7 Reasons Why You NEED a Waterjet | 5 axis Waterjet Cutting

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last week we posted a video of us unboxing and installing our new water jet is a flow Mach 212 by 13 by six and a half yeah it's big since we posted that video we've had a lot of people with questions about the water jet and this one compared to that one well kind of like this one from the big nut I'm curious if you can make a video on some of the differences between the two of them or the water jets and so in this video we're gonna answer a bunch of your questions and at the same time we're gonna give you seven reasons why you need a water jet they're all good you need reason one why you need a water jet you can cut any material other cutters like plasma or like an EDM like material has to be conductive but with the water jet you can cut whatever you want I mean we've cut bowling balls fighters you have to go it doesn't matter what as long as you can get it on the table and fit it under you can cut it and that's what's cool about a water jet is you aren't limited to just steels Douglas folks says now if you could just keep this clean hmm wipe down after each use wash and wax monthly so this is our new water jet this is how clean it is spick-and-span that's about how they look when they're 17 years old but water jets are extremely dirty like we've run this maybe 10 hours now and you can already see it all all building up they're very difficult to keep clean and the water used to be crystal clear now it's all muddy and black we're gonna try and keep a head on like the wiping it down cleaning but it's gonna be like a full-time job I'm trying to clean a spot on this one so this tank is supposed to be that color it was once upon a time and you can see it kind of starting to show through golden turtle asks with the water stream damage to the bottom of the tank if it ran uninterrupted this tank the entire purpose of this giant tank filled with water is to slow this water jet down before it hits the floor so it won't do any damage so he's asking you if this is was empty and we were just shooting this straight down and it was hitting the bottom of the tank no water it would damage it but I don't think it would cut through it maybe after hundreds of hours eventually you'd get to the center of the earth reason number two you need a water jet is it really makes food prep easier we've cut enough food to fill an entire banquet hall we've done turkey we've done pumpkin pie we've done a lot of cheese was we've made a sandwich and because the water jet uses ultra pure fried water it actually keeps your food really clean there's less chance of cross-contamination from using a water jet and there would be from using your kitchen as long as this water out and you're yet lc-104 villager asks with it being a five axis water jet could a turbine impeller rotor be cut on it with the angles of the blades being cut right off the blades would end up flatter than optimal but it would be interesting to see it would be very interesting to see but unfortunately we are still three days away from going to our training to learn all the 3d programming and everything I guess we can't demonstrate it here but you can look at these pictures of other people that have done it like this one or this one give us a couple of weeks once we're trained we'll be able to do it and we should be able to do some really cool stuff on it Dylan Dreisbach says so now when you hit the nozzle you can mess up the machines functionality more yeah that's kind of the thing afraid of James when he was here said he's pretty sure I'm gonna be the one to crash the head and make him come back and have to recalibrate the five axis matter so I'm Anthony M asks can you do a really complex cut that shows the benefits of a 5 channel I think he means axes head we sure can [Music] this is half inch aluminum and that is a countersink bevel cut on it if you have like a ball bigger than your son yeah that's for a really big screw or something that's just a sample file that the water jet came with so we still don't know how to program stuff like that we just know how to run it reason number three why you need a water jet it does low temperature cutting as a lot of you may know we cut out a lot of knife blanks and these are all ninth grade seals they've all been annealed and softened and when you heat them up they harden again so if we were to cut out this knife shape with a plasma cutter the edges of that knife flank would all be hardened to steel and it just kind of screws up the chemistry of it and it's better to do it on a water jet because that's what the internet says and we love the internet sebastian ochin tchaikovsky said hi that bench press in the background looks massive and over build what max thickness can you bend on it I think you mean this Achin Chesky that is a break press and it can go to 250 ton it can bench 250 pounds yes fun fact about this machine it is from around world war ii era and it is now part of the building because it is not just sitting on the ground right there these steel plates are covering the hole that it is sitting in and it actually goes three feet further into the ground so if they ever have to move it out of here you have to just call a bunch of scrappers and have to cut it up I think aaden's trains asks can you do a tour of the water jet and walk around it and show the pump and stuff this is the water jet we've got air hose we've got water to behead it is attached to that thing which is like the z-axis this is the base rail it holds the bridge this is the pump that's a 30 horsepower motor and those are the cylinder heads the Pistons that actually pressurize the water pressurized water comes out of there down there over here into this pole and then it goes up and then that long whip connects over there and that's how the high-pressure water gets to the head this is the electrical Raceway so that when this moves back and forth all the cables stay neat and don't get pinched or anything but this is the hopper it is filled with garnet and it holds nine hundred pounds of garnet the garnet comes through that hose and eventually makes its way over there to where it comes out at the nozzle this is our water softener and a water filter because we have to filter and soften the water before it goes through that white pipe into the pump and that's air because it needs air it's a living breathing creature reason number four a water jacket help you turn boring regular James into fancy expensive designer jeans [Music] we need to see what they look like on a person's do you want to try them on now dude no reason number five why you need a water jet we have heard rumors that some people have been able to start a YouTube channel solely based around a water jet Willy pairi says how quickly and efficiently could you dissect a body I'm asking for a friend of a friend well Willy firey tell your friend to go watch the pig head video it is disgusting there was many parts we couldn't even put in there YouTube still demonetized it but it was awesome it should answer your question reason 6 why you need a water jet they're relatively easy to use compared to other CNC machines you've used other CNC machines right I have they're much harder to fix your program and do all that this is very simple gets a great great great cut so simple even Mitchell could use Bing Matt Taplin asks how are you gonna clean it now with the pillars in the middle come on Matt we thought of that on the old water jet we would pull all these slats out and then these larger slats I've run the obstetrician we pull those out and then we could get a mini excavator in there and scoop it all out it was fun still on this one if you watched the install video we've got a lot more slats going that way and then there's pillars that are welded to the bottom that are holding those up we can't really scoop this one out so we've got one of these things this is what is called an extractor in the name of the company is exha called extractor this thing has some giant hoses coming out of it but it sucks water up one and spits it out the other and then all of the garnet and sediment stuff gets trapped in this box and it just pumps the water back watch the gift that right here [Music] reason number seven why you need a water jet is actually you may not know we do a lot of data destruction services we have a lot of high-profile clients to protect their identity I won't mention any of the names of any of the first lady clients that we've previously done this for but we've got another client here who's I rode in and wants to get some stuff off of his nut and we can take care of that for him [Music] taking right back to that first iPhone so uh we didn't we didn't fit it in there as well as we thought we did we get you a battery in your living but I think I think we still got the job done I don't think anybody's gonna be finding his uh his erotica novels anymore he was at home where they were oh we've cut a lot of electronics on this channel but this is one of the cooler cuts you never turned it into spaghetti I found a 4 gigabyte SD card that was lucky the final comment comes from Haysom torgue Amman we got a flow Mach as well I have to say that this company is awesome the flow Mach 500 is so accurate and fast never tried the two hundredths but I can tell you that flow is a good company you're preaching to the choir over here agrees respect my privacy to celebrate us getting a new water jet and having a bright future ahead of us we are going to be doing a promo on water jet knives with this new water jet we now have a quicker turnaround time we can do more knives we can do more knife e things with it with like the angles and stuff so what we gonna do is we have cut out a crap-ton of batarangs out of 1095 steel anybody who buys a knife right now at water jet knives calm will get a free Batarang with every knife blank that they purchase so you buy two knife blanks to get too bad rings you buy five knife lengths you get five batarangs and we'll be doing this for a couple weeks how long until we run out until we run out we've got quite a few but we are limited so head over there buy a knife we'll ship you a knife blink along with a free Batarang and yeah they're great for throwing and stuff when the cameras on I met that link will be down in the description to go buy a knife and yeah thanks for watching hopefully you guys enjoyed we are really excited with this new water jet you got a lot of cool things planned in the future you want to see the video where we unboxed install our water jet click here if you want to see what YouTube thinks you like click here if you want to buy a knife click here if you want to subscribe [Music]
Channel: Waterjet Channel
Views: 344,952
Rating: 4.8997836 out of 5
Keywords: waterjet channel, water jet, water jet cutting, waterjet, water cutting, water cutter, cutting with water, cutting, cut, cross section, interesting, science, fascinating, amazing inventions, flow waterjet, new waterjet machine, new waterjet, flow 5 axis water jet, machine shop, 5 axis water jet, cutting with water pressure, how a waterjet works, cutting anything with water, 7 reasons, 7 reasons why, waterjet channel q&a, q&a, buy a waterjet, 5 axis waterjet, water jet cnc
Id: kzvF9pJfRyE
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 14min 59sec (899 seconds)
Published: Fri Aug 23 2019
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