7 Psychologically-Backed Signs To Ask Someone Out

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do you have a crush on someone and are unsure if you should ask them out well today we're here to help you out with a few ways to tell if someone wants you to ask them out and if you should here are seven signs you should ask them out and how to do so number one they look at you often do you catch your crush staring at you from time to time this is a common way to tell if someone has a crush on you in an article for psychology today Behavioral Analyst John R Jack Schaefer PhD explains that people look at people they like and avoid looking at people they don't like Schaefer goes on to say that the neurochemical oxytocin may be responsible for increased eye contact elevated oxytocin levels increase mutual algaes and provide a sense of well-being which increases mutual attraction most often people want to take a peek at their Crush from time to time when they do so they may get caught staring at you because of how attractive they find you if when you spot them they quickly turn away and blush this could be a sign that they're shy and embarrassed you saw them stealing a glance at you people also try to catch their crushes to let them know that they like them so if when you see them they linger a bit and give a smile this too could be a sign they want you to approach them and make a move number two they smile and blush but only at you do you notice your crush often smiles and blushes when you approach them and their friends you've noticed they give a polite and friendly smile to others but something seems a bit different when you approach their smile either seems more flirty or perhaps it seems they give you a sweet smile with a blush these are good indicators that they like you discussing attraction in a mind-body green article clinical psychologist Mary C lamia PhD points out that blushing is an honest response which can often be set off by someone feeling caught being sexually excited about another person number three their friends know a lot about you when you meet their friends do you notice they seem to smile as if they've heard something about you it's like they know a secret and are excited to finally meet you that secret being that their friend likes you hopefully if you find your crush's friends seem to know a lot about you when you haven't told them anything it's likely their friend couldn't stop talking about you with them AI because they like you too number four you can't stop thinking about them when you have a friend do you think about them all day and night probably not if there's someone that you're thinking about all the time what they're doing if they're thinking about you maybe even some butterflies when you think about them this might be a sign that it's time to ask them out on the Harley therapy counseling blog Dr Sherry Jacobson explains that this constant thought cycle on your crushes can be due to us being programmed by Society to idolize unhealthy romantic attraction she also explains that some of us experience love like an addict this is supported by Catherine Wu a Harvard third year graduate student who explains that our brains release dopamine and norepinephrine when you're feeling attracted those feelings make you feel giddy energetic and euphoric even leading to decreased appetite and insomnia so if you've been thinking about a special someone a lot this might be your sign to ask them out number five flirtation do they often make flirty jokes are they playfully flirty around you if someone is flirting with you it's a pretty clear sign that they're interested in you the question is are they interested in getting to know you on a deeper level as well if they both show a genuine interest in you and pair that with a bit of flirting then they probably want you to make the first big move and ask them out number six they remember oh what if they're not the flirty type if they've shown some of the previous signs it could be that they like you but another way to tell if they care is to see how much they remember about you try having some deeper conversations or just letting them know if you interesting or even General facts about yourself perhaps you bring up your previous conversations in the future do they remember them if they seem pretty clueless as to what you're referring to especially if it was an emotional or important topic then it could be that they're uninterested or perhaps they have a pretty bad memory and number seven proximity and comfortability do you notice your crush often tries to be alone with you when you want to be alone around your crush to get to know them better or to perhaps take them out if they make it a point to be closer to you than their other friends it could be that they're trying to be alone with you so they can attempt to ask you out they may even try to Simply Be in close proximity with you when you're in a group setting behavior analyst John R Jack Shaffer PhD notes that people lean towards people they like and distance themselves from people they dislike inward leaning increases as report increases but perhaps they can't help but feel nervous and shy away from asking you out in the end if you're comfortable around them like them and find you can't stop thinking about them it seems it might be a good idea to Simply ask them out yourself so how do you even begin to ask someone out if you don't actually know them that well try talking with them for a bit before you jump straight into the decision you may both be a bit nervous if you do have crushes on each other so try to make it a habit to talk to them and make them feel comfortable once the conversation seems to be going smoothly perhaps try to throw in some hints that you like them by giving them a meaningful compliment what is it that you like about them let them know in a respectful and flirty way if you've already hung out together and are already friends you may want to give them a few hints that you think of them as a potential romantic partner and then ask them on a date this means making it clear it's a date commonly by saying it's one when you ask so beforehand continue giving them some compliments catch their gaze smile at them differently than a friend might as long as you're not giving them a creepy stare and smile you should be good read their body language too do they look uncomfortable are they not smiling back then it might be that they don't want to be approached by you don't ask them if they've made it clear they're not interested but if they are instead showing the signs mentioned in this video and they haven't said that they're not interested it could be that they're hoping for you to ask them out work up the courage practice your confidence and feel free to go for it sometimes it might help to ask yourself would I regret it if I didn't try and ask them out if the answer is yes it can be a good idea to put ourselves out there and seize a great opportunity when we can so if you've been admiring them and they've been giving some clear signs they feel the same way about you then what are you waiting for knowing if you should ask someone out can be super nerve-wracking actually asking them out can be a whole different ball game did you notice any of these signs and someone that you think is crushing on you let us know in the comment section down below don't forget to click the like button and share it with a friend or your crush subscribe to psych2go and hit the notification Bell icon for more content like this as always thanks for watching thank you [Music]
Channel: Psych2Go
Views: 131,893
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Keywords: asking someone out, confession, how to ask a girl out, how to ask a guy out, signs he likes you, signs she likes you, asking out, how to ask out your crush over text
Id: -zW8INOnQyE
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 7min 10sec (430 seconds)
Published: Thu Dec 22 2022
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