7 Most Important Spongebob Theories | Channel Frederator

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ah the Big Apple New York City what can be said about this metropolis that hasn't already been said after all it's home to so many cultural landmarks and institutions like the New York Yankees Central Park and of course the Empire State Building truly no city can match the splendor of this place now you may be wondering why are we in beautiful New York City instead of in front of an unconvincing green screen I mean it's almost as if I'm on vacation but I was a dummy and then forgot to record all of these bumpers before I left that would be silly yeah so as you've probably gathered we're gonna be doing things a little differently this week again it's actually a lot like the Rick and Morty compilation that we did a few weeks ago but this one is about Sponge Bob because you read the title of the video and you know what's going on but it's gonna be that what are we doing we're beginning today with an episode whose theory was actually confirmed so to start here's Emily Sponge Bob Squarepants has been on the air for 17 years it is seriously one of the funniest cartoons to ever exist spongebob has made us laugh and has definitely earned a special place in our hearts but why is that the characters of course punch Bob Patrick Squidward mr. Krabs and all of the wacky citizens of Bikini Bottom have made the show what it is but is it possible that these characters aren't entirely original could it be that all the spongebob characters are based on the seven deadly sins before we dive into this theory let's start at the very beginning what are the seven deadly sins the seven deadly sins or vices come from Western religions especially Catholicism and Christianity they are intended to destroy the life or charity within a person because they are simple things to participate in today the seven sins are known as pride greed sloth Envy gluttony wrath and lust but how do they relate to spongebob and his friends well I will tell you Sandy Cheeks is pride pride is defined as the belief that one is essentially better than others and it often includes excessive admiration of oneself and unjustified boasting Sandy Cheeks will not let you forget that she is from Texas and she also constantly belittled spongebob and patrick because they are sea creatures and she is a land mammal especially in the season two episode pressure where sandy mr. Krab's Squidward spongebob and patrick almost kill one another just to prove which one of them is better so Sandy's pride takes over constantly to the point where she puts her friends in serious danger just so she can prove a point the next one is pretty obvious mr. Krabs is greed mr. Krabs is all about money he is incredibly cheap and completely obsessed with making money Patrick is sloth sloth can be defined as physical laziness or spiritual laziness in this case Patrick Starr is both he is actually an award-winning sloth in the episode big pink loser Patrick won an award for doing nothing the longest plankton is envy envy is extreme jealousy or desire and plankton is literally green with it he is so jealous of mr. Krabs his success with the Krusty Krab especially since his restaurant is a total failure plankton is constantly trying to sabotage mr. Krabs and will stop at nothing to do so just so we can be as successful as him up next Gary is gluttony this one actually took me by surprise because I thought Patrick would have been gluttony as well but hear me out it's a running gag throughout the show that spongebob is kind of always thinking about feeding Gary and in the episode have you seen this snail he actually forgets to feed Gary for 10 days and Gary runs away Gladney tends to refer to an overindulgence especially when it comes to food so I guess Aries total reliance on spongebob for food makes him kind of gluttonous moving on we have Squidward as wrath wrath is the feeling of Rage or uncontrollable feelings of anger and hatred Squidward is miserable he hates his life he hates his job and most of all he hates SpongeBob and Patrick the shots are halfway and finally spongebob is lust in terms of these seven deadly sins lust is defined as excessive love for others and spongebob exerts excessive amounts of love from every pore in his body and he has a lot of them spongebob adores every single fish crustacean and creature in Bikini Bottom even if they don't necessarily love him back we definitely have a lot to think about here could it be true that all the spongebob characters are actually inspired by the seven deadly sins it's incredibly hard to deny that these characters match the traditional seven deadly sins almost perfectly it's definitely an interesting concept but is it possible that it was actually intentional well yeah actually in this season one DVD commentary for the episode plankton Doug Lawrence a writer on the show mentions that each main character of the show is in fact based on the seven deadly sins which was a theme that show creator Stephen Hillenburg actually wanted for the show now I have a feeling at this point some of you are thinking how could they incorporate something that sounds as dark as the seven deadly sins into a kid show well it's not that SpongeBob SquarePants is actually about the seven deadly sins it's still about the adorably optimistic sponge and his wacky antics with his best friends in the seat even if they are the result of radioactivity so with the creator's confirmation I have to give this spongebob seven deadly sins conspiracy five Krabby Patties out of five so it turns out planes taking off are super loud so we couldn't stay over by the airport so that's why we're here now there's also a road over there but like don't worry about it we're by the water right now because according to SpongeBob SquarePants that is where a particular squirrel lives but why I don't know Akeem why don't you enlighten us hi I'm a king of one of the new conspirators here to infiltrate your brain and fill it with mind-bending new ways to think about cartoons first up Sandy Cheeks the treedome dwelling science-loving karate-chopping squirrel from the Lone Star State of Texas currently calls bikini bottom hole but whatever happened to her original home home on the range where the deer and the Antelope play sorry Sandi's original plans were to study sea creatures and their lifestyles but after 11 seasons of foam karate choppers jellyfishing and the occasional movie tie-in it's safe to assume she's learned all there is to learn about the daily lives of Spongebob and his ragtag group of sea dwellers so what's the true reason as to why acute acorn loving wrote it like sandy is living underwater well in today's episode of cartoon conspiracy that's what we're setting forth to find out so while you're ready kids no I can't hear you this is where you say aye aye aye captain yeah let's go now Sandy Cheeks is arguably one of the smartest most level-headed inhabitants of Bikini Bottom known for her many inventions she's considered a scientist of sorts but how does an inventor of her caliber find her way to the bottom of the sea not much is explained about Sandy's presence or her past when we first meet her in season one of the episode entitled t at the tree dome it's not until season four in the episode entitled Chips Ahoy that were given a bit of background as to why sandy just might be living under water we find out she works for a company called tree dome enterprises limited housing co-op ran by a bunch of apes literally the board of directors are a trio of chimpanzees named professor Percy dr. marmalade and Lord Reginald we find out these are Sandy's bosses and the figureheads responsible for funding Sandy's living and research under the sea now throughout this series we've seen sandy invented numerous things such as robots rockets and sponge finders we've never questioned why she did it only best and how cool her invention were we were never really good reason to really ask the question until those monkeys decided to swing on into town now the presence of Professor Percy dr. marmalade and Lord Reginald weren't met with open arms on sandy's end in this particular episode we saw sandy was grieved stricken and considered herself a failure as an inventor she felt none of her inventions and achievements would meet the approval of her chimpanzee beneficiaries chimpanzee beneficiaries can you believe that to thing the question to ask ourselves at this point is why would sandy think none of her inventions none of the things she's invented to this point would meet the approval of her beneficiaries to answer that question that let's list off some of her inventions Shoei a sponge trekker a wooden airplane a knockout rain and a corn monster a molecular step for rate or laser pants a fully automated Nutcracker I could go on all good inventions in their own right yes but what good with these serve seemingly sophisticated primates I mean a sponge trekker and the fully automated nutcrackers sound a hoppily specific and I wouldn't perceive either of those inventions to be groundbreaking or raw Hrant the investment but professor Percy dr. marmalade and the Lord Reginald gave in to their primitive traits by mistaken Sandy's fully automated Nutcracker as a fully automated banana peeler thus giving her a raise and twenty more years of employment in the tree dome which I guess could be subliminally perceived as twenty more years of spongebob episodes yikes to be true satisfied with this new invention the chips scurry on us in their submarine to drier land all while mentioning other chimpanzee related inventions for sandy to explore in her future tinkering underneath the ate corn jokes and poop throwing references scattered throughout this particular episode we're given a lot to work with as to why sandy just might be living underwater let's take a look at the facts she works for a company that supposedly finances inventors to occupy tree domes to make modern breakthroughs in the chimpanzee related research I mean that's what we're able to garner if we take these findings on surface value but let's swim away from the shallow end of thinking about this and dive a little deeper shall we the key to why sandy lives underwater lies in finding out more information pertaining to birch infancy beneficiaries and why they'd want to fund such a project involving squirrel now there's not much information out there as to the backgrounds of Professor Percy dr. marmalade and Lord Reginald so will more than likely have to make some assumptions based on what we know about chimpanzees in the world world in the year 1923 American psychologist Robert Yerkes purchased a young bono Bo and chimpanzee for research so that he could study them into maturity this was a man who dreamed of creating the ideal chimpanzee servant of science sounds screwed up doesn't it yeah well in the 1950s it was commonplace for chimpanzees to be used in military flight experiments infectious disease experiments and high velocity seatbelt tests many of these chimpanzees were bred in laboratories with minimal contact with other primates oftentimes the only contact they saw was that of their captors and the scientist conducting the experiments on them so how does this grim reality tie back into why sandy lives underwater well perhaps professor Percy dr. marmalade and Lord Reginald were part of a chimpanzee experimentation program to create the ideal servant of science it's safe to assume that this experimentation was a resounding success in these chimps as they've clearly mastered the English language the English accent and went on to launch their own lucrative business professor Percy dr. MA and Lord Reginald are the exact archetype psychologist Robert York's set out to discover in his intelligence research amongst chimpanzees professor Percy dr. marmalade and the Lord Reginald tree dome Enterprise company could be considered a byproduct of learned behavior mimicking that of their former captors in the scientists that possibly performed experiments on them which is possibly a contributing factor to their intelligence we all know the cartoon trope of chimpanzees being used as test subjects that need I remind you of monkey from Dexter's Lab he was everything but they mere monkey and so were professor Percy dr. marmalade and Lord Reginald who potentially because of their learned behavior mimic the behavior of their former captors by setting up biodomes to emulate the experiments and the environments they were placed in with their own test subjects now the test subjects for their very own experimentation program would have to be something smaller than them a creature they might consider subservient to primates now following the natural progression of test subjects in scientific research typically finds us looking at rodents of course when you think of rodents as test subjects you immediately think of mice and rats but that's been done before yes so why not go with the cuter more kid-friendly animal in the rodent family huh a squirrel so the reason our little lass old swirl and scroll from Texas lives in an underwater tree dome technically isolated from other air breathing creatures and paid to make groundbreaking inventions is because well she's part of an intelligence program an intelligence program that borrows certain aspects from her chimpanzee beneficiary's very own intelligence program that was implemented on them by human scientists it's like the old saying goes monkey see monkey do it's also possible that Professor Percy dr. marmalade and Lord Reginald created this particular cooperative so that they could have these test subjects creating Pinchas so that they can in turn take credit for them after all their pain sandy and keeping her employed for 20 years think about how odd it is to say you're employing someone for twenty years I don't think that's how employment works if it is Channel Frederator employment for twenty years please so how does all this hold up well pretty well actually if you take a look at the hierarchy of animal test subjects in labs usually chimpanzees are at the top due to their similarities of humans the smallest test subjects are typically mice and rats with squirrels being within the rodent family this fits right into the narrative setup in this particular video Sandi's chimpanzee beneficiaries are a direct product of learned behavior from their captors and sandy is the very same with the chimpanzee beneficiaries being her captors of course the word the captors is used loosely in this sense speaking in cartoon terms sand is held captive as much as Pinky and the brain work you can roll the world if you want to but you always come back to your glass prison under the sea I mean sandy had the opportunity to go home in season one but spongebob convinced her that everything's better down where it's wetter wait is the wrong food franchise sorry looking at Sandy Cheeks as an experimental test subject makes sense she's smart and Vince crazy contraptions me honestly the more you think about it her life kind of parallels that of brain from pinky in the brain aside from the whole world domination angle of course unless she plans to rule the seven seas though it may seem as though it is as much of Sandy's choice to stay in her tree dome the truth of the matter is she's part of an experimental intelligence program the second she stops producing inventions her funding is cut and she gets kicked out of the tree house like a girl getting kicked out of the he-man woman haters Club dad that's a it's a little rascals reference it was a show from from the 1920s there there was a there was a movie in the 90's no okay never worked the fact that we're left to speculate this much about Sandy Cheeks reasoning for a living underwater says a great deal about a show that's been on air for 11 seasons for one they haven't given us much to go on regarding Sandy's background but there's potentially a reason for that I mean if her background is anywhere near what I've described perhaps it's something that the showrunners might feel is a bit too complex for the initial demographic of the show I mean after all SpongeBob SquarePants is a light-hearted show with a simple premise it's a show about a sponge named Bob who wear rare pants I mean talking about experimental intelligence program sounds like something straight out of stranger things as to whether or not this particular theory holds up as to why Sandy Cheeks lives underwater I'm gonna have to give it for acorns out of five it's fairly likely that sandy is in fact part of some experimental program under the guise of being an employee for the treedome enterprise and her chimpanzee beneficiaries aren't also part of an even larger experimental program ran by human scientists will the show ever explore Sandy's background further perhaps we're currently in the 11th season of the show with plans of a twelfth season Sponge Bob Squarepants shows no signs of drying up anytime soon so there's more than enough time left in the franchise for us to squeeze out more facts about Sandy's past so what do you think could this be the reason why sandy is living underwater why do you think she prefers the life aquatic would you ever consider living under the sea I don't know if I could personally I mean no matter how enticing Sebastian makes it seem I prefer a lot sent over a hot crustacean band it is not better down where it's wetter under the sea that that's just me I have no idea what that is for our next episode did you know that SpongeBob SquarePants might be immortal oh yes it's true says who says me to you here we go I couldn't think of another rhyme so yeah SpongeBob SquarePants just turned 18 that is a more confusing sentence than I thought it would be SpongeBob SquarePants the show has now been airing for 18 years that's a super long time for any show let alone a cartoon you know I'm not entirely convinced that spongebob won't just outlive all of us and then when the heat death of the universe barrels towards a long-forgotten Earth there will be nothing to stare into the abyss except for the faint singsong a whisper of I'm ready sorry that kind of got away from me there what I mean to say is that spongebob is pretty old both the show and the character at least I think the character is old come to think of it how old is SpongeBob's supposed to be we have a couple of answers here and there but for every answer we seem to have a ton of contradictory evidence towards them which makes a question as simple as SpongeBob's age super complicated so complicated in fact that some people are wondering if spongebob really ages at all is it possible that SpongeBob SquarePants is actually immortal [Music] okay let's first knock the obvious one out of the way like we've said before spongebob has been airing for about 18 years and yet spongebob doesn't seem to age however this is 100% cartoon logic that we're going to shell for now because if we acknowledge this then we have to acknowledge that this is pretty much the case for everybody else in Bikini Bottom but spongebob in particular has a couple of interesting qualities that make a really good case for him being some sort of ageless being putting the rest of the show's continuity and characters aside and looking at spongebob in a vacuum there seems to have been a lot of intentional smoke and mirrors when discussing things like how old he is as pointed out by reddit user nan roomin spongebob has been working at the Krusty Krab for a long time how long exactly well at the beginning of the 2004 spongebob movie spongebob tells Gary that he's won the Krusty Krabs employee of the month award three hundred and seventy four consecutive times wait a minute three hundred and seventy four consecutive months if we're going to be charitable and assume that he's won employee of the month for every single month he's worked on the Krusty Krab that would mean that spongebob has been working there for at least 31 years and two months that's definitely longer than I expected especially since in the movie mr. Krabs tells spongebob that the reason he didn't get the manager position at the Krusty Krab too is because he's just a kid and what's more we can't assume that spongebob has been working at the Krusty Krab since the day he was born which means that his age would have to be 31 plus the rest of his life before the Krusty Krab if such concepts can even be imagined so let's take a look at how old the show says Sponge Bob is according to his driver's license we see that he was born on July 14th 1986 well actually it just says 86 but I think we're safe and taking the logical leap that it's the 20th century I mean David Hasselhoff is alive so there you go so if we take that date of birth and then compare it to when the spongebob squarepants movie was released which is 2004 that would make his age in the movie 18 years old all right I'm calling shenanigans what's going on here I say that in a shocking manner but there actually is an answer that we're going to get to later in this video that has to do with SpongeBob's incredibly in-depth timeline so sit tight for that so with all of this opaqueness about how old spongebob is is there any other evidence that might suggest that spongebob is immortal well maybe for starters this show has a pretty huge cast of characters but apart from possibly Sponge Bob the oldest and most ageless of the bunch would probably be King Neptune and yes he's exactly who you think he is he's the Roman god of the sea who was documented in the show to be about five thousand years old also read basically immortal because he's a god so it's not like immortality is just a fantastical concept to the characters in the show after all they've interacted with characters like this in the Spongebob universe before so who's to say that there can't be any others granted Neptune is a God and SpongeBob is a sponge actually speaking of spongebob being a sponge there's another point that we need to refer to here and that's the life expectancy of actual sea sponges the average life expectancy of a sea sponge is about 10 to 20 years that's pretty good for sponges and if spongebob were 18 then we would be fine he would just be on the older side but it doesn't even come close to the 31 years spongebob has supposedly worked at the Krusty Krab let alone anytime before that also this is a bit of a minor note but spongebob is an incredibly lucky individual he's cheated death in this show probably more times than he should have been able to get away with and I'm not talking like once or twice I'm not even talking dozens we're talking like close to a hundred times where SpongeBob's life has been in jeopardy I've been alive for 25 years and I think my life has been in jeopardy maybe twice three times if he count the pretzel incident I mean it's true that on our list we're counting pretty much every time spongebob has ever tried to drive but we're also counting much more dire situations like when he was ripped in half by a gorilla and I had an accident not only does he survive but he also seems to be relatively okay with the whole situation granted though he might have just been in shock either way it's a little weird because earlier in that episode he cracks his butt and the doctor tells him that one more injury like that would put him out of commission indefinitely which would also condemn him to a life in the iron but which to be fair that's a Marvel series I would totally watch but could it be possible that spongebob is actually far more resilient than any of the other characters so between the fuzziness about SpongeBob's age the inconsistencies between SpongeBob's supposed age and the actual life expectancy of real sea sponges his many near-death experiences and the presence of literal Roman gods in this world can we be confident in saying that spongebob is immortal and/or invincible okay first let's sort out all the inconsistencies that we've established with SpongeBob's age despite the helpful title cards and the charming French narrator there's a lot of confusion about how time in this show works since there's this kind of floating timeline present throughout the whole thing but at the same time there's also an incredibly rigid and a stem which timeline there's even been an effort on the spongebob wiki to meticulously document every major event of the series and it's here that we're going to find our true answer to how old spongebob is but before we answer this we should acknowledge that spongebob creator Stephen Hillenburg has gone on record jokingly saying that he believes spongebob to be 50 in spunge years but he's also said that he doesn't really believe that spongebob has a Canon age and if I may speak freely mr. Hillenburg that is a valid stance to take and I respect your opinion but that ain't gonna fly for a theory about immortality so let's try to answer this anyway so we're going to stick with SpongeBob's driver's license on this one and say that he was born in 1986 the correction in the timeline that we need to make is actually regarding the timing of the 2004 SpongeBob SquarePants movie when we last tried to map out his age we were going on the assumption that the movie takes place at the same time that it was released in 2004 but this actually isn't the case in fact the first movie was originally intended to be the end of the show and Hillenburg has gone on to say that it pretty much still is and that the movie takes place after the events of the TV show so this effectively makes the movie a sort of retroactive series finale even though new episodes are still being made so this fact actually places the movie much further down the timeline how much further well the first episode of Spongebob help-wanted was released on may 1st 1999 and in this episode spongebob is officially hired to work at the Krusty Krab from there if we generously assume that spongebob was Employee of the Month for every month since then that would place the movie 31 years later around 2030 granted this would mean that spongebob was hired at the age of 13 but he's very enthusiastic about working at the Krusty Krab besides 13s pretty old for a sea sponge so after all of that how old is spongebob with the movie taking place in 2013 that would actually mean that spongebob during the events of this movie is at least 44 years old so now the question becomes why does mr. Krabs call spongebob a kid in the movie how could a sponge that has so far exceeded the average lifespan of a regular sea sponge still be considered just a kid well keep in mind the context of the scene right before mr. Krabs was lecturing spongebob about how he has a long way to go when it come the things like maturity so he was most likely speaking rhetorically when he called him a kid a bit of a roundabout way to tell somebody that they didn't get the job but you can't really deny the fact that SpongeBob's demeanor throughout the show doesn't really do much to overturn Mr Krabs's claim but there's another major factor that we haven't even touched yet and that's whether spongebob actually is a sea sponge while most resources say that spongebob is a sea sponge and while we have seen SpongeBob's parents who are much more sea sponge like this only makes it more obvious that spongebob looks a lot more like your average kitchen sponge especially when shown in dried out forms or above the surface of the ocean now if spongebob were a kitchen sponge that would mean that our theory is mostly okay since artificial man-made sponges don't really have any sort of natural life expectancy however it wouldn't account for the amount of times that he's been torn or damaged so what's the official word on this one well on top of Stephen Hillenburg well-documented background in marine biology we can see his original proto spongebob in a comic that he wrote back in 1984 called the intertidal zone this was an informative comic that he wrote and illustrated about various types of marine life complete with little characters delivering fun facts and one of these characters was a sea sponge that a amazingly went by the name Bob the sponge and be looks an awful lot more like a sea sponge than the sponge bob that we know today considering that the characters of this comic were eventually developed into SpongeBob SquarePants it seems pretty likely that spongebob is definitively a sea sponge and that's not even mentioning that Hillenburg once said that part of the reason he decided to focus on a character like spongebob is because sponges are quote the weirdest animal notice how he didn't say that they were the weirdest artificial kitchen tool or anything like that so with that established well we've already looked at the average life expectancy of sea sponges are there any more variables we can take into account here Hillenburg said himself they're weird animals so do they possess any sort of life prolonging abilities that would contribute to SpongeBob's suppose an immortality to start it's worth mentioning that while the average lifespan of a sponge is about 20 years that doesn't mean that there aren't any outliers I mean there are over 5,000 different species of sponge that we've discovered I say we as in like the greater scientific community I have not discovered any sponges except for you know the ones in my kitchen so naturally certain sponge classifications can live way longer and I'm not talking like an extra five years or something some sponges that have been discovered like the giant barrel sponge can live upwards of hundreds to thousands of years in fact there's even more we can infer from the great barrel sponge because along with being able to live that long they're also surprisingly common in relatively shallow depths ranging from about thirty three feet or ten meters to about three hundred and ninety feet or 120 meters and they're also most common in tropical or Caribbean reefs both the depth and the location are almost a perfect match for SpongeBob SquarePants so there actually is a precedent for long living sea sponges in these kinds of settings but there is one big problem because isn't there always one take a look at the giant barrel sponge as the name suggests it looks like a giant barrel and spongebob well he doesn't look like that like at all and based on how his parents look he's much more likely to be one of those more common varieties of sea sponges with that average 20 year lifespan but let's talk about how sponges are able to reproduce while sponges are capable of reproducing sexually what's far more interesting is how they're able to reproduce asexually without any sort of second party to speak of part of what makes sponges so resilient is their incredible regenerative capabilities if a sea sponge is fragmented as much as down to its individual cells those cells will gradually rebuild in order to eventually make yet another fully formed sponge and that is amazing they're like Jack Harkness from Doctor Who yes you heard it here first Jack Harkness is a sponge but going along with these regenerative capabilities if a living sponge is for whatever reason torn or shattered into a bunch of non microscopic pieces those pieces will begin to grow individually and before you know it you'll have a whole bunch of spongy clones of your own like if you were a sponge person which I'm assuming you're not but if you were and you chopped off your hand you would grow your hand back but also your hand would grow a whole other person attached to it I mean it's kind of a silly comparison because sponges are much simpler organisms compared to humans but that's the basic idea so in SpongeBob's case he would have the ability to reconstitute himself in the event of a traumatic injury and furthermore if spongebob lost the chunk of himself forever he would not only grow that chunk back but that chunk would also grow its very own spongebob now I know that that's not quite the same thing as immortality if I cloned myself and then my clones made clones of themselves that wouldn't make me immortal that would just make the general concept of me functionally immortal but still even if it is just conceptual you got to give some points to the theory for that and that's not even mentioning SpongeBob's virtual indestructibility spongebob may die but his clones live on is it possible that this supposedly 44 year old spongebob is actually a collection of clones that have resulted from the various near-death experiences past SpongeBob's have encountered heck when he was split in two and I had an accident both of his have seemed to keep the same personality so who's to say that any straight chunks of spongebob wouldn't have grown into physically and emotionally identical SpongeBob's it would also explain more clearly why in the 2004 film mr. Krabs call spongebob just a kid because he is he's the last in a long line of clones that have replaced past SpongeBob's this theory has a surprising amount of evidence on both sides when it comes to determining whether or not spongebob is immortal in one column while we've cleared up the confusion with SpongeBob's age there still no accounting for things like a literal God in the universe of the show that might contribute towards an ageless character but at the same time even though we've only been looking at spongebob being immortal we do also have to make the same consideration for everyone else in the series since none of them seem to age any faster than spongebob does even if it is cartoon logic it still stands as a point against this theory but if we also consider the science and the regenerative qualities of sea sponges there are a lot of different conclusions that you could draw it's actually incredibly likely that there have been multiple SpongeBob's that are replacing each other due to his regenerative and cloning abilities granting him to some level either functional or conceptual immortality depending on how you want to interpret it so with that in mind I'm going to rate the conspiracy of Spongebob being immortal 224 consecutive Employee of the Month Awards out of 374 but the graphic below me can just say 3 out of 5 because that's way easier but what do you think do you think spongebob possesses the gift of immortality or do you think that bikini bottom might be host to a whack of spongebob clones and also what's your all-time favorite episode of Spongebob Squarepants that isn't band geeks because that's just objectively the best episode all right so I know what you're thinking we've been here for however long this video has gone on we're not shooting these in order so I'm gonna guess 30 minutes and we haven't even covered the most important mystery in the history of the show which is what the hell is in the Krabby Patty secret formula thankfully Emily took care of that for us I'm here today to ask the most important question ever asked in the entire existence of all of humanity a question so deep and so thought-provoking it puzzled philosophers and oceanographers for thousands of years the question who lives in a pineapple under the sea luckily Nickelodeon has never shied away from answering this age-old question the answer is SpongeBob SquarePants our old pal spongebob swam his way into millions of parts way back in 1999 he's gone on so many adventures with his pals Patrick mr. Krabs sandy Squidward and Gary the snail these guys have been all over ocean and land together to movies and tons of seasons later there's still one question that has yet to be answered and no it surprisingly has nothing to do with how they lit a campfire underwater or why spongebob looks like a kitchen sponge instead of a sea sponge or even why Squidward can't seem to improve at playing the clarinet no there is a much bigger conspiracy to solve in Bikini Bottom SpongeBob's nemesis plankton has been trying to figure it out unsuccessfully for years the real mystery is what is really in that Krabby Patty secret formula mr. Krabs has been keeping the Krabby Patty secret formula safe for years and rightfully so as he runs one of the only popular restaurants in all of Bikini Bottom if his secret gets out his nemesis plankton will quickly use that formula at his rival restaurant the Chum Bucket and take over Bikini Bottom by having comparable burgers I guess it's Plankton's complete motivation throughout the entire series and it's the ultimate goal in both spongebob movies so what's really in that krabby patty well it's been widely disputed and whatever it is the customer seemed to love it there have been tons of fake outz throughout the many seasons of the show what episode titled Plankton's army was specifically about plankton finding the secret formula it was revealed as follows one a pinch of salt 2-3 teaspoons of chopped onions 3 a cup of love and for four pounds of freshly ground plankton obviously this was a joke from mr. Krabs as plankton runs from the restaurant he reveals that this is just a false recipe planted just for the purpose of pranking plankton while the real recipe is hidden safely under his own mattress so here are a few things we do know about the recipe the krabby patty itself is made out of the frozen hamburger with fresh lettuce crisp onions and undersea cheese pickles ketchup mustard and then the addition of the secret formula in the great patty caper it's revealed that some of the ingredients of the secret formula are flour barnacle shavings salt and tumeric one of the repeated ingredients has been mentioned in several episodes including Plankton's army growth spouts crabby road and the Spongebob movie sponge out of water that one ingredient love and another episode Friend or Foe it's revealed that plankton and mr. Krabs actually came up with the recipe together after they had a falling-out they each took home a portion of the list of course was mr. Krabs getting the majority of the list and plankton only getting one ingredient no it's very likely that mr. Krabs would have remembered this one ingredient help me know continue to make the krabby patty successful while all plankton has to go off is Chum and thus the Chum Bucket was born but wait what is cha many ways it's actually a common type of fishing yeah fishing bait no wonder Krabby Patties are so popular but actually it gets a little weird Chum is actually made out of fish parts bones and blood yikes that means that all the residents of Bikini Bottom that eat at the Krusty Krab are actually cannibals talk about a Soylent Green situation so while we may never know the exact recipe of the krabby patty we at least know why all these fish like it so much although it'll definitely make me question the next time I go to a fast-food joint and they offer a secret sauce on their burger it's the same reason I don't eat pies in London but just knowing the secret recipe really matter at the end of the day it brings us great enjoyment watching plankton go to extreme lengths just to get the secret formula if he puts half that amount of time into actually making his recipe good maybe he'd actually have some customers and most importantly never forget we're old pal Sponge Bob Squarepants says remember licking a doorknob is illegal on other planets whatever that means [Music] how's it going man he's camera-shy now there's quite a few weird and screwed up spongebob squarepants theories on the internet and as purveyors of ruining childhoods we at Channel Frederator have done quite a few videos covering those theories today we're gonna dive deep into Bikini Bottom to get to the bottom of one of the most questionable relationships known to man and crustaceans what's up with mr. Krabs and pearl like seriously how did that whole thing happen him being her father logical rational beings would assume she's adopted and call it a day I'm not logical or rational though so yeah but there's been a rather odd Theory circulating on the internet for a couple of years that claims mr. Krabs just might be pearls sucrose filled patriarchy hmm you know there's really no good way to sugarcoat it he's been referred to as her sugar daddy sweet see what I did there was a sugar reference I'm a chemo Channel Frederator and on today's exciting episode of cartoon conspiracy we're gonna delve deep into the reddit theory that asks the question is mr. Krabs pearls daddy or her sugar daddy let's do it approximately two years ago reddit and user by the name of it man to 90 took to the website and asked the question what if pearl isn't mr. Krabs actual daughter but in fact her sugar daddy now I know what you're all thinking Oh gross oh go there look it's a kid show well yes but let's just play devil's advocate for a second here okay guys though it may sound like a crude scenario Nickelodeon shows like Sponge Bob aren't exactly above making crude references and they wouldn't overtly have such displayed on a show whose primary audience is children now before I blow this entire theory out of the water with a cannonball let's first explore the definition of a sugar daddy to see if mr. krabs even fits the bill for being called such now a sugar daddy is a rich older man who lavish his gifts on a young woman in return for her company hmm yeah that does kind of sound like mr. Krabs but the amount of penny-pinching he's done over the years he's a mast quite an amount of wealth and riches to spin them on creatures of the night sea creatures of the night granted we don't know the age of consent and bikini bottom but mr. Krabs is a he's an old crusty crustacean mr. Krabs also refers to pearl numerous times as his daughter you meant no me daughter Pearl she's growing up fast it seems like it was just yesterday who's teaching her how to preach and there's even baby photos of pearl being taken care of by mr. Krabs so you know what this theory pretty much just imploded and collapsed on it's already shaky foundations the real question we need to grapple with is is mr. Krabs her actual daddy you know the biological kind not the sugary kind we've just proven that to be sour fiction now since we've never seen mr. Krabs his wife and he's a different creature from Pearl it's been widely assumed that she may in fact be adopted but there has been one episode to note that might suggest that whales have been in the crabs family lineage for years in the episode dunces and Dragons SpongeBob and Patrick are transported back to medieval times where they run into presumably ancestors of their bikini bottom friends now it's here we see king crabs and princess pearl possibly descendants of the Krabs family now I personally would have just noted this as just being a delusional dream of SpongeBob and Patrick given the fact that medieval sandy was breathing underwater without ahem of some sort that's not possible she's a squirrel but then the episode ends with Patrick impaling one of Squidward's ancestors in the present-day so maybe this wasn't a dream and the actual history of how the Krabs family discovered the Krabby Patties to build their future empire as if it wasn't enough for king crabs to be the ruler of that particular time period yeah at the sale flipping burgers do with subjects well it goes to show the Krabs family has a long history of penny-pinching just pinching the pennies so if we're to take note of this and consider this canonical that means that the Krabs family does in fact have others within the family tree that are in fact whales it wouldn't be out of the ordinary in an animated television show to see cross creature breeding adventure times Jake the dog impregnated Lady Rainicorn giving birth to five kids that have an appearance that either strongly resembles the dad or their mom we've also seen in the television show Regular Show in the epilogue portion of the series finale those jeans are more so based on the dominant traits found in the parents it's safe to say pearls mom's jeans were far more dominant than mr. Krabs like mr. Krabs has stated in the past she takes after her mother the theory that mr. Krabs is in reality pearl sugar daddy is well it's ridiculous it's one of those theories that would have you look solely at the interactions between pearl and mr. Krabs and ignore everything else outside of it I mean like what about the baby pictures what about the significant age difference what about the fact that oh oh that would be way too sick and disturbing for a kids show come on yeah it's much more likely that mr. Krabs is less of a sugar daddy to Pearl and more of a real daddy taking a look at the dunces and Dragons episode though it only gives us a minor glimpse into the history of mr. Krabs family it's enough to say that he may in fact have some whales in his family tree underwater tree yeah those exist now of course if we were to see one of pearls relatives show up in the show and they are not a crab well that'd be the discernible proof we need to finally put this question to rest but since we haven't just yet it's safe to assume that pearl might have been adopted at an early age and raised by mr. Krabs so how do I rate this one mmm well based on the reddit theory of mr. Krabs being pearl sugar daddy I'm gonna have to give it 0 secret ingredients out of 5 mostly because we don't know what the hell that secret ingredient says I don't know do you know but mostly because it's a wild theory full of more holes than SpongeBob's poorest jaundice body and trust me he's got a lot of holes to fill but secrets and lies if we're taking a look at mr. Krabs being her biological dad well I'd have to give that five Krabby Patties out of five we based on the simplistic nature of the show it seems far more likely the showrunners would go with a much more straightforward detailing of mr. Krabs and pearls relationship her mama was a whale and her dad is a crab believe it call it cartoon logic whatever other shows have done the whole cross species mating ritual to varying degrees of success I mean just look at Shrek's donkey and dragon let me ke right now man that relationship is just as weird and complicated as a tiny crustacean doing the horizontal limbo with a whale trust me man is crazy now let's go get some waffles it's my donkey and Cranston man is crazy man I couldn't believe you did that man crazy so what do you guys think about this theory more importantly what do you think happened to pearls mom where is she sweet mother of pearl I hope they find her one day hope she didn't end up in like a Moby Dick situation where she where she I don't know what what happened in Moby Dick I never read that book [Music] that's a shark pearls a shark right speaking of mr. Krabs our next episode is one that was sent in by a fellow conspirator who asked us why is he so addicted to money aren't we all take it away me so in our sort of unofficial series of spongebob videos we've taken a look at pretty much everyone we've taken a look at how spongebob could be immortal how Patrick could be a psychopath how Squidward could be a pathological liar and also very easy to kill we've even taken a look at how Mermaid Man and Barnacle Boy could actually be fish you know it makes me wonder if there's any other character we haven't taken a look at yet oh wait a minute how could we forget dear old Eugene H Krabs the owner of the Krusty Krab and SpongeBob and Squidward boss mr. Krabs has shown throughout the series to have a bit of a thing for money cash moolah cashola cheddar bacon Benjamins Bank greenbacks loot scratch plunder dolla dolla bill y'all but while we know that mr. Krabs likes De Niro one of our viewers from our latest Squidward episode Rachael cramp left us a suggestion that basically boiled down to just one word why and actually that's a really good question so today let's explore the reasons as to why mr. Krabs could be so addicted to money well it's not like we have to stretch too far to establish a money obsession here hello I like money but why no no obviously I'm just kidding let's actually take a look here at mr. Krabs ultimate vice I'm sure that many of us here are familiar with the theory that the characters of Spongebob were partially based on the seven deadly sins but maybe fewer of us are aware that this theory was actually confirmed check out our previous video on the subject here and of these characters sin combos the sin associated with mr. Krabs was obviously greed once again money and while this does provide us with an answer to the characters obsession from a behind-the-scenes creative standpoint let's try to get to the root of mr. Krabs obsession from an in-universe perspective and where else can we start but the life story of one Eugene eight crabs based on the information the show gives us mr. crabs obsession with money actually does make a lot of sense the episode Friend or Foe goes into great detail about mr. crabs upbringing specifically how he lived a childhood of poverty frequently dumpster diving for food clothes basically all of life's essentials and what's more he was completely ostracized from his classmates and also most of society because he grew up poor and the only friend he had was plankton who was alienated through both association with crabs and also because he's let's go with eccentric but sticking with mr. crabs this episode makes it abundantly clear that he worked hard and forged his own path earning his keep and earning something of a small fortune in the process being the most popular fast-food joint in Bikini Bottom and this would effectively and unquestionably make mr. Krabs new money the krabby patty empire he built being your classic rags to riches story at least from mr. Krabs perspective provided you don't include any of Plankton's involved this is all for a Plankton's computer wife KarenT the sword out but after the accidental development of the Krabby Patty secret formula Krabs continued to hone his cooking skill while doing other things like bumming around in the Navy Abed spending some time as a pirate you know normal small business owner stuff and then finally he opened the Krusty Krab and the rest is history and now here we have a self-made crab with a borderline unhealthy miserly preoccupation with collecting money and also earning money and also having money and also just money is great isn't my great guys I'm sorry I think I've just blacked out for 10 seconds and became mr. Krabs sorry about that but there's something particularly intriguing about how Mr Krabs runs his business considering that he just likes to have money on him all the time and his super protective of it he's pretty frugal and isn't really willing to you know spend any of that money that he earned from the citizens of bikini bottom and this supposedly contradicts how society dictates he should be operating with just a quick search on the internet you can find a ton of hot takes about the constant struggles between new money people who suddenly find themselves in a higher tax bracket verse is old money people who grew up in wealthier families who never really had to deal with trivialities like money and many of these articles and comparisons will tell you that generally new money seems to be a lot more liberal in their spending habits going out of their way to make it seem like they're part of the upper class while they're still you know adjusting to that lifestyle possibly making up for some sort of impostor syndrome this feeling that they don't really belong in that exelon of society leading to over compensation like flashy or status symbols and apparently it's actually old money that manages to reliably manage their wealth with careful spending and frugality since they likely never really felt any pressure or feeling that they needed to prove to the world that they were wealthy you know because they just always were really it's not all that different from the conversation that every generation has about the generation to come after them you know you've always got some old money complaining that new money is coming in and being abrasive and obnoxious just like how every generation complains that the one to come after them is just ruining everything you know kind of like how I complain about all of you generations these you know just waltzing in like you own the place with your trap music and your vine celebrities that are all on YouTube now and your fidget spinners I don't know what young people are into these days cup and ball hula hoops that they're rock and roll music and this apparent observable divide between old and new money isn't really a recent development in modern society I mean just read the Great Gatsby for proof that this has been around for a while now but the thing to keep in mind is that these observations on spending habits are more comparable to like stereotypes of new money and they're by no means the rule I mean after all everyone reacts to these situations differently so instead of tiptoeing through this socioeconomic minefield let's instead approach mr. krabs potentially abnormal penny-pinching from a different perspective okay now is the time for the thing since we've referred to this fact in previous episodes of cartoon conspiracy it's obviously no secret that spongebob creator Stephen Hillenburg has a well-documented past in marine biology so let's dip our toes into this and see if we can discover anything now as we see in Friend or Foe mr. Krabs first experience with money was when a certain shiny object caught his eye which then inspired his lifelong romance with money pretty much his entire love affair with money is rooted in his chance encounter with one tiny shiny object I wonder if there are any characters from any other works that share a similar trait maybe from like a recent movie a crab that likes shiny things well looks like this just turned into a double whammy episode because we're bringing Disney's Moana into the mix now and while other than his name he might have absolutely nothing to do with the Polynesian mythology on which Moana was based the giant singing crab Tama Toa surprisingly might actually help us better understand mr. Krabs after all they actually have a lot more in common than you might think considering they both have such an affinity towards shiny things I mean obviously it's not exactly a one-to-one comparison since mr. Krabs views shiny things like money as a tool to raise his social class while Tama Toa simply views shiny things as hedonistic adornments that also serve as a beacon for prey but they're both crabs and they both like shiny things and that is a pretty significant similarity and it can't help but make you wonder is this a common trait in crabs do they actually hoard shiny things like dragons the smaug's of the sea well actually that's already not a very apt description this is because Tama Toa is a species of crab known as the coconut crab which is a species of land crab which has been reported in the past to steal tiny shiny objects like silverware which explains the coconut crabs other more colloquial names like pong thieves or robber crabs and now I'm just imagining a crab with like a little robber mask and it's cute but horrifying but unfortunately they aren't really known for living very aquatic lives and also look at the size of these things this is horrifying it's like someone took a magnifying glass to a regular crab and it just stayed like that forever well I for one welcome new crab overlords but take this information and contrast it against mr. Krabs for starters we don't really know what species of crab mr. Krabs is since most people are just happy to call him a crab there's not really any reason for them to be more specific in the show but based on what we can see it seems like mr. Krabs is a completely different species from Tama tOA's coconut crab as mr. crab seems to spend the vast majority of his time underwater as opposed to you know on land and out of the hundreds of different crab species that there are out there based on images that we've seen of mr. crabs above water in episodes like pressure one possible match for his specific species is this which is also known by its much simpler name of the red claw crab if we go on the assumption that Bikini Bottom is underneath the Bikini Atoll you know at Seoul Atoll however you want to pronounce it this location matches that of the aquatic red claw crab which is known to inhabit much of the indo-pacific region which includes the likely location of Bikini Bottom but now that we have an idea of what kind of crab mr. Krabs is the million-dollar question is does the red claw crab or any crab really share the same Larsen ax straight of the coconut crab and its affinity for shiny things now I know what you're probably thinking you might think that since coconut crabs have this appreciation for shiny things then this must be all true for most other species of crab right but surprisingly the truth is actually the opposite coconut crabs being attracted to shiny objects like silverware actually seems to be more the exception than the status quo as there's far less evidence even anecdotal evidence that other crabs would naturally gravitate to shiny objects like coins though that said there is evidence that other sea creatures particularly predators like barracudas and sharks are also attracted to shiny objects which would make sense since the glint would probably catch their eye what would the Sun reflecting off of them and everything but to relate shiny objects to mr. krabs obsession with money while intriguing would be a bit of a stretch with all of this stuff in mind when trying to determine exactly why mr. Krabs is addicted to money you could still make this argument that crabs are just naturally attracted to shiny objects unfortunately this line of thinking can fall apart when held under scrutiny since it doesn't really account for things like mr. crabs specific species of or the fact that most of his assets are held in paper bills that somehow aren't ruined underwater as opposed to shiny coins like someone like Scrooge McDuck so that doesn't really fit the narrative either but since it's such an interesting idea even though mr. Krabs isn't a coconut crab I'm personally willing to give it some leeway but your mileage may vary when it comes to this interpretation and since we didn't really enter this episode with a theory to prove or disprove we can't really give it a rating but what do you think do you think mr. Krabs going against the grain when it comes to being new money means anything or do you think that mr. Krabs and Telma Toa sharing the same greed could be significant and finally why do you think mr. Krabs has such a burning love affair with money I mean I know we live in a capitalist society and money is pretty awesome the light come on and thanks again to Rachael cramp for submitting this episode idea to us it is way too hot and humid for me to be recording anything right now to finish off we're in old Toronto I mean New York because we're wrapping up today with one of the oldest episodes of cartoon conspiracy the third one ever produced but I'm not gonna spoil it here I'll let Emily tell us are you ready kids what if your favorite phylum Porifera who lived in a tropical fruit deep in the ocean was actually a result of nuclear radiation I'm here to ruin your childhood with this new conspiracy about your favorite sponge and rectangular pants get this Bikini Bottom is underneath a real live place an atoll called Bikini Atoll part of the Marshall Islands in the Pacific Ocean in 1946 the US government detonated a couple of atomic bombs in Bikini Atoll as a part of operation crossroads one of which was set up underwater the radiation then affected these ones normal creatures and their environment make it impossible for a crap to open a restaurant or a squid to play clarinet or a sea sponge to wear pants and a tie so could this really be about our friends of Bikini Bottom well as it turns out this is all very true Bikini Atoll is a real place and these nuclear detonations really happened and not only that but all of this was actually confirmed in the pilot script of Sponge Bob Squarepants so on the possibilty meter I guess I have to give him the Sponge Bob conspiracy of 5 out of 5 sorry about that that video did not last as long as I thought it was going to so I had to run all the way here from where I was before anyway that's going to wrap things up for our SpongeBob SquarePants compilation I hope you enjoyed it please remember to like this video and subscribe to channel Frederator and click that little bell icon to join our notification squad and also if you'd like to see more videos like this one consider donating to our patreon where we post extended creator interviews behind-the-scenes footage all sorts of awesome stuff now if you'll excuse me I have some very important reading to get to [Music] I'll remember Frederator loves you okay nice bye [Music]
Channel: ChannelFrederator
Views: 308,056
Rating: 4.7515106 out of 5
Keywords: spongebob squarepants, spongebob, conspiracy theories about spongebob, spongebob theory, spongebob squarpants conspiracys, patrick, spongebob squarepants theories, 7 deadly sins, squidward, theories about spongebob, conspiracy theory, fan theory, theory, nickelodeon, spongebob squarepants cartoon conspiracy, gary, larry the lobster, mr. krabs, sandy, plankton, channel frederator, channelfrederator, cartoon conspiracy, cartoon conspiracy compilation, 107 facts about
Id: su9rfiarahU
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 62min 12sec (3732 seconds)
Published: Thu May 10 2018
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