7 UNIQUE Skyrim Mods that Change the Game!

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Skyrim is a very unique game with a massive selection of mods both big and small but it also has some very unique mods that provide a totally new and sometimes crazy playing experience these are the mods that either completely change how the game is played or will change how you see Skyrim forever jumping straight in we have a unique mod that puts a clock on your adventure called the end times of Dawn Guard which will give you 60 days to complete the Dawn Guard quest line otherwise the vampire lord Haron will get his hands on ori's bow and take over the world how it works is once you reach level 10 and are given the Dawn Guard Quest the timer will begin the settings for this mod can be adjusted in the MCM and by default you will get 60 days which is fairly comfortable but if you want you can change this to whatever you like depending if you want more or less risk from there you will race against the clock to complete the quest line and obtain orel's bow before Haron does because if you fail a legion of Vampires Will descend upon the world to kill you and everything else essentially this mod UPS the anti of your playthrough forcing you to be more proactive and presents a dire consequence if you should fail the same author also has another mod simply called the end times which has a similar them but instead features the main quest line right from the GetGo a timer will begin for you to complete the main dragon born quest line and defeat the legendary World eater alowin or face the literal end of the world this mod is a little bit more generous giving you 365 days to finish but again this and other settings can be adjusted in the MCM similar to the other mod this one also provides an increased sense of risk to the game and makes the main quest line more significant for you and the world to complete otherwise you face complete destruction you can also use them together to create an even more hectic and daunting Skyrim playthrough for something a little bit more lightharted is the next mod called Nords speak German which not only makes Nords speak German but also changes the language of other NPCs depending on their race Skyrim is full of citizens who hail from all over tamre who would surely have different dialects or speak completely different languages and this mod does exactly that Nords will now speak German Imperial soldiers will speak Italian the four Swan will speak French and my personal favorite making Orcs speak [Music] Japanese to keep track of what's going on I do recommend playing with subtitles enabled so you can still know what's being said without having to learn four different languages but at the end of the day this mod is just a bit of fun and provides a unique way to experience Skyrim as well as adding some culture to the world even if it's not very law friendly next up is an oldr mod that got ported to the special edition called The Rabbit Hole very simply this mod adds a new dungeon called the rabbit hole that features 50 levels for you to complete but gets progressively harder each level essentially allowing you to test your skills and see how far down the rabbit hole you can get it starts off very easy but quickly gets harder and then even worse as the enemies become more powerful and more VAR there is some reprieve however every five stages you complete a safe room will appear allowing you to resupply with potions and reward you with some weapons and spells before taking on the next five stages you can also choose to exit here but will not be allowed back in unless you go right back to the beginning overall I found this mod a lot of fun and a unique way to test my metal against an ever increasing enemy it also reminded me of other Dungeon Crawler games like Diablo and for full transparency I myself could not reach the end but if you think you can and have an incredibly powerful character then I recommend you try this mod out for even more random fun is the next mod called Skyrim World randomizer the basic premise of the mod is very simple every door entrance and exit has been randomized and will now take you to any location on the map essentially if I walked up to the shop in Riverwood I would become transported to a random dungeon instead being slightly skeptical about the design I did try it out over the last few days and can honestly say while it is very chaotic it is also very fun on top of that I have encountered several areas and dungeons within Skyrim that I either had totally forgotten about or didn't even know existed creating a totally unique playing experience for example in just over 1 hour of game same time I started out in Riverwood and was immediately transported to the black reach which I then ventured across and found myself in a SE system needing to break out of prison only to be thrust into the middle of the Forgotten Veil and then the Apocrypha realm eventually I ended up inside the Sky Haven Temple and was rewarded with the blades hidden Armory this whole experience was fastpaced and cemented what a unique way to play Skyrim this is of course it isn't smooth sailing all the time sometimes you will end up in a small room or forgotten hallway and other times you will enter an area that requires a specific item like me where I found myself inside Kil Temple but without Meridia's Beacon so I couldn't claim the dorm breaker sword it's also near impossible to complete any quest line without an incredible amount of luck but this isn't the point of the mod ultimately it provides a fun action-packed way to experience and play the game without having to worry about everything else it's also very compatible with other mods in fact in my experience I didn't have to uninstall anything I simply chucked it in my load order and started up a fresh game you will have to enable it in the MCM where you can also play around with a few other settings and then let the mod rearrange all the doors in the game overall I really enjoyed the experience and the totally random nature of this mod and I hope you check it out for yourself and let me know what you think moving on we have another climactic mod called drono which centers around an apocalyptic event similar to the first two mods but this time involving an endless draga Invasion to begin a few small groups of Undead will attack the smaller villages in towns around Skyrim these are generally easy to defend especially with the local Town folk at help as time progresses much larger forces will begin to descend upon the world including the larger cities as the undead try to take over everything and everyone this then leads to the climactic dragon knock event where armies of the undead will overwhelm every city in town slaughtering everyone in their path and be warned NPCs will be killed during this event in fact it's better to try and hunker down and survive the onslaught rather than taking them face on of course this is totally up to you if you do manage to survive you will then be left with a broken and empty world as the lucky ones try to rebuild the overall experience of this mod is unique and I had a lot of fun taking on the legions of the undead especially when fighting alongside your fellow NPCs the mod also changes the weather making it very wet and stormy to add to the Thematic feeling of impending Doom all of these features can be changed in the MCM as well where you can choose exactly when The Invasion will begin and how quickly or slowly the undead armies will start to attack of course I would recommend saving the game before you start any dragon o playthrough and having a fairly well-geared character won't hurt either and lastly is the fun and wacky mod called Skyrim on schuma essentially this mod will add hallucinate enic properties to the very addictive schuma drink so whenever you consume one you will have a completely unique experience some are exactly what you would expect such as getting imp paed Vision while other times you will encounter a new friend who either wants to talk or try to kill you and occasionally you'll be transported to a completely different realm for you to explore this mod is very unique and often downright bizarre and at this point you just have to sit back and enjoy the ride overall though it is a joy to experience and I recommend everyone to go down to their local dealer and buy a couple of bottles of schuma to enjoy otherwise that's it for today thank you for watching merry Christmas and I will see you again next time take care
Channel: SoftGaming
Views: 31,885
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: skyrim, skyrim mods, skyrim anniversary edition, skyrim special edition, best skyrim mods, best skyrim mods 2023, skyrim se, skyrim ae, skyrim best mods, skyrim se mods, skyrim gameplay mods, new skyrim mods, new mods, skryim, rpg, softgaming, skyrim 2023, skyrim 2023 mods, must have mods 2023, must have skyrim mods, skyrim mods 2023, unique skyrim mods, skyrim on skooma, crazy skyrim mods, weird skyrim mods, funny skyrim mods
Id: t-cUc6JOLys
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 9min 48sec (588 seconds)
Published: Sat Dec 09 2023
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