7 People You Won’t Believe Actually Exist

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hi everyone we can't choose where we come from or what we look like naturally beautiful people are the lucky ones who won the genetic lottery we feel sorry for people with diseases or imperfections although we don't really have to why because everyone is beautiful in their own way we all need to learn to be more accepting of everything unusual in order to see this beauty let's start right now today you will see some really interesting people the way they look is far from standard but they live their lives with their heads held high they are not afraid of challenges and that's why we admire them so much let's get it on Jody I'm gay if you are a big fan of TV shows then right now you probably jumped up from your seat and screamed something like OMG I've seen her somewhere we'll save you time and say right away yes Jody starred in the American Horror Story series she also took part in an Indian reality show there's a documentary about her and in general she is a very public figure the world knows Jody I'm gay as the smallest woman on the planet she is officially listed in the Guinness Book of Records although g.od looks like a child she is an adult who will turn 27 years old by the end of the year she's only sixty two point eight centimeters tall I'm gay was born in the Indian city of Nagpur and you are probably wondering why she is so small for restricted height is caused by a genetic disorder called and Kandra plays yeah the problem lies in bones that have not grown to their normal size due to a lack of hormones is g.od insecure about her height not at all she looks happy smiles a lot takes pictures with fans and doesn't mind being surrounded by a crowd of big people although g.od is a celebrity she's not going to stop there and wants to devote herself to a cause that makes her happy acting sultan Kosan now that we've seen the world's smallest woman let's look at the world's biggest man Sultan Kosan is a farmer as well as the holder of the current Guinness Book record his height frankly is hard to comprehend since he's 251 centimeters tall his every body part is big from the feet measuring 36 centimeters to the hands well compared with geo T's hand his hand looks absolutely gigantic the abnormal growth of Sultan is caused by a tumor in the brain which unfortunately made his life very complicated his trouble started at a fairly young age when the teenager had to quit high school and go to work as a farmer a little later he had trouble finding clothes and shoes of his size most companies just do not make size 62 sneakers Sultan does not fit in cars and because of the tumor he has to use crutches to walk but there are some benefits too [Applause] since Sultan is a farmer he can work even with the tallest trees well in general he can handle household works a person of normal size can't in the past the doctors were concerned about Sultan's health as he kept on growing due to the tumor however in 2012 they managed to suppress it so Sultan now lives in almost ordinary life and even got married Isiah Acosta our next hero was born on October 31st 1999 doctors were shocked to see him and we're certain the boy would not survive a little later when Isiah survived despite all the difficulties doctors said he would not be able to walk and again this guy refused to accept it as you can see Isaiah is walking just fine in the end the doctors were right about only one thing Isaiah would not be able to talk because he was born without a job you will however be surprised to find out what career Isaiah chose he's a rapper even though he cannot make a sound but first things first Isaiah Acosta was born in Glendale Arizona since childhood he was developing his artistic talent and spent all his free time writing poems and lyrics for songs for a teenager this was the only way to forget about his problems and express his feelings his voice trapped inside his body could never be heard but that changed a few years ago when Isaiah met a rapper traphouse together they found a way to create music traphouse became a voice Isaiah never had that's how Isaiah became living proof that nothing is impossible Sarah Gertz can you guess how old this woman is we're sure some of you will say that she looks great for her 5060 years but there is one small thing she's actually much younger sarah Gertz turned 29 years old recently the reason she has numerous wrinkles and folds on her body is a rare disorder called the errors down-low syndrome it happens when the woman's body lacks collagen in the skin and as you probably know collagen is responsible for the strength and elasticity of the skin for many people old age is a very real issue women spend a lot of money on revitalizing products and procedures that help fight aging knowing that it wouldn't be surprising if Sarah had a lot of insecurities but actually she doesn't seem to have any she refuses to hide the world quite the opposite she works as a model has a popular Instagram account with over ninety four thousand subscribers and encourages people not to be shy about their looks even if they differ from traditional beauty standards there was a time sis Sarah when her skin was her most important issue now she is certain it's the most beautiful thing about her and we're not gonna argue with that Martin she T here is more proof than even with serious physical defects you can live a normal life Martin she D was born in Dearborn Michigan not far from Detroit since the day he was born he had three disorders dislocated hips club feet and scoliosis the boy looks so unusual that he had to spend almost four months in the hospital before the doctors misdiagnosed him in fact they basically gave up on the boy because children with that diagnosis usually do not even live up to four years luckily though the parents were not convinced the diagnosis was right they consulted with many doctors until they finally found someone who could correctly diagnose their son thanks to that dr. Martin survived and the treatment was effective so the disease he actually suffers from is called arthrogryposis it leads to consequences like underdeveloped joints muscles and deformations of limbs walking in a scissor-like manner is not something Martin did since birth he chose to do it because this is the easiest way for him to walk at the age of 19 he managed to get a driver's license and he chose business and management as a profession his business Martin's unusual looks are not a problem for him he even learned to treat people's remarks with humor when a little boy on the street called Martin a puppet he decided to dress up as Pinocchio for Halloween [Music] Michelle Kish it might be hard to believe but the person in the next video is not a child but a young woman and despite her unusual appearance she is dealing with the most common problems for her age her sister already has a boyfriend not even the first one and she's never dated anyone she has another problem as well and this one is not so common she's not allowed on the park rides all because there is a height restriction on almost all of them and Michelle is barely tall enough to reach the waist of an ordinary adult otherwise there's almost nothing different about her life miss Kish undergoes regular medical treatment and does not complain about her disorder called hollerman Streif syndrome it's a genetic pathology characterized by 28 symptoms michelle has 26 of them but we can still say she's lucky that is because the two symptoms she doesn't have caused brain damage so michelle is just a regular person trapped in an unusual body this syndrome by the way is extremely rare so rare that when Michelle was born there were only 250 people in the world who had it the doctors had to identify the disease by the pictures in the medical book because they had never seen anything like it before and oh right we've forgotten one more issue the most important one Michelle can't swim because of the feeding tube in her throat and that is a real bummer because she's always wanted to be a mermaid I [Music] lalit Patidar if you are a fan of mythical creatures especially werewolves [Music] then you will definitely be happy to see the last person of today's video because lolly petted are a young resident of the Indian City Ratlam has a disease that doctors call hypertrichosis it's commonly referred to as the werewolf syndrome this disease is characterized by an excess of body hair in places where it should not grow in the Leeds case it is primarily a face where the length of the hairs reaches 5 centimeters the boys hair also grows more densely on the rest of his body you would think that our hero has a hard time at school as he's so different from his peers thankfully people on our planet are getting kinder with each passing year and that's why his classmates quickly got used to Lalit's unusual looks and do not bully him for that and that is good because the boy already has to face difficulties that other people simply can't imagine for example hair doesn't let him breathe normally through his nose and sometimes obstructs his view unfortunately there are no ways to cure hypertrichosis however there are methods of treatment that can improve the situation and make life a little easier for lovely well that's it for today see you soon [Music]
Views: 6,147,437
Rating: 4.8343291 out of 5
Keywords: List, Top 10, Facts, Viral, 10 Most, braintime, brain time, brain, time, amazing, unbelievable, incredible, in the world, most, the most, the, list, best, video, people, facts, interesting, interesting facts, 7 People, You Won’t, Believe, Actually, Exist, interesting people, Jyoti Amge, Sultan Kösen, Isaiah Acosta, Sara Geurts, Martin Sheedy, Michelle Kish, Lalit Patidar
Id: cC0M2d0esVw
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 10min 1sec (601 seconds)
Published: Thu Apr 23 2020
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