7 Signs You Are Emotionally Mature

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hi there's like to go fans welcome to another feast for your inquisitive minds made possible through your continuous support do you ever wonder why each person reacts differently to a similar situation or why each person's approach to problem solving is unique people operate on emotions by varying degrees some are slaves to their spontaneous emotions while others have mastered their control having strong emotional maturity is an asset to navigating the ship of life what exactly is emotional maturity you ask emotional maturity is the ability to clearly understand and manage your emotions emotions play a huge part in our everyday interactions so it follows to say that exercising control over them becomes all the more important for meaningful interactions here are seven signs of emotional maturity one you can put a name to the face of your emotions if at any given time you can pinpoint the exact emotion you're feeling congratulations you have officially entered the realm of emotional maturity knowing exactly what it is that you're feeling is the first step to trying to manage your emotions when you can name them your emotions get validated this makes it easier for you to understand your emotional state and you can then formulate a plan to deal with it a study also found that those who have a strong capacity to regulate their emotions should be better able to maintain good health psychological well-being and a healthier outlook on life too you can draw healthy boundaries are you a highly sensitive person or an empath you find yourself easily influenced by the demands and emotions of others if so then learning how to manage your own emotions and saying no to things could be a sign of emotional maturity there's a fine line between being selfish or emotionally mature if you can put yourself before others without putting them at a disadvantage you are counted as being emotional mature your boundaries are for your protection rather than nuisance to others three you aren't afraid to own up to your mistakes everyone makes mistakes it's how you behave afterwards that makes all the difference according to a new york time piece by paul krugman we as a nation are suffering from an epidemic of infallibility no one president or not wants to admit to wrongdoing at least not publicly a big sign of emotional maturity is being aware of your own actions so when you make a mistake you're able to admit that you were wrong recognizing when you're wrong and outwardly acknowledging it shows you're mature enough to try and mend a situation or relationship valuing your relationships more than your ego is a telltale sign of an emotionally mature person according to Lewicki and his collaborators when you admit to wrongdoing you show that you value the other more than your own pride and being able to look beyond self-serving motives is something emotional maturity is all about for you think before you leap emotional maturity is at its full bloom when you overcome the habit of automatically acting on spontaneous reactions it's when you take time to understand and analyze a situation before reacting to it emotionally mature people are able to step back and take a bird's-eye view before responding to difficult situations according to psychology today emotionally mature people are able to control their impulses and are less prone to emotional outbursts and aren't quick to anger they do not lose their cool in the face of adversity rather they determine how to react through thoughtful deliberation this is an added feather in their cap of maturity as they're less likely to do or say something they'll regret later on five you have more success in getting your point across according to a study emotionally mature people have an effective communication style you are aware of your knee and wants and can convey them to others in a healthy way you know what you want and are able to express it you can get your point across as there is no conflict between your thoughts and actions emotionally mature people have a good feel on the how when and where the optimal time is to express their emotions you feel your emotions instead of becoming your emotions this is what brings stability and objectivity in your communication with others six you are self aware emotional maturity is not intellectual rather it's a higher state of self-awareness it goes beyond intelligence and includes our senses intuition and heart self-awareness refers to the capacity of becoming the object of one's own attention the self is defined as an integrative structure comprised of cognitive and emotional elements when you are self-aware you can focus on your emotions more clearly a clearer understanding of your own emotions leads you to acknowledge your needs you have confidence and don't necessarily need validation from other people and making your decisions in seven you know how to listen since emotional maturity comes with empathy it automatically makes a person a pretty good listener and enables you to lend a sympathetic ear to others you know how to avoid being triggered by situations in getting self-absorbed this lets you approach the situation objectively being able to focus on the person talking instead of getting wrapped up in your own needs so you can listen actively rather than being judgmental or condescending emotional maturity is a key ingredient to adding meaning to the recipe of life it's not a skill acquired overnight but rather requires a prolonged simmer on the gentle heat of experience however that's not to say it requires years and years with the right kind of positive approach to life emotional maturity is just around the corner which in turn can be effective in keeping emotional burnout at bay you can watch our video on seven signs of emotional burnout linked in the description box below to help you understand that better were you able to relate to these signs have you noticed similar traits and those around you what are some ways you can incorporate these signs into your life do let us know in the comments below also remember to like and share this video with those who might benefit from it as always thanks for watching until next time
Channel: Psych2Go
Views: 750,232
Rating: 4.9706259 out of 5
Keywords: emotional maturity, being emotionally mature, emotionally mature person, mature feelings, emotionally mature people, emotional intelligence, how to be mature, emotional quotient, high eq, intelligence, signs of maturity, eq, maturity, signs of emotional maturity
Id: eSOlpGnF9m0
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 7min 6sec (426 seconds)
Published: Sat Feb 29 2020
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