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Hello my wonderful friend Today's video is on the seven subtle signs you are more attractive than you think. This comes from my insights as a woman as well as my extensive research and training as a certified coach. The most important and the most attractive sign is the one at the end so make sure you pay close attention. Before we get started be sure to subscribe and ring that notification bell. My name is Melannie. I am a Christian dating coach for men. I help good guys and get the girl of your dreams so you're gonna want to make sure you ring that bell. Okay, have you ever known a woman who you just thought was so gorgeous and so beautiful but she seemed to have no idea that she was attractive? Have you ever been in that situation? It happens quite a bit, right? As humans, that's actually a fairly common occurrence. Fun fact for you, the same is true of men. Just like you see a beautiful woman and you realize that she has no idea she's beautiful, we see men who are super attractive and they have like no idea that they are attractive. The truth is, God made all of us attractive but there are traits about ourselves that we don't notice, we're not really aware of. And even if we're aware of them we don't know that they're actually super attractive. So here are some subtle signs that you are more attractive than you think. P.S. The best part about these things is that even if you're not doing them they're really easy to start doing. So with that, let's get started. Sign number one that you are more attractive than you think is that you don't play hard-to-get. If you have seen this video you know that I do not suggest having anything to do with a woman who plays hard-to-get. If you haven't seen that video, it's a good one, be sure to check it out through the link in the description below. The truth is, so many people are told "Oh, play hard-to-get. You'll get her attention and you'll make her crazy about you." The truth is, it may get her attention, but if she is a smart, non-toxic girl it's actually not going to leave a good impression. But, guys who do not play hard-to-get, guys who are authentic and genuine, now that is insanely attractive. And because so many people are taught to play hard to get, when you don't play hard to get you stand out from the crowd. Subtle sign and number two kind of goes hand in hand with the first one and it is that you let her know that you like her. Now that does not necessarily mean you like walk up to her and say "Hey, I like you." Especially if you don't know her very well, that will freak her out. But it's just a fact that people like people who like them, so when we know that someone likes us on any kind of a level it is attractive to us, it automatically makes us like them better. Now this obviously does not mean that just because someone knows you like them that they will automatically like you back. However, someone who is going to like you back, that is going to be insanely insanely attractive. When she sees that you are showing her that you are interested, that you are pursuing, that you are flirting, that is insanely attractive. Sign number three is that you are a gentleman. If you saw this video that is going to sound familiar to you. There is a link in the description below if you haven't seen that one. But if you are showing respect, if you are using good manners, if you open the door, if you give her your jacket when she's cold, things like that, all of those little things are insanely insanely attractive. Now I know that there are a lot of people who think chivalry is dead and it's not attractive anymore. The truth is, unless she's a toxic woman that is insanely attractive. And since you don't want to attract a toxic woman anyway it doesn't really matter. So if you are making sure that you stay a gentleman and you have good manners, that shows that you are really really attractive. Now as a little bonus tip to go with that, if you are a gentleman to everyone not just her, that is a deal breaker. If you only act that way with her she feels like it's just because you want something from her. It's not so much about who you are it's just about who you want to impress. But if she sees that you treat everyone that way, and she's a girl so she is going to notice that, if she sees that you just treat everyone with that kind of respect, now that, that's attractive. Quick question before we get to sign number four. Should I make more videos on signs you are more attractive and then you think? The truth is, there are so many signs I had a hard time picking so I can talk about this all day long. So if that's something you want more videos on be sure to comment "YES!" in the comments below and I will know what to do that for you. And sign number four is that you listen to her, that you are a good listener, you pay attention to what she's saying. If you saw this video then again this trait is not going to surprise you. Be sure to check out the link in the description to watch that one. So I'm not going to go into as much detail here, but the truth is, women need to feel listened to. It's what makes us feel special, what it's what makes us feel important and connected to you. So if you're really good at listening you are far more attractive than you realize. And number five actually goes along those same lines and that is that you talk to her. Women love to talk. That's how we connect, that's how we feel like we belong, and so as important as listening is then replying to her and carrying on intelligent conversations with her, that is insanely attractive. Sign number six that you are more attractive than you think is that you are invested in living a healthy lifestyle. I like to tease with my family and sometimes I'll say I don't know what it is about bumping into a guy at the health food store but it is super super attractive. And whenever I go into one I'm always like keeping my eyes peeled and like looking around, because the truth is, that someone who is invested in themselves, no matter what part of your health journey you are on, as long as that person is like invested in themselves and improving, that is insanely attractive, that says something huge about the type of person they are. In addition to that, God just made us in such a way that as humans we are attracted to health. So someone who is interested in maintaining a healthy lifestyle, it shows that they're interested in being and staying attractive. And that is just super super hot. And we are to assign number seven, and guys, like I mentioned this one is probably the very most attractive trait. It kind of covers all other traits and includes all other traits, so if you have this trait everything else is going to fall into place, it's very very effective. This trait is that you are always working to improve. You're always trying to be the best you that you can be. Someone who works on them and makes self improvement a priority is always going to be attractive. They are so much more interesting than someone who doesn't and they're always improving, obviously. How boring would a relationship be that just like never improved and it never changed and it just kind of stayed the same? Many people think that that type of a relationship isn't really that bad, but the truth is, it's incredibly boring, especially after the infatuation wears off which it totally does. So after the infatuation wears off, if there's nothing else to keep you interested and nothing else to keep you attracted, well then that relationship becomes awful, and that's not what you want. On the other side, someone who is always trying to improve, no, this is not about being a perfectionist, but someone who's just always working on them, that is insanely insanely attractive. Now speaking of that, since you now know some of the signs you are more attractive than you think, how would you like to know how to become way more attractive and how to actually get the girl? Because the truth is, it doesn't matter how attractive you are, if you don't know how to get the girl, if you fail in that important step, well then it's not really going to work for you. I have put together some free training for you on the three secrets you have to know to get your dream girlfriend. Be sure to check out the link through the description below and you can check out that free training. I know it is going to help you so so much. Knowing the three secrets that can keep you from getting your dream girl or get you to your dream girl is super valuable, right? So be sure to check out that link. Thank you so much for watching my wonderful friend be sure to subscribe and ring that bell if you have not yet and give me a big thumbs up. I want to hear from you in the comments. If you would like to see more videos on signs that you are more attractive than you think be sure to comment "YES!" in the comments below. And as always, leave any other suggestions for future videos you would like to see. If we're not yet friends on social media be sure to check out those links as well and be sure to share this with a friend. If you do not yet have my free guide 17 Traits Christian Women Want Most in a Man you're gonna want to make sure you get it. Be sure to check out the link in the description below to download that free guide today. Thank you so much again at my amazing friend and have an amazing day. [blooper beep] ...pay attention to what she's saying and actually... Pay attention [laughter] Yeah. [pause] My mind just totally went blank. I want to hear from you in the comments. If you want to see more videos on signs- What? [chuckle]
Channel: Coach Melannie
Views: 42,864
Rating: 4.8693228 out of 5
Keywords: 7 subtle signs you’re more attractive than you think, signs you’re more attractive than you think, how to look good, how to be attractive, signs you’re attractive, how to be handsome, how to be good looking, signs someone likes you, 7 subtle signs others think you’re attractive, how to know if you’re attractive, how to be attractive to girls, how to be attractive to women, how to get a girlfriend, how to get a girl to like you, how to get a girl to fall in love, Coach Melannie
Id: n0n0OKIU_ZY
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 9min 47sec (587 seconds)
Published: Mon May 11 2020
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