7 Skills You Need as a JavaScript Developer in 2020

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today we're going to talk about the top skills you need as a javascript developer in order to get a job [Music] what is up my beautiful people this is qazi from clever programmer let's start off with one of the best and most important skills i think you could have as a javascript developer today based on 300 job listings from top tech companies in april 2019 and also in 2020 this is gonna be true the number one skill those people are looking for is react js react is a javascript library so it's still javascript at the end of the day but react allows you to do really amazing things with javascript really really fast just think about like you take javascript you give it steroids you get react it's basically javascript with super powers why should you use reactor who else is using react react is being used by the top tech companies in the world some of those companies include tesla reddit whatsapp facebook instagram and paypal and so many other companies that are using react every single day that's what they're actually built on we have been live streaming every single day from the last few weeks and we've built clones like netflix clone we built with react and show you how to build it yourself the amazon clone we built it was reaction how to build it on your own a to-do list app a facebook messenger clone and we have essentially put together these tutorials and guides that you guys can go check out on our youtube channel at the end of the day people don't really care about your words that much what they want to look at is what is your skill level and how they judge you on that is based on what you've built the projects so as a developer just let the portfolio and your work speak for itself and that's why we build those tutorials for you so you can kind of take access it's free and you can learn it and then hopefully get a job if you want to be able to make an income as a javascript developer and master the skills and you want the perfect marriage between the two then i want you to check out our course profit with javascript this course is absolutely unbelievable we have spent so much time making the most value-packed course that we could for you we have live coaching calls in there every single week that level of practicality i think is very very important now with that said guys let's jump straight into the video react has something called a virtual dom which essentially means that it allows you to really change things on the dom really really really fast okay that's the most basic way to think about it if you're on instagram and you type in a comment it doesn't actually refresh the entire page what it's doing is it's only refreshing that comment that's why it's so fast if you guys go to a bunch of apps like instagram facebook you'll notice they don't actually refresh things happen in real time when you click stuff or when you post stuff the whole page doesn't refresh all of that is happening because of react react has reusable components this is another big thing about why you should actually learn and use react what does it mean to have reusable components well in react when you develop you're actually building things and breaking them into separate components of their own if you take a look at the amazon clone that we built all of those products that you guys see up on the screen right now every single product is actually its own component and then it's super easy because then you can just like write one line of code and keep reusing that component in a really nice elegant way another skill that's very useful for you guys to learn is of course nodejs now if you have taken any of our tutorials and you have watched any of our videos with sunny and i where we're teaching you amazon netflix clone bills messenger clone builds all of that you'll notice that for our backend we are actually not using node.js we are using firebase firebase allows us to be able to do everything even with that said a lot of companies are still using node.js and they are still paying for that so i think it's a valuable skill to learn so i think that's one of the skills you should have in your toolbox with that said i think that essentially covers it for react skill number three is git now git is essentially version control or how i think of it as kind of like a time machine if you make mistakes it allows you to rewind in your app that you're making and go back so for example if you're adding multiple different functionality you can think of it like in a video game where you have save and checkpoints [Music] you can load from really any checkpoint or any save that you made so let's say like you build a login functionality into your app you hit save then let's say you build in the functionality in your app to display products but then imagine for some reason your login functionality broke and then like your entire app broke and you're like what the hell just happened like everything was working fine and now one month into the project and everything is broke what git allows you to do essentially load and you can actually just load back to when you built the login functionality is working perfectly and just continue from there i think it's one really important skill there's almost nobody doing any kind of coding or real development or a job that doesn't really know get like i don't know a single person skill number four you need to learn to get a job as a javascript or a react developer redux so redux is something that's hard to kind of grasp and understand right away the one thing sunny and i explained when we helped you build the amazon clone if i hit add to basket or add to cart button at the card button like maybe changes to one or it changes to two redux can allow you to do that without necessarily even hitting refresh and it can actually manage the entire state without ever having to go to another page or doing any type of redirect and so that state management is a very important skill to learn as a javascript or a react developer but because redux is hard learn it in a two-step approach the first step is actually learn something called context api and then go and learn redux as step two again none of these skills are highly paid on their own you kind of have to know multiple things right if you want to be a chef you want to be good at cleaning you want to be good at like actually cooking you also want to know about spices you can't just be like oh the only thing i do is like put it on the stove like i'm really good at like microwaving but any type of ecommerce functionality you want to add as a react developer you're going to need to learn redux another skill that i want to kind of highlight here is you should learn typescript think about like react it allows you to write and react code but in a way where it is like more statically typed what that means is you're declaring your data types as you go along now it might sound annoying to want to do that but what's amazing about it is that your code becomes a lot more robust stable way easier to read and you will make much less errors on top of that it's a skill a lot of people are looking for in a developer and they're willing to pay a much higher amount to work with somebody who understands and knows typescript learn firebase firebase allows you to do everything aws allows you to do i've built tons of things with aws and i've built a bunch of things with firebase so much easier to go with firebase firebase is built by google anything you can do in aws it's 100 times thousand times easier to do it in firebase definitely don't start with aws you're gonna get into a nightmare with aws you have to like learn about how does redshift database work oh i also have to go to my security groups and like whitelist ip addresses oh what is ec2 what are lambda functions oh is my function located in oregon or ohio you have to actually know that oh like you're a developer you don't want to like start learning and becoming like an i.t person right that's kind of annoying so stay away from that unless you absolutely need to learn it if you learn it with firebase once you learn all the skills you can then apply to aws easy no problem it's just so amazing to be able to have a hybrid between a sql and a nosql database and it scales so well it is so lightning fast and you can build the two-way functionality of like full crud functionality within minutes and it allows you to be in your code if you're coding in react or javascript with just a few lines of code it gives you full functionality to be able to add things to your firebase delete things from your firebase without having to like write full-on crazy mvc style programming creating routes all this crazy stuff it allows you to do it so fast you don't even need a back-end like node.js or anything like that to be able to interface with your firebase app so i would say learn firebase i think it's a highly valuable skill and it's only going up as time goes on people are learning at extremely fast rate learn firebase this list is honestly no particular order all of these skills are extremely valuable but number seven is learn rest apis if you want to do any type of web development learn apis they're so powerful and almost every single application you're gonna try to build or use is going to require apis either that's going to require you to learn how to use api so you can pull data from it and do stuff with it or people want you to build apis for them so like hey take my json file and turn it into api so i can use it from anywhere or take my database turn it into an api so i can use it from cloud anywhere in the world there's tons of functionality and use cases for how you can use apis like one example i'll give you real world is like i wanted to know how much money are we making every day in our business so what we're doing is we're using a selenium scraper to go to this one website log in and this website by the way does not have an api so like i want to get a text message like hey we made 1500 today or we made 3 dollars today on my phone as a business owner i want that now as a developer it's your job to be able to get me that information but it's tricky so the solution we came up with is let's use selenium to log into the website scrape the website and scrape yesterday's sales so let's say yesterday's sale says 2600 scrape it now how do we send it as a text message here's what we do we launch it up in the cloud so we actually put it in a rest api we build an api for and we put it in the api and then on my end all i have to do is actually i got to just do a get request and pull it from the cloud and using twilio twilio's api send it to myself as a text message okay so there are a bunch of different things happening here we're using api to actually put it in the cloud and then we're using a get request so we're using the api and then we're using twilio's api to send it as a text message on my phone guys that cannot happen without apis good luck building something like twilio to send text messages good luck building something that actually like gets you that information so that's why when you use apis you're leveraging what already exists and you're building on top of it okay so learn apis they are a brilliant skill you can leverage the power of google search engine if you learn apis you can build a python like base detection software with like six lines of code because it's using apis and it's using something that already exists you can get the power of instagram you know like with few lines of code because you can use their apis so i think you should definitely have this in your toolbox as a software developer javascript developer or web developer so there you guys go the top seven skills you need to become javascript or a react developer and get a job and actually get your dream job if you practice and learn and through project based learning you could definitely learn these skills and master them which is why we've been trying to build all these tutorials for you guys and teach you through our like netflix clone amazon clone instagram clone our facebook messenger clone all of that to teach you all of these skills whether it's react or node or git or redux or context apis or rest apis trying to teach you all these skills so you can use them and then you can master them and you can then go ahead and make an income with them now guys if you found value from this video you're not even ready for this because what truly is going to blow your mind is like think about this our free content will go so deep and we help you so much the number one distinction between our content on youtube and our paid programs is that we get to go deep and we get to work with you in person it might look like a one-on-one call with you coaching calls with you but we're really working to create a personalized roadmap for you it should be that something people tell us it should be worth like ten thousand dollars like a coding bootcamp but we have literally put it at a fraction of that price for you guys so please if you got value out of this then please at the very least just go and check it out okay so click that link in the description below to our profit with javascript course and we will teach you in that program not only all of these skills because you can learn these skills anywhere you can learn them on udemy youtube free like online free code cam anywhere but the most important thing we help you do is in our coaching calls in our community we actually teach you how to go and get an income with these skills so literally where do you go on upwork to land the client for 700 this weekend where do you go on freelancer.com to get a job for three thousand dollars this upcoming month how do you go and apply to your dream job that pays you 40 50 60 000 a year all of those skills we teach you and we actually help you implement them that's the number one thing that our course offers that you really can't find anywhere else and just the heart and soul and energy we put into it so i urge you that if you've been watching this for this long and you've gotten any value please click that link in the description below to profit with javascript go check it out jump in the program i want to see you on those live coaching calls with that said guys as always this is qazi i love your face if you've gotten value out of the video please smash that like button subscribe to the channel if you haven't already and as always i'll see you in the next video [Music] you
Channel: Clever Programmer
Views: 130,933
Rating: 4.9314194 out of 5
Keywords: cleverprogrammer, programming
Id: Pht0qCHsKbA
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 14min 1sec (841 seconds)
Published: Sat Aug 22 2020
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