Jordan Peterson - why few women are in positions of power

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👍︎︎ 6 👤︎︎ u/GOD_not_G_D 📅︎︎ Mar 13 2017 🗫︎ replies
[Music] the following clip is taken from a video posted by jordan peterson from his discussion a few weeks ago at Ryerson University some of the clips I post are taken from talks that are several hours long or combinations of clips taken from many places hopefully breaking talks from various people into smaller segments with a topic that's focused will let more people hear their message a student in the audience has just asked so if the current proposition is too extreme do you have a theory with regards to how we do expand the equality without going to such extremes I think we're doing a good job of that right now I mean how fast do you think things how fast could you even hold for things to change look at what's happened to the situation in women's inspected with women since 1970 that's changed so fast that people can't even keep up it's not obvious by the way either that it's been particularly good for women now you could make a case that it was good for society maybe it's a tough one because the birth rate is plummeted and so you know maybe you don't care about that maybe you think there's too many people on the planet already whatever but you know it isn't that easy to figure out when something is working properly one of the things we do know we seem to know is that to the degree that rights are extended to women economic prosperity follows so you can see worldwide that the societies that have extended the rights to women most extensively are also the societies that seem to be flourishing economically and there does seem to be a causal relationship here Jordan Peterson hits on an important point there seems to be a causal relationship between countries extending rights to women and that country's economic prosperity this is real feminism at its core Christopher Hitchens would talk frequently against various religious tenants and one of them that he most vehemently opposed was the Catholic Church's stance against birth control of any sort he would frequently state that if you wanted to reduce poverty then the clearest way to do this was to give reproductive control to women women empowered with rights and freedom is good for the overall we'll of societies but women have paid a big price for that so what's happened in part is first of all for say women who are middle class or lower their their lives have essentially fallen apart because marriage is now restricted to the rich which is also something to think about for those of you who think marriage is a oppressive patriarchal institution it's like okay then why are only the rich people getting married they're oppressing themselves I don't think so and so the women who are in the lower socio-economic strata are suffering madly and so are their children and they have terrible jobs most of the time like jobs in retail where you know they're called in every day for the next day they don't have a schedule that set out ahead of them they get paid very badly they've got kids to take care of them and so they have no free time it makes them really easy targets for useless predatory males and it's really hard on the kids and that's like 40 percent of the female population something like that you guys you know I don't know about all of you but you're in university you're part of the privileged cognitive elite you know so these sorts of things don't really touch you the same way they touch other people and so women are much I'm happier if you look at national polls than they were say in the late 1950s and early 1960s and I think that's partly because freedom and happiness those are not the same thing they're not even close and you know I see young women all the time struggling to figure out what to do with their lives because they have no idea how to have a job slash career and a family so and there's no answer to that it's a really difficult problem and here is one of the reasons that Jordan Peterson is getting so much respect everything has an opposite side solutions are complicated recognizing that for every benefit there may be costs and evaluating and exploring those costs is critical on how to navigate and progress there are no easy solutions you know and there's all sorts of ideas like I did a lot of consulting for law firms for a long time about a decade and I had a lot of clients who were extremely high functioning female lawyers younger ones trying to figure out balance their career with their desire to have life and you know you hear all the time about women being denied access to positions of power and then that's a that's the consequence of prejudice and oppression it's like yeah yeah everything is caused by the same thing first right you've got one causal principle wonderful now you're a philosopher you can figure out everything with it it's like the law firms cannot keep their women in their 30s they cannot keep them too big law firms they all leave why because the women hit 30 they're brilliant conscientious intelligent they were deadly in high school deadly in university they nailed law school they went through their articling they made partner by the time they were 30 it was like they're in a rocket to the top position what do they find when they get their 80-hour workweeks right because that's one of the things you want to think about you know you think that the people who run things are sitting at home smoking big cigars is like telling their minions what to do it's like that is not that's like the 1920s millionaire that's on the cover of the Monopoly game that's going sociological analysis I know lots of people like that and they work all the time all the time from the second they wake up to the second they go to sleep and they don't just casually work you know because I know some of you go to the library for six hours and you say well I study in the library for six hours like no you didn't you studied for half you know then went home and you said well I studied for six hours and you're happy about it but you know bloody well you did part because you can't you know I can only read for about three and a half hours till I'm done and I'm pretty good at it so these people who are running things there's corrupt people obviously but the vast majority of them first are self-made and second they're so bloody efficient and smart you cannot believe it and they work 80 hours a week and most of them happen to be mad and why is that because there are a small number of insane men who will do nothing but work 80 hours a week and no matter where you put them if you put them in the middle of a forest with an axe all they would do is run run down trees so the activism why aren't there more women in positions of power it's why are there any men insane enough ever to occupy those positions how would Steven Pinker's say that so even in cases where they mean for say women and the mean for men is the same the fact that there are more men dispersed at the extremes means that it details the proportion of men would be higher at one tale and higher at the other some as it sometimes summarized that more Prodigy's more idiots you know because we also know and the data when this is very clear what's the relationship between money and well-being once you have enough money to keep the bill collectors from your door so once you have enough money to stave off misery which is sort of lower middle class something like that in our society maybe a little little lower than that extra money does not help you it does not improve your life so why bother with it well that's what the women and the law firms think it's like most of them by the time they're in their 30s are married almost all of them are married to men who make as much money or more than they do because that's what women go for cross-culturally four to five years older equal or higher in the socioeconomic status so they're their husband's already make three hundred and fifty thousand dollars a year it's like they think well I don't need much more money the men use money to keep track of the competition by the way because all the male lawyers that I talk to are usually real hard-ass guys really low and agreeableness really high in conscientiousness like conservative type slow and openness as well and they want to win and the reason they care about their damn bonus at the end of the year isn't even so much because of the money it's because they got a much bigger bonus than the other son of a sitting beside them and they're happy about that so there's a real like a real brass knuckles competition that drives these sorts of things but we get things backwards so often it's in psychology and in sociology it's not why there are or women in positions of power its widened any men want those positions you just have no idea the amount of responsibility that comes along with that you just imagine for a minute turn around a million dollar corporation you can't even bloody well balance your checkbook and there's dust bunnies underneath your bed how in the world would you ever run a billion-dollar corporation those things are complicated and you have enemies and they're trying to take you out all the time you look at Apple and Samsung and they're just torturing each other in the courts non-stop you know yo if you're if you're running a big corporation you'll be you'll be handling two or three hundred lawsuits at a time and that's just that's just nothing compared to the complexity of what you actually have to do stay on top of the technology constantly interact with your large customers travel all the time because it you have to maintain the relationships you have to regulate the politics inside the business you have to believe me it's no picnic and you think well they get a lot of money it's like what makes you think that's such a good thing you know like if you're half crazy and you have a lot of money you're gonna be crazy a lot faster because it frees you from all sorts of constraints you know we know the data on lottery winners they're no happier a year later and some of them are done especially if they have had like a bit of a cocaine problem to begin with because you know being bro stops you from dying if you're a cocaina do you get enough money in the way you go and you think yourself you know you've got all sorts of bad habits and weirdnesses if somebody dumped an infinite amount of money on you what makes you think you wouldn't unravel completely it's highly probable so anyways so back to these women you know what they do when they're 30 is they look around and they clean hit partners so they hit the pinnacle of their profession they think what the hell am I doing this for why would anyone in the right mind want to be woken up at 3:00 in the morning and Sunday by they're irate Japanese client who wants them to work for the next five hours non-stop to fix this damn problem which is gonna cost them a hundred million dollars right now or we'll find someone else to pay $750 an hour to to fix it right now and you think well that's you know asking for money value that because that's one of the criticisms if the law firms just adopted a more feminine structure of value it's like what kind of is back and the reason the reason that you get up it's 3:00 in the morning on Sunday to to talk to your Japanese client who's freaking out about their contract is because if you don't jump the hell up and do it right now there's some starving associate who's unbelievably ambitious in New York will pick up the pieces in two-tenths of a second and there's smart aggressive it they'll take you out so it has nothing to do with masculine structures of values all the foolish ideas and you know it's not just law where this happens you know we know for example that female doctors were far fewer hours to so the more female doctors you have the more doctors you have to have and I'm not complaining about women's priorities I'm not saying that women are wrong not at all it's like the older I get the more I understand that marriage and family are of primary importance and the more I see women in particular you know they hit 35 or 40 and they're not married if they don't have kids and they are not happy because what the hell are you gonna do from the time you're 40 till the time you're 18 you got no family you got no relationships what are you gonna do go run your company yeah well if you're one in a thousand that was satisfying so you bloody well better make sure you're that one in a thousand and you're probably not because those people are rare so one of them because in one of the natural responses the way you said would be okay well the the priorities are it's a rigged game because only women are the ones are able to procreate so what do we answer to that of course it's a rigged game obviously it's a rape game women have complicated lives and the pill has made them more complicate well that's not I wouldn't say that exactly because you know a hundred years in 1895 the average person in the Western world lived on one dollar a day in today's money okay so those people worked so hard and slaved away to such a degree that you can't even imagine it and all their kids died right so they the death rate among kids below five was beyond comprehension so late women have a terrible time of Nativity well so didn't man they got to be coal miners and soldiers so now that wasn't exactly entertaining you know so life was very very very very very hard before we got rich and we're rich even those of you who are in this class who think you're poor it's like oh no you're not you're in the top one-tenth of one percent by historical standards and probably they're by current world standards as well of course you could just compare yourself to the few people who are richer than you and feel sorry for yourself but that's a pretty pathetic in my estimation so it certainly historically uninformed so yeah women have it rough obviously now there's there's other things to consider you do live eight years longer so that's not trivial testosterone kills men that's basically why men die earlier you know it men are much more likely to be killed in dangerous jobs they do almost all the dangerous jobs they do almost all the outside work and there's lots of reasons that men get paid more than women that have nothing to do with prejudice it's because they take awful horrible jobs like working in the oil rigs in northern Alberta when it's bloody 40 below and come out you know about after five years with two or three fingers missing and and all warped up because you really want a wrestle pipe when it's 40 below and it's filthy with a bunch of ordinary men who are hung over beyond belief it's like that's not very entertaining so yeah I mean each gender each sex has its own unfairness to deal with but to think of that as a consequence of the social structure it's like come on really what about nature itself and this is something this is something that seems to be completely invisible on the left side of the political spectrum it's like of course you're bloody impressed if your life is full of suffering obviously but to think about that as a direct consequence of unjust social structures is just moronic it's like that's part of the reason a small part but look where are you sitting people it's pretty warm in here and you're so privileged you can come here in Saturday morning and listen to an intellectual lecture it's like you should be happy about that because by historical standards you should be lifting rocks in your skeletal form about five foot three with no teeth so I have Cougars yeah Cougars have license yeah exactly so you know there's no gratitude that's the thing there's no gratitude for what our society is capable of doing ultimately dr. Peterson has touched upon many ideas in his answer he thinks that women make many different choices than men their biological and social differences contribute to these choices the fewer women in the top end of large corporations are as likely to be from the fact that women appear to be making more rational choices about what is best for their lives than anything else with freedom and rights comes the right to be more free to make better decisions for yourself if you liked the video smash that like button if you don't like it leave a comment explaining why if you have nothing to add Zero's fox gives
Channel: ZeroFox Given
Views: 784,387
Rating: 4.8194385 out of 5
Keywords: ZeroFox Given, Jordan Peterson, SJW, sjw, social justice warriors, free speech, freedom of speech, women's rights, differences in sexes, men's rights, biological differences in men and women
Id: Awot-d8U9Cc
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 16min 1sec (961 seconds)
Published: Fri Mar 03 2017
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