7 WAYS to move to the Netherlands for Americans | Expat in Amsterdam

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so you could move at no cost to you there you go bonus i actually didn't really want to include this one hello travel lovers welcome to a wanderlust for life i'm jessica and in this channel i usually show you european gems through food and memorable experiences but sometimes i also talk about expat life and i get this question all the time so i thought it was about time to make a video on it so in this video i'm gonna share with you seven ways that you can move to the netherlands as an american so let's dive in the first way is going to be the daft or the dutch american friendship treaty this treaty also works for the japanese so if you know anybody japanese who wants to move to the netherlands maybe pass that along to them so basically this visa is to start a business so if you have a viable business plan and you have some money set aside you can check this out and maybe this is the right thing for you i'll leave everything that i'm talking about in the description so that you can get more details about it but some examples of people that i know who have come with adaft somebody opened up a cupcake shop other people have been freelance software engineer that kind of a thing more on the freelance side there's a lot of specifics that you definitely want to check out so i'll leave all that down below getting transferred this one takes quite a bit of planning so you know you might have to have a lot of forward thinking and hope that you can move to netherlands in five years or so but depending on your career path you might work at a company that could transfer you to the netherlands and these are mostly going to be finance um tech engineering maybe things like that so just see if that might be a possibility in your own company and yeah just work towards it let people know that you're interested in doing that because not everybody wants to pick up and move to another country even though you might want that with all of your being not everybody does i even know people who have moved here and then just you know it didn't fit what they expected i guess and they just moved back because it wasn't the right cultural fit for them and that's okay i'll leave a link down below of companies who are based here in the netherlands that are international so maybe that'll give you a little a little like head start on finding a place to work that might help you move here for a while similarly you could just get a job here now i'm not gonna say that's easy you have to be a highly skilled migrant and i don't actually like using that word um it's a very specific subset of careers really but that's what they call them so again this is going to be a lot of tech a lot of finance things like that so if you want to you can apply for jobs here in the netherlands while you are still in the united states so they use linkedin a lot you could also contact a recruiting company and see if they can help you basically you're looking for a company who can sponsor you and that should be like in the description somewhere if not you should ask there is also a webpage with the companies that are allowed to sponsor because not everybody is allowed to sponsor so you can check that out maybe they'll even pay for your relocation they actually should pay for your relocation so you could move at no cost to you oh real quick have you subscribed yet have you gone down there hit the hit the red button have you have you done that yet yeah okay cool thanks go to school so you could take your bachelor's or your master's here in the netherlands and it may be cheaper than when you are at home depending on where you live in the country i worked at a major university and i went to a small private school i am very familiar with how things work and the pricing of things it's crazy in some places so in the netherlands there is going to be a range but you might pay about 9 thousand pounds to thirteen thousand pounds for some of the general majors and programs it might be a lot more if it's like a medical field or dental field or engineering or something like that but that'll give you a general idea and that's for a year that does not include room and board now as far as i know they don't usually have dorms here so you would have to find your own housing if i'm wrong let me know in the comments but that was my understanding a master's program will cost a little bit more so you're talking more on the 20 000 euro range again check the details at the university that you're interested in but i just want to say universities in the netherlands are incredible they have some of the best programs in the world and i'm just in awe and they make the news all the time with they created this or they did that so it might be worth looking into i want to let you know that it doesn't necessarily mean that you should move to amsterdam we do have some great universities here in the city but it's very hard for people to find housing as a student so just warning you also i should mention a lot of the programs are in english so that shouldn't be a problem as a bonus you can stay for a year after you graduate to look for a job it's called azokier so it's like a looking year like you're looking for a job and did i say zoki or zokyar whatever um fixing english and dutch so you could find a company that would sponsor you in that year i mean and the great thing is is if you've done internships and things like that that increases your chances of them getting hired if they're allowed to sponsor you there you go bonus i actually didn't really want to include this one i don't feel like it's necessarily fair so take it what what you will but if you really like kids you could become an au pair now you'd want to register with um an au pair agency who is allowed to sponsor you because again that is the most important thing you have to be here illegally but you should only work up to 30 hours a week you should get two days off a week i mean there's so many stipulations they pay for your housing and food usually your transportation getting you here and even up to a certain amount in dutch classes while you're here but you only really get paid 300 to 340 euros a month so you just have to see if that makes sense for you but if that's just something that you're so passionate about go for it you could be like me and be married to an italian basically if you're a partner or a spouse of an eu member you could live here there are again some stipulations with that so sean had to make a certain amount of money to sponsor me and now that i've been here over five years i can be here on my own which is great but you have to either prove that you have been living together for at least six months or prove that you're married there's also other ways but they get very very specific in terms of if other family members are eu but that depends on like age and who's supporting you and things like that also i want to point out that if you are a family member of a dutch citizen the rules are different than if you are an eu citizen so i'm just putting that out there because it does get very confusing i hope you don't think this is copping out but i think it's a fair thing to say you could live here for three months just as an american just on a tourist visa you can totally do that so you can spend three out of six months in the schengen countries which again like below but you could just pretend like you live here now you won't have a bsn which is a social security number and you won't have insurance or things like that and you won't be registered but if you can find a place to stay for three months you can totally do that just make sure you stay legal that is all i ask did this answer your question i really want to know do you have other questions about this topic let me know down in the comments and do you have any desire to live in the netherlands let me know if so do you know where thank you thank you so much for watching i appreciate you so much and i will see you in the next video bye guys
Channel: A Wanderlust For Life
Views: 11,848
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: european travel, travel vlog
Id: O4By2igykqE
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 8min 4sec (484 seconds)
Published: Sun Jan 30 2022
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