How to Triathlon Transition Properly: Swim to Bike Transition 1

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morning training axe check this out fastest like to run transition in history right there that was it so as you're all preparing for your races you're probably wondering how do I transition how do I go from one event to another well right after I go for this run I'm gonna meet you at home and I'm going to give you the seven steps to get you from the end of the swim through to the start of the bike with as little damage as possible to your body and to your race time all right trainee axe it's not quite our normal set back home but tried to spruce it up try to let in a little bit of natural light tried to get a plethora of helmets and shoes behind me let's talk about transitions so transitioning from the swim to the bike or the bike to the run has been called the fourth discipline of triathlon it's right up there with nutrition as far as importance because if you spend a lot of time in transition or if you just simply execute your transition wrong you're gonna do things like drive up your heartrate unnecessarily ruining the rest of the race you're gonna spend more time in transition than you need to ruining your overall race time you're going to do unnecessary things and frankly being better prepared for how to handle transition coming into it is going to allow you to feel more confident and if you feel more confident you're probably going to perform better so you can walk up to the start line feeling confident get across your race line feeling strong so what I want to walk through right now is the entire process of transition one going from the swim to the bike and this entire process actually starts in the swim and ends all the way up until about 10 minutes into the bike so that's what I'm gonna take you through with this seven step process to get through one as fast as efficiently and as intelligently as possible let's start off with the end of the swim a lot of coaches and triathletes believe that at the end of the swim what you need to do is kick really hard as you're coming into the end of the swim to wake up your legs because they haven't been kicking very hard to begin with throughout the swim because triathletes don't kick a lot in the water especially if they're wearing a wetsuit I could not disagree with this more legs are huge muscle groups they use a ton of oxygen and from the standpoint of age group triathletes kicking really hard doesn't really provide us with any sort of propulsion we don't have a really strong kick so we might only be giving ourselves anywhere from zero to three percent more propulsion if we're kicking really hard but if we're kicking really hard what's gonna happen heart rates gonna go through the roof and what we want to minimize throughout an entire triathlon are serious heart rate spikes because what that does is it ends up basically burning some matches it's one red X on your race plan if you have a serious heart rate spike because that burns a ton of energy and efficiency is the name of the game so my belief is that your legs are awake this idea that they've gone to sleep and don't know how to walk is silly we go from lying down on the couch for twenty minutes two hours four hours to standing up and everything's just fine so it's not like our legs forget how to kick if anything what I would say is in the last one to two hundred meters before the end of the swim actually just focus on calming yourself down so I would say actually in the last little while of the swim shell out the next phase is in the few seconds after you stand up when you stand up out of the water you're going to be going from a horizontal position which you've been in from anywhere from ten minutes to two hours and then all of a sudden boom your entire body to hold up its entire weight the weight isn't displaced by all of that water providing buoyancy or a wetsuit providing buoyancy or being horizontal you are gonna have to hold up your entire body weight and run this is just an important two skill to train yourself in as it is to go from biking to run it so how you do this is by doing deck ups deck ups are a swim skill that you build into your swim sets in the three months leading up to your race where all you simply do is at certain points throughout your workout and on team training a calm it's all laid out when our athletes do it you just build it into your workout where you hop up on the deck you run for 10 seconds jump back in this is going to train your body to go from swimming to vertical to running without having another huge heart rate spike because we want to limit that the third thing that I want you to think about is bike placement and this starts when you're setting up transition so let's say that this is transition and let's say that over here at the top corner is the transition exit if you look at the Ironman all World athlete bonuses the incentives for being an Ironman all world athlete most of the time the spots for those all world athletes is located right near the exit most of the time the dedicated spot for the pros is right near the exit of transition why this is is you want as much time as possible where you can run without your bike now what you might be saying is that a really good transition is probably going to nullify having to run with your bike and you're either gonna have to do it in transition 1 or transition - but you ideally want to have that setup as close to the eggs that as possible it's we're pros want to be its where the elite age groupers want to be it just ends up resulting in less time that you're spending having to do a bunch of things with your bike if it's good enough for them it's good enough for you so if you can get into transition earlier in the morning and position your bike closer to that eggs that if you do have a choice that's where you want to do it fourth thing and this is a really big thing is how to remember where you placed your bike there are a lot of times that people are running through transition and even if it's 20 seconds 30 seconds 10 seconds having to look for your bike if you're running past your bike if you're in the wrong lane for your bike with this easy system that I'm about to tell you it's not gonna take you any more time to figure out where your bike is so it's going to make sure that you don't potentially penalize yourself by adding time so what you want to do is before the race starts you want to create a landmark in transition so you want to basically walk transition either the day before the race or race morning basically from your swim exit to your bike and as you are doing that in a controlled fashion where there's no consequences you can concentrate look off to the right look to the left look on all of the bike racks look at what a marker is going to be that lets you know that's where you go so in my case thinking back to how fireman Atlantic City there was a tent on the left so I ran up knew that there is a certain tent on the Left boom I turn right and then what I did was I counted one bike rack two bike racks I think it was five bike racks boom that's where I knew that my bike was going to be and as I start getting into the area I start slowing down so to again get my heart rate under control fifth thing is changing do you change in transition no you do not change going from the swim to the bike there is one exception however ideally you've chosen a race that is a wetsuit legal race this is really good for beginner triathletes because it provides you with buoyancy in the water and a little bit of additional comfort that makes me feel good about all of you fly it on set Pete so what you want have done is underneath your wetsuit choose a race kit that is going to allow you to just peel off the wetsuit and go out to the bike you don't want to have to change put on anything take off anything all of that is lost time triathlon kits and clothing is all designed to be worn from the start to the finish of the race and what I'll actually do is a link to a video at the end of this video that says what I recommend you wear that allows you to not have to change in transition nobody should change in transition except if you are in a non wetsuit race in your complete beginner and you don't yet have a swim skin in that case makes more sense to have just your triathlon bottoms and then put your top on in transition because that top in the water if you don't have a swim skin if you don't have a wet suit on over top of it that's gonna create a huge amount of drag but that's just basically gonna be a water sale there like just catching all kinds of water slowing you down in the sweat don't want that the sixth and next to last thing is your transition setup what I recommend people do is they have everything that they possibly can set up before the race starts so this means all of your nutrition is either taped to your bike is either in a bento box on the bike a nutrition could be in the back pockets of your kit if you do have a wetsuit that's going on over top of it and have your bike shoes clipped into your bike already so if that's the case you've got your nutrition already on the bike you have your shoes already on the bike you have your nutrition and anything that you need already in your kit only thing that's left to do is put on your helmet put on your sunglasses if you don't have a visor on your helmet which is totally fine take your bike and out that is how you have one of the fastest transitions of the day by not changing and not having to do anything besides helmet on bike out finally let's say that you have done all of that correctly and then you hop on your bike and you start hammering because you like hey hey Taron just told me the six things that I need to do but no I don't think that there was a seventh there is and you start hammering that's gonna shoot your heart rate up through the roof and it's gonna be detrimental to the rest of your bike and the rest of your run you're gonna burn through more energy than you need and you're not going to be able to make up for that with calories and guess what there are no heroes on race day there and I'll restate three attrex if you burn extra energy it's gonna catch up to you later so what I want you to do is when you hop on the bike ease into the power that you want to hold in challenge Roth 2019 I spent the entire first hour of the bike building up to my target race power in Atlantic City 2019 where I think I had one of the top five fastest bikes I spent the entire first 30 minutes letting people pass me as I built up my power to my target race power so instead what you do is build up to your target power controlling your heartrate easing into it not letting that heart rate spike hold your strong power throughout the end feel great at the end of the bike all the way to the end of the bike then boom you can get on the run and execute a great run and this is how you get to your start line feeling confident that you know what's gonna happen throughout that bike and run across that finish line feeling strong so those are the seven stages of transition one it's how to get through transition one quickly without a detriment to your body it's going to allow you to execute that great race now if you want to see that video on how to select what the right kit is you can take a look at the video here and if you are a beginner triathlete who wants help figuring out how to get to your start line feeling confident and across your finish line feeling strong so that you can feel like a badass and that's what we all really want we just want to feel a little bit of excitement because we are triathletes and we're pushing ourselves that's the best part of this sport I love that about the sport and we put out videos on YouTube every single week so hit that sub grab button below if you feel that would help you later trainee acts
Channel: Taren's MōTTIV Method
Views: 46,439
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: triathlon, triathlete, triathlons, triathlon tips, triathlon training, beginner triathlon training, beginner triathlon tips, beginner triathlete, triathlon training tips, triathlon (sport), beginner triathlon, triathlon for beginners, triathlon transition, triathlon transition tips, triathlon transition swim to bike, swim to bike transition tips, swim to bike triathlon transition, swim to bike transition, triathlon transition set up, triathlon transition for beginners
Id: n95FqwaUdpE
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 13min 6sec (786 seconds)
Published: Sun Feb 16 2020
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