7 Psychological Tricks To Get Someone To Like You!

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Lot of people think that being super likeable and popular comes from unobtainable traits that belong only to a lucky carematic few. but that's not true. There are methods and techniques they've used on a day-to-day basis that can massively increase your chances of getting pretty much anyone to like you, and want to be around you. There's no deception involved in there not-Jedi-mind-tricks. They're just good, old science fact psychological techniques. So sit back, relax, and let's take a look at seven mind tricks to make someone like you. Nodding you're head during a conversation or when asking a question, makes the other person more likely to agree with what you're saying. So the next time you need to win someone over to your way of thinking, try nodding your head as you speak. When you nod your head as you speak, you convey that what you're saying is true and desirable and people are more inclined to agree with you. So if you're trying to persuade that special someone to go on a date with you; What are you waiting for? Go over there and get nodding! Now this one is probably the most surprising on the list. Instead of going out of your way to do nice things for the people you like, yet empathy to you sounds odd, but psychologists at Japanese University carried out multiple studies where they discovered that getting people to do favors for you can increase your Attraction you [as] [a] thought It would have been the other way around, [but] asking someone for a favor signaled to them that you like them And you trust them so if you've got your eye on that little cutie-Patootie And you want to make them like you ask them to do something to [me]? He's actually called the Benjamin Franklin set the youth this technique to turn his worst enemies into his closest friends And the reasoning behind it is that when someone actually goes out of their way and does a favor for you They subconsciously make reasons to justify. Why they are doing it some of those reasons could be I want to impress this person I'm doing it because I want their friendship or they're already my friend, and I like them so is a win-win situation [you're] [getting] a favor and you're making someone Have you ever been to a shop or a theme park or a supermarket and asked the directions? If so, you may have noticed [that] you've been given directions like this And walk like this That's because open hands and palms create trust and open palm gestures make people more likely to agree with you Open Palm gestures make you come across as more friendly and likeable whereas pointing can be seen as aggressive and in some cases rude Now this next one is going to require you to be a bit of a Sherlock holmes and do a bit of detective So when you sort into someone try to figure out What makes them tick find out what they're passionate about be interested in it and talk about it People love talking about their passion republic and the beauty about this one is that you can keep the conversation flowing by just asking questions They'll do all the speaking and even better They'll come away thinking that you are an exceptional conversation, but remember for this to work you have to show genuine interest There is no Sweeter sound to anyone in the world than the sound of that other name Using a person's name whilst you're chatting to them is an incredibly powerful trick so if you want people to like you more try dropping their name into Conversations as much as you can not too much though [as] it will start to family We make sure it sounds natural for example when you greet someone instead of saying hi, how have you been? Instead say James how have you been or what are you doing at a weekend could be changed, too So what do you do another weekend [May] change? The reason for this is that it gives the person you are addressed in a sense of validation And work is telling them that they are an individual that matters and has value [icontact's] now this point is quite hard for me as I find it awkward when I'm aware of it sometimes I think I'm doing it too much and being Creepy then I try to do it less than look weird as I'm looking around the room Well the trick is to maintain eye contact for around 60% of the conversation But like I said is tricky too much, and it's creepy too little and you look on interest, but if you can get it Right you're come across as interested friendly and trustworthy and further increase your chances of getting someone to lighten This next one is one of the oldest psychological techniques in the book it's called mirroring And it's one of the most effective ways to get someone to lighten they say imitation is the greatest form of flattery And in this case that really is true Just by mirroring someone's movements posture and gestures it will increase your chances of getting them to license for example if they take a sip of that drink That's your if they lean in then you lean in but be careful not to make it obvious because into that little [wimp] The reasoning behind this is [that] by matching someone body language You are basically saying I'm likely I feel the same and we're on the same [waver] Thus making you more like them in their [eyes] and therefore easier to trust and easier to light and That brings this video to an end if you like it then why [not] follow me on social Media to be the first to see All [my] new uploads Anyways, I jolly well. Hope you liked it and as always Thanks for watching
Channel: WOWsoAmaze
Views: 1,556,532
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Keywords: How To Get Someone To Like You, Psychological Tricks, How to get a girl to like you, How to get a boy to like you, Wowsoamaze, how to get a boy, how to get a girl, how to make a girl like you, how to get a girlfriend, How to get a boyfriend, Psychological, Attraction, Psychology, Tricks
Id: j5uU25JuGUE
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 5min 23sec (323 seconds)
Published: Wed Apr 19 2017
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