What are the Dutch Really Like?

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I'll be there at 9:00 and if someone's 10 minutes late I'm like why are you late I'm having a steak for lunch like Nate no take some bread from home get a piece of cheese maybe butter you know and then yeah perfect you've seen someone only once and you meet them again is oh I like you're the best friends how are you oh come here kind of H okay come [Music] on Dodge stereotypes we've all heard them incredibly tall blonde people who ride bikes wear clogs eat a ton of cheese and and smoke a whole lot of weed in that one city they all live in Amsterdam Dutch are also said to be the most rude people out there who have zero filter they're also stingy Dutch are all for saving every single penny no one is more of a sucker for a bargain in Europe than the Dutch so how accurate are these stereotypes according to the dutchies themselves which are so incredibly true that all the Dutch people swear by them and which are more on the false side I went to Amsterdam and UT yes I know there there is another city besides Amsterdam to find out just that what is one Dutch stereotype that you actually agree with you're the Dutch this is what we think of the Dutch you definitely have the Dutch they are always very direct I agree with that I'm quite direct are you both direct would you say yes very very in which way in every way I think yeah you know first we say something and then we think about it yeah we can both direct yeah like in which way like if I ask your opinion you'll tell me what you think yeah we will be completely honest are you direct both of you not always no I've heard that I am so yeah I'm the in which sense do you tell people what you think always always I'm just honest I also love that about our culture we just say what we think I see it as a good thing because you know what to expect of people but different cultures it could come off a route as well I don't know Asian cultures I'd say this Dutch directness can be sometimes perceived as rudess by foreigners yeah oh yeah absolutely if foreign people say that Dutch people are rude I can imagine yeah what's her name Roger Roger in Dutch how do you say it I really can't do the Dutch accent if you don't like something that someone is doing would you tell them directly yeah I would when you asked about the archetypes I was like should I say that were're really direct but I don't feel it that way actually I am really going like this like I know what you mean but so I personally don't recognize it what do you think about like the British way of saying oh excuse me sorry could could I please tell you it's prob good thing you know to be well mannered being overly direct is not always good because it comes with the conflict when you see other very direct Dutch people does that bother you Clos as me I'm like whoa you're really direct uh that's not that's a bit hard to say but not really my type of people other cultures like to tend to talk around it because not to hurt any anyone and we don't like the fluffiness so you don't want to waste someone's Time by going around it the issue right yeah certainly you probably say right away whether you like something or you don't like something or you would say to someone whether something is good or bad that could come off as very blunt as well if you say yeah that's not good I think touch people don't like it when people try to hide things from you they would like to know things straight up and otherwise they would see it maybe as ingenuine okay so if someone says I love you oh my God you're so great we would never say that I mean I I would never say that how do you feel when Americans or British people Express themselves because they're not direct sometimes it's difficult to to get to the point and wondering what do you mean get to the point tell me what what's it and the American people are more for me a little bit more fake because if you go in there if you go to in America you go in the shop they always want oh how are you doing do you have a nice day they don't care about the answer they just ask kind of politeness but they don't care so you don't like it I don't like the Americans no you don't like Americans in general no when I was visiting the US I also felt like when you enter a store they're like hey how are you doing and I was like do I know you hello sorry is it it's too much it's too much it's too much for us yeah I think they hold a mask maybe sometimes and be like really nice but not really I don't know can be if a Dutch person is nice to you then it's like sincere I feel for me it sometimes feels a bit ungenuine somebody's saying oh well no I really like it and then you get this feeling that it's not really true I have a lot of English clients and I have to type really long sentences to get across as I'm like man I just want to say yes and no okay if you wants something very easy you can ask it directly to your boss there's no hierarchy so if you don't like something you you can tell your boss I don't I don't like this idea yeah absolutely absolutely in America for example if I say something it was okay there would be a four out of 10 in America but here it will be a could be a seven or eight out of 10 you've seen someone only once and you meet them again it's oh I like you're the best friend how are you oh come here kind of H okay come on if you don't like somebody we just tell them doesn't that hurt no the other way around no it's it's easier really so if someone says like you look bad today yeah that's okay yeah yeah but you know if you spend a whole day with somebody you don't like look around how many nice people are here then you can spend your time better than [Music] that they always complain about everything about the weather or other people they always complain yeah about everything about the weather about the crowd about everything yes is it because the weather is quite terrible or is it just the style of people we have it's so good living in Holland so you complain about everything when we in other country we can always pick out the Dutch really how is how can you notice the Dutch how do they stand out the tourists in another country the way they dressed you know the the what they wear how they behave always complaining Oh look The coffees here 4E always complaining most of the people eat cheese and sandwich for lunch they just take bread and they put a slice of cheese on it and I put another bread and it's a sandwich it's good it's good enough for lunch you eat one or two and it's okay nobody complains everybody thinks it's okay with butter and Mayon with butter with butter Mayon then you're a real Dutch guy why go for lunch and have something warm I don't get it because in the evening you are you are also eating warm yeah I'm having a steak for lunch like n no you're just yeah take some bread from home get a piece of cheese maybe butter you know and then yeah perfect for a reason we're the biggest people on Earth you know peanut butter also really Dutch yeah peanut butter with h for the Dutch people watching it's the best oh oh uh oh yeah that's also typical Dutch not ises yummer yeah that's a shame that's a shame yeah her whole bike bag just dropped in have you had any culture shocks upon arriving here when I arrived to this country I came here to do a masters there was orientation they gave away free lunches I remember going to the cafeteria grabbing my bag lunch and going to the table and I open up the bag lunch I look inside it's a sandwich but there's something missing so I went back to the table and I asked the lady can I get a new sandwich because there's something missing and she looked at it and she was like nope that's your sandwich it was a slice of cheese in between two slices of bread and that was my introduction to the Netherlands [Music] what is one stereotype that you don't agree with about Dutch people stereotype in uh other countries people say we are German everybody from the Netherlands hates it when everybody say we sound like German we hate it don't say it we're not German we're Dutch when you're abroad everyone says like oh you're from amst you smoke weed but I Never Smoke Weed I think um people do tend do like uh illegal things more and if stuff is not illegal anymore it's not as uh exciting anymore mainly in Amsterdam area City areas um and for sure tourists that come to Amsterdam Smoke a lot of weed but the average person does not smoke weed [Music] now being on time and very punctual and planning if we have an meeting or yeah just like casual just a date at 9:00 I'll be there at 9:00 and if someone's 10 minutes late I'm like why are you late so I think that's a bit Dutch maybe yeah everything is on time and on schedule and also the buses and the trains and the yeah you have it saying something like just being yourself is crazy enough is that true true how do you say it in Dutch yeah my my mother always used to say that yeah anormal yeah anormal and then that's enough that's typical Dutch that's typical Dutch what does that really mean what does that come down to don't do anything that's not normal for example if you look at the terrorist and you would sit there and you would order a bottle of champagne then all people around you were thinking something of it why would you order a bottle of champagne yeah do normal behave normal and what is being normal ordering a bottle of cheap wine cheap wine and a beer that's that's that's normal that's what they think you know we like to to order a bottle of champagne that's why we know that people are always react like that what do you think about the stereotype that Dutch people are they like to save money and they are cheap true oh yeah yeah this is another a multiple choice question true that is true yeah we like discounts well that's the the the type I am I think we finally found you are Dutch after all yeah they don't count the money but they don't want to spend it no that's not way around I mean Dutch people in general would pick the cheapest thing and supermarket and those kind of things yeah that's also a reason why in the supermarket in the Netherlands is quite in general quite cheap really looking for the the cheap things that you can buy but at the other side also spending large amounts of money on on holidays and stuff we also say like don't be so Dutch you know say to each other but or say like that's really Dutch thing to say or to do and when it comes to like the ingredient with money and stuff I always find it interesting because I feel like Dutch people earn quite a lot but then there is this stereotype that they really like to get a good sale and uh get things cheaper and actually brag about that they got the cheapest thing I heard that as well is that true yeah that happens too we got the compliments about your clothes first thing you say how much it was and it's actually nicer if it was cheap oh yeah I bought it in the sale 40% off and then everybody's like oh you got it in the sale for 40% off oh my God that's so nice I could live here I do that too I think it makes sense I mean if you paid a lot of money for it then what is there what's so cool about it right why is that because I feel like Dutch people earn quite a lot of money yeah that's true they don't want to spend it because when you not spending it you keep it and it's there when you're old why would you spend it today if you could if you could save it for tomorrow maybe we used to be Protestant country and bit cist and that's also yeah being very um economic about your expenses I just think they like to negotiate that's [Music] all in Holland we have a word it's called Ken and there's not really English word for it but it just means having a good time and and a lot of Dutch people tend to focus their life on kenita enjoy the sun enjoying the moment I really be the moment isn't there isn't there another word for it you have a lot of words for having a good time yeah actually so you really want to have a good time but I think I think isic is the word not K yeah yeah it's and I think K is more from the inside that you enjoy the moment and is like the circumstances you are in are so I know better Dutch than you
Channel: Dating Beyond Borders
Views: 180,302
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: dutch culture, dutch stereotype, dutch people, dutch men, dutch women, going dutch, are dutch rude, are dutch direct, dutch culture shock, the netherlands, netherlands, dutch stereotypes, dating dutch men, life in the netherlands, dutch directness, moving to the netherlands, living in the netherlands, learn dutch, what are dutch people like, moving to amsterdam, expats in the netherlands, dutch mentality, culture shock, dutch language, amsterdam, dating beyond borders
Id: on6AUbOqaoc
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 12min 11sec (731 seconds)
Published: Thu Oct 12 2023
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