7 Mysterious Discoveries Scientists Can't Explain

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[Music] Wow seven mysterious discovery science can't explain you know it's amusing and baffling that there are amazing discoveries that didn't earn a Eureka moment but made the smartest scientists scratch their heads for years these experts spend their whole lives searching for answers to some of the world's biggest mysteries yet some of their findings defy logic and are still waiting to be solved our ancestors left behind artifacts that even scientists can't explain the thousands of golden spirals that are obviously not jewelry or an ornament for example or a megalithic structure with no ancient items left behind to show its true purpose an old city wiped out with no apparent explanation then there's the swimming reindeer sculpture made from a mammoth tusk what was the thinking behind the creation of this Ice Age art before we unravel some of these mysteries hit that subscribe button and turn on the little notification bell now you'll be the first to see the new videos coming out daily on the bright side of life let's start with number seven the main penny yes it's the main one this coin which is also called the Goddard coin was found at the goddard archaeological site by amateur archaeologist guy Mildred on August 18th 1957 the site is an old Native American settlement in Nazca Point may mel grande identified it as an English coin minted in the 12th century however two weeks after Mildred died the Maine Penny's classification was put into question and a group of experts in London we examined it for authentication they later discovered that it was a nurse penny and this was confirmed by coal born scar an expert on north coins from the University of Oslo the coin was made between 1605 and 1093 during the reign of king olaf the third but how did a silver norse coin the only norse artifact discovered at the site travel all the way to may is this the first evidence of viking contact with north america was the coin a traded object what if the main penny is a hoax given that the year it was discovered is the year when fake Viking artifacts were rampant did Mel grant plant the coin in the site to create confusion will we ever know ah keep watching this channel number 6 Gold spirals archeologists often find valuable items like gold silver and precious jewels so it doesn't necessarily thrill them when they discover a site full of the stuff this was until nearly 2,000 gold coils were unearthed in Bose Lindo in mark dr. Fleming call of the National Museum of Denmark describes each spiral as a thin filament that weighs 1/2 pound and measures about one inch in length they date back to between 900 BCE and 700 BCE however experts still don't know what they were for the area of Bose lunda is a hotspot for Bronze Age artifacts at the time the Sun was one of their sacred symbols and gold was their main offering because they believed it possessed special magic Fleming and other researchers assumed that these gold spirals were part of a priest-kings costume or head wear which would have been worn during ritual Sun ceremonies however this is yet to be proven ah those crazy Danes number 5 Alaska artifact silver gold what else is missing ah bronze specifically in the shape of a small buckle like object a team of researchers from the University of Colorado wanted to study how people adapted to the climate change that happened in Cape espen burg Alaska be queen eight hundred and fourteen hundred seeing one of their interesting finds was a strange bronze object that seemed older than the house they were excavating the buckle like object had been cast in a mole with a small leather ring attached to the bar and it was about two inches by one inch thanks to the leather material the researchers were able to estimate how old the object is through radiocarbon analysis it's 1500 years old but how did it end up there the Inupiat Eskimos inhabiting the area had no prior knowledge of metallurgy or bronze manufacturing is it another misplaced artifact or proof of migrations from East Asia to America where did it originally come from makes you go hmm number four Rouge 'i'm el hiri we've heard of Stonehenge in southern England and the stone spheres of Costa Rica but it seems our blue planet never fails to amaze and puzzle us consider the mysterious landmark known as Rouge I am el hiri which means stone heap of the Wildcat in Arabic in Hebrew is called Gil Gaara Fame the wheel of giants since it's rumored to be the handiwork of giant beings rouge amel here E is another remnant of the Bronze Age and it dates back to an estimated 3,000 to 2700 BCE the megalithic structure is located in Golan Heights and is made from approximately 44,000 tons of basalt stones it stands 8 to 15 feet tall and the walls are nearly 11 feet thick these stones were stacked together to form a wheel like design with four or five massive circular rings and a burial chamber at the center but is it really a burial chamber scientists were not convinced by that theory because no body was found inside the tomb was empty probably looted by robbers based on a 1998 research project by Professor Anthony and Veni and professor yonathan Mizrachi the site is believed to be a central storage facility defense enclosure ceremonial center burial complex or center for astronomical observations however its true purpose and the exact date of its creation is still up for debate number three mohenjo-daro whenever archaeologists find an ancient settlement the question that first pops into their minds are how and why its inhabitants disappeared since the discovery of mohenjo-daro in Pakistan less than a century ago scientists still don't know the answers to these questions they do know that it was built around 2500 BCE and that the ancient city was ahead of its time it had well-planned streets drainage systems public baths baked brick structures and it's residential houses even had bathrooms mohenjo-daro can rival the greatness of ancient Rome though it didn't have a central seat of government or evidence of a king or queen according to a National Geographic article yet it's considered to be one of the most important sites of the Indus Valley Civilisation the nagging mystery is how did a city with nearly 40,000 residents decline or collapse in 1900 BCE there were theories of a fly disease or fire before British archaeologist sir Mortimer wheeler concluded that the city was invaded and its people were massacred by indo-aryans more than 40 contorted skeletons were found in the streets and houses according to the book written in bones by British archaeologist Paul BA researcher david davenport thinks otherwise and he theorized that the city was wiped out because of an atomic blast whoa in a book titled riddles of ancient history by russian scientist alexander gore offski a skeleton with the level of radioactivity 50 times greater than normal was found in the vicinity again these are only speculations and further research is needed number two long UK's the long.you caves and Shi Shan Province China aren't your ordinary caves with cavernous passages stalagmites and stalactites ah the 2000 year old man made caves consists of 36 grottoes covering approximately 32,000 square feet they were found by a local villager in 1992 it's origin is a complete mystery from its construction and how it was preserved for a long time if the cave took six years to create it would have needed 1,000 people working day and night to remove about 35 million cubic feet of solid silt stone it's a great feat considering we're talking about pure hard labour each wall and pillar was carefully chiseled in parallel lines from floor to ceiling how did they achieve such precise engineering and artistry when you go deeper into the cave it becomes pitch dark which makes their work even more impressive there were no traces of construction or anything that could have been used for lighting nonetheless they managed to sculpt each cave or grotto with the same model pattern measurement and style who built the long u caves in what were they used for unfortunately scientists could not find a single historical document to solve this aw inspiring enigma number one swimming reindeer go Rudolph do the backstroke this artifact from the Stone Age was excavated in bruna quel France by an engineer named Pekka doodlee in 1866 it was first thought to be two separate pieces but in the 1930s it was discovered that it could be joined together to create a single sculpture the swimming reindeer is made from the tip of a mammoth tusks that is eight inches long the sculptor possessed extraordinary creativity and skill it was beautifully crafted with great detail using only stone tools this sculpture is roughly 13,000 years old and consists of a female reindeer leading the way with a smaller body and antlers it also appears that the female has shading outlines representing our coat following her is a male reindeer with large antlers and detailed ears but its body isn't shaded they have their chins up antlers back and both legs stretched like they're swimming however their function is still unknown scientists assumed the sculpture was used for communication or as a talisman for hunting but perhaps it's simply a depiction of an autumn winter scene where animals migrate and mate or maybe the reindeer were getting ready for the Olympics who knows oh speaking of nose and reindeer where he is Rudolph anyway which of the discoveries in this video amazed you the most tell us in the comments below don't forget to click the like button and share this video with your friends always stay tuned and subscribe to join us on the bright side of life [Music]
Views: 1,490,009
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Maine Penny, Gold Spirals, Alaska Artifact, Rujm el-Hiri, Mohenjo-Daro, Longyou Caves, Swimming Reindeer, mysterious discoveries, amazing discoveries, Norse coin
Id: HsQR1lkBzeg
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 12min 21sec (741 seconds)
Published: Wed Oct 31 2018
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