7. Jeff Pippenger - The Last Presidents | p.1

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[Music] you Heavenly Father thank you for this day that you're blessed is to receive thank you for the wonderful light that you've been giving us and showing us through the previous presentations that we had as we draw to a close that now today I pray that you'll please bless out a Jeff to present the word once more to us please bless each of us to have humble hearts converted hearts ready to hear and receive the latter rain please bless us to understand these messages that we're receiving in this period in Earth's history and help us to diligently study and apply these words that we may know what is ahead of us may our worship be pleasing and acceptable in your sight we are sees things in Jesus name Amen there's a not a great deal of notes that we're going to read on the notes it's for your own point of reference to these kings of Israel and the presidents so we don't have you don't have a great deal of notes but we're going to spend some time over the next two presentations and perhaps three dealing with the relationship of the presidents of the United States and the presidents of the seventh-day Adventist Church but where one of the things that I'm going to try doing is put this line of thought in place about the presidents both an Adventist Church and of the United States I want to do it in the context of where I started last night that in Abraham's covenant prophecy in Genesis 15 God's people were going to go into captivity into bondage into Egypt and when it's time for them to come out there was going to be three probations that closed the country where they had been captive Egypt was going to close its probation ancient Israel was going to close its probation and the amorite Tsar going to close their probation and I'm suggesting the base upon Genesis 16 and what we understand about end time Bible prophecy that at the end of the world in the time period when the Lord is entering into covenant with the hundred and forty-four thousand probation is going to close upon the seventh-day Adventist Church upon the United States and the and upon the world pretty much simultaneously in fact if you remember when they rebelled and would not go in and take the promised land when they rejected Joshua and Caleb the report sister white says the iniquity of the ammonites had already reached its its limit okay so they could have went right in right then and I'm saying the Amur at amirite represent the world the nations of the world so by the time the Sunday law comes to the United States and closes probation on the United States the rest of the world has already reached that condition pretty much at the same point in time but there's a there's a prophetic sequence that takes place now when I get done with the Presidents where I want to go next was to springboard app off of this this is an old study I haven't finished put in the illustration up here perhaps I'll do that as we get started but I'm sure most of you are familiar with it there came a point in time where we recognized that if we could ask people who was the first president of the United States they'd say George Washington and you'd say wrong that there was actually seven presidents during the Continental Congress and once the Continental Congress had they come together to make a constitution for the new nation and once they put together their first constitution which was called the Articles of Confederation at this point in time then there was ten other presidents until they reached 1789 when they put in place the Constitution that we speak of is the Constitution of the United States and George Washington at the same point in time becomes the first President of the United States I was going to use this point of reference to springboard into Tessa's presentations on the Revolution the French Revolution the Russian Revolution and what I'll call the German Revolution three lines of revolution that she used to illustrate our history here in the United States because here in the history when the United States is first beginning with the first president and it's and it's Constitution is the beginning of the French Revolution and it's my contention that France was to be the glorious land of your it was given opportunity to be the light of of that continent just as the United States was given this possibility here at its outset and France was illustrating a country who has rejected that that privilege at the same point in time when the United States is beginning to accept that responsibility and we know on several testimonies that France typifies the United States so what you have here in 1788 is you have a chosen land that has rejected its high calling and is suffering the the results that we know as the French Revolution at the very point in time when the other chosen land the United States is beginning its period of history so I'm going to use this in in in theory to dovetail when I get there three or four presentations now into these revolutions try to bring them down into our history and I think I'll fill this out this here is pretty much review there this seventh president a guy named Samuel Huntington I think it's in your notes was the seventh of these first list of presidents but he was also the first of the next ten so he creates this anomaly here that's the right way to say it of the eighth because at this level he's the eighth is of the seven and this expression comes from revelation 17 speaking about the eighth kingdom in revelation 17 and it was in the public record for a long time in Revelation 7 the kingdoms of Bible prophecy the final kingdom of sake of satanic kingdom of Bible prophecy is those last three kingdoms the United States the United Nations and modern Rome and they come together to form the threefold Union so we've we've dealt with this expression that comes from revelation 17 for years and it was important but only here in the past a year and a half has this particular prophetic expression really started to impact us as present truth as we realize that the seventh churches of Revelation that the there is an eighth that you can only see if you're digging for hidden manna and just as the first kingdom in revelation 17 was Babylon and the last the eighth kingdom is modern Babylon the first of the churches is Ephesus and the last is Ephesus and this eighth is of the seven became an even more significant symbol here in the recent period of time and for those of you I don't know that I'll get to this but I'm going to put it in the public record for those of you that have watched sister Tessa's presentations particularly the one on the the counterfeit where she's dealing with Fatima if you paid attention to her counterfeit history she lists seven popes and she didn't get into the details really about the struggle so much within the Catholic Church but she did if you were familiar with those struggles then you would have it would have been easy to see that she was addressing a very common understanding in the Catholic Church and that is is that the Catholic Church struggles between a liberal side and a conservative side and this current point Pope is a liberal Pope and according to Catholic prophecy hundreds of years old they there was going to be exactly so many pups was 112 122 anyway she put in the record and so the Catholic Church has been prepared for a couple centuries to believe this is the last Pope because he's reached that number and sister tests put those seven Pope's into that counterfeit history if you know what I'm talking about say Amen because I'm not going to explain this but I want you to see this do you know what I'm talking about okay so she dealt with Fatima mmm and she didn't draw it didn't point out maybe she didn't know and maybe you don't know but pope john paul ii was one of these conservative popes okay and the books are referred to that was written by Malachi Martin Malachi Martin was a Jesuit author a historian of the Catholic Church that was very close to John Paul - some people say that Malachi Martin was actually a ghostwriter for some of the things that John Paul - supposedly wrote they were that close and he was a historian and he only wrote one book that wasn't a history book it was a novel it was his final book and then he died and in the Catholic circles they say he died of strange circumstances and I would submit to you that the Galen group that she was referring to this liberal group may have offed him okay but he wrote a book his final book right before he did die whether it was natural causes or otherwise it was called windswept house and somewhere through the years that book developed legs and it left my house and I don't know where it is any longer okay and it was a novel and by the time I was done handling the story of Fatima it didn't mean a whole lot to me but here's what I'm gonna tell you in sister Tess was not addressing this sister to Tess I don't think saw this and when you're dealing with Catholic prophecy you got to take it with a grain of salt okay but in any case Malachi's Martin's last book was a novel and it was about the struggle between the liberal side of Catholicism and the conservative side and he was conservative and when he portrays this struggle in the Catholic Church the liberal side of Catholicism is the bad Pope and the conservative side of Catholicism is the good Pope and in his novel it starts with a scene about the bad side the liberal side of Catholicism having a a satanic ceremony and I believe it for some reason it sticks in my mind that it was somewhere in Florida where they were making some kind of covenant with the devil to take over the Catholic Church this is this novel that he writes and in order to accomplish that they they the good Pope who was then ruling either has to die be assassinated or he has to go into retirement which I don't ever go into retirement but that's that's the three possibilities and this is all in connection with this story of Fatima and I have a reason for town this and I'm going to get done with it and move on [Music] but the book doesn't it tells this story about this struggle and finally the good Pope he goes into retirement and that's pretty much as I remember where the book ends it doesn't say what happens from there and there is now a pope that's in retirement since that book has been written and he's in the category of what Malachi Martin and pope john paul ii would call a good Pope okay so their contention in this book their understanding of the prophecy of Fatima is that there's going to be a limited nuclear war which will be the third world war that will be brought to a conclusion by the return of Christ and the whole world will know that it's Christ because when Christ returns he will prove that he's Christ by calling fire down out of heaven at that point the bad Pope that is ruling the Catholic Church is going to be removed and the good Pope is going to come out of retirement and open the gates of the papacy to Christ who's just come in heaven and called fire down out of heaven and turned the Catholic Church over to him and sister White says the Catholic Church was a masterpiece of Satan's effort to place himself upon the throne of the earth he has to have a world organization to rule from when he returned so if into their structure so now this is all I'm saying okay if you remember her counterfeit Fatima story she she in this history that lines up nicely with the reformatory movements as we understand it she has seven popes and the final pope is the guy that's ruined right now but the conservative side of Catholicism has been prepared that there's going to be a resurrection of the good Pope at the end of the world because the in 8th will be of the seven so I'm just wanting you to see as we get to the end of the world this expression the 8th is of the seven it begins it's it's it's becoming more significant as we go further down the stream of time now if if you're following if you know this already George Washington's first president Donald Trump last president 45th president and in this history here when Donald Trump transitions into the leader of the United Nations as we understand that he's going to he's going to go from a singular president as George Washington was here and he's going to come into agreement with the ten Kings but this Agreement is going to be very quick okay the probations already filled up for everyone and we know that this in this history here this being D Sunday law that this is where the threefold Union takes place between the Beast the dragon and the false prophet so Trump becomes Ahab he becomes the leader of the United Nations he commits fornication with Jezebel but what I'm saying is you can see in this history these ten Kings are still going to exist but you're also going to have a three-fold Union and I'm saying three from ten to seven so you have this same scenario of the history of the United States begins with seven then you have this dynamic that Huntington was the seventh president and also the first therefore mathematically he's the eighth he's up the 7 he was one of the seven it's right here in the beginning and then you have ten Kings that bring ten presidents that bring you to the first president and the last president is Trump and he's going to come into this history right here where we know the threefold Union of revelation 17 is that the eight is of the seven marking it right here and you can see the same mathematical structure okay so we we saw that way back when we started understanding that Trump was the last president and it led to the French Revolution and then we moved on now we could even add this I suppose and then I'll get back I'll start getting on our studies if I extend this history out here the pilgrims first sighted the United States on November 9th 1620 okay so that's right right okay 1620 I was okay so and Trump is elected on November 9th 1620 in this November ninth is certainly becoming an issue that's what I was drawing up there and didn't get quite finished we'll have some more to say about that as we proceed I'll explain this as we proceed let's go to our notes what I'm going to try to do now is show that in 1863 from 1863 shield Donald Trump that you're going to have Donald Trump is the 19th Republican president and that Ted Wilson is the 20th president of the General Conference of seventh-day adventists and that Israel had 19 kings the northern kingdom and that Judah had 20 and that right here where the seventh-day Adventist Church and begins with its first General Conference president in 1863 you can see this internal/external line going through history and we're now approaching the election of Donald Trump that'll take place in 2020 and the next general conference session for the seventh-day Adventist Church where they could elect the General Conference president is in 2020 so we're coming to 2024 both of these presidential elections and we're far enough up this prophetic path that we could see enough evidence that this there is no such thing as coincidence in God's Word or in history or the things that are taking place around us okay there just isn't it where I got to last night when time ran out even crystallized for me more what I was trying to show last night as I ended is it the Lord was throwing out numbers and symbolic periods of time and we had no problem recognizing them as he opened them up and then we had no problem seeing how they could fit into past history that was after 1844 in it we had no heartburn about it okay we could see from 1611 to 1831 there was 220 years we'd already understood the 220 as being restoration and we could see from the King James Bible in at 1611 then in 1831 William Miller rules is bringing power into the King James Bible then with that would be in the beginning of Adventism in our history we could see that in 1776 the glorious land arrives in prophetic history and 220 years later in 1996 the Lord raises up a ministry called future for America 220 years later and it happened that it was raised up in 1996 and therefore it was past history so we could look at that 2:20 and have no problem because it was past history even if though it was after 1844 and we knew that after 1844 time would be no longer wasn't the problem but we showed you last night if you remember that in abraham's history he had two prophecies two types of prophecy a singular and one that was divided in two right in the middle and this in it tested Abraham and his generation he was tested on time prophecy with the birth of Isaac and so - as it in the beginning of ancient Israel with Moses they were tested on - time prophecies closely connected one that was a singular period of time one that was divided in the middle and at the end of ancient Israel the time of Christ same story - time prophecies closely related one that's a singular 490 years and the last week of those seventy weeks divided right in the middle and they were tested on that and in millerite history - time prophecies twenty five twenty singular point of time six seventy seven 1844 and one divided and they were tested on that therefore based upon four testimonies it's pretty easy to see that part of our test at the end well we're going to be tested on two types of time prophecy one singular one divided in the middle and by the time we were waking up to this we were already handling the 151 in the 126 and then when the heart burden set in because then we began to see that some of these periods of times projected into the future and now we're were way out on the limb okay but the Lord has managed this under his own his own ways and means he was training us to see it he was he was allowing us to exercise faith in these things as we went along so we're not most of us in this room I don't think how are too shook up about it that we can tell that some of these things are pointing to the future in spite of what we've been trained in our traditions and customs of Adventism concerning not reapplying time prophecies immediately after 1844 so so here we are that's where I was starting last night and what why did I go there anyway there are some other elements of time connected with these presidents that also project beyond the current day and age so I'm gonna put some of those in the record over the next couple presentations my struggle at this point I don't know if it's anybody I'll to store is that I'm understanding the light that's coming from these presidents is valid it's you're gonna see it's just as consistent in my mind is what sister Tess is sharing and I'm struggling on how to bring them together okay because at surface value right now some up some parts of them don't seem to to join to mesh so well but my experience is is that that's usually the case when the Lord opens up new truth you don't understand it all right off the bat so I'm trusting that if he's been leading for the last 29 years he hasn't washed his hands of us at Jett and he's going to bring this all together so I'm gonna put this in the record so a year first your first quote there if you didn't know America is named after Amerigo Vespucci and Amerigo means a work ruler or a home ruler and a miracle Vespucci among being a Explorer he was a merchant so what I'm saying is America means the ruling merchant power which in Biblical prophecy would be the ship of Tarshish of the ten merchant ships the primary one is the United States and if you understand what Donald Trump's been doing since he's been president he's been letting the whole world know hey we're the most powerful merchant ship on the water I don't care if you're China or or anyone if you want to have a trade or Canada if you would have a trade war I'm willing to do it okay and at this point he's getting his way because this is part of who they are revelation 13 says they're going to force the whole world to receive the mark of the beast in order to buy or sell okay they have the power to to exercise that element of society and the guy that was used to name America his name corresponds to that very thing so you have some history here in the next quote in the next passage that corresponds to this history over here the development the Constitutional Convention the reason it's a Constitutional Convention is they're coming to to write a constitution in these presidents they don't have the Constitution they're coming together to write a constitution and the first one they wrote is the Articles of Confederation that's these ten presidents the Articles of Confederation pretty much the same but different than the Constitution the Constitution is fine they're finally finished with it here it's put in place in March I believe of 1789 and George Washington is sworn in as the first president of the United States you can see this history here I don't necessarily have to go through it you can go through it on your own time but on the bottom just to remind us of some things on the bottom of page one it was marked worth okay George Washington and so I have a is it all right if I give an assignment is it okay all right brother Theodore I want to know what March 4 1789 is in the biblical reckoning of time that you're that you're doing okay anyway he died I think I know what I'm asking but I'm pretty sure he knows what I mean so we'll see what he comes up with 4th March 4th 1789 was what and you don't have to do it now I don't stop listening I've just keep that's your homework for tonight George Washington was the risen richest president there ever was until Donald Trump and he got rich through real estate as did Donald Trump and George Washington it took him the longest period of time to get his cabinet appointees appointed and confirmed for George Washington it was because they were starting to brand new government and they just didn't they weren't familiar with the nuts and bolts on how to accomplish that but these are the same characteristics of the last president Donald Trump for different reasons but he's the richest his wealth is from real estate and he has had I don't know if all this cabinet guys are confirmed even yet ok he's he's far surpasses any other president so we're saying that Jesus illustrates then from the beginning this is one of the proofs that Hilary's not going to be elected in 2020 okay it's a Donald Trump all the way to the end I say that because there's still people out there teaching that okay so just a couple couple points on page two that we should know about the Constitution of the United States many were driven across the ocean to America and here laid the foundation of civil and religious liberty which have been the bulwark and the glory of this country the glory of the United States is its Constitution because the Constitution is where civil and religious liberty is enshrined so until the point in time when the Constitution is overturned the United States prophetically is the glorious land when the Constitution is overturned it ceases to be the glorious land because the Constitution is its glory just so you know it one of the things that I'm grappling with right now is was the constitution overturned at 9/11 or does it get overturned fully at the Sunday law either the Sunday law that marks a midnight cry or the Sunday law that we call the Sunday law I'm trying to come to grips with that but in any case whenever it's fully overturned the glorious land is no longer the glorious land because it's the Constitution that makes it glorious and the two horns you can see on the bottom part of the great controversy 252 the next quote republicanism and Protestantism became the fundamental principles of the nation these principles are the secret of its power and its prosperity and those two horns Protestantism was captured on the first day of the first month in 1844 on April 19th when it rejected the first angels message and it typifies 9/11 in our history where republicanism that horn was conquered and that's part of this prophetic scenario that we're speaking to okay in the next quote you can see that the United States is the glory of the whole earth alright on page three Samuel Huntington the seventh president of the Continental Congress from 1779 to 1781 and also the first of the ten presidents that ruled with the articles of constituent I've already marked that for us here so when we're dealing with Donald Trump I'm just going to mention some things that are pretty much in the public record there are many presidents that typify Donald Trump I tried to print out if I could have got it to print out in the just the past few days there's some artists and I don't know if he's a Republican or just a non-political but evidently whenever there's a new president he'll paint a picture and he'll put what he did he's did it more than once but this time he painted a picture of all the Republican presidents including Trump and they're all just sitting around and you that was out on the Internet in the past 72 hours and Donald Trump's over there drinking a coca-cola and George Bush junior and senior was there and Abraham Lincoln's at the table and any as you look in the back you can count 19 presidents okay and I tried to print it out but it was to get its eyes to get in here just to make the point that Donald Trump is the 19th Republican president but he has been typify de fête eclis by several presidents of course the heebie typify by the first Republican president which would be Abraham Lincoln but we know that in this history here of Donald Trump were going to go in the third world war and we know that the third world war is governed by a triple application of prophecy so the presidents that were involved in the First World War and the Second World War are going to typify the president that is involved in the third world war because it's a triple application of prophecy so you have those two presidents that are also typifying Donald Trump and though that's pretty much a matter of public record the reason I'm just reminding us of that is because we're probably not too familiar with putting any typification upon the presidents of the seventh-day Adventist Church and I want to be able to do that and I want you to understand the logic and justification for doing that okay so I'm gonna take you can see in your notes Woodrow Wilson would typify Donald Trump because he was the president during World War one and Franklin Delano Roosevelt these aren't Republicans was the president during the Second World War he would also typify Donald Trump and there's a third man in history that typify Donald Trump as we know okay you know Napoleon and Hitler but we're talking about presidents now and so I'm just gonna take Abraham Lincoln to make a point and Abraham Lincoln in 1863 you have it in your notes first Republican president he he proclaims the Emancipation Proclamation and he frees the slaves okay so we use that to understand that in the time of Donald Trump slavery is going to return and in the middle of the war in September 15th 1863 Abraham Lincoln suspended habeas corpus which is martial law okay he implemented martial law therefore there's going to be a Civil War there was a civil war in the time period of Abraham Lincoln sister white says there's going to be a civil war and there's going to be martial law and sister white says that as well and Abraham Lincoln was involved with all these things he was free in this slave slavery is going to return during the time of Donald Trump there's going to be a civil war in the time period of Donald Trump and he's going to implement martial law and Abraham Lincoln was assassinated okay so remember in Daniel chapter 2 Daniel tells Nebuchadnezzar Nebuchadnezzar Thou O king are the head of gold a king is a kingdom so you Donald Trump does not have to be assassinated to have been typifies by the assassination of Abraham Lincoln even though they've worked for a hundred and fifty years or whatever it is to try to cover it up the Jesuits have it's still available in history it's easy to demonstrate that it was a Catholic Church that assassinated Abraham Lincoln easy too easy to demonstrate so in Trump's history he's going to be assassinated by the Catholic Church and I'm saying he doesn't have to die for that to happen because we know that at the Sunday law of the United States Thou O king are the head of gold he represents the United States the sixth kingdom of Bible prophecy the glorious land is going to die here at the hands of the papacy just like Abraham Lincoln did in 1865 so doesn't necessarily mean he's going to get an assassinated but for sure the United States is going to come to this end in this history so you can see some quotes that correspond to what we're saying that Abraham Lincoln typifies from Spaulding McGann page 21 slavery will again be revived in the southern states for the spirit of slavery still lives therefore will not do for those who labor among the colored people to preach the truth as boldly and openly as they would be free to do in other places even Christ clothed his lessons and figures and parables to avoid the opposition of the Pharisees okay Marshall Law Abraham Lincoln suspended habeas corpus I'll read that first paragraph and then there's another quote with two paragraphs the other paragraph with two pair the other quote with two paragraphs going to speak about martial law as well but it's also going to bring in the role of the Christian Coalition the Christian Right okay and we know it's the Christian right that has put Donald Trump in office and whether they understand it or not their whole purpose is to implement the sunday law so they were active in the time period his sister white and in their activity she mentions that active despotism is going to return but I won't read it you can read it afterwards I'll read the one that says martial law it says our land is jeopardy the time is drawing on when it's legislators shall so observe the principles of Protestantism as to give countenance to Romish apostasy the people for whom God has so marvelously wrought strengthen them to throw off the galling yoke of popery will by a national act give vigor to the corrupt faith of Rome and thus aroused the tyranny which only waits for a touch to start again into cruelty and despotism underlined despotism with rapid steps we are already approaching this period now the next two paragraphs she's gonna mention despotism again but just turn the next page and you'll get the definition of despot and despotism a despot an emperor king or Prince invested with absolute power it does everyone have it's their notes from last night because as I read price I realized it was a typo it should be Prince and sister Brittany reminded me at the beginning of this presentation that the first reference that I had for self same where I couldn't figure out what it was it was Genesis seven thirteen and I was kicking it because I had Genesis 17 13 and I couldn't figure out what I meant and she figured it out so if you want to correct your notes the first reference of self-same that I'm saying represents a covenant is Genesis seven thirteen [Music] because on that self same day Noah and his family entered the ark something along that line in that verse covenant anyway it's Prince not price back to despot an emperor king or Prince invested with absolute power or ruling without any control for men Constitution or laws you're not ruling with the Constitution any more hands in a general sense a tyrant despotism sister White says active despotism is going to return to this country absolute power Authority unlimited and uncontrolled by men Constitution or laws and depending Allah alone on the will of the prince and when Abraham Lincoln suspended habeas corpus you if they came and arrested you they could throw you in jail without any attorney and leave you there as long as they wanted just like the Patriot Act gave them the power to do okay so it happened with the first Republican president it's going to happen at the end of the world it's going to happen in the period of Donald Trump now there's already been in the public record when we've dealt with the triple application of World War 1 World War two and where we're headed with Rafi and Pentium World War three that because it's a triple application of prophecy there's certain characteristics of those first two wars that will be be repeated in our history and also that took place in the Civil War in this in this sense one of the problems for James White in the Civil War as he was afraid as older son was going to get drafted okay that's that's part of the motivation about coming together with the governor government and in World War one because of the draft in Germany that was the birth of the seventh-day adventists reform movement okay and in World War two because of the draft in various countries advent of Adventism also had big problems so in the Civil War World War one and World War two the the draft becomes an issue that tests God's people and therefore some of us if you would if you if you listen to sister Tessa's presentation and I'm not claiming that she's what I'm gonna say I'm not claiming she said but I know some people listen to her presentations and thought without her saying it and they're wrong for thinking it that she was saying that we're gonna go into an ever-increasing information war but it's just going to be an information war okay there it's not going to be blood spilled or it's not gonna be bombs and bullets okay but she never said that and I don't believe she believes that okay it's just she wasn't dealing with that she was dealing with the ramifications of the information war that that is taking place now before our very eyes so what I want to tell you is one of the characteristics that's already been and put in place is that in 1863 in the Civil War and in the First World War and in the Second World War the drafting of young men was an issue that impacted God's church and therefore you know you got a war coming because they only start drafting people because they're running out of soldiers okay there's a war coming that's going to be intense enough that they're gonna start drafting people alright so and I'm just saying that she wasn't denying that okay so the next quote civil war in the time period of Abraham Lincoln the first Republican president therefore there's going to be a civil war in the last Republican presidents presidency that's a Donald Trump from manuscript releases vol 5 it says God does not design that men shall appropriate all that the earth produces for their own selfish purposes he calls upon them to bring their tithes and offering into his storehouse that there may be meat in his house in India China Russia and the cities of America thousands of men and women are dying of starvation the moneyed men because they have no the power to control the market they purchased at low rates all they can obtain and then sell it greatly increased prices this means starvation to the poor class and will result in a civil war okay so she's saying there's another civil war coming first Republican president Civil War last Republican president going to be a civil war and then you have underneath the notes that are in the public record of a triple application of prophecy and that's Rome when Rome conquers it conquers three entities you see it on your notes on the bottom of page four okay when pagan Rome conquered the world in Daniel 89 it had to conquer the East Syria the pleasant land Judah and the south Egypt and if you go into that history in the middle country there which is the pleasant land when Rome was conquering it it was in the middle of a civil war okay when papal Rome took control of the world it had over the hero lie the Vandals and the Goths and the second power had overcome was the Vandals and when it did the Vandals were involved in a civil war therefore based upon the testimony of two and a triple application of prophecy when modern Rome conquers the world it's going to have to conquer the king of the south the glorious land in verse 41 in Egypt and verse 42 and 43 of Daniel 11 and when the United States gets conquered in this history by Rome at the Sunday law they are going to be in the middle of a civil war based upon this a triple placed upon straightforward spirit of prophecy quote triple application of prophecy and that Jesus illustrates the end from the beginning now that we are here here's what I'm saying is that when Israel and Judah were divided okay we're not talking about Saul David and Solomon we're talking about Ray Obama in the south and Jeroboam in the North when they were divided Israel was would have 19 kings before ho Jay has taken into captivity and Judah would have 20 before Zedekiah watches his children get murdered and then his eyes were gouged out okay so what we're identifying is that in 1863 the line that is represented by Judah we're saying as Adventism and the presidents of the General Conference since 1863 equate to 20 and the presidents of the United States the Republican presidents equate to 19 so we're saying that the I'm saying these two histories of Israel and Judah are speaking to us at the end of the world do you follow the logic so here you have a list of the kings of Israel the northern kingdom the 19 and the kings of judah the southern kingdom and let me start with with some basic I want to use this now I'm gonna use this graph I know it's small but I'm just gonna use some simple prophetic application that I'm sure most of you in this room are gonna say oh well that's easy okay this is gonna be real simple but okay so so it's one of it is is it wouldn't be simple for any other seventh-day Adventist but we know the seven thunders right we know the seven thunders are the last seven kings of Judah and the last seven kings of Israel and the Seven Persian kings and and we know it's the first seven kings of Judah and the first seven kings of Israel we know a lot about seven thunders so that's an established truth right okay so what I'm saying here is Israel the Northern Kingdom is the Reap is the presidents of the United States the Republican presidents Donald Trump is the 19th Republican president okay and that therefore he would be represented by Hosea yes the last king of ancient Israel if you follow me say Amen okay but we know the seven thunders if we're going to go from Hosea then we'll back up and begin with the seven Thunder application at who Jeroboam - right be Jeroboam - you see it in your notes put a line right over the top of Jeroboam - everyone got a pan so Jeroboam twos one Zechariah's twos Shalom shreemant Menahem is four pekka haya is five pekka is six and hojae is seven there's the seven thunders right okay but that's the end of ancient Israel what's the beginning of ancient Israel it starts with Jeroboam one is that not an easy symbol we started the seven thunders at the end with Jeroboam - but now we're going to start the seven thunders at the beginning of ancient Israel with Jeroboam one Jeroboam one Jeroboam - easy follow me okay so we're gonna go Jeroboam one is one Nate abbas - baisha is 3 e less fours Emery's five Omri six and who's number seven a hab so Ahab is lining up with who Hosea so when it comes to trump if you following the logic if you're following the logic then trump is illustrated by Hosea who's gonna go into captivity and never heard from again yes but he's also going to be typifies by Ahab yes that's what we're saying over here is that right here Donald Trump is going to transcend from the president of the United States to the president of the United Nations because he's going to be a hab he's going to be the first one to commit fornication with Jezebel he's going to be the the head of the ten Kings was not a have the head of the ten Kings yes so my point about putting this in place is it's in this history here from the midnight cry to the Sunday law where we have the parallel kingdoms right so we know that over here Donald Trump he's going to be a ham he's going to go through this history he's going to enter this history is the 19th the the 45th President of the United States 19th Republican president but he's gonna come out of this history as Ahab being married to Jezebel you follow the logic what happens in here carmel right right here right here this isn't the midnight ride of the sunday law mount carmel and what happens in mount carmel the whole world is choosing between the true prophet and the false prophet and fire comes down in here and proves who the true prophet is okay so this is the history if you're going to identity and I am if you're identifying Donald Trump as Ahab it's speaking to this history where he's transcending from the United States the United Nations and I'm saying in this history there should be the story of Elijah calling fire down out of heaven in the sight of man you with me Judah this is this is the last president of the General Conference okay [Music] and so he's represented by Judah the kings of Judah of which they were 20 so we know that if you just put a line above I'm Manasseh yes now we're dealing with Judah if you do the same thing you did with Jeroboam too if you put a line above Manasseh then you've got the seven thunders Manasseh and Josiah joy has Joey Hakeem Joey chin and Zedekiah so at the very end Wilson's being typifies by Zedekiah yes okay I pay attention to what brother Theodore was saying okay brother Theodore bukata he's saying that next year that Judas goes to the Sanhedrin to blow the whistle on Christ and his disciples okay in in our understanding Judas would be people that have left this platform and come together with the seventh-day Adventist Church to reach out to the government to try to squelch this message as it goes forward and we've been preaching that for a long time but we never thought it was gonna be next year that way okay so so pay attention to that because in this coming history as I understand it on Sunday this ministry is going to release a documentary about the desolations of Jerusalem that has the potential to really frustrate the leadership of the seventh-day Adventist Church but at the same point in time when I'm about to say about the last General Conference president of the seventh-day Adventist Church is probably going to be a little bit frustrating as well and I'm not trying to be in your face about anything I'm just trying to tell you that the message is it's opened up kind of provides the context for the irritability that comes upon the leadership of the seventh-day Adventist Church at the end of the world and I want to remind you that it's a documented fact that it was a General Conference of the seventh-day Adventist Church that called the Attorney General of the United States and blew the whistle on David Koresh in Texas and Janet Reno began that process where all those people died okay and they were whacked-out brothers and sisters I'd had to deal with the teachings of Jesus David Koresh it was a bunch of foolishness it wasn't just a bunch of foolishness man it was sick perverted stuff but they weren't supposed to die the way they died but the reason that the government ended up there was because the General Conference in the United States called the Attorney General so we even have a historical president for things like this happening so I'm forewarning you when brother Theodore is going to tell us that on I think he's probably going to tell us on November 9 to 2019 that that's when Judas covenants with the Sanhedrin to sell out this movement that what we're saying right now about these general conference presidents and this documentary that's about to go out in the next few days it probably gives a pretty good motivation for that thought process to make sense okay so when you're dealing with Wilson one of the characters in the Bible prophecy that he's represented by because there's represented as by Judah is Zedekiah okay and Zedekiah gets to watch all of Adventism gets slain right before he goes in to permanent blindness you follow me but that's the end of Judah let's go to the beginning of Judah so you go up to the top you go rayou bomb we're gonna count down seven rayou Boam Abijah ASA Jehoshaphat Jehova's I a hazy ax and a Celaya did you know there was a king that was a queen ooh this is athelia and what's she a good queen or a bad queen bad queen what did she do she attempted to kill all of the royal seed and there was one Josh that was saved okay so in this history here you got two witnesses from the seven thunders about the activities of this president in the same period of time that we're learning about the activities of this president okay and are you following the logic scary stuff now what I'm saying brothers and sisters is that the climax for Trump transcending into Ahab is in this period of time from the midnight cry the Sunday law which we call parallel kingdoms right this is where the six kingdom of Bible prophecy is going down and the seventh kingdom of Bible prophecy is coming up yes so in this history of the history of the midnight cry of the image of the Beast testing time what is a common symbol of the midnight cry perhaps the most common it's a doubling so let's let's look at atholea is how you pronounce your name go to 2nd Kings 11 they're finally going to be an uprising against Ethel Ethel Leah and they're gonna execute her okay and they're gonna put joash on the throne but let's let's there the uprising is underway let's start in 2nd Kings 11 and start in verse 12 just to give you a little bit of context it says and he brought forth the king's son and put the crown upon him and gave him the testimony and they made him King and anointing him and they clapped their hands and said god save the king and when atholea or atholea heard the noise of the guard and of the people she came to the people into the temple of the Lord and when she looked behold the King stood by the pillar as the manner was and the princes and the trumpets by the king and all the people of the land rejoiced and blew with trumpets and a fillet a renter close and cried what treason treason there's a doubling and what is she crying treason what's her mess what's her message what's the message that Caiaphas had to put in place in order to crucify Christ twofold had to teach the the seventh-day adventists that this group was blaspheming God but had to convince the Roman authorities that they were committing treason okay so right in here Arthur Lea is saying treason treason right before she dies and the new king is put on the throne so just just bear with me a moment we have five minutes this history here among other things not worrying about these presidents on either side at this point it's this is the history of Carmel okay Trump is transcending from the President of the United States to being the head of the United Nations the premier king of ten kings therefore this contest between Elijah and who takes place in this history pardon me Elijah and the Prophet Sibylla is sister Lin right she's half right whose bail in this issue who had bail B who's a who would who had the profits of bail be the false prophet would that be the United States does the United States get slain right here yes I would say the prophets of bail or the United States they're the false prophet of Bible prophecy and they're the six kingdom of Bible prophecy is going to come to a conclusion right here because in the story of Elijah they're going to get slain so right here the prophets of Bill they get slain correct who else get slain the priests of the Grove the priests of the Grove there's a double slaying here you ever wondered why there's two there's two entities that are coming to a conclusion here one is the sixth kingdom of Bible prophecy of political anity the United States the other is a structure of the seventh-day Adventist Church it comes to its conclusion right here it gets slain right here and the last leader of the seventh-day Adventist Church gets to watch it all happen and then go into permanent blindness now I have three minutes or yeah I have three minutes let me take you you've got a list here of the presidents of the United States or the presidents of the General Conference but I want to tell you something that I never understood but I got to make this point for you I'm on page nine now I want to make up just one point for you when I worked at Hope International in Hartland their whole purpose for being in existence and the other ministries they worked with the steps to life with crows ball and John Osbourne Ralph Larson and all those guys their whole purpose was to oppose the new theology that had brought in been brought into Adventism okay so that was this struggle that they were in at that time and and I came in you know I'm the I'm the new kid on the block I'm a little bit interested in that but not much I'm interested in prophecy but they used to always there was one General Conference president I I remember in the firm foundation magazine from time to time they would print this General Conference president's call for reform they'd really like this guy and I didn't I knew they liked him but I never took the time to understand who he was his name's Pearson if Pearson is one of the seven last General Conference presidents in the seventh day of in his church and the people that were worried about the apostasy in the seventh-day Adventist Church they're always pointed to this guy like he was a faithful guy that was really trying to work on a worker reform okay so as we close here I will come back to this but I want to point out something you got on page nine it says seven thunders you've got the last seven general conference presidents of the seventh-day Adventist Church and I want to point out that the fit from the bottom is this Pearson guy and who does he correspond to Josiah the one King in the seven last Judean kings that tried to accomplish a reform but Robert Pearson he died in 1989 shall we pray a Heavenly Father we are approaching Solomon serious times we have a responsibility to receive and internalize the light that you are opening up to us we have a responsibility to proclaim it keep our life in agreement with that light but we can see not only external crises approaching but we can see internal crises we ask that you give us the wisdom and the grace as individuals representing you on planet earth to be doing a work of reconciliation as we carry the most serious solemn message to those around us that are willing to see it we ask a blessing upon these studies that we're doing over these days asks for you to continually pour your Holy Spirit up Holy Spirit out upon us and we thank you for what you've done so far in Jesus name Amen
Channel: FutureForAmerica
Views: 6,753
Rating: 4.2323232 out of 5
Keywords: Ellen White, Bible, Jeff Pippenger, Prophecy, SDA, end times
Id: vmDczo6Nsek
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 61min 0sec (3660 seconds)
Published: Thu Oct 18 2018
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