Spool a Turbocharger with a 60,000 PSI Waterjet | Absolutely Terrifying

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two weeks ago we cut a turbocharger in half and it looked something like this no it's just something like this turbocharger essentially uses the exhaust gas to spin this side of the turbine which then spins this side over here sucks air in through these suckhole mm-hmm compresses it and then shoots it out of the blow hole now it'll never work properly again we also showed you guys this turbocharger and asked for suggestions in the comments as to what we should do with it and the most interesting idea that we saw was to use the water jet to spool up the turbo on the exhaust side so we'll pull this housing up spool it up with the water jet stream and then we're going to attach a weather balloon to the blow hole and we're just gonna see how much air does this move how many weather balloons of air how do you measure that the weather balloons per second WB PS yes that but before we do that we need to pay some bills so we can turn this on I can't do that oh but right Concannon they're the sponsor of today's video we got our pair of break times about a month ago and I'll have Dan tell you about him cuz he said if I touch him he's gonna kick my face yeah ray cones have lots of base I've been using these every day since we got them now I'm not gonna tell you that they're as good as air pods cuz they're actually better and the best part is they don't sound like [ __ ] nice of those right now but how do I get them and how much do they cost and will help compensate for my dangling stem not included they cost about half the price and sound just as good as other premium audio brains just head over to buy rake on Comm slash water jet or click the link in the description to get early access to the Black Friday deals deals are so good I'm legally not permitted to say out loud so support water jet channel by going to the link in the description and buy your rake ons today there we go we now have a working water jet again love the clothes what thanks to Ray Khan first step is we've got to pull this exhaust housing off so we'll need a wrench to do that I already done that was quick where'd you get that extend this out and then have the balloon where's that red beard man when you need them he can help us hook this up beauty yes what do you do make them touch this make this work figure it out for us we seem to have taken some of the parts off of it no it came like that I swear blooney and maybe block that oh I think this right here is where we'll actually try to hook up our boost gauge to see if we can actually pull anybody what kind of actually will make boost yeah and then obviously this will just be an intake so as long as I leave that open yep as long as that's above the waterline we should be fine there I think what we're gonna do is just put a plug on this or just can fill some oil in there so it has a little bit of oil in it it'll it'll be enough for what we're doing yeah this is actually eBay's finest quality shiny bait turbo dueling this is a the cheapest turbo you can actually buy every once you say we love you Bay yeah so I really have no clue if there's things even gonna hold up because it doesn't usually these don't usually hold up too long on a normal application anyway so shooting a water jet you want to do a quick test run then yeah let's just do a quick test and doing it very it's on the low pressure okay 15 thousand psi water on [Music] yeah the bins all look fine and you didn't spray any Lube in it or anything no I only left for just the second meeting all these utensils there's a blow-off valve so just ignore that cuz we're not actually gonna hook that up but this right here for now all your air is gonna go that way okay be a little safer to feel the air then yeah I'm there where they're being in our death is whatever the resistance of the balloon is better than the boost gauge turbo weather balloon how fast will it fill it I'm gonna guess pretty fast so we're gonna not test the gods too much the turbo gods here there we go that's enough if it comes out the top it's got enough he knows we're only regulating speed based on sound just pictures okay your ears are almost bleeding that is when we back off [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] oh so loud so we didn't we didn't dare leave it on there for more than like 20 30 seconds at a time just because this is kind of sketchy it's cuz we were scared we we were all cowering in that corner over there I was hiding behind the big brave that's who done break that I wasn't taking any chances I mean this turbo compared to others is is relatively small there are other larger ones that could move a lot more air that you would feel a little more confident keeping at that speed sustained a little longer right yeah if we had a proper way to lubricate I don't know you'll kind of see in the video we just were dropping oil in the top and just kind of letting it sit there and then it would run out the bottom and who knows how long that will portal actually lasted for yeah we honestly don't really have any idea like we weren't sure if this was even gonna last I'm surprised that lasts as long as it like as long as it did I think that there's no heat being generated so I wonder if that kind of helped us out and made it last a little longer maybe even maybe it's like a weird sense the water could have been helping lubricate things too you know just having a slick surface all things considered though little eBay turbo did pretty good fared better than I thought of Liam priced like almost no marks on that impeller you can see well looks like I'm just kind of like a sandblasting where the stream was hitting it but they're probably gonna put this turbo back on a car and see what I can do like see if we can actually make it work again maybe if we can get our hands on a bigger turbo maybe a higher quality one we can try this again we can compare the footage side-by-side see see if we can do better than this I think there's there's definitely some science that we could play with you know maybe change out we could change out our impeller wheels you can change out some different things and just see what it is also side note we are playing around with the idea of starting a car channel with this this thing me Steph let us know if you think that would be a great idea or if you've got any ideas for projects so Anthony he runs a an auto shop mom it's not really not a shop what would you call it I like a performance shop kind of drift shop custom car shop shop is the important part just a shop and so we want to start doing some crazy build type stuff just screw around throw you know four big turbos on a Honda Civic stuff like that yeah so we're toying around with that idea if you have any suggestions or if that's something that you would want to see let us know also down in the comments and what you do in the next video we're gonna play guitar with the water jet and don't forget to check out our sponsor in the description [Music]
Channel: Waterjet Channel
Views: 1,200,916
Rating: 4.8941488 out of 5
Keywords: waterjet channel, water jet, water jet cutting, waterjet, water cutting, water cutter, cutting with water, cutting, cut, cross section, cross-section, cut in half, inside, interesting, science, fascinating, satisfying videos, amazing inventions, turbocharger, turbocharger sound, spooling a turbo, terrifying videos
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 11min 41sec (701 seconds)
Published: Fri Nov 22 2019
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