Marques Brownlee Goes Sneaker Shopping With Complex

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[Music] what's up everybody it's Joe from complex we're in New York City at Flight Club with tech expert content Creator Ultimate Frisbee champion and sneaker designer Marquez brownley yeah how you doing I'm good going to do some sneaker shopping today get to see what he's feeling what he's not and then hopefully he's going to buy some sneakers that is the plan let's [Music] go we talked about Jordan 1es on the past episode but recently at complex we saw some videos especially the Disney 360 treadmill and the thumbnail and we're like is he wearing 85 Jordan Ones we thought maybe they were the ones from 85 but they're not you've just been wearing them nonstop were they 2016 2013 I probably had them since 2016 and they've been worn a lot lot of miles on mine and I like that they wear well I mean they're leather already but you get a nice patina as they call it there and I think they look great what I like about it is that there's so much wear and tear to it that they're kind of becoming vintage I think you got them maybe 4 years years ago and you've been wearing them I think you call them something that's like not really known in sneaker culture but that I even learned dailies daily drivers sure yeah so explain that oh man I use the term for I mean in in the tech world it's like the phone you use every day the daily driver the the backpack you carry every day with your daily drivers the shoes the car obviously the daily driver but I feel like that's a that's a staple so the the shoes that I wear the most are going to be the dailies uh which are mine but like that's that if you put a lot of miles on them you want them to be able they're great for daily and this is like a close second now we very good daily yeah one thing I wanted to while I have you here oh yeah these are 85s okay and obviously you have such high opinions on everything but I really wanted to get your opinion on these are 1985 Jordan 1es the OG iteration of the ones that you wear all the time what do you think about those and this is considered good condition for those right I mean so mine are going to end up looking like this eventually I have a soft spot for certain things like I mostly like modern Sleek clean minimal type stuff but there's something about something like this that ages so well to see 40-year-old shoes that actually look like something that might look on on your feet today yeah they're sick man they're really good and another thing that I like you have stood on business you know the kids say standing on business creasing yes talk to the camera and let them know that wear your kicks man this is a thing like I I got got the shoes last time and I think I maybe had a picture of wearing one of them and I was wearing them as you're supposed to and I did one of these and it's like not a big deal if you get a car don't keep it in the garage drive it if you get a new phone put a case on it sure use it if you get new shoes walk around go up and downstairs there's going to be puddles outside we your [Music] kicks since you've been on the show mhm big moment for you yeah worked with Adams on your own sneaker yep a big process 2 years sampling and things like that what did you learned putting a shoe together your own shoe the two 51s wow loaded question a lot I learned a lot I mean I've never made a product before so first of all I learned you can make a horrible shoe if you give me all the controls I will make a shoe that looks nice but that is functionally terrible walking out here falls apart functionally terrible uncomfortable like all sorts of bad weird stuff about it so then obviously combining with their expertise like making a shoe and this isn't a hoop shoe like I think this drives like a lot of the culture people want to be able to hoop in their shoes it's just like a daily driver shoe as we're talking about so I'm like walking around going on a flight like at work like these are the shoes I just want as the most comfortable things that I have every day so sort of combining their Tech with what I was able to do with design and I learned a lot about yeah the materials what goes into like how much each part of the shoe costs and different manufacturing materials and how these things add up it's just there's a lot that goes into making a product for sure and we talk about functional shoes but even like low profile like classic shoes is it something about like even those are tough to achieve like you think of like a Converse Chuck Taylor or like a Reebok Classic you know designing sneakers is it like those even have to have function even though they're not as high-tech as these there's more to it than you usually think I think that and I've said this about like YouTube videos before like the best ones look easy and I think that's true about products too they're they look simple but there's a lot that goes into the of the design and just like the the edges of it and the the pieces that go to that connect to at the just the right spots like there's all sorts of little things that go into it that you might not notice so that's just good product design and what I also like you went with Adams a independent brand and what we've seen over the past few years is kind of parody in the market we see a lot of new bals we see a lot of on we see a lot of Solomon what do you think about like going with an indie brand but also where of course Nike and Adidas are still like the juggernauts but like you see on the streets there's a lot more variety yeah just out here in the city I'm seeing that which is awesome I feel like it's also if you're going to make a product like unless you're an NBA WNBA player you probably can't make a shoe with Nike right so it's about for me finding a company that is small enough to actually listen and help me make something that I'm influencing but big enough that they can actually do it yeah um and I feel like this is the this is one of the doors I've tried to open for creators where it's like a lot of people have really good ideas for products but building the whole company to make the product is a huge undertaking if you can partner with a company that will actually listen and can pull it off for you I want to open that door for people so that's that's what we tried to do we're strategically placed in this section because this what does this shoe mean to you okay so first interview I ever did in my life think about this I was like a shivering teenager in the Staple Center was Kobe during his farewell tour yes so you know this was like him opening the biggest door for me which was like I got to talk Tech and a little bit and see Al he has some influence in obviously the design and the pieces of his shoe I've interviewed and gotten to talk to and make videos with countless people since then and I really do believe a lot of it is because like Kobe was amazing at being interviewed by this kid who'd never done it before I got to get a pair of these because I know I said wear your kicks earlier yes Kobe gave me a pair of these I'm not going to wear this okay so I got to get a pair so I can wear them but that's the one pair that I'm going to have and probably never wear but yeah these these were the shoes he was coming out with during that season got to make a video with how he had an impact on the design of the shoe and this colorway especially exact color I remember it's like you did the close-ups and everything like that amazing full circle story for [Music] sure getting into some tech talk did you see Tim Cook wearing the Air Max's design on the iPad I did see that what do we think about that there's a there's a little bit of a trend now of like Tech Ex wearing some heat on stage uh I don't know I mean it's cool obviously those are going to be like oneoff I assume they're oneoff I think made like that but yeah no I I appreciate that do you think designing on an iPad is something that we could see in the future or that would be sick now the thing about like Custom Design stuff like when you get Nike ID they've got a template so they know like you can change these seven parts to these 12 colors that we've got ready for you so if you're doing like a I assume an iPad oneoff design they need a process to be able to give everyone the ability to go crazy and then then they also have to vet it so you don't go nuts so it's it's probably not going to be available for everyone I assume that's a pretty bespoke Tim Cook thing got it yeah he kind of gets the keys to whatever he wants I think so and then another thing talking Tech Nike a couple weeks ago in Paris unveiled kind of AI prototypes 12 shoes and it was like they were shoes basically that were prompted by AI did you see those and what do you think about how AI is coming into sneakers kind of have mixed feelings on on Tekken shoes it's a cool idea it's a cool idea but the other thing I've been thinking about this like I I remember last time we talked about like the 4D shoe Adidas yes and I was thinking like is there some way for there to be more Tech in shoes and the more I think about it the more it feels like shoes is one of those pure places where you don't need tech M it's like the the thing on your feet it's like your mattress your chair like I'm not looking for a ton of tech in those things it's just got to be the thing that connects me to the Earth I'm comfortable I don't need like gadgets or screens or batteries or anything on my feet unless it's their mags and which is sick but maybe that's down the road so I I feel like the the the shoe space is kind of one of those like pure things where like yeah Tech is hot and so they're trying to find ways to include it but it's not necessarily necessary right now okay one thing I love about this show is that sometimes a lot of times Talon comes in and they buy their grils last time the off-white ones were your grils were obviously a little different because you now are designing your own shoe do you have a Grail now or has it changed do you remember what I said at the end of the show last time the last line uh they rung me up did you say if I'm what what did you say I got all the shoes on the counter they rung me up and I said damn I think I'm done for a while yeah I think I'm done for a while after this one okay and that's a fact those are the last shoes that I bought that were not the 251s wow so I got my grills I've been wearing all the shoes that said I do want to pick up those Kobes cuz I want to wear those too but yeah Grail checkbox lifetime achievement unlocked I feel pretty good about that love that I love that well we talked about everything now is the easy part browse the shelves see where you're going to take home I will let's do it [Music] so what can I help you out with today well I came here with a plan uh I definitely like one of these in my size so it's like a 12 and 1 half or 13 I got you yeah yeah we got that I will be wearing these also there's a pair up here I was looking at this right here Bruce the fives the the Bruce Lee colorway which honestly kind of torn between these I kind of like them both mhm but what do you think one of these better than the other yeah go for the originals original yeah you know beat like this yeah it's got the Kobe it's got the it's got the Bruce Lee touch it's got a little red and black and I'm feeling this so all right got you see we got those get two pairs and then I was going to get a pair the Sabrina shoes Sabrina ones got you if you have them yep I know the twos just came out they're probably not out yet yeah not yet not yet give us a b more time those for you so I would love a pair of the ones I got you that's it yep cool thank you f everything okay this is it this it it cool all right your total is going to be 2,874 and 53 okay and whenever you're [Applause] ready all right you're all set man awesome you have a good one appreciate it man have a [Music] [Applause] [Music] good so Marquez came through told some great stories talked about his design congratulations again thank you picked up some new Kobes you know where to find him on the internet everywhere where you need to know anything in Tech his YouTube channel his podcast make sure you tap in with him before you make your purchases thanks appreciate it thank you man I'm done for real this time okay you heard it [Music]
Channel: Complex
Views: 670,627
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: MKBHD, marques brownlee, mkbhd cybertruck, marques brownlee sneaker shopping, sneaker shopping, sneakerhead, complex, complex originals, sneakers, entertainment, complex networks, goat talk, hype news, pop culture, joe la puma, mkbhd sneaker shopping, iPad Pro M4, Marques Brownlee, MKBHD commencement speech
Id: 6qUhfaH730Q
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 12min 53sec (773 seconds)
Published: Mon May 20 2024
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