7 Trends that Died in 2024

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fashion trends are simultaneously the most interesting and the most exhausting part about fashion one minute boot cut jeans are in then parachute pants and I just caught wind of something called Bubble skirts whatever that is apparently those are the new it bottoms regardless no matter how you feel about Trends it's important to keep tabs on public sentiment towards particular items and Concepts within the Fashion World this video is exactly that today we're going to focus on seven trends that have died in 2024 for those of you who don't know me my name is Drew what it do it's nice to meet you let's talk fashion trends rather let's talk Dead fashion trends but what would I wear not a dress as a Kil the first Trend that is on this list that has fallen completely out of conversation is gorp core gorp which stands for good old raisins and peanuts colloquially was a pandemic birth fashion trend that focused on using technical Outdoors garments in Metropolitan cityscapes the item that symbolized the trend the most vinant was the arcx beta lt this jacket was memeified especially on Tik Tok due to the influx of videos made testing the water wicking ability of the shell jacket in the shower while incredibly amusing at the time looking back at these videos in 2024 they feel really Juvenile and just downright dumb what you see now is that this style of clothing has swung back to its original core audience and you no longer have the 20 21 22y Old living in New York City or Philadelphia or LA or I guess La is kind of the the market a little bit but you no longer see the young person going out buying shell jackets to wear them in Tik Tok videos and wear them as style as personal style in their day-to-day lives the only time I see gorpcore in 2024 is if it's worn by outdoor hikers and people who live in States like Colorado or Utah something like that regardless gorpcore was fun while it lasted we might be in a slight gorp 2.0 era which needs a whole other video to explain what that means but regardless gorp core like I said was fun while it lasted next let's touch on New Balance I personally love New Balance and from about 2019 to mid to late 2023 the brand had been on an absolute tear through the sneaker World it felt like everything they did every collaboration they came out with was fire from the 550s to the 992s 990 v3s 2002 RS 32 sens I mean there is a long list of new balances that came out from 2019 to 2023 that was just Banger after Banger after Banger after Banger after banger but now in 2024 I think that the brand is bearing witness to the immense popularity that is the Adidas gazelle and the Adidas Samba because that's the era that's the moment for 2024 in late 2023 maybe even mid 2023 Adidas without a shadow of a doubt is the most popular the most trendy the most worn the most talked about pair of sneakers over the last 18 months and what that means is that the other companies who are part of the larger sneaker Market as a whole new balance Nike Puma A6 they are all subservient to the popularity of the Adidas Samba it doesn't mean people aren't wearing New Balances or Nikes or other models of Footwear it just means that Adas Adas Adidas has the crown right now let's keep talking about shoes here for a minute but switch gears from sneakers to Boots and let's talk about the big rubber boot Trend that took place in 2023 at least that's what I'm calling it so in 2023 2022 we had boots like the trooper boots by Balenciaga the Balenciaga Crocs BGA vetta puddle boots and the infamous big red boots this type of Footwear seems to have fizzled out in 2024 when when it comes to being on Trend and rising in popularity I think it hit its peak rather quickly and is now on the downhill and is no longer what it used to be in those previous years and I think the reason that these shoes are no longer as popular as what they used to be is because what Balenciaga and Mischief was doing and even beta Vanetta in some degree what they were doing is they were creating shoes that were great for spectacle they were great for social media but the moment you put them on the moment you Tred to to take a couple more than 25 steps in them you begin to realize how the function of the shoes is much lower than the actual aesthetic and the spectacle of the shoes I also think balenciaga's 2022 Scandal put a bad taste in a lot of people's mouth for Balenciaga of course you saw the people who've been rocking with the brand before and always rock with Balenciaga but for a lot of people they were kind of looking at you funny if you wore Balenciaga like late 2022 to 2023 and I don't know maybe some people still feel that way about Balenciaga right now if you wear Balenciaga but all that to say I think that that Scandal hurt the brand and hurt products like the trooper Boots the puddle Boots the the puddle boots aren't Balenciaga but you get my point the Crocs balenciagas all that kind of hurt the brand and as a result a lot of these products lost cache because of that Scandal the last Footwear related Trend that has changed or died in 2024 is the Jordan one kind of mode of sneakers and the kind of resale sneaker culture as a whole I'm not saying sneaker culture is dead as a whole I'm just saying that resale sneaker culture and just this idea that you can make get rich on the sneaker Market this this era of like sneaker culture from like 2013 to like 2019 I think that that era that was so popularized and so big has died and it's changed completely in the 2020s now before all the folks come at me let me try to paint this picture for you and let me explain let me explain what I mean so hype Beast tracks the number of Impressions each article they publish gets and as per the recording of This YouTube video the number one most engaged article is for a pair of sahi bbery Crocs that is the number one article in 20124 when it comes to popularity and Impressions when we're talking about Footwear I think even Beyond Footwear I think it's the number one impressionable article on their website right now not a Jordan 1 not a Jordan 4 not a Jordan anything honestly while Jordans will never die and I think it's important to say this as well is that all the things that I've mentioned in this video the term that they're dead doesn't mean that people aren't still wearing them doesn't mean that people aren't still enjoying them and if you like any of these items by all means continue to wear these things because fashion is super subjective what's trending in one moment changes and what's trending next week will change and so everything is kind of the opposite of ephemeral it's fleeing it's it's fatty the world is very fatty right so if you like these things continue to wear them I think we can can all agree that sneaker culture and the popularity of sneakers has changed dramatically in 2024 yes sneakers still sell out yes there are sneakers that still are very very highly praised but the way that the audience and people and just the the fashion community at large interacted with sneaker culture and the sneaker community in 2016 2017 2018 2019 is vastly dramatically different than the way that we engage with sneakers now and it could be for a lot of reasons I mean it could be because the maturation of individuals it could be because there's an over stimulation or an over there's basically what I'm trying to say there's a there's too much there's there's so there's so many sneakers that come out it's hard to keep track of it so it makes it a bit less appealing to follow the sneaker world because there's always something new there's always a biggest baddest collaboration that's coming out there's a lot of reasons why that sneaker culture isn't the way that it used to be in terms of popularity and trendiness for this one I'm curious to know what you think about it I actually made a video about have sneakers died in 2024 I made an earlier video kind of talking about this and going more in depth so if you want to hear more about that you can just search it up or I'll try to link it in the video card or in the description number five headphones as accessories I remember when headphones and even more specifically airpod Maxes became fashion accessories and now living in New York City you still see decorated headphones and airpod Maxes all the time I still see them all the time when I step outside and I walk through the streets there's young people older people Millennials genzies wearing bedazzled interesting stickered headphones that are in some ways elements of personal style right but I think I can officially say that the trend is a trend no more and it makes sense for places like New York City to still see elements of this fleeting Trend in the cityscape because I think places like New York City were huge and bringing that type of culture bringing headphones as an aesthetic as a as a trend to the Forefront because in New York City you walk around a lot it's a very walking commuter train travel commuting City and instead of blasting music through your subwoofer through your radio or whatever it may be or through your car like a lot of people implemented and started using wireless bluetooth headphones or wired headphones and so it makes sense that it's still here but I think from a culture standpoint as a large in the US in the western world you're not really seeing as many people using headphones as a way to accessorize like you did in 2022 and 2023 but as a side note I do think and I do predict that there will be more Tech consumer Tech adjacent or Tech adjacent products that will flow in and out of trend I think the world is becoming so much more digital you have ai you have VR you have all these elements of technology that are playing a bigger and bigger role in our lives I mean you're watching this video video through YouTube how many hours a week do you spend on YouTube how many hours a week do you spend on Tik Tok or Instagram or just online I think as wearable tech and Tech just becomes more integrated in our lives it'll be very interesting to see how new forms of technology fuse with fashion to become and create the newest and latest and most interesting trends for the 2020s the 2030s the 2040s etc etc let's get a word in for today's sponsor Square space are you interested in making your very own website for a brand or creative project Squarespace offers a comprehensive amount of features to help you create the website that you've always wanted if you want to sell your products direct to consumer or if you want to showcase your body of work Squarespace makes it easy to do that and more currently I'm using my Squarespace website as a hub for all of my content and as a way to direct those interested to my podcast and social media if you needed the sign to help nudge you into creating your first website this is your sign visit squarespace.com Drew Joiner for 10% off your first purchase of a website or domain it's been almost one year since the Barbie movie came out and whether you like it or not that movie was a cultural moment for a lot of the western world and just the world as a whole that moment is now over and it's been over since about November after Halloween here in the US Barbie core and the inundation of pink themed outfits have complet completely died out and while it was interesting to see how a film could have such a big impression on the western world it is equally as interesting to see how quickly it has faded from the conversation the last Trend I'm going to speak on I'm actually happy that it's died okay I can't believe I'm talking about this this trend is underwear being worn on the outside as an outer garment as a fashionable thing to do as a fashion statement wearing underwear as pants I actually had no idea about this trend I had never seen it in real life I had never even scrolled past it on social media so apparently this was happening in Niche communities on social media probably on Tik Tok I SP I'm spending less time on Tik Tok these days because it's just not as healthy for me um but but I haven't seen it really that much and but when I was told about it and then I started reading about it I started to realize wow this is actually a thing which made me sad a little bit when I see outfits where underwear is a key element within the styling of the entire look I literally just asked myself what the guys what the actual I don't know what compelled people to start wearing underwear like this I guess anything goes in fashion if you can do it Tastefully you can make people maybe jump on the bandwagon with it but I don't know to me I'm kind of glad that this is a here today gone tomorrow type of trend maybe it's just me but I just don't want to be seeing anyone in their underwear I don't care how cool cool it is give it 6 months and watch my opinion totally flip on this subject regardless I'm saying it's dead let me know if you agree down in the comments have you seen this have you seen these type of things like taking place underwear being worn on the outside as an outer garment it's crazy of these seven trends that I mentioned which ones do you think are still alive and well which Trends did I miss I've made this video I think three four four years running three years running now since 2021 so if there's other trends that you think I've died I probably mentioned them in those videos which those videos are fun too I'm so curious to hear what you think down in the comment section this is a conversation I love having conversations on social media that's the point of social media in my opinion so if you have an idea if you have a thought write it down below as always I'm spreading peace love and positivity in 2024 so that means I'm spreading peace love and positivity to you and more wherever you are in the world have a wonderful rest of day abanto peace yo what is good post vid vid here's a fist bump for the one time bpop thank you so much for staying to the end of the video here's a second fist bump popop I appreciate you so so much pvv you been with me for a minute right who remembers the days in Denver when I had a golden mic red little mesh thing on top of it I don't even know the specific term for it I'm bringing that by back man I'm I'm going handheld with the microphone because I think it adds just a little bit of extra genesa add a little bit extra genes qua to the videos you know what I'm saying a little genes qua let me know what you think about the red mic tip down of the cish # pvv so you know so I know that you made it to the end of the video let's make it to the next video man we're only I'm filming this right before I go to Japan so I'll probably post this while in Japan so if you hopefully you're enjoying your time and Japan first time in Japan it's crazy it's going to be it's going to be a movie a movie I can't even talk I'll see you guys in the next video peace guys
Channel: Drew Joiner
Views: 169,464
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Fashion, New Balance, Sneakers, Footwear, Commentary, Japanese Americana, Americana, Fashion Trends, Fashion Commentary, Palace, Streetwear, Gorpcore, 2022 Fashion, 2023 Fashion, Levi's, JJJJound, Menswear, Womenswear, Nike, Adidas, Birkenstock, Loafers, Pick Ups, Fashion Pick Ups, Fast Fashion, Sustainable Fashion, Fashion Hauls, Zara, HM, Shein, Aime, ALD, Fitpics, 2024 fashion, fashion trends, trends, social media, genzfashion
Id: 5pC8hi6WrZ4
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 15min 39sec (939 seconds)
Published: Sun May 12 2024
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