7 Most Affordable Electric Motorcycles You Can Buy (w/ good performance)

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electric motorcycles are the Rave of the moment and while many of these still cost a fortune to buy some startups are now fast churning out highly functional and reasonably priced electric motorbikes that wouldn't require you to break the bank these bikes are not just affordable they also come in great designs and are similarly perfect for commuting in just whatever City you might be living in having one of these would also help you save a lot of money on gas maintenance and some other Associated costs in this video we've detailed a few of the most affordable electric motorcycles that you can buy regardless of what part of the world you live in you absolutely want to watch this video till the very end so keep up number seven zero fxs for affordable bikes the xero fxs costs a bit more than other electric motorcycles that fall in the category of being generally affordable the xero fxs has a top speed of 85 miles per hour and a 3.6 kilowatt hour battery for its entry-level model acceleration is particularly blistering for an electric bike with the zero f XS being very compact it likewise has a unique combination of off-road ruggedness and on-road Agility following Zero's successful Lobby for the extension of its electric motorcycle tax credit in the U.S you'll be eligible to save up to one thousand dollars in tax credits if you opt to buy this e-bike from the brand an upgrade of this electric motorcycle comes with a 7.2 kilowatt hour battery and a city range of 100 miles and a mixed range of about 57 miles priced at 9295 the zero fxs gives you value for your money with its insane top speed and exceptional range whether you're looking to go on a long Inner City ride or you're in the mood for some off-road shenanigans the xero fxs is one motorcycle that's constantly ready to push the limit number six Vulcan grunt Vulcan is another electric motorcycle maker that was founded during the pandemic the company describes itself as an electric power sport company and is based in Austin the Vulcan run is their first electric motorcycle that's well suited for outdoor adventure and everyday regular use launched early this year this e-bike has no gears no clutch and no gas and produces very minimal noise this motorcycle also comes with a specially built chassis that allows it to Glide over the toughest terrain with ease the Vulcan grunt is presently priced at just under eight thousand dollars it has an off-road top speed of 60 miles per hour it's 35 kilowatt hour motor also makes it very powerful for all kinds of dirt riding it also comes with very fat tires that are just well suited for any kind of terrain volt can also manufactures a 35 mile per hour version for kids which is known as the runt the grunts motor and Battery are IP67 rated which makes it perfect for tackling any kind of weather its batteries are also swappable and it can additionally hold a spare inside its frame to allow for a quick doubling of range number five Coulter ES1 priced at around six thousand dollars the ES1 looks similar to the fxs but remains uniquely different culture is a largely new entrant into the U.S market and offers very impressive models with the ES1 topping the chart it has a top speed of 62 miles per hour and a battery range of 85 miles with its 3.6 kilowatt hour battery pack the ES1 is an excellent Touring bike on the highway and it also offers a fantastic riding experience when used on country roads the ES1 is widely reputed as being America's first Highway capable electric bike perfect for daily commuting it offers a slim noise proof and that sporty looking Vibe for getting around town its charger is not in Bill like in many e-bikes it's a standalone unit and which makes perfect sense as you don't have to carry extra bulk around this adds to the super lightweight of the ES1 with culture being a relatively new and Niche brand it's pretty too soon to have any idea of how its famous ES1 will fare with long-term use but some industry experts are convinced that it'll do just fine given its unique build number four Saunders medical if there's any electric motorcycle that's fast becoming a favorite among many City dwellers it's the Saunders metacycle despite its visibly complex design the Saunders meta cycle is doubly minimalistic and futuristic in its aesthetic it's very affordable price greatly contrasts its high performance and quality the most recent range test performed by the company revealed the range of this electric bike when measured at a higher speed to be very close to 60 miles this meta cycle offers a top speed of 80 miles per hour one of the highest available for an electric motorcycle and also has a four kilowatt hour battery pack that's way bigger and lasts longer than most of the other electric motorcycles available in the market released in the fourth quarter of 2021 this motorcycle also comes with an auxiliary battery that fills the space in the frame and can be connected to offer more range if you like to have some storage room on your bike the Saunders medical has you covered with its sizeable storage compartment going for a meager six thousand dollars this e-bike is worth every penny number three Onyx RCR the Onyx RCR is another electric moped that is largely considered an electric motorcycle by many in the industry thanks to its exceptional top speed of 60 miles per hour the mic features genuine wood panels in its design and also has a very unique retro Vibe also based in California Onyx makes its retro racer inspired electric motorcycles very affordable and for just four thousand one hundred fifty dollars you can own one yourself off the road you can similarly hit speeds of 60 miles per hour on one of these which is just very remarkable for a bike so lightweighted there have been recent updates to the design of the RCR and more ranges are now available with even more components and features this bike has now been outfitted with the most up-to-date light suspension and electronics this motorbike also has a battery range of 75 miles plus its battery charges at super speed the RCR is fast getting recognized for its quick acceleration and smooth cruising Number Two Hawk Cycles electric mopeds although not commonly classified as a full motorcycle the electric mopeds manufactured by Huck Cycles a North california-based startup found it in the heat of the pandemic have a highly technical build and can reach a top speed of 60 miles per hour given they're very lightweight the company builds this electric motorcycle locally from the ground up and also manufactures its frame whose designs are highly unique these e-bikes from Huck are retro inspired and can be fully customized to your taste hug Cycles have always boasted that no two of its bikes are alike given their diverse customization packages for just thirty five hundred dollars you can get one of the Brand's e-bikes that'd be fully customized to specification these bikes come with a 0.75 kilowatt hour battery and can travel a range of 75 miles at 60 miles per hour before needing to be recharged they are best suited for private use and are road legal in most U.S states the company moved to its new 5 000 square foot facility just last year and has been rapidly expanding ever since especially after news of its unique customization got mainstream attention number one CSC City Slicker electric motorcycle the SC City Slicker is a great bike to have especially if you're a new biker and it's essentially one of the best value for money e-bikes out there this electronic motorcycle is very low cost only selling for roughly twenty five hundred dollars the city slicker is an urban oriented motorcycle and has a top speed of 46 miles per hour which just happens to fall within the financial incentive threshold if you're acquiring this bike from the US while it's not suited for Interstate travel it's a great bike to have for City commute and has a unique Urban Design the city slicker can cover a distance of 30 miles before its detachable battery gets drained and becomes due for a recharge with a peak power of about four kilowatts this bike has a premium sporty feel and can fit two Riders at once from their headquarters in Azusa California the company ships its carefully crafted motorcycles for free all across the U.S and if you're buying this bike from a dealership then you might end up paying as much as twenty eight hundred dollars which is still super affordable CSC also makes Vespa style electric scooters which are not full motorcycles but would be a great fit for you if you so happen to be on an exceptionally tight budget with the wide range of affordable options now available in the market buying an electric motorcycle has never been more exciting some of these bikes are set to change the motorcycle industry as we know it's with their creative features do let us know in the comments which of these affordable e-bikes you'd most likely be buying kindly make sure to give this video a 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Channel: Tech Charge
Views: 223,648
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Keywords: tech, future, electric vehicles, techcharge, tech charge, electric motorcycle, best electric motorcycle, electric motorcycles, electric motorcycle review, electric bike, affordable electric motorcycle, motorcycles, electric motorcycles 2022, motorcycle, electric motorcycle 2022, electric motorcycle build, electric bikes, top electric motorcycle, cheap electric motorcycle, best electric bike, electric motorcycle range, upcoming electric motorcycles 2022, best electric motorcycle uk
Id: sL5ihEpqQ90
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 9min 23sec (563 seconds)
Published: Wed Nov 02 2022
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