites here today pretty low infant will be in a Ford today the top NASCAR money winner in last year it's kind of at 28 and here is patty lund who won this race a year ago he'll be also in a 64 Ford here today AJ's point for late Annapolis winner fleet on a new track national champion 64 Ford today Dan Gurney won the Riverside 500 this year and fifth banking driver in the world he is in the number 12 message to all the drivers start your engines get in your cars and here it's tiny living already in the car now we have a microphone crate you're right down both here and let's see if we can hear that's fitted instructions from his pit crew to tiny line while they're here at tiny London a little bit of inside strategy that he's going to try to get the draft first but he didn't think he had the same speed the go of some of the hottest what happens in the book Baker and Jimmy para do both in Plymouth bear the third row David Pearson is in the fourth row then comes the first port that will be a gay point in double 0 fire fans just went by 21 Jimmy fans call getting into position as Darrell derringer and 16 for another Jones and 15 fireball Roberts there's 22 a beautiful sight here as they're coming down the homestretch babe pace car driven by Bill friends is going to be pulling off now I believe he is and the green flag is up here they come and work a were down here 46 of the fastest cars in the world here we go Ryoga Stern and his Gophers if any fight between [Music] there they go down the backstretch is goldfish in a red car equipment followed by Richard Petty in the blue car and in 26 to the 54th I've very close they have gone away from the pack baby and it still Goldsmith in the lead penny in second place and turns with what he says father Isaac is in third seventy four point nine one oh and they're athletes that on that first left this problem unbelievable flash burn has already got out of the race we've had two cars while Lenny and I imagine the fifties many more have to drop by the wayside they're on the inside of the 64 Plymouth right now and Richard Petty has the lead and look at Bobby as they close up on him in that bright red 64 days and he's gonna get him I believe Bobby Isaac has taken the lead from Richard penny penny and verda 43 Isaac in number 26 HP unofficially we had him up alone 174 mark and get this the official time on Mac number six a new all-time record 175 400 miles an hour he get his impression I see the pennies now drop back to get in five laughs I get them at Oh to save his gas he told me this although he hasn't got a fuel gauge as one knows did he's got a pressure gauge which is Uzi see this flick he must come in and start to take on gasoline now in the other race that he was in he lost advising I felt that he's bad name is judge all right sterling after it snows here now there's a live inside a race car now a wendellstat coming into the pit and here is mr. penny gonna take the lead again many have retaken believe from Bobby Isaac a look at petty go on that right booth women great speeds with them so here the first and this place deserve a good place to get a word with Oh let's go to that interview right now Richard tell Richard you ran out of gas your hundred-mile qualifying race what kind of strategy are you going to use today well I hope my stage is a little bit different so I won't run out of gas but the way I run the race will probably be profused about the same way today we run as hard as we can when we need something come in get how many pitches up do you foresee well the way I run Friday I'll have to make five but if I can get drafts and everything we might possibly make it on the pool but you probably have to make that last we just make a full five gallon game who's right in front of the grandstand in a 64 mr. et is going to continue in the race vertical back out there he got his car a little bit out of shape apparently and radiator keep our eye on very badly here's penny lunchtime that's all for Barney Johnson 21 cars there look at the paper they take them off the grill work Danny one however is back he's gonna be funny going down the backstretch Hill hasn't had a lap under 170 miles an hour [Music] Oh the mechanic dustier is got the paper out of the radio right away okay and of course this means that they personally TJ Ford isn't second Parnelli Jones is birds is for they have a pit stops making his come Richard Petty and Brooke Baker coming into this record at this one [Music] and Richard Petty both of come in apparently at the slow speed which they approach their bit surprise at the same time Richard Pryor's getting more attention blowing the paper radiator Twitter that's collected on the radiators there's now an edit job for the Pitman to perform get these ready to play richard goes back into the top deck opportunity now to get into this person employment come on in putting a real good spot here and that bright red without waiting to check they grab the right side of the para so change the tires they're one Kattegat then look at that and break the commas fan on the fire wherewhere is being measured with needle-like gauges by the Goodyear technician for a change they're getting for the two-handed point customer out of ten okay they've been doing that the goldsmith going to be coming into the fence that will be the thing everybody's going to be wondering about my way to Mexico City and the winds on your starter today 68 3 9 miles per hour as this tremendous faith has taken its toll some of the main drivers and cars pretty lorenz been in the 64 Ford is out with a transmission trouble mommy March put in a 64 Ford huh with an overheated engine Bobby Jon to the 64 Pontiac blew up you saw that one happened carnivore 7 and fireball Roberts put on the backstretch Jill with transmission trouble to the 64 Ford so right now Richard Petty out in front and all there's trouble in the Predators fence right here my car is just flawless carnotaur SiC David Pearson running in second place right now it looked like the right front tire blew out parts of that tire scattered all over the track and that car just hugs the wall thank heaven for that because it was a lot of traffic behind him here is we can see movement in the car Kirstin appears to be alright utility clearing over there now the question is how does he's gonna get off the track where's their skills moving down he's got about it about a 4 foot wall to get over the yellow flag is out and the pace car moves out onto the track bill friends something immediately now if they're gonna have to get that car off they're railing and get Pearson off to the infield so they slowed down considerably and now they're pulling the car off the track and there's lost oil out there so it's going to be some time before the green light goes on again 43 will it be able to keep ahead without a draft and not have to start one empty no time because the others are bunched up behind him quite a long way behind it is true but they're using each other's draft to keep going at a high speed 12:43 petit will he be able to keep going and cut down one stop right away over to you bill race reading and right now Richard Pini is will begin to a little bit of perfect we're gonna try to pick up a timing on him to see you [Music] [Music] here is Richard Petty coming around and we'll head down the homestretch in foot of the grandstands here before a tremendous crowd of more than 80,000 racing there we go sixty two point six and that is calibrated to women but seventy one point 102 miles per hour for Richard Petty in that 64 Plymouth who right now is leading as we come very close to the halfway point remember however he's got to make a pit stop here before too much longer he took one a 38 another one at fifty six under the caution light and now AJ boy is really moving and Marvin Panch hooks right on their draft again and there's Gerald derringer coming up quickly after that rather disastrous bit earlier in the afternoon so AJ trying to pick up brown on Teddy [Music] AJ is behind it looks like it's gonna be at least two miles over the you know there's force over the sports entertainment Saturday afternoons the most of these ABC stations calvin's go up leads off the lineup and it's followed by the exciting Professional Bowlers tour feeds unbelievable has Richard Petty forcing many the cars out with a blistering pace there it is 41 seconds they say has to make up that test go this over two miles now let's hear what AJ has the same before the race Krista khatim at the interview AJ with the speech going up enough period Daytona does your Indianapolis experience stand you in good stead well yes Chris the all the experience I've had to stock cars sprints and everything add up to this here and I think it helps you in a time how about the this drafting technique is it more important today than it has in the past well yes Chris because we're having a draft it seems like the dodges and Plumas are a little bit faster than we are but the other day I was lucky enough to hook on to one and draft them and that's what I intend to do today is just try to draft all day long so let's get on him right now because AJ's on the lead car number 43 goggles down fly on its face empty pit row goes over there they're checking Hadden right side tires the jack goes up [Music] devices handing water into amethyst picked the number of men that can work in the fittest limited by the road [Music] in this race by a wide margin well as far as working there we go [Music] okay and AJ took the lead but he's going to be coming into the pit right now so it was very short-lived and he's coming into the pit area AJ point in double zero that 64 Ford so petty will still retain the lead for banjo Matthews tour to go to work on his machine run that red tires big paint on the right side mechanic by hand the second [Music] in many cases excellent work being done here today longer than Richard Petty stop banjo Matthews with respect to both Chiefs mechanika former driver sent him on his way Ellison 40 seconds okay with about six seconds longer however then Teddy stop so penny has almost a gay boy well at this point of the race with 90 laps to go 19 cars have dropped out and the latest was Parnelli Jones who went out with a bent pushrod in his 64 mercury so there's 27 cars 26 of them are chasing this late blue Plymouth car number 43 Richard Petty he is now one lap ahead of everybody else and they're all back in the pack and a good battle going on for second third fourth fifth and sixth Paul Goldsmith currently in second AJ Ford and third are doers in fourth badge and fifth and pestilence [Music] the track from him to detangle but sparks flying the roof of that car went grinding down the track that upside down fortunately there's no fire there and we're waiting now anxiously about to see whether roof burns gonna get out of that car they create wagons over there that there he comes he's alright he crawls out of there is Jarrett's car and you can see that they tangle somewhere it happens too quickly we couldn't see it but all of a sudden Johnny and the other flag is out and Teddy is going to come into the pit right now he's going to come in under the caution flag ready [Music] [Music] stacked up behind the safety car that's a classic one go get a perhaps 200 yards [Music] [Applause] they have the petty okay Chris the yellow Russia might still have clear kept us debris on the backstretch and AJ is poised probably will take an opportunity heat slows way down AJ currently running in third place gold Smith is running in second at AJ is now coming into the pit area Creek and the third place driver at the double zero Ford is in the pits now and this time it's under the hood for support the addition of oil is there a nice tree to maintain these two 170 mile-an-hour speed understand what he's asking for ever since the brief blank fell today and right now Richard Petty with 41 laps to go in a Brian position he's got one more pit stop to make standing by right now with this economy and Johnny Johnny Rutherford it wasn't bothered that spectacular backstretch flip Johnny what caused it well weight appeared to me Ned Jarrett and I were running together situation arises down here with the wind and the draft Jets car pull the back in flying around I started sliding and I must have split out in front of him and then he hit me [Music] a wild ride shaking up badly not too badly out I'm starting to get a little stiff it was pretty rough right the main thing was getting the spark from the top it was sliding right upside down and the sparks from the top was burning me just like welding without a shirt and how long did you go upside down I was judge about 300 maybe 400 yards okay it was quite a ride I didn't know where I was or if I was going to get hit again or just exactly what was going on I didn't hung on and cover it up and everything worked out pretty good [Music] for Plymouth and pozole Smith that red flemeth on the outside they've been battling each other for that number two spot and of course they're still chasing Richard Petty in that Plymouth who has during the last 30 laps of this race here is Richard Petty coming in so escorts this one standing Sonny's been waiting for this 43 and here he is coming in as the mechanics really rush to meet the prize [Music] that's why every day [Music] Richard Petty's were messy that's throwing down here my [Music] looks like an impressive record-breaking victory in the Daytona 500 and now we're coming to a wind-up of a very exciting afternoon here they taught it with Paul Goldsmith trying desperately to hang on to that second place and Jimmie Purdue chasing him those cars so all heat after do is just keep it running and he'd be in good shape I'm looking for him to make his move now moving up and it looks like he's gonna take goldsmith give me part of the moving in a second place go Smith dropping way back and it could be the Goldsmith in gonna come in we'll take a check down in this pit area Goldsmith's crew getting ready and it could be he's gonna stop go crazy pure there will be [Applause] [Music] Paul Goldsmith in car 25 [Music] [Applause] good stop here in the latter stages of this 500-mile race the tires have been smoking as they can bend the pitch the right rear wheel is locking up this shows how these cars are jacked with a weight to the left it looks like it's strictly for gasoline and there's the word of putting him on his way a very fast pit stop Richard Finney a little bit over a left to go now in that 64 Plymouth days white flag will be out for him he left two and a half miles to go once he gets it as he comes by everybody's standing now raintree's he's out here to the my plate is given to him as the battle goes on for second place Jimmy Purdue in a Plymouth and Paul Goldsmith in a Plymouth but officially Goldsmith is one lap behind Purdue frankly I don't think Goldsmith knows it because he's been passing him red bumper-to-bumper tried to play for the last five or six laps but Purdue has one lap on Goldsmith but all the attention now on petty as he streaks down the back stretch from Randleman North Carolina's he's Mary he has two children another one on the way he's been racing since 1958 but he's never won a big one and he isn't far from doing it today he was second in point standings last year a very consistent driver but that big one is always eluded him now all of his pit crew is off and here he comes the checkered flag is out and ready for Richard Petty that meters was 170 miles and there is a checkered flag for Richard Petty the winner of the sixth annual they totaled 500 [Applause] like to thank William HG French the president of the Daytona International Speedway and Bill France jr. for all their help most all the officials of mess car for all the help they've been the two of sort of perfectly run race nobody could agree with the best statement more than Richard Petty right now for him it was a perfect race down there and that wild Mary Lane everybody will be moving over Chris economy is moving toward the area and we'll try to get a word with the new champion the happy guy he must be 203 glad to get that crash helmet off look at the car moving toward him now the new champion let's go down to Chris here's the winner Richard Petty of ran on the North Carolina Richard how long you've been in this racing business Oh about five years now your biggest victories this is it this is the first time I ever won on a major street but your father was a champion before you how much longer gonna be in this business well I guess from now and just like here you've got $30,000 coming here do you have any idea of how it's gonna be spent well it'll go for some more cars I imagine being a run that good water get a couple more how about the race Richard did you have any problems any other drivers any that you thought might beat you well right the first to the race I was worried particular about no Smith then Isaac come up where and they had a little bit trouble then it was a particular although with you make six pit stops why so many I we made three or four hundred caution flags in order to keep from having to stop under the green and it worked out that way we didn't you lose the lap when we started Richard Petty what is the Daytona 500 in a stinking driver well no one driver is ever won the Daytona 500 twice in a row but the Petty's have come just about as close to that as they could do it the father Lee Petty won the first Daytona 500 and 59 and his son came back Richard today and won at five years later so that's pretty much the story of a very exciting day here at the Daytona 500 a race does not start with the green flag as Lee petty can tell us during the race was happened a long time before the race meaning by the preparation of the race Lee petty three times NASCAR national champion has retired from driving not racing he's crew chief or his son Richard who has taken over the wheel I don't feel like now that I've gotta prove to anybody special to myself that I was a pretty good driver back then and then have somebody in your own family come along as good or in fact I classify I'm a much better driver then I have a world although it was just as stiff back then as yesterday but they've got so much better equipment and to be able to beat everybody it's quite accomplishment how do you know you're ready for the race mr. petty well I think you get ready for the race I think you turn all the boats and the nuts and tighten it up and get it prepared as good as as you know how you begin to go back on the old saying you hope everything's okay [Music] hello everybody from Daytona Beach Florida the event they did Tona 500 the world series of stock car racing this event is only eight years old but as you can see him back at me at part of the pack stands this event has grown so much in popularity and stature that today the largest sports crowd in the history of the South 90,000 may be here to watch the world's fastest cars and top drivers this is my first trip to Daytona and I've been amazed at the magnitude of this event and a feeling of anticipation and excitement look at the thousands of cars in the infield these people have come from all over to be here and last night they even came in and set up tents and their campers stayed the night over and we're up early this morning and taking a tour a part of this city in itself because here they have permanent buildings for garages for the manufacturers and accessories they even have their own Hospital here in cafeteria and thousands of dollars of electronic equipment for timing and photographing and to give you some idea of the size of this racing complex I do a lot of football on TV I know you watch a lot of football you can lay 17 football fields lengthwise across the infield and the width 9 football fields that shows you how big they Daytona International Speedway is now working with me here today one of the great drivers of all time Roger Ward two-time winner of the Indianapolis 500 who also has driven here in Daytona Roger what can we look for here today in this big event well certainly a very exciting race because this is the most important race that these men will drive all year but most money is here over 142 thousand dollars in prize money the winner will receive over $30,000 plus many endorsements so they all want to win the weather is a little bit shaky we're have a threat of rain in the air and of course the wind is blowing quite hard but this is going to make the driving very tricky the cars run very close together it's important to draft and when you're running that close this window also working with us today is a man synonymous with auto racing on ABC's Wide World sports they publisher editor of the national speed sport news be very knowledgeable Krista Connor Mackey will be with us working from the pits and let's go down to Chris right now thanks Kurt well the most significant aspect of today's 500-mile race is the return of the Chrysler Corporation cars to competition after a one-year layoff because their hemi-head engines were banned the speeds have gone up the interest has gone up the field is bigger and we have an important man driving the Plymouth pace car for the 500 today the vice president of the Chrysler Corporation and general manager of the Chrysler Plymouth division mr. Bob Anderson v welcome to Daytona thank you it's good to be back Bob how important is stock car racing to a big automobile company well I think the answer to that's evident here today Chris you see this tremendous crowd of rabid race fans who are here for just one thing see how these cars perform we've found in the past that our cars are here whether we're interested or not so our aim at Chrysler is to make sure that our cars perform up to their full capabilities to help you out must you win or is playing the game helpful well it's always nice to win but we think it's important to be here and to put on a good show we'll be watching now we have petty number 43 is in the pole position on the inside dick Contras into the Ford number 29 behind them Goldsmith in a Plymouth there'll be numbered 99 row bomber in a Dodge 65 number three they're the first four cars they were in there right there but coming around turn four now into the home stretch and there's the pace car going off the track and it looks like we're going to have a start for the Daytona 500 they're approaching the starting line 50 car official start awfully close to the wall going into the first turn lotta heavy traffic right now he wants a strategy here in the early lap well of course most these drivers of the performs well still kind of unknown thing they'll be kind of anticipating that first pit stop if they're going to have trouble probably will happen before then the Randleman North Carolina the favorite in this race is out in front here in the first lap that's Paul Goldsmith Will Smith that's bull right in behind him that was I just said now in third spot and other cars for the back now you're going to hear the term drafting throughout this race and we're going to take a look at it as these drivers draft and here's one right now and brought your ward Willis well actually drafting is when one automobile follows the other very closely and this is extremely important at these high speeds because two cars together can run considerably faster than one car by itself it seemed as though the horsepower of the second dark they'll push the first the air vacuum dear Roger yes the second car is actually in a vacuum and that vacuum and his help broke up on the second car why the two cars will go fast Richard Petty in the late Paula Cole Smith his second early laps here that a tone of 531 the great banker the world's fastest tracks they'll be hitting 180 185 straights won't they yes they will and actually they'll be running through the turns at 165 miles an hour there's a first-world engine that was each HB Bailey of Houston Texas there's a 3rd and 4th guards yet heard of Beast running for I would imagine heard of these would like to get up there with Goldsmith and Penny so it's not to lose out already they're laughing there's penny number forty-three and go Smith number ninety nine at tremendous speeds are already lapping some of these cars look at them a the laggards are almost standing still compared to the tremendous speeds here of the number one and two cars those cars that you think are standing still at 150 miles an hour the inside he's got a little what's the strategy of passing cars Roger well of course they use what they call a slingshot down here Carr gets back few car lengths in the draft and then because to get to speed up it's a long field that slingshot effect should shoot him all the way by isn't the car or the driver that pays off well certainly I think the best car makes you the best driver having ability is certainly important blown engine Asrani sembly of Houston Texas well this year the speeds are higher than ever here at Daytona we asked some of the drivers of this increase people could make this race more dangerous the way I feel about it it will because the faster you run the carrier of the car gets and the more the draft affects it Chris but we've got a bunch of real good drivers here they've all run here before and I believe it'll be a real safe race I mean as far as speed concern the faster you go with the more danger you would have far as handling problems but it seems like that the most of the drivers and the mechanics are these years that go alone do get better and better well I wouldn't really say a lot more dangerous the tire companies have gone way out through the winter to make a wider safer tire with a new safety diaphragm inside the tires about an inch and a half wider for better well holdin purposes but aerodynamically the cars are moving around just a little bit more this year well no I don't think it a couple of three mile I'll make it any more dangerous because they've improved the tires that much in other words the majority to the speed that we're getting this year I'd say come from the tire so that makes us a that much safer all the way around definitely and 100 miles Friday it was real tricky because everybody's running about two mile or faster drafting than we ever have here so it is definitely go cause a lot of problems well no I don't think it'd be any more dangerous because your tire factors have come up with better tires and also the manufacturer with the cars have improved the new model cars are quite a bit where they handle a lot better so anytime the cars handle better the cars are safer even though the speeds are up Goldsmith's still leading number 99 that's Richard Petty now taking the lead back Richard Petty number 43 driving his Plymouth is in the lead here early laps of the Daytona 500 the world series of stock car racing weathers a factor here today it's windy there's a threat of rain what's the wind mean to the drivers Roger well actually the wind could affect these drivers quite a bit and it would affect perhaps the car drafting more than the lead car because he's in that vacuum and it's very tricky we're particularly as you go through the turns and the direction of the wind hitting the automobile changes that ain't moving right along his flemeth was banned here with a heavy head engines last year here's our first pit stop and this is quite a driver Jeff Jarrett 34 years old for camp in South Carolina he's one of five drivers who won the NASCAR national title this is not an ordinary in the first unscheduled pit stop well he certainly is an ordinary driver and this is unscheduled it's a little too quick lift as always probably got a tire problem here in the early stages the Daytona 500 number 43 Richard Petty out front as Paul Goldsmith riding a 65 Plymouth he's second to Plymouth are the leaders right now looks like we're drafting yes they are actually you can see how that drafting works because if you notice goldsmith will drop back just a little bit in the turns but actually when they get to the straightaways he can pull right back up on the leader here the third and fourth cars Jim hood Ibiza skirt and dick Hutchison is poor that was they have a change of leadership Roger yes we are actually Gulf Smith is getting by a petty again and it's important to lead the race because there's a lot of prize money a lot of lap prize money and these men want that money Paul Goldsmith from Munster indiana's in the lead he's one of the most personal drivers in the business he likes speed flying a water-ski or his hobby I'm riding racing cars there's a blowing engine yes and of course he showed a little good sportsmanship he tried to move up out of the way of the other drivers and that's important because with the flying parts and the oil that could be very dangerous this is tricky getting in here is yes there's a matter of fact because there's so much traffic doesn't look as though he's going to be able to make the pitch left to make another lap around the track there's the plymouth of Richard Petty number 43 for a pit stop yeah they're changing the tires on the right side got a really competent pit crew looks like they're holding him they're gonna change the tires on the left side yes it is actually they must have some kind of entire problem otherwise they wouldn't be changing the inside tires this early in the race well of course this race can be won or lost by the number of pit stops that a driver makes here are some of the top drivers in the Daytona 500 well their idea the number of stuff that will be necessary I plan on four stops I think four stops could win the race if we run pretty hard it'll take at least five pit stops and there's no hardly any way at all I'd say to get out of not running any over any under five pit stops because we'll be lucky to run a hundred miles on a tank of gas so that'll make it automatically make five pit stops well I'm sure that we'll have to make six pit stops of course sir caution flags could have a big bearing on the number of hits tops that we would make but supposing we run the race under the green all the way I think we'll have to make six well we had to make six pit stops because we can't run between 80 and 85 miles on take a guess and there goes Richard Petty out of the pits how long has it taken to accelerate the full speed again Roger Moore making clear to the end of the back straightaway before he's up to his top speed and even then and if he doesn't have a little help it won't be there here's a Darrell derringer coming in for an unscheduled pit stop what's the matter with them well I would imagine the same thing wrong with everybody else they must be having some tire problems maybe they're chucking a little bit there's a little bomber limping in he's the man you saw blow the engine barely getting in here's our leader this is Paul Goldsmith who's been a national champion motorcycle driver six time derivative a that was my mother right now he's sailing along he's been a swimming instructor by the way in the United States Merchant Marine flapping carves boggles me thriving a 65 Plymouth is in the lead here in the Daytona 500 actually is a very comfortable lead too because with Richard Petty in the laps he's got a pretty good lead let's go down to the pits to dick huntresses wife Betty with Chris economy key this is betty Hutcherson wife of driver dick Hutcherson and the mother of three Betty does it worry you when dicks out there racing yes it does doesn't show well I'm nervous what what do you think about when he's on the track just hope he comes in safe how about all the strenuous business of auto racing going from town to town doesn't wear on you I don't go to much I go as much as I can it wears him out when it does me would you rather be home when he's racing or would you rather be here watching I'd rather be here at a major race you enjoy it no I don't suppose his car goes out with mechanical trouble then I calmed down I enjoy the race well we certainly hope that you don't enjoy today's race Betty Hutcherson watching her husband drive in the Daytona 500 there's the husband dick Hutchinson one of the top dirt track drivers in the country also a two-time champ of international motor contest Association there's a leader Paul Goldsmith Paul Goldsmith of Munster Indiana is the leader right now in the Daytona 500 he's passing a great young driver Mary Ellen grotty from Italy born in Italy who I guess is going to be a real comer he certainly is we'll be back with more action from the Daytona 500 after this message 39 year old Paul Goldsmith is out in the lead he's driving at number 99 car 65 Plymouth here in the Daytona 500 from the Daytona International Speedway they don't beat Florida he had the fastest lap in the trials 178 miles now here's AJ Point now into the pits this is quite an all-around driver in yes he certainly is he's one of the greatest drivers of all time and he proves that every time he goes to the racetrack but he's been having trouble with his automobile and he's not too happy right now why drives everything too many escorts well here's a spin that's Mario Andretti the young 25 year old driver there goes the leader go Smith into the pit after a trickiest fun so we'll have a new leader that's Paul Goldsmith now for a scheduled pit stop we're approaching the time now and we're having our first scheduled pit stop well they figure about the hundred miles the perfect stop actually if we're just short of a hundred miles and an interesting note would be that the average speed at this time is over a hundred and seventy miles an hour and now a new leader this was dick hutchinson yes Dick's been driving a really fine race he was never worse than forth and he's driven a very consistent race and now has inherited the lead you have the fastest port and try out 174 miles and I look at these tires yes this is I think probably what's been happening the tires because of the width and because of the tremendous speed and he'd have begin to chunk a little bit and you can see big pieces of rubber out of the middle of that tire and that's what caused the problem in the early pit stops those big tires on that tread they're really grab hold of that track though right yes they certainly will here's the leader now Hutchison coming into the pits dick Hutchison thirty-four years old from Charlotte North Carolina saw his wife earlier being interviewed we're going to work here comes Mario Andretti's car as you can see the front end has been quite badly damaged I think he ran into another automobile probably due to the wind or something and has caused his problem flat right tire now he's starting to boil over yeah I'm sure that he's out of the race forever that's a Chevelle the only Chevelle on the race right yes and it was running quite well now we have a new leader and a local boy here Marvin Panch Daytona Florida he's a veteran yeah a few years ago it's in a bad accident that was literally burned he's the leader right now yes that accident was right here at Daytona Beach it was in a sports car racing car got upside-down and trapped him inside and he was quite severely burned but the driver who helped him get out taani lund took over his stock car that year and was fortunate enough to win the race I'm still working on Andretti's car boy that was born in Italy 25 years old he drives against Roger Warren Indianapolis now the favorite of yours yes Freddie's one of my favorite race drivers and a truly great race driver Oliver today I think he must have be having a little trouble maybe too high a gear because he's not keeping up with the leaders and I'm certain he's not too happy with the way things are going these would have proved the practice and the unity you get these times down yes they do it as you'll notice these boys were you know what they're doing those tires that they're handling will be somewhere around 250 300 degrees that number 22 is punky Blackburn and he's got a blowing engine now Bucky blackbird he'll be out of the race at the 1965 Chevrolet well something wrong here this windshield is broken this is dick cutter so let's go down to Chris Akana Mac you see what's happening Nick here the first of the leading contenders machinery I hate to say it because it's a little thing like a windshield a piece of tire come off of her Toby's his car and broke my windshield and it just started coming out there wasn't nothing I could do about it tough break how's the track and every the race in general it was good as long as I was in there I think the Ford was really running today and I know we've been right up front we got to finish the race well you got one consolation your wife will enjoy the rest of it yeah I'm afraid so dick cruncher said out of the race how the leader is going in Marvin's pants now Roger you not only have to have a great car be a good robber you have to be lucky in these races don't you yes you certainly do and of course marvin fox is lucky because he's got one of the greatest crews the Wood Brothers in racing and they'll do a really tremendous job looks as though they don't feel a tire change is necessary on his automobile just fuel and cleaning the windshield oh oh this this is Bobby Isaac's looks like he's out of gas the de Tona 500 roars on here's our leader Cale Yarborough Timmonsville South Carolina 26 years old he's a young driver Roger war yes he is a young driver but he certainly got a great future because he's one of the great young drivers he's driving a 66 4 and sedan when he started the racing bug at the age of 10 in the soapbox derby but you never know where you're gonna find him Rani's first Grand Nationals the age of 17 he's an old-timer at the age of 26 here's AJ Foyt's car that looks like he's out of the race yes I think finally the troubles got the best of them in there pushing the car off the racetrack so he's definitely out here's the second-place car Jim hurtubise driving a Plymouth Jim heard a beast of North Tonawanda New York his second [Applause] he's driving a Ford he's third and here's a number for man Dave Pearson with the Gods charger a very good race but here's Paul Goldsmith who has been running in fifth position passing a dead person for fourth while all Goldsmiths moving right back into contention balls have to make an extra pit stop but at the speed he's running he'll be back up there before too long here's the second car now Richard Petty the favorite in this race right now he's running sixth he's made a couple of extra pit stop that's why in fact yes this car in the pits right now is a young and Annapolis race driver with a lot of talent his name is Gordon Johncock and he's been driving a very consistent race not too far up but if he keeps running at this speed he'll be up there Ward's over [Music] the painting that left tire is me Roger yes they're changing the inside tire which is unusual and here you can see the amount of rubber that's out of that tire and a piece like that is what could have put the windshield out of Dickinson's car 31 degrees go Smith now is charging for third [Music] and he's coming strong we is now taking third here that they to be like miss stars probably the fastest car on the track its handling beautifully because he goes inside outside whoever he wants to him so he's driving a really great race and of course his car is really performing to keep repeating hundred and miles an hour that's right flying around any racetrack right now they're averaging over 170 miles an hour the leaders here in this Daytona 500 what about physical here comes the leader Yarborough into the pit now a scheduled stop Cale second stop and it's a bland stop he's running the kind of race he'd like to run however I think probably wish you could go just a little bit faster how important is physical conditioning private well physical fitness is extremely important it's a tough grind out there it's more of a mental grind than physical but if you had to worry about being a good shape certainly would be even coverage kind of miles per gallon are they getting well these guys are getting on an average of four to four and a half miles per gallon and if you saw both fitness back in the pits and looks like Freddie almost run into trying to get to his bits has Freddie Lorenzen and this is Freddie second scheduled stop he's not running as fast as you'd like to but he's got a well-planned race and lucky could be up and run there's a new leader Jimmy her debate on this two and a half while earlier we asked some of the drivers what was the toughest place on the course for them and here's what they had to say well there's no certain corner that's really tough it's a lot has to do whether there's cars to run with and and how the wind changes and which direction is blowing and if we get a crosswind it doesn't hurt us too bad but we get a wind blowing with us that carrying us down a straightaway faster it really gives us a lot of problems getting into the corner there's only one difficult spot on this course that bothers anyone speak of the becoming off the fourth turn there's a little hump there and you have to manage to come off of off the fourth corner right when you hit the hump but outside of that this is a real nice clean track and it's a pleasure to drive it right down through this dogleg here in front Chris the car gets a little bit hairy there especially if somebody passes you on the outside well I believe coming off of the fourth turn when the bank levels out to get on the straightaway there there's a pretty big jolt to the car as you come off there and sometimes it will change positions with you well not anything particularly the the toughest part of the track I'd say probably would be coming off a number four corner there's a real big dip and if you don't come across see it just exactly right it can get you in a lot of trouble but other than that the tracks pretty decent well I'd say the toughest part is this diamond on the front stretch if you have the wind with you running right a little over 180 down this front stretch and the cars get a little light the leader is in now this is Jim herd of east of North Tonawanda New York this is his third pit stop inactive a little bit early so he may be having some tire problems also notice either having more time problem and they probably would yes I believe they are actually some of these fellows probably using a little softer compound and as a result are running into problems that softer compound gives them a higher rate of speed blowouts are practically not earth Jim hurt obese was badly burned back in Milwaukee's a people look at the gloves he were actually he has to wear those who love protect his hands because his hands were very very security but here's a leader now is we're past the halfway mark Paul goals built a muster Indiana driving a Plymouth [Music] a thousand looking on here here's the second place man Richard Petty of North Carolina and he's driving a 1966 Plymouth these two men have been going at a truly remarkable speed because even though they have made extra pit stops they've managed to get back in the first and second place number three man Marvin Panch of Daytona Beach Florida if he keeps going at this speed he's in there for a good spot I love right down unless Dolph Smith has trouble or petty has trouble that he could win the race and the number four man is Cale Yarborough let's take a look now at the leaders you leader right at the moment even though it doesn't look like it is Richard Petty because go well though Smith has been back in the pits for a couple of laps and has dropped back to about 56 Richard Petty a farm boy from level across North Carolina where he's born has grabbing his Plymouth number 43 in the last seven years has won more than a quarter of a million dollars the racing is really booming in America these fans here of course are identifying with the cars and the drivers here's the number two car this is Cale Yarborough just 26 years old from Timmonsville South Carolina he was a semi-pro fullback most of these drivers are good athletes Cale Yarborough running second and these fans of course identifying if they drive Plymouth they're rooting for Plymouth here's a Dodge Charger this is a Dave Pearson from Spartanburg South Carolina he's running third right now and his Dodge Charger so all the Dodge drivers are rooting for him this is friendly wrens and he's in fourth position now no question that has been driving a good race not as fast as he'd like to be going but he's driving a good consistent race and running in a very comfortable position they race so far has been free of accidents we've had no bad spins or collisions and they're averaging better than 165 miles an hour they used to run on the beach here on the sand wait for the tides to go out and then in 1959 they built this beautiful Speedway and this is the 8th Daytona 500 called the fastest racetrack in the world their plants family bill France senior Ali's boy bill jr. certainly been responsible for the food of stock car racing in America here is that Richard Petty coming in at a fancy that a great comfortable lead we'll be back with more action from the Daytona 500 right after this message this is the 1966 Dodge Charger that I rented to drive around Daytona Beach and like all other 1966 model cars it has such things as chrome moldings on the front and the top of the fenders headlights bumper guards raised letters for the name on the hood windshield wipers and a mirror on the side and of course it's straight and level across and has a pretty nice finish over here is the 1966 Dodge Charger that cotton Owens prepared for David Pearson to drive in the 500-mile race it has no grow molding over the finish it has no chrome molding along the hood it has no bumper guards nor does it have a raised name on the hood the windshield wipers are missing and so as a sideview mirror it's not straight and level but tilted sharply to the left to put the weight mostly on the left side of the car and the finish like a baby's cheek compared to the finish of the stock Dodge and underneath the tires are a different story racing tires almost twice as wide as highway tires under the hoods of the cars there's a vast difference the racing charger a full house a 426 Hemi head engine that's been reduced in size to 405 cubic inches a large racing manifold supports a tremendous air cleaner and there's hardly any room under the hood for anything else whereas in the red car there's plenty of room under the hood for that has a 383 cubic inch wedge engine with a four-barrel carburetor the difference between a racing stock car and a pleasure car now back to you Kurt Goudy alright here's another car in trouble this is Paul Goldsmith's car yes I think perhaps the chunking of those tires has created a situation where probably he lost a drive shaft or a universal joint that's the only reason I could see for him the car jacked up and here's a car's blown the engine I think that's Gordon Johncock yes it is car number 71 this is unfortunately was driving a great race but of course this costs a very dangerous situation because aside from the parts that he might have left on the racetrack to cut someone's tire driving through that smokescreen could be very dangerous you can't see a thing and sometimes at the speed they're traveling you would go maybe two or three hundred yards and that's really quite a distance there's a later Richard Petty we're getting a real threat of rain here now laughter starting to sprinkle Richard Petty let's write a family story coming in here now as Marvin Panch and he has a broken windshield another windshield has been broken left flying rubber off these tires that are shredding rubber this is very unfortunate because Marvin's been driving a great race it was in a real they're putting gas in but I don't think he's gonna go back out that crew isn't popping at all no there's certainly not they know that he's done that break for a local boy here comes Curtis Turner and he's got a broken windshield boy out there really having some problems up that's too broken with you is the last few minutes and of course both of these cars are on the same team so this is a real tough break point Wood Brothers that trigger now all for the broken windshield that's right possible that there's been some others that we haven't gone [Music] number 43 in the Plymouth Richard Petty that's Jim her to be trying to unlap himself he's quite a bit of time in the pits of course he's trying to make that ground up and Betty it just comfortable he wants to ride along there and keep up his feet but try to stray out of traffic and again he likes to ride high in those bank dirt yes I think the way his car set up he feels more comfortable in the mire groove then these cars ready are coming up on this traffic has his father rooting for him five hundred that was back in 1959 Richard Petty won the Daytona 500 in 1964 well he'd be the first to ever win it twice hold on to this lead and his brother builds the engines it's a great family story to the petty family yes it is the father's build a great racing team there goes petty backed by a herd of bees again I see the crystal Connor Mackey in the pits now Curtis Turner and let's go right down to them Curtis you're out of it why guitar teleportal Jim heard of his car and hit my windshield broke the windshield shattered it what don't run about ten laps before it come apart and what happened to Marvin Panch your teammate same thing happened her her today is the spin his left rear wheel and he keeps going back out he's hard enough three fours out Hutchison and panshin mine Curtis Turner with a story on why he's out of the race okay Curt the average speeds a leader 162 miles an hour amazing we've had some yellow flags and bad weather first when the number of stops they made that is truly an amazing speed because his herd of bees going back by petty again he's trying desperately to unlap himself that he has the lead anything is going there could be any number of things happen they've been right there they look like a car lost its way hello is that Gert have SEP sir and look at that will this creates a danger situation also cars could run over that wheel and of course put them out of the race trouble in the backstretch just goes to show that no matter what happens or how late the race you could have trouble oh-oh there's trouble in the front straightaway that's heard of these and he was momentarily out of control there my god she could have wiped out the whole field I would say probably in an effort to make the track probably is the situation get out of control he's a leader Richard Petty holds the record here Cole 500-mile race - laughs up on him now yes that would be the important thing now for petty justice stay out of trouble this walkways car Freddie Lorenzo actually I think Freddie's in third place unless he has to make another pit stop the weather as you can see now is bad there's a yellow flag they're driving now on a wet track and they've slowed them down Richard Petty is the leader they have a short race here and out of white flags up one more lap that is that was look at the weight actually this is very dangerous here this amount of water and racetrack can be very dangerous they're running probably 125 miles an hour without windshield wipers so difficult even see where they're going that he's going to average over 160 miles an hour in this way raises record auto race by the way was run on Thanksgiving Day at America back in 1890 average speed for the winner seven and a half miles an hour great comeback for the Plymouth's that were fired last year with her Hemi heads and here they are winning the first major race of 1966 started erasing by washing and cleaning Auto Parts and his dad's garage his father's won this event and he's about to win his second Daytona 500 he's coming for the finish line over 30,000 dollars in prize money and Richard Petty win under a great victory in second place of course is cale yarborough in a 1966 port he drove a fine race and SiC and third place is car number six David Pearson in a Dodge Charger the race was shortened to laps 495 miles going into Victory Lane Richard Petty a very popular driver what made Richard Petty phenomenal was he started winning races and won championships in the early 60s you never saw this this side of Richard Petty was the sheer determination that I'm the best driver out here and I've got the best equipment those two things right there have made a big difference the other thing was the response that Richard got from the fans I think pumped him up as much as anything that ever made him go to Victory Lane Richard was 100% racer that's exactly what made his success [Music]
Channel: Ted Smith
Views: 299
Rating: 5 out of 5
Id: xOAjvASYyu4
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 80min 29sec (4829 seconds)
Published: Wed Apr 01 2020
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