8 True Scary Facebook Stories

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[Music] i'm kind of weird about social media these days i used to be really into facebook when i first moved to college it kept me in touch with family and friends back home and it was a nice feeling like i wasn't so far away from them building up a collection of photos checking into places sharing every little detail in my life so that everyone could see how great i was doing my entire world was online for all to see and because i'm dumb i was pretty liberal about my privacy setting too so one day i get this message request from someone that i've never heard of before it just said hey i checked their profile to see if they were in the same class as me or something but it turned out we had no mutuals and they lived on the other side of the country so as you can imagine i'm pretty confused as to why they're messaging me but i'm also curious so i just reply hey man do we know each other i don't know what i was expecting him to say when i saw that he was typing a reply and i remember thinking that maybe he was looking for someone with the same name as me or something but then his response pops up and all it said was i'm going to kill you with the cowboy emoji on the end i stare at the message for a few seconds not scared at all just like what i mean the cowboy emoji was what made me take another look at this dude's profile seeing a bunch more pictures of him shooting guns and wielding knives in the woods somewhere i mean that was at least a little intimidating but what got me were all these rants that he'd posted about how much life sucked how unfair things were and how he'd love to take it out on someone who deserved it and then the videos that were unplayable because they've been removed by facebook admins but still had captions like the chainsaw goes through his neck like butter and a crying laughing face emoji that's when i started to worry it didn't seem like this guy was just having fun playing a prank on a stranger by trying to scare them he seemed legit crazy and seriously angry that nutcase could have been studying every one of my statuses pictured posts and check-ins for weeks before he decided to message me he could have screenshotted all of my stuff too so it didn't matter if i blocked him or not he had my name my school where i hung out the names of my family and friends everything i thought maybe i was just making a big deal out of nothing at the time but later on i could barely sleep thinking about it how horrifying i thought it was that he could have been driving across the country as i lay there in bed having just picked a person at random to kill and being crazy or angry enough to actually do it you can call me paranoid all you like but i just couldn't get this guy out of my head like the idea of him hunting me down or whatever was unnerving enough i mean he had enough info on me to be able to ambush me at a dozen different places that i just couldn't avoid because they were school or grocery shopping or just my dorm but what had me freaked out is that creep might have been able to learn so much about me and i was dumb or vain enough to let it happen in the first place i knew the internet was full of crazies i just didn't expect it to reach and touch me in the way that it did if i didn't make it clear already i did actually block the guy but some weird grim curiosity had me unblocking his account one day so i could sort of check up on him and make sure he wasn't about to do something too nuts there were no rants no threatening statuses just a long series of photo posts that made me think that he'd taken up photography or something i'm scrolling through them when i start to get this familiar feeling from looking at the scenery i couldn't be 100 sure but i'd swear a lot of the pictures he'd taken were of things that were around the town i was living in there were no street signs or anything nothing actually confirmed he'd actually driven across the country but if he wasn't taking pictures in a town that looked remarkably similar to mine then i could have been in a whole lot of trouble i expected that guy to jump me for weeks after like i was a complete nervous wreck it messed with my sleep i lost a bunch of weight being an almost constant state of anxiety for the better part of the month he didn't find me nothing happened as a result thank god but just knowing he could pretty much come and get me anytime he liked got to me in ways i never even imagined it ever could we put ourselves on front street in a big way with social media and it could literally be anyone out there just lurking on our profiles so like i said no i'm kind of weird and cautious about social media i don't put too much out there and i don't use any real name i run the strictest privacy settings possible and i really recommend you do too i live here in a place called mountain city down here in tennessee so this is going back about 10 years after i graduated high school when this really messed up story started going around about one of the other kids that i graduated with it starts in the worst possible way too because first i heard of it was a buddy of mine texting me saying did you hear about billy payne i text back saying no and he then calls me all serious sounding to say that billy and his baby mom got shot just a few days before like someone rolled up to their house bust open the door and just shot them both right there in front of the television they were legit executed some of the papers said it was a single shot to the head that killed both victims and how billy's throat had been slashed we got to wondering why someone might do something like that if it was a random psycho killer or if he was moving weight and managed to step on someone's toes i did remember hearing about billy messing around with drugs a few times so it wasn't totally out of the question but he must have done something serious to have whoever it was shoot his baby mama right there too like that's real cold-blooded you know but even saying that he just didn't seem like the kind of guy to get involved with serious gang bangers anyway the cops catch the two guys who committed the murder one of them is this vietnam vet who said in court that he was xcia too anyway they get charged go up in front of a judge and you know why they say they did it because the cia had told them that the two murder victims were part of some evil group that was planning on killing their daughter but in reality billy payne and his baby mom were shot dead because they unfriended one of the killer's daughters on facebook can you actually believe that that someone would take social media that seriously and actually kill somebody because of a friend quest i mean i didn't i was convinced that there was more to it than that and as much as it made me feel like a gore hound i stayed interested in the trial to find out why they'd done something so horrendous like the cops found billy's baby alive in his mom's arms poor kid is going to grow up without a mother and a father but then yeah that's the only reason or motive established and the prosecutor brings up facebook messages detailing intense arguments between billy his girlfriend and the girl who got unfriended they'd argue about it back and forth for hours was some pretty harsh language exchange too and then the girl says that she's going to tell her dad i don't know if the girl just didn't expect her dad to actually go kill them or that she knew he'd overreact but if it's the latter then she is blood on her hands too as far as i'm concerned like it's the way she told her dad too she just didn't tell him direct she invented some fake cia agent that got in touch with her dad over facebook to tell them all this messed up stuff about how their daughter was in grave danger i suppose it just scares me that people could take something like facebook that seriously but it's obvious that some people out there put so much belief in social media that they're willing to kill over perceived insults or whatever and that's why i keep my social media presence pretty small these days aside from all the ratchety drama that goes on in our timelines every so often it's just not a healthy place for some people and it kind of blows my mind that facebook could be the reason that anyone got shot so first of all i have to apologize for my english because it's not my first language but this is definitely one of the scariest and most horrible things i've ever heard a few years ago we had this big incident here in the philippines involving facebook this guy's wife was over in canada for her job and she got into an argument with the husband via facebook i think he wanted her to come home to caisson early because he missed her something and she refuses because her contract isn't finished yet i'm guessing the husband was being really nasty and unreasonable because for some reason the wife stops replying to his messages altogether now this couple had a seven-year-old daughter together one whose picture the media showed a lot in the days after the incident she was so cute and it breaks my heart that anything happened to her but it also makes my blood go cold that anyone could lay a finger on her especially the girl's own father because in response to his wife ignoring him on facebook maybe even threatening to leave him i don't know he actually kills their daughter he stabbed her in the neck and chest then took pictures of the body and uploaded them to facebook while tagging his wife in the pictures can you imagine how horrific that must have been to get a notification on your phone or laptop or whatever device seeing you'd been tagged in a picture only to then see it was your own dead child not only that but your husband the kid's dad the one other person in the world whose one job above all else is to protect them is the one that actually murdered them that's true horror to me like i can't even wrap my head around it there was video released of him in custody i think his name was mark and the police were showing him pictures of what he'd done to his daughter and this guy is just screaming and screaming not being able to believe he'd killed his own child i think he'd just gone temporarily insane or however you say it but the idea that human beings are capable of such horrific things like when they see red and just black out and then are able to kill someone so precious to them that's about the worst thing i can possibly think of and it just makes it even more sick that something as supposedly harmless as facebook was involved that social media can enable us to make horrific things even worse i always think about this case whenever i hear about facebook i know the majority of the site is just candy crush invites and baby photos but it's tainted my opinion of the site forever i know facebook has people that remove all the bad content but they can't be everywhere all the time and i wonder how many people saw the pictures of that dead girl before they actually got taken down even one is too many if you ask me sometimes facebook just seems like a powder keg of trouble it had this weird ability to help exacerbate drama to the point where someone gets hurt a really good example of this is what happened back in 2012 in the town i live in here in holland so there were these two friends of about 15 or 16 years old who went to a new year's eve house party together they ended up getting pretty drunk and having an argument because one of the girls was like making out with guys and her friend didn't like it so the next day one friend basically calls the other a sleaze on facebook so the friend who got called sleazy complained to one of the guys she'd been making out with at the party who said it if she wanted to he could teach the judgmental friend a lesson i think it says a lot about how petty and spiteful teenage girls can be to each other but the girl who got accused of being sleazy says yes to this that she wanted her friend to regret saying mean things to her so instead of just sending over some rude messages or whatever this guy gets in touch with another friend of his who agrees to actually go over to this girl's house to beat her up or something yeah actual violence because of a few comments on freaking facebook only he doesn't just slap her around or whatever he takes a knife over to the girl's house rings on her door and then stabs her repeatedly with it that's when this girl's dad appears to try and defend her the kid then stabs him too the girl ended up dying a week or so later in the hospital and it was a huge news story here in holland but i think the really horrible thing is that the kid who did the actual stabbing only spent a year in juvenile detention with a few years of probation afterward the two kids who organized the killing ended up getting more time in prison than the actual murderer but even then it was only two years i know the prosecutor tried to get them more time in jail but that didn't work in the end and these kids basically got off super lightly for legit murdering someone and all because of an argument that unfolded over facebook that was the hardest part to swallow the dutch media even christened the whole thing facebook moored as like a nickname which basically just meant the facebook murderer in dutch i'm not saying the whole murder wouldn't have happened if it wasn't for facebook but honestly there's no doubt that it made it easier to organize like i know for a fact that the older guy managed to get in touch with the guy who actually carried out the attack via facebook and maybe he wouldn't have been able to organize that without it stuff like facebook is supposedly there to bring us together right so it's just a terrible thought that people can then use it to rip each other's families apart [Music] on the morning of april 12 2018 27 year old renita williams of shreveport louisiana was at home minding her own business she lived at home with her mother anita and had just broken up with her long-term boyfriend jonathan robinson like many relationships the breakup had been a messy one and a great deal of drama had unfolded on social media websites mainly the most popular of them facebook apparently jonathan had moved on rather quickly from renita and had recently started dating a woman from houston texas named sharika taylor and although it's not entirely clear what the ins and outs of the social media drama were there had definitely been some exchange between the two women that had seriously enraged jonathan robinson as foolish as it often is men sometimes attempt to defend the honor of the women in their lives but no one could have expected jonathan to take such extreme measures in what amounted to little more than an exchange of harsh words because before jonathan pulled up to ronita's place on the morning of april 12th he had just driven by his aunt's house to retrieve something he'd previously hidden in the basement of her home a high caliber semi-automatic rifle he was so delirious with anger that he didn't even bother to turn off the engine of the vehicle he'd driven up in he simply grabbed the rifle from the passenger seat kicked in the dead bolted front door to the house and then started shooting it seems those first few shots were merely to terrify those in the home because no one was actually hurt during the first few minutes of the attack whilst her mother and younger brother escaped from the rear of the home jonathan quickly located a terrified renita who believed she was about to be immediately executed but apparently her ex-boyfriend had other plans for her first keeping her at gunpoint he told her to grab her cell phone and begin a facebook live broadcast at first ranita had no idea why she would need to do something like that but all slowly became clear when jonathan began to demand she apologized to taylor his new girlfriend in a terrifying public display of humiliation jonathan could be seen pointing the barrel of his rifle at the mother of three's head while he made her apologize over and over again for the perceived offense she was terrified voice quivering as she complied meanwhile renee's mother was hiding in the backyard having had the foresight to grab her cell phone before fleeing from the gunshots with shaking hands she hammered 911's touchscreen then begged the dispatcher to send helped in a hushed but terrified tone he at the police were far closer than she could have imagined because officer brittany mackey was actually within earshot of the gunfire as soon as she heard the shots she rolled up to saint vincent avenue at natalie street and got out of her vehicle with her pistol drawn jonathan robinson looked up to see the cops arrive mere minutes after he'd burst into the home and he was seething with rage he immediately executed ranita as she kneeled on the floor below him then walked out of the busted front door and began shooting at officer mackey using trees and parked vehicles as cover jonathan sent round after round of high caliber rifle fire into the officer's patrol car forcing her into cover mackie immediately got onto her radio and began calling in backup with her colleagues actually hearing the sound of gunfire over the airwaves she then got as low behind the back wheel of her patrol car as she possibly could and prayed for swift reinforcements just two minutes later that backup arrived in the form of corporals joshua pettigrew and greg walker they screeched up the street coming to a stop just short of officer mackey's patrol car the officers then jumped out of the vehicle took cover behind the open doors and sent a torrent of 45 caliber pistol bullets at jonathan's firing position the overwhelming firepower pushed him back into the house and the two corporals lost track of their target the next two cops on the scene were two special response team members corporals landry ducto and michael gerbine the pair took off running for the other side of the street but jonathan opened fire once again this time from a vantage point on the second floor of the house he was occupying the air around them cracked and whisked with 762 bullets ricocheting off the concrete as they narrowly missed their targets but luckily neither officer was wounded he's in a sniper position he's in a sniper position another officer can be heard screaming on a police cruiser's dash cam get down robinson had the supreme advantage of a concealed elevated position coupled with high caliber weaponry and for almost an hour he kept every officer pinned down and unable to approach his position they were so heavily outgunned that the only two shots that managed to fire were to disable the car robinson left running in the driveway when he barged into the williams home plus the police had no idea where he was even shooting from and couldn't risk civilian casualties by peppering the entire home with bullets to the officer's pinned down at the scene waiting for a full special response team to arrive seemed like an eternity eventually a full police swat team was pushing up towards the house preparing to breach and clear the entire structure to locate and eliminate the active shooter yet just as the team was cleared to breach jonathan indicates to those on scene that he wished to surrender they hesitated and fell right into his trap he opened fire on them first and sent a bullet smashing through srt operative robert entrekin's right wrist i've been hit and chicken cried over his radio officer hit another torrent of bullets are exchanged for a few moments before a sudden lull in the volume of fire then to the surprise of the attending officers jonathan appeared to walk out of the busted front door again only this time he was unarmed and he proceeded to lie down on the front lawn of the house in a show of surrender the sr team rushed in putting cuffs on the shooter before dragging him away renita's mother and brother are led away from the scene safely but heartbreakingly ronita had succumbed to her wounds before the emts could get to her at his murder trial jonathan robinson pled guilty to first-degree murder and admitted to investigators that he fired on police officers because he wanted to die he narrowly escaped the death penalty by agreeing to a plea deal presented to him by prosecutors and was later sentenced to life in prison a hundred years ago a person would have to drag another into a busy street to perform a public execution but nowadays all it takes is a few button clicks on a cell phone to have all your family and friends watching as you're executed in cold blood by some deranged killer and such incidents can happen so fast that there's simply no way of preemptively or actively censoring them no matter how hard facebook might try as long as there's a technology available that allows us to share all the intimate details of our lives humanity seems to relish in sharing not just the good and positive but also the darker more terrifying things too stephen nicholson's arrest as the main suspect in a violent indecent assault and murder sparked off one of the uk's biggest evidence searches which involved a trawl of thousands of hours of cctv footage he was the prime suspect in the murder of lucy mchugh and actually rented a room in her parents home at the time of her murder at one point it looked like the british police might actually have to let him go due to lack of evidence but in the end it was a facebook password that proved to be his ultimate undoing after he was arrested the police had just 96 hours to charge him with the murder or he would have to be released and given that would take four weeks to get a key piece of dna evidence analyzed and sent back to them the clock was ticking to find something concrete that they could use to charge him with murder the police subjected stephen to vigorous questioning and managed to get him to admit that lucy had sent him a facebook message on the night before she was killed when pressed as to what that message said he said she told him she was pregnant with his child he intended this to be evidence that it couldn't possibly have been him that killed her but when police asked him to hand over his facebook password so that they could verify his claims he refused to give it to them this was his one big mistake when asked why he refused to share the password with him stephen told officers that he was involved quite heavily with some narcotics dealers around his hometown and that revealing his messages would compromise them possibly even causing them to take reprisals against him but this didn't wash with investigating officers who became convinced that the information contained within the account could be used against him it also presented them with a marvelous opportunity there were two options available to them one being to seek the compliance of u.s federal courts to get facebook to hand over steven's passwords to them but that would have taken way longer than just 96 hours and by that time stephen would be freed but the other was to make use of some terrorism legislation what is known as section 53 of the regulation of investigatory powers act colloquially called ripa among police officers this means that anyone who seeks to withhold information such as computer passwords during a serious crime investigation can basically be charged with obstruction of justice right when it looked like stephen was going to be bailed he was re-arrested and after pleading guilty to withholding evidence at southampton crown court he was jailed for 14 months with that the police managed to buy themselves more time to find evidence of his involvement in lucy mchugh's murder however why there was plenty of circumstantial evidence that stephen had killed lucy there was nothing to physically link the spot where lucy's body was found in nicholson whatever weapon he used to kill her remain unaccounted for and police officers were unable to find any of his dna at the scene once again investigators were forced to focus on steven's so-called online footprint this time seeking help from an experienced cloud data analyst to try to link steven to the scene of the crime a cloud data analyst's job is to study various pieces of digital information sent from nicholson's phone to data servers which are owned by companies such as google and facebook while tracing the a route on the day of lucy's murder the analyst happened to notice a small blip in an area of southampton that the police had not yet searched it suggested that nicholson had for whatever reason deviated from his most direct route home the diversion took him to a place known as tanner's brook a stream which meanders through southampton weaving its way through some pretty dense woodland in the western portion of the city detective superintendent paul barton later said to journalists with the help of the analyst what we discovered was a slight deviation on his telephone which didn't match the story he'd given us you could say it had jumped amassed so to speak and therefore put stephen at the place where we discovered some bloody discarded clothing it was a great bit of work from the analysts who pointed it out the subtle shift in the narrative given by the killer was enough for police to launch one of the largest ever fingertip searches which involved almost 200 officers from 12 other police forces by that point it had been four weeks since lucy's dead body was found but on the first day of the search police got the exact kind of breakthrough that they have been hoping for they found a discarded plastic bag containing a blue bloodstain hoodie along with a number of other items that were described in court as nicholson's murder kit the blue hoodie contained nicholson's dna as well as lucy's blood was stephen being thought to have dumped the clothing some of which had been partially burnt near the brook after getting changed on his return from the murder scene on july 25th prior to the discovery of the clothing felice had no other direct evidence of nickel's involvement in her killing they attested fibers from every blood-stained jacket and steven's clothes which suggested direct contact with the hoodie but that simply wasn't enough to actually charge him with a crime homicide detectives had already established that hoodies of the same type were sold to two people in the southampton area and that one of them was given a present to a man who knew a friend of stevens the dna evidence was the final nail in the coffin for nicholson according to detective superintendent barton during the course of the investigation police officers had studied 11 000 hours of cctv footage examined over 2000 pieces of physical evidence and taken more than 300 written reports a herculean amount of work had given them a strong circumstantial case but in the end genetic evidence was what the police really needed to prove that steven was lucy's killer but had stephen not been jailed over refusing to hand over his facebook password the outcome could have been very very different the 14-month jail sentence not only bought the police a great deal of time but it also potentially stopped steven from going back to tanner's brook to move the evidence he had dumped there and it's frankly astounding that the killer of a child might well be walking the streets right now if it wasn't for something as simple as a facebook password public prosecutors were eventually granted access to steven's facebook account on the first day of his murder trial but found that he had deleted most of his messages before he was arrested as it turned out it didn't matter in the least bit if stephen gave them the password he still wouldn't be able to be charged based on the absence of the messages if he'd only gone and given police the password he might still be free to walk the streets one of the prosecutors a mr montague criticized the protracted process saying that for him the personal side the human side as we have a 13 year old child that has been murdered under ferocious circumstances and for me it's somewhat frustrating that facebook seems so unwilling to help with our investigation by recovering deleted messages facebook said it had worked closely with the investigating officers but that they agree that this legal process can be far too slow we have actually lobbied for reforms to eu us and uk laws to allow us and others to directly and more quickly provide information to uk law enforcement authorities a spokeswoman for the company said but despite the slow process police have been able to build a case against an extremely narcissistic self-centered violent predator who had torn apart a family kind enough to put a roof over his head when they could have easily turned him away he preyed on their underage daughter and when it looked like she might actually tell on him he killed her but at no point could he have expected that something is seemingly insignificant as his facebook password would actually be the thing to put him behind bars considering its origins are rooted in a hot or not ripoff that was dreamed up in a harvard university dorm room it's all the more astounding that facebook has become one of the most powerful information and communication tools in the history of mankind millions upon millions of people around the world use facebook to keep in touch with one another they use it to organize social events wish each other happy birthday and have pointless arguments about everything from politics to whether or not pineapple belongs on pizza yet there are those that use facebook for considerably more nefarious purposes not simply park runs or bake sales and such uses have raised some serious questions over the past few years that have actually ended up with the head of the company being questioned in front of the united states senate what follows is just one of many cases in which facebook has been used in direct contravention of its founding purpose to break down the social networks that make up our society instead of enriching them 32 year old stephen carrillo first met 30 year old robert justice in the flesh when he picked him up from the san leandro train station in california on may 29th of last year it was their first meeting yet the two were already very familiar with one another having talked back and forth online for quite a while they had met in a facebook group that catered towards those that identified as being members of the so-called boogaloo movement a group of anti-government meme lords who loathe the federal government some members of this movement toy with the idea of starting a second american civil war others seem deeply committed to doing so using facebook as a means of communication and organization stephen and robert formulated a sinister plan to drive out to a blm protest in oakland where they would seek to launch an attack on federal law enforcement officers using the unrest as cover for their actions and in a swift and brutal strike a federal security guard named dave underwood would be shot dead with another of his colleagues being severely injured in an incident that marked a summer of violence across the entire united states the murder was planned to coincide with massive national protests against the death of george floyd the african-american man whose tragic death whilst in the custody of minnesota police caused worldwide outrage stephen carrillo and robert justice saw the protests as a perfect cover for their sinister plot protests they could use to camouflage their own twisted agenda which sought to further split an already divided country a short while after some of the more violent protests erupted carrillo took to the bugaloo facebook group he was a member of the post go to the riots and support our own cause their cause being the desire to spark a second civil conflict use their anger to fuel our fire think outside the box we have mobs of angry people to use to our advantage over the past six years or so facebook has increasingly become the place where extremist fringe groups of all creeds come together and plan events be they demonstrations or outright violent attacks it's one of the handful of platforms on which anti-government pro-gun protesters coordinated demonstrations over quarantines it's also a platform on which leftist and anarchist groups organize themselves for example during the establishment of the so-called capitol hill autonomous zone but more pertinent to this case it's where the many discordant boogaloo groups sought to organize their own fractured movements into something more refined and efficient what's become known as the bugaloo movement is a loosely knit coalition of groups comprising left wingers right-wingers and anarchists but the one thing they all have in common is that they're strongly opposed to law enforcement and either centralized government control or capitalism bizarrely enough the name seems to originate from the 1984 cult break dancing movie break into electric boogaloo but has evolved to become a jokey reference to either violent activity in general or in some specific cases what many see is the inevitable second american civil war while some groups have remained focused purely on anti-federal government talking points and activities others verge on anarchism white supremacism or even actual neo-nazism when i say nazism i'm not talking about anything right of center which some more cynical members of the left wing might call nazism i'm talking about legitimate died in the wool hitler idolizing national socialists who don't bother using cryptic references but straight up foor worship and over the past few months several self-identifying boogaloo members have put their ideologies into action resulting in their arrests for actual felonies such as building pipe bombs or conspiracy to commit acts of terrorism terrifyingly enough facebook alone is apparently now home to at least 125 of those so-called boogaloo groups totaling around 73 000 members research has shown that more than half of the groups were formed between february and april a time frame that matches the implementation of certain lockdowns the institute for strategic dialogue a global research organization that focuses on political extremism agrees that the growth of boogaloo groups online activity is intrinsically linked to the pandemic during the months in which lockdowns were imposed on citizens and private businesses the institutes report that more than 200 000 posts across social media included the term boogaloo a sharp rise of 52 percent on twitter and 22 percent on reddit brian levin the director of the center for the study of hate and extremism at a major california university was quoted as saying social media sites like facebook serve as a virtual meeting hall for people who not only like to chat but for extremists and there's this whole ecosystem right out in the open despite facebook allowing these boogaloo groups to be active on its platform the company has recently pledged that it would stop recommending them to users through its sidebar algorithm facebook also promised to remove any content that shared statements or images that depict glorify or promote any kind of armed violence on top of that the company said that anyone self-identifying as a boogaloo enthusiast who has also attempted to commit mass violence will have their account pulled under its dangerous individual's policy a system that originally came out to due to islamic state violence in iraq and syria it was only recently that facebook revealed that it has a team of around 300 experts with backgrounds in law enforcement counterterrorism or radicalization who are dedicated to studying violent or extremist behavior on the site is the job of this team to analyze new trends in speech as well as how various groups use facebook's socialization capacity to evolve over time however given that facebook has over two and a half billion users active every single month a lot of extremists or violent activity can pass these experts by without being detected and this is exactly what happened with steven carrillo and robert justice's scheme to mount an attack on law enforcement officers in oakland facebook released a statement in the aftermath of the two men putting their plan into action saying that they simply did not have the manpower to be able to pick up on every single one of its users messages or planned events however once news had spread that the attack had been planned on their platform facebook pulled the two men's accounts citing the aforementioned dangerous individuals policy a spokesperson for facebook released a statement saying that we designated these attacks as violating our policies and remove the accounts for the two perpetrators along with several other groups we will remove content that supports these attacks and continue to work with law enforcement in their investigation but to many media commentators this was simply not a robust enough response several publications gave facebook its ceo and its chief operating officer a serious dressing down claiming that mark zuckerberg and his colleagues were only interested in protecting their vast incomes and were not remotely interested in the safety or security of the general public but who exactly were these two boogaloo boys that took their views to such extremes very little is known about robert justice right now but we can confirm that steven carrillo was an active duty sergeant in the united states air force when he met robert at the train station in his white ford van when robert climbed in steven apparently offered him a pistol and some body armor despite having planned for violence robert justice apparently declined his friend's offer so steven told him to drive the van instead while he would take a position as the shooter earlier that day stephen had quickly laid out his plan in the boogaloo facebook group the pair were members of we know this because the federal bureau of investigation managed to obtain those conversations from facebook once they were presented with search warrant stephen had apparently written that it's a great opportunity to target the specialty soup boys using a bizarre term that supposedly refers to federal law enforcement agents stephen also added two fire emojis to his message then shared a youtube video showing a large crowd viciously attacking california highway patrol vehicles robert justice then simply replied with let's boogie the two men then drove to downtown oakland where the george floyd protests were growing in intensity and size at around 9 30 that evening robert parked up his friend's van in front of a federal courthouse that was just three blocks from the protest itself then after a brief discussion that lasted around 15 minutes he started up the engine again and drove up to an occupied guard post outside the courthouse steven carrillo then slid open the rear passenger side door and unleashed several gunshots at the two unsuspecting security guards that were manning the guard post hitting them both several times in the aftermath of the attack the fbi worked at reconstructing the incident using footage taken from surrounding surveillance cameras and by tracking both men's phone records but neither were arrested that night and both men managed to get away with robert justice heading back home and not seeing steven cruello again just a matter of hours after the shooting the slain security guard's name began to trend on numerous social media apps with a very vocal minority of people blaming the blm protesters for his killing the then u.s president donald trump even mentioned it during a speech on june 1st stating that these are not tactics of peaceful protest these are acts of domestic terror carrillo's plan had worked almost perfectly he had totally disguised the murder as the work of another organization entirely but for him the shooting was to be just the beginning of a grand operation that he'd hoped would spark off another civil war merely eight days later on june 6th he is believed to have shot dead santa cruz county sheriff's deputy damon gutzwiller before wounding another police officer as the fbi pieced together the evidence of carrillo's crimes agents said they recovered a number of items linking him to the bugaloo movement in his white van federal agents claimed to have found a bulletproof vest with an igloo patch attached along with a hawaiian t-shirt which are apparently both popular symbols with those who consider themselves as boogaloo boys and after the attack on the security guards carrillo is said to have used his own blood to write boogaloo inspired phrases on the hood of a car including the word bug in the phrase stop the duopoly which apparently refers to america's two-party political system since his arrest by fbi agents stephen carrillo has been charged with both murder and attempted murder and if he's found guilty could face the death penalty robert justice has been charged with aiding and abetting murder and attempted murder carrillo's lawyer said that beyond the federal complaint he hasn't actually seen any independent evidence whatsoever linking either man to the boogaloo movement he also said that advocating violence is obviously extremely immoral but that everything remains just an accusation until solid evidence is presented we're looking into what extent the supposed boogaloo movement may have influenced mr carrillo his defense attorney said he certainly reported to express a great love for this country and a great love for what this country stands for but if we can seriously link carrillo to a movement that wishes to cause a massive civil conflict can he seriously be described as having a great love for the united states who in their right mind loves their country but would want to see so much of its people and property killed or destroyed when pressed for a statement a spokesperson for travis air force base the california air base where carrillo was serving told reporters that its members were cooperating with police in their investigation and that their thoughts and prayers were with anyone affected by the attacks facebook then followed up its original statement by showing that it had removed the groups carrillo and justice were members of promising that it would continue to review other boogaloo groups while removing any content that glorifies what the two men did but the director of the center for the study of hate and extremism said simply banning a few facebook groups likely won't have much of an effect the boogaloo movement much like any other fringe political group will simply continue to evolve and adapt to an ever restrictive internet these so-called boogaloo boys show the potency of a well-timed message with the dry kindling that is the internet director levin was quoted as saying you're going to see a lot of hornets making a lot of smaller nests is it just an unfortunate part of the age we live in that something like facebook has been used to promote violence and extremism or is it simply a sad fact that people will always find a way to take innocuous things like social media and then use them to do each other harm perhaps we're too quick to label social media such as facebook a problem when it might simply be a mirror that reflects the darker aspects of our nature maybe facebook isn't the problem at all maybe we are [Music] on the night of december 16 2019 49 year old road sweeper mark branford proposed to his 32 year old girlfriend kaylee dunning the couple had been through some extremely rough times together with kaylee being subjected to some horrendous abuse online that had left her dependent on antidepressants in october of the previous year kaylee's phone had been stolen a phone that it contained a number of intimate selfies of her lewds and nudes that some might call them when discovering them the sick individual who stole her phone then sent these images to kaylee's father brother and employer the same person then set up a facebook account using some of the illicit photos of kaley as display and cover photos the whole ordeal was obviously extremely damaging to her mental health and she increasingly sought comfort from mark as much as it was a horrible time for her the trauma only strengthened their relationship with mark being able to prove that he can make her feel better after being subjected to such a dreadful abuse they both tried to push back against those that were doing it with kaylee going to the police numerous times while mark also claimed to be receiving multiple abusive messages he even claimed to have at one point called the phone number that was connected to the facebook account and said he had heard scarily familiar voices on the other end but despite their best efforts the police simply couldn't do anything about it and the couple were forced to basically endure the abuse together this all led to the night he proposed to her or at least this is what we're led to believe because a night that began with him asking for her hand in marriage ended with kaylee being beaten to death with a crowbar what we know for certain is that mark branford the very same man with whom kaylee sought refuge from the anonymous online abuse was actually the very same man who was sending her the abusive messages in the first place he was the one who had stolen kaylee's phone using it to set the fake facebook account while sending her nudes to her friends family and colleagues but what's not clear is what led up to the killing and that there are only two main theories that we can fall back on to explain the sequence of events the first theory is that the murder wasn't planned that somehow in the course of proposing marriage market felt so guilty that he admitted to being the one behind the abuse maybe he'd only done it to drive kaylee away from her family and friends to ensure he was the only one she could trust or the only one she loved and in the end he simply couldn't bear to keep the secrets going she might have freaked out threatened to tell everyone threatened to have her family teach him a rather violent lesson that might well have been the reason why mark had made the spur of the moment decision to take her life but there is a considerably more disturbing theory one that says mark had been planning to kill kaylee for a long long time and he's used the whole facebook abuse thing to get the idea out there that kaylee had stalkers or at least people so fixated on her that her death could be blamed on them we know from his own admissions in court that mark was an extremely jealous man who sought to use the fake facebook accounts and the anonymous abuse to control kaylee he denies murdering her but the more information and evidence that comes out regarding the killing the more it's becoming clear that no one else could have possibly killed her she was found dead in his home at kingston crescent and there were no signs of any break-in to support the idea that she was killed by anyone else other than mark this is just another bizarre and terrifying example of how people have managed to use something like facebook a thing which was designed to bring human beings together and strengthen social bonds for something unspeakably divisive and evil mark used facebook to break his girlfriend down to the point that she needed medication to continue her daily existence and when she was at her lowest point he brutally murdered her with a crowbar it's frankly horrifying how people see the potential for death and destruction and even the most benign places that people can be so creatively evil that they see the potential for ruination and something as seemingly normal as a social media app hey friends thanks for listening click that notification bell to be alerted of all future narrations if 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Channel: Lets Read!
Views: 171,500
Rating: 4.8731437 out of 5
Keywords: facebook stories, facebook horror stories, scary facebook stories, true facebook stories, true scary facebook, true scary stories, scary stories, scary true stories, true horror stories, horror stories, true stories, stories from reddit, asmr reading, lets not meet, true creepy stories, scary horror stories, reddit, true scary stories from reddit, true horror stories from reddit, subscriber submissions, reddit scary true stories, lets read, asmr sleep, ASMR, creepy stories
Id: 496W6No1G90
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 53min 3sec (3183 seconds)
Published: Mon Jan 18 2021
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