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hey everyone welcome back to my channel I've just gone home from my trip to Japan and in today's video I want to talk about star lessons I learned while people watching in Japan so I absolutely love Japanese fashion and one of the reasons is because it contradicts so many things I've been told over the years the biggest example is that as someone petite I've often been told that you can't wear this you can't wear that but when I go to Japan I see Japanese women style those pieces and wear it so well this is definitely not meant to be a definitive guide towards Japanese fashion but rather to some things that caught my eye and that I was inspired by one of my first observations in Japan is that Longline clothing is very popular and I specifically notice a lot of long Lane Coats and a lot of long line skirts and dresses if you're looking at coats these are some of the coats I saw on the streets and to give you an idea of how popular they were I would say 80 to 90 percent of coats I saw were long versus knee length what I want to focus on today is how Japanese women make these Styles work so well especially given that they are often very petite and the idea of a long line code for me is that it doesn't break the line of the body instead of separating you know where your top is where your legs are it just creates the most elongated feel in an outfit because there are no breaks as much as I love wearing separates of different colors and color blocking it never looks as elongating as when you have one line that is unbroken and that is what a long Co is able to do if I was looking at my own wardrobe and I was dressing that day to look my tallest then I would definitely go for the long line coat I feel like I look much taller in this outfit compared to the outfit where I have the blue jacket on I love this blue jacket for different reasons but to look the tallest the online code definitely wins let's talk about maxi skirts now and I feel like these were again hugely popular in Japan there are definitely a lot of people wearing very mini Style files but if they're not wearing mini they've gone the opposite and they've gone for a maxi there's very little in between that I saw the popular Styles I saw were a straight skirt that was long and straight and usually fit quite slim to the body and then the other style I saw a lot were these almost mermaid shape skirts I don't see these very often and I noticed that in Japan I was seeing these everywhere I took a lot of inspiration from these maxi skirt looks just because it's also what I like to wear in my own wardrobe so seeing how they styled it was really inspiring there were so many times in Japan where I saw someone from afar and they actually look quite tall but as they walk closer to me I could see that they were actually very petite and by not breaking up the line of the body by choosing these longer Silhouettes that can elongate our legs and the body we can actually look like we're much taller than we are on my trip to Japan it actually brought with me this black skirt and I feel like this is the perfect example of what I was saying a lot in Japan I feel like this shape is very flattering it feels very elongating and this type of silhouette is something I'll be repeating a lot in my own wardrobe my second cell lesson or observation is that tonal dressing or low to medium contrast dressing was very popular let me explain what I mean through the images so this outfit is kind of dark from head to toe this outfit is using mid-tone colors from head to toe and then this one is predominantly on the lighter side this is really not to say that people didn't wear high contrast they absolutely did but rather it was just very very popular to go quite tonal or low contrast in outfits and even when they went for contrast it was often in outerwear or accessories so with this outfit it's got black from top to bottom and that really elongates the line of the body and then she's gone for a contrasting jacket this photo is actually staff styling from a brand I really liked while in Japan but this type of look I feel like I did say quite often I feel like there are two reasons why this might be a popular way to dress the first is that tonal is really elongating it's kind of like the first tip I said it doesn't break the line of the body as much as very high contrast and then the second reason is just because it's more harmonious and balanced usually to go for low to medium contrast outfits high contrast is a lot more statement and I feel like for the average Japanese person their style definitely leans quite conservative and it's very tasteful and elegant and because of that I feel like low to medium contrast just suits really well what I'm taking away from this for my own personal style is that I really love when we go for a tonal combination for our top and bottom and then I love adding a contrasting jacket to the look we've got the lengthening effect on the inside and then we've also got that contrasting piece to add more interest this cell tip is definitely not to say that low contrast is better than high or to try and compare these but rather if I want a more elongated old I might go for lower contrast if I want a more dramatic look I might go for higher contrast if I want more Harmony I might go for low if I want to have something more daring and exciting I might go for high this is probably my absolute favorite lesson that I want to share which is all about practicality first example are nylon bags I saw it on both men and women and every time I saw her in an outfit it just felt very chic and practical the reason why I feel like these are really popular is because they're very lightweight they weigh almost nothing and then it's also very durable so no matter what your lifestyle is it will work really well and you'll have it for years to come because I was traveling in Winter there was a lot of snow in certain parts of Japan and obviously bags like this are quite waterproof and you just don't have to worry I found most of these images here online but they are incredibly reflective of what I actually saw people wearing in Japan these bags here from the Japanese brand Porter this is a really popular brand of stores all all around Tokyo and Japan but if you're looking for a more affordable version I see a lot of nylon bags at Uniqlo and then even Muji has a version of a nylon bag that I also feel like is very minimalist and Sleek about a year ago I purchased a brown nylon bag and that bag I've been using every single day whether that's for just like General bag purposes or whether that's doing groceries or running errands off my camera I've been using the bag every day with my mini bags and it's holding up really well puffers are a great example of a very practical item in the winter but I don't always associate them as being very chic well in Japan all the puffers I saw just look really nice and I feel like there were two popular Styles there were these crop styles that kind of hit above the hip bone and they were often worn with these long Lane skirts with a lot of heat tech and thick socks underneath so they actually look really warm because of this type of layering but they still look really Chic and then on the colder day I did see a lot of these long line puffers come back what I was really inspired by is that so many people wore a puffer jacket and just looked really good in it and they took something very practical and made it feel Chic by choosing the right shape and Style Hair Tech is another really good example of a practical item because a lot of Japanese women like wearing skirts heater is kind of essential in the middle of winter so this is one of those items that just allows the rest of our wardrobe to be super practical and allows us to have more freedom in what we wear just by layering hay Tech underneath our clothes Japan was really cold the week I visited and still so many people wearing skirts and dresses with heat tech underneath and I feel like smart layering just allowed them to do that I also feel like I want to take a moment and just appreciate my Tibi nylon trousers they kept me so warm in Japan I did heat tech I did these trousers and in minus 30 degree weather in furana kaido I was still quite warm they're thin but they completely block out the winds and keep me dry in the snow so they were very practical and just a great piece for winter I do sometimes scoff a little bit at these nylon Fabrics because in my head it's just not as nice but there really is a place for them where they're very durable and practical and they will absolutely last a long time in my wardrobe today's video has really been quite chatty so if you're enjoying today's video I would love you to go give it a like down below if you're enjoying this channel I would love you to go subscribe let's keep going and talk about how oversized fashion is very popular in Japan this again kind of contradicts the idea that you got to be super tall and super slim to wear oversized because in Japan I feel like people are generally very petite and they can wear oversized to me really really well so let's say this first example this is the most casual this is a photo from ju's website a popular Japanese retailer and she's Ultra Ultra casual but the reason why I feel like these looser shapes work well together is because we've still got some proportions in place the pants are really long elongating the line of the leg and then the sweatshirt is cropped so still got that balance to make the legs look longer and therefore make her look taller she's gone on a little Hill and I think that absolutely helps with elongating this look this outfit is honestly Ultra casual and I feel like most Japanese women I saw were more formal but she's got this casual Elegance to her that I really love this is a photo I snapped in Tokyo and I saw a lot of outfits like this one so a very oversized jacket and then she's got on like a slim fitted knit top which you can't really see and then short skirts as well as long boots so this works so well because we've got the oversized jacket and then we've got the leg and boots to show some shape in the body wearing something really oversized with something very fitted in this case face the leg and boots I feel like it's a really easy way to make oversized work well something I saw a lot of men and women do is to use length to balance out oversize so if we just take this Co and we imagine that it was shorter maybe knee length it would actually look quite ridiculous and be very unflattering but because it's long it makes the oversized work a lot better with these two examples I've got some oversized shapes but the pants are quite long so we're trying to lengthen the line as much as possible to make the oversized more relaxed fits work in my own wardrobe there is definitely a lot to take away from this tip so I especially like using length to make oversized more wearable so choosing trousers that come a little bit longer versus shorter and then sometimes even adding a heel boot can just do wonders and making oversized clothing feel really beautiful and casual and elegant on the body I want to tie things together a little bit and say that oversized clothing absolutely has to do with practicality if you're trying to layer in the winter underneath a very tailored coat it's honestly quite hard to do whereas with something with drop shoulder a looser shape you can layer as much knitwear as you want and if it's got these big arm holes it's always going to become comfortable it's not restrictive it's loose and because of that very practical for certain Lifestyles next on lesson observation is about color and neutral colors are incredibly popular in Japan Beyond black I feel like the neutral tones that are popular in Japan are slightly different to what's popular around me cream beige and light pink are very popular so where I live I feel like popular neutrals are more gray white maybe like an off-white cream maybe some charcoals navies whereas in Japan I do feel like these softer light pink light beige tones were very very very prominent and popular when I walk past the h m store in Sapporo I actually stopped to take a photo because it's so different to the storefront at my one and my one there are vibrant colors everywhere because bright colors are very trendy right now whereas in Sapporo even the h m display was very very neutral I I think reflective of what a lot of Japanese people wear and then in terms of color I saw a lot of pastel colors so light pinks Light blues and then I also saw a lot of Earth Tones maybe mustard yellows earthy greens burgundies these more natural colors I didn't see a lot of very vibrant artificial Shades and I feel like it wasn't nearly as popular this trend of wearing brighter colors just doesn't seem to have been embraced as much in Japan as it has been in Australia where the fashion is very bright right now this is a quick little snap I took in the elevator and I just couldn't resist because there was so many like textures and cool details I was seeing especially in the man's look on the left I feel like there's very strategic use of color the outfit is really neutral but we've just got Pops of color and this is something that I'm incredibly drawn to for my own style what I'm really taking away from this tip is that neutrals are really easy if you want to get ready quick if you want a little Chic if you don't want to fuss too much neutrals can be a really great way to dress but as someone who loves color or loves some color I love to use color in my accessories like the guy did in the photo and that's kind of my perfect outfit neutral clothing and then some brighter pops of color through accessories that's my ideal and that's a formula that I want to play around with in my wardrobe this year keeping in mind that I visited Japan in winter not in spring summer I didn't see a lot of bold prints prints tended to be kind of stripes or plaids basically very simple as opposed to loud bold prints so the big question for me is how do Japanese women and men create interesting outfits if they're not using color and print and the answer not surprisingly is that they use a ton of very unique textures textures that I've just never really even thought of wearing and then they also have a lot of details to their clothing so Bose I feel like are very popular I often see a little decorative ruffle here and there and there's also a lot of patterns in clothing so for example a Tweed a houndstooth um like a subtle plaid in the fabric are all very common ways I see people add interest to their winter looks this outfit here is a really great example of using kind of decorative features and textures to make it look more interesting so the skirt firstly is textured it's got this kind of speckled fabric which looks really nice the top is this really fluffy kind of faux fur material and then she's got a cute little bow in her hair this elevator pig is also the perfect example because the girls got on this incredibly textured knit if you're wearing a neutral outfit like this one and everything was really flat in texture it could be honestly just a bit boring whereas because she's got these cool textures it looks amazing and I'm super inspired by this way of dressing for the guy on the left his Blazer is made from this amazing pattern it's kind of like a chevron pattern that looks really luxurious and expensive he's got this denim fabric on his shoe he's got the nylon bag and I just feel like this is the most beautiful fabric pairing and something I'm just so inspired by you can barely see it but the girl on the right has a fleece jacket and fleece was a really really popular item in adding texture I might not be crazy about fleece but I do appreciate using it in the winter to add texture if an outfit is otherwise flat the final salad tip I'm talking about is quick and easy and it's just about unique layering in Japanese fashion I noticed that there's a lot of very cool ways to layer that I would not have previously thought about or ever thought about doing layering dresses over trousers and jeans is not really something I've tried before but for the sake of experimenting I'm kind of keen on trying this out it looks very very cool on her and I want to try it because it seems simple enough to recreate meaning that I have all of those pieces kind of somewhere in my wardrobe wearing a light knit or t-shirt and then adding this kind of oversized v-neck vest over it I feel like it's really cool and I specifically included this photo because I have something like that verse and I thought this would be cool to recreate some of these I would absolutely wear some of these are a little bit outside of my comfort zone but I think it's always good to try something new in case we love it thank you so much for joining me today let me know in the comments below what you think of audio better worse same let me know if you enjoyed today's video I would love you to go subscribe to follow along for more content and you might also enjoy some of my other videos on my channel which I'll link on the screen thank you so much for watching and I'll see you next week bye [Music]
Channel: Daily Helen
Views: 473,965
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: ie4fR9D45sY
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 17min 6sec (1026 seconds)
Published: Sun Feb 12 2023
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