7 high paying skills & where to learn them for free | Increase your income & work remotely

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in today's video i'm going to show you seven higher paying skills that will help you to earn more money increase your chances of being able to work remotely and potentially even start your own online business i'm going to show you exactly where and how you can learn these skills without having to pay for expensive courses if you're looking to increase your earnings or to get a better job or work remotely or even start an online business then i want to show you in this video seven really valuable skills that help me to do all of those things and if you're not familiar with my background i own a uk careers advice website called standout cv which i started from scratch a few years ago i have another video which i'll link to which tells you about that in a bit more detail if you're interested just so that you can see that i'm speaking from some experience and the reason i want to focus on these seven skills in particular is not only did they help me to achieve my goals but i also learned them completely free just by looking at various blogs and videos and putting a bit of practice in so i know that if i can learn them and put them to good use you probably can too my intelligence is probably average at best and i didn't have any prior experience in any of these areas so i really think that anybody can master these skills with a bit of time and effort and ultimately they help me to increase my earnings to be able to work from anywhere in the world and generally have a better quality of life so i'm sure they can do the same for you now before i dive into the individual skills i just want to quickly cover the broad category that all of these skills fall into and explain why it's such a lucrative and interesting category to get into so these skills can broadly be categorized as digital skills or maybe even digital marketing skills and what that means is they are skills that help businesses to build online presences and build awareness of their products and services and there are four main reasons why i think this is such a good category or industry to break into number one is that these skills can be applied to freelancing to employed work or to building an online business and that's really important if you're just starting out or if you're young and you haven't really decided what you want to do yet it gives you lots of options for the future number two is that there is a lot of demand for these skills which means it will be easier for you to find work or clients and generally speaking people will be prepared to pay well for these skills number three is that there is a higher potential for remote work so delivering digital skills or digital services generally just requires a laptop and an internet connection so this means if you value your flexibility or the ability to work from anywhere in the world then this can be really beneficial to you number four is that there's lots of free information online to help you learn digital skills and this means that you don't have to spend ludicrous amounts of money educating yourself which in my opinion is just something that you don't really need to do these days so now i'm going to run through all of these seven skills i'm going to take a detailed look at each of the following aspects of them an overview of the skill how you can earn from it as a freelancer an employed person or a business owner how much you can earn from it and how and where you can learn the skill and as i go through these skills if you have any questions about any of them feel free to ask in the comments below i do read all of the comments and i will get back to you with an answer as soon as i can right skill number one on the list it really is an essential skill if you want to succeed nowadays and especially if you want to work in digital or online then it really is a foundation skill that will actually feed into all of the other skills i'm going to mention on this list and make you better at them as well it's actually something that everybody can do a basic level but the majority of people don't know how to do it effectively and that skill is writing but of course i'm not just talking about knowing how to spell correctly or where to put capital letters the real skill in writing is knowing how to affect people with the words that you write so it's knowing how to engage people how to hold their attention how to change their opinions or to persuade them to take a certain action if you can learn how to create those sorts of effects on people with your writing then you'll massively increase your earning potential in fact i bet if you were to look around your screen right now you'd see lots of written content all of the youtube video titles and descriptions all of the websites you have opened in other tabs all of the emails in your inbox trying to sell your products and services and all of that text isn't just there to communicate its purpose is to attract people to hold their attention and ultimately probably to try and sell them something writing has been vital to businesses for many years and it will probably continue to be so for many many years into the future so how can you earn money as a writer well the beauty about being a good writer is that you have so many options of where and how you can choose to apply that work so whether you're working as a freelancer or an employee basis you can do things like writing articles for websites writing sales copy for adverts writing text copy for email campaigns writing product descriptions writing proposals or bids for clients and this list could go on forever but that's just a few examples and these are valuable tasks that businesses will be prepared to pay for as a standalone service or they could be one part of a bigger job in an employed position and also email communication with clients and colleagues is an essential part of work nowadays so being a good writer will allow you to express your thoughts to those people more clearly and build stronger relationships with them and also when it comes to looking for jobs as a job seeker or trying to land clients as a business owner or a freelancer then writing again plays a very very big part because you'll be much more successful at landing jobs or landing customers if you're able to write material that connects with those people and persuades them to work with you so how much can writing earn you well it's a bit vague to say how much writing could earn you because there's so many different ways it can be applied and you'll see as we go through this list it actually feeds into all of the skills i'm going to run through but i'll just give you a few examples of what you could earn if you were doing a soul writing job but don't focus too much on these figures because i think that the real value from writing comes from when you apply it to other skills and that will make more sense as we progress through this video so if we were to start off looking at employed jobs on read here if we look at the job of copywriter which is pretty much your kind of most basic core writing job it's the kind of people who will be writing copy for websites writing articles writing adverts things like that um if we have a quick scroll down there as you can see that's uh this one here pays faces 35k 25k here 20 to 25. so this is kind of like your entry to mid-level job as a writer so as you can see the salaries are not too bad if we then look more broadly at writing jobs as a whole so we look across all the different kinds of levels you can get you can see the salaries increase a little bit so you've got a medical writer here so it's like a specialist writer that's paying 35 to 45 a wheel writer paying up to 45 again medical riders paying up to 75. so you can see that as you start to build on your skills if you take writing and blending with something else like like these roles do here then that's where you can start to see the increase in salary and you can start to earn a lot more with writing and if you wanted to sell freelance writing services then you could use a website like fiverr.com here so this is a freelance marketplace and basically they have lots of small business owners on there who are looking for freelance services so there's a lot of buyers from the uk and from the us you can sell services from anywhere in the world on these sites and if we have a quick look in the writing section here we have this lady is writing medical blog posts for 121 pounds and she sold 67 of those we have this guy here who is writing product or service descriptions and he's charging 16 pounds and he's hold 703 of those so there's lots of different servers you could sell and you can see that the prices uh will vary quite a lot depending on what it is that you're actually selling but it's definitely a lot of opportunity to earn just from doing writing services on these websites and actually i used to work as a freelance cv writer on peopleperhour.com and i'll put links for both of these sites in the description by the way um i used to work as a cv writer so i'd rewrite people's cvs for them and i started off charging 10 pounds per cv and i was able to gradually increase my prices to 100 pounds and again that was just from solely doing a pure writing job article writing is probably one of the best services to start with if you're a beginner and you want to start selling writing services and to give an example i actually hire quite a lot of freelance writers to write short articles for my website and i normally pay anything between 6 and 10 pounds per 100 words which is pretty typical for the uk market a straightforward 500 article could quite easily be completed in about an hour and a half so this means that you could earn anything between 30 to 50 pounds for an hour and a half's work and as a business owner particularly an online business owner writing is really really valuable it's really hard to put a figure on just how valuable it is so i spend a lot of my time writing within my business whether i am writing an article for my websites or i'm writing instructions for freelancers and writers or i'm writing a sales page or emailing somebody writing really is the driving force of my business i honestly can't stress just how important writing skills are and if you only take one thing away from this video it should be learn how to write well if you want to succeed in online or digital work so how and where can you learn writing well one of the people that i learn most of my writing skills from is a guy called neil patel he is a really really good online marketer really well-known marketer and he is potentially in my opinion one of the best writers out there in terms of keeping people engaged and building a relationship with his readers he's got a few really good articles on the fundamentals of writing the basics of writing to get you started i would also recommend having a good look around his blog and also his youtube channel i will of course put links for those in the description and there's also some really good blogs on marketing websites like copyblogger and hubspot that can teach you about certain aspects of writing so how to write good articles how to structure articles how to write headlines that attract people and lots of different things like that another really good way to learn how to write is simply by taking a closer look at some of the things you already read so if there's a website or a blog that you read regularly next time you read it take a closer look see how it's structured and try to learn the types of things that they do to keep you interested i'd say that most people can probably learn the basics of writing fairly quickly and you could potentially be up and running and using it to increase your income within a few weeks but to really master it takes years and it's one of those subjects where there's always something new to learn skill number two on this list is search engine optimization or seo for short and seo is basically the art of getting web content to rank in search engines like google for example so when somebody searches for a specific term your website shows up somewhere near the top and it's a hugely valuable skill to businesses because it has the potential to drive lots of relevant traffic to their websites so to give an example let's say somebody owns a business that sells flying experiences now if you have the skill to make their website appear at the top of the organic search results here then that would be a very very valuable skill to that business and something that they would be prepared to pay you a lot of money for and just so you're aware the results that appear at the top here that say add on the left of them they're actually paid adverts and every time they're clicked on the company will be charged for those so when we're talking about organic results we're talking about the ones that appear below those these are the natural results that don't have to be paid for so how can you earn money with seo so if you were to work as an employee you could work directly for a brand trying to help them to rank their website for certain key terms for their business so let's say for example you worked for a big retail bank you would be helping them to rank for terms like loans business loans mortgages etc or you could potentially work for an seo agency and that is basically a company who provide seo services to lots of other companies so if you were to work on an employed basis for an sci agency you could be working on lots of different client projects helping a lot of their clients to rank for their key terms so if we take a look at read for seo jobs for permanent jobs we can see that there's some good salaries so an seo manager role they're paying 40 000 which is a more senior role then you've got an seo executive role here paying 23 to 28 k an seo manager again sort of a mid-level one and if we take a look at more senior jobs here if we look at head of seo jobs we've got a head of seo role here paying 550 to 600 pounds a day which is obviously a really really good rate that's a bit of an outlier but it does give you an example of what you can earn at the very very high end of seo in employed work as a freelancer you can sell a huge range of different seo services to small businesses helping them to rank for their keywords and generally speaking the fees that you can charge for this are very high for example if we look on fiverr here and we look in the seo category we can see that there's a range of things being sold here so on-page seo optimization for 52 pounds and this person sold 34 of those optimize your website with seo 121 pounds and this person sold 69 of those so as you can see there are lots of different seo services that you can sell as a freelancer and generally speaking if you know how to do it well when you can get people good results then the rates are quite high and as a business owner you can of course use seo to drive traffic to your own website and really the sky's the limit of how much you can earn there because you can then use that to drive people towards your offers to sell products to sell services or even to sell advertising on your website and the reason i actually chose to mention seo is because it really has been one of the big driving forces behind the success of my business my website standout cv generates well over a hundred thousand visitors every month even in today's slightly unstable economic circumstances and that's all because i learned seo and i applied it to the website so how and where can you learn seo well seo is a huge topic and it's not something you're going to learn overnight it probably took me at least a couple of years before i really started to get good at it but ultimately seo comes down to two things the first is creating really good useful content that fully answers users search queries and this obviously requires good writing skills amongst many other things but this is why it's so important to learn how to write well and the second main aspect of seo is getting links to your website from other quality websites in your niche so this is really about promoting your website in the right places and getting other websites to reference you so luckily there are a lot of really good guides out there to get you started in seo to give you a good basic understanding and they mainly come from seo software companies or well-known seo consultants or marketers we've got mozzy's beginner guide to seo a refs begin a guide to seo semrush has begun a guide to seo these are all very very good articles really in depth that will teach you the fundamentals of seo and of course links for all of these will be in the description and then you've got brian dean who creates the best and most in-depth seo guides out there on his website backlinko i would recommend reading as many of his guides as possible because he regularly updates them they're full of good information and i've certainly learned a lot from him over the years that has enabled me to drive traffic to my websites okay so just quickly before i move on to skill number three if you are enjoying this video and finding it useful don't forget to hit the like button to save the video in your live videos for future reference and also seo is probably my favorite skill on this list and the one i probably know most about so if you'd like to learn more about it and you want to learn more about how you can generate traffic to websites using seo then drop a comment below let me know what you'd like to learn and i will hopefully make some videos on those topics in the near future the third skill on this list is landing page design so landing pages are specific pages on websites which are designed to make visitors take specific actions and those actions are usually to either capture customer data or to make direct sales to give an example of this i steer people towards this landing page on my website where i offer visitors a free cv review if they provide their email address and upload their cv this then allows one of my cv writers to contact that customer provide a cv review tell them about our paid cv writing service and convert some of those leads into sales so landing pages are essentially a tool which are designed to take cold traffic that arrives at a website and turn them into sales or leads so as you can imagine this is something that businesses value quite highly and if you can become good at creating high converting landing pages you can certainly make yourself very valuable in the job market the skill behind it is to arrange the landing page in a certain way that nudges the customers towards the data capture area and also to write emotive copy that persuades them to take action so again you can see that writing plays an important part in this skill if you were to develop the skill of building landing pages there are a number of ways you could apply it so if you were to offer landing page design as a solo service on a freelance site like people per hour here then you'd be able to be in fairly high demand because there are a lot of small business owners on these places and generally speaking most websites businesses will need landing pages for their websites so if we have a quick look around here we can see we've got somebody who is charging 130 pounds for landing page design and they've sold 22 of those you've got somebody charging 50 somebody charging 35 so obviously there's a range of different types of the way you can deliver this service and obviously the more experienced you are the more you'll be able to charge that just gives you a rough idea that there's an active market there and you could certainly do okay just from selling this as a standalone service on a freelance site and in employed work you probably wouldn't be able to get a job where you are solely designing landing pages but it could be part of your job if you were even working in a web design role or a ux role and ux is short for user experience so web designers and ux designers are responsible for the layout of web pages and ensuring that users have a good experience on them and are encouraged to sign up things by products so you probably need to progress your knowledge a bit beyond just knowing how to design landing pages delay one of these jobs but you can see there are some very healthy salaries in this field and as a business owner again this skill is invaluable once you have a website that has traffic coming to it if you can build a high converting landing page that will then convert those people into leads and sales you go from simply having a website with visitors to having a proper business that generates revenue so how can you learn how to create landing pages so when it comes to designing a landing page there are actually two sides to it first of all there's the technical side of actually creating the landing page and then there is the marketing side of it so how to arrange the page properly how to arrange the elements and how to write the persuasive copy how to write headlines that grab people's attention and what sort of things you need to write to push them towards going for a sign up or making a sale or whatever it might be now believe it or not the technical side of it the building side of the landing page can actually be covered quite easily i actually use a landing page builder called leadpages which you can see here so this is inside the builder for one of my landing pages here and it's actually all done by drag and drop so you don't need any code knowledge you just need to spend a bit of time reading their tutorials and watching some of their guides and you can write headlines add images add sign up boxes it's all quite easy and you can move things around very easily too i picked it up quite quickly so i'm sure you can too i'll pop a little link to their site in the description of course and you can do a free 14-day trial of them where you get full access and you can have a go at creating some landing pages after the free trial is about 30 pound a month to use now there are other landing page builders out there of course but i just happen to find leadpages the most effective for me if it doesn't work for you that's fine just have a scout around for some other ones and just pick one that suits you best and to learn the marketing side of things so to learn how to arrange a landing page uh what sort of copy you need to write and how you actually go about persuading people to sign up or buy whatever you're selling then i would recommend a really good guide from neil patel on the sort of basics of creating a landing page and hubspot also have a blog post which contains a big long list of example landing pages to give you some real life examples a bit of inspiration and show you how a lot of the professional companies actually designed their landing pages and i'll of course put a link to both of those in the description the fourth skill on this list is email marketing so email marketing is essentially the skill of selling services or products through email campaigns or through a series of emails if you open up your email inbox right now i can almost guarantee you that a big percentage of the emails sitting in there right now will be from companies trying to sell you services trying to sell your products or simply just trying to get you to visit their website and of course this doesn't happen by accident these emails will usually be part of a big campaign of 10 20 30 emails that are drip fed to you and lots of other subscribers over the course of days weeks and many months and they will have been written by a person or even a team of people in some cases it also involves using marketing software to plan out the campaigns to decide what emails go out to what people on what days and what times email marketing is an extremely valuable skill to businesses because it allows them to keep in touch with their customers and to drive sales of their products and services as an employee you could actually make a full-time career out of email marketing so if we have a quick search on read here for email marketing jobs permanent jobs we've got quite a few options that come up we've got an email marketing executive here which is an entry level email marketing role and that's paying between eighteen thousand to twenty three thousand that's not too bad for a junior job we've got a strategist here paying 35 to 38 which is a bit of a sort of step up role that's not too bad and then if we scroll bit further down still we've got an email marketing manager role here that's obviously a very very senior role and that's paying between 50 and 60 k which is obviously a fairly decent salary and if you were to offer email marketing as a service on a freelance website like fiverr here then there are a number of different things you could do you could do small tasks like writing a bit of copy for 10 or 20 pounds or you could do sort of more long-term stuff like whole campaigns for 100 pounds upwards so if we have a quick look here we've got this person here who will write marketing emails for drip email marketing campaigns for 72 pounds and they've sold 345 of those we've got this person here who will craft email marketing copy and set up automations for 12 pounds so that's sort of more smaller tasks and then you've got this one here this person will grow your business with email marketing for 120 pounds so that's obviously a more high-level long-term thing so they're able to charge a lot more for that and they've sold seven of those so as you can see there is a good potential to offer lots of services there's big demand and you can potentially earn lots of money from freelancing and as a business owner knowing how to create an effective campaign means that once you've got traffic to your website and you've collected their email address by your landing page you can then use your marketing email campaigns to follow up with them continually and really squeeze the maximum amount of revenue out of your business so where and how can you learn email marketing well to learn email marketing properly you need to learn two aspects of it firstly you need to learn how to use the email marketing software and secondly you need to learn the strategy behind how to actually create an effective campaign so if we look at the email marketing software side of it this may sound really daunting but it's actually something that is pretty easy to pick up by certainly picked it up quite easily so basically these are software programs that allow you to store your email list and create email campaigns and send thousands of emails out to people without having to keep rewriting them so to give you a real life example of email marketing software this is the software i use it's called mailchimp and this is a campaign that i've built to follow up with customers who've signed up for a free cv review through my website so basically what this does is just send out a series of emails every few days to stay in touch with them and subtly nudge them towards making a purchase and if we look at one of the emails here the first one here you can see that the emails look professional but they're actually really easy to create and it's simply just a case of dragging and dropping text boxes and images and you can create really good looking emails without having any coding knowledge and if we come back out to campaign level you can see that i can set triggers for when all of these emails send so this one will send immediately after contacts sign up for the review and then if we scroll down to the next one this one will send one day after subscribers ask in the previous email and the same for this one so if you learn how to use this software effectively you can set up really really good email campaigns and it's really not that difficult to do now the best way to learn how to use this is really just by signing up to mailchimp and having a play around with the platform it's totally free to use until you hit 2 000 subscribers so that gives you plenty of time to get up to speed and it's got lots of really good guides and tutorials within the platform so you really don't need to go anywhere else to learn how to use it properly i'll put a link in the description for signing up to mailchimp and accessing the platform and also put a link to their beginner's guide for getting started there as well and again there are lots of other email marketing software platforms out there i personally found mailchimp the easiest and most straightforward to use and i've managed to get really good results from it but if it doesn't work for you again have a look around you know just search google and just find one that works for you and once you know how to use an email marketing platform you then need to learn the strategy behind email marketing so you need to learn things like when to send them how to write subject lines that people will click on and how to write a good copy within the email themselves and to learn these kinds of things there are some really really good beginner email marketing guides from a few different blogs you've got one from hubspot you've got one from optinmonster and of course you've got one from neil patel links are in the description so get stuck into those skill number five on this list is ppc advertising or pay-per-click advertising and what this is it's a form of advertising from online advertising that has become very popular in recent years where people put an advert somewhere and rather than paying a monthly fee for it they are only charged when somebody clicks their adverts so every time somebody clicks it they'll be charged a few pennies or a few pounds depending on what their service or product is one well-known example of ppc advertising is google adwords and what adwords allows advertisers to do is to pay for their adverts to appear above the organic search results in google so to give an example of how this works if i run a search in google here for cloud storage you'll see all of these results here with the word add next them on the left there they're all paid ppc adverts where companies are bidding to be there that's the first organic search result there and all of these ones appear above are paid ppc adverts so if i were to click this advert here then the company would be charged a few pennies or a few pounds depending on what they've bid by google and i would be directed to their website and in order to create those campaigns you have to use the google adwords campaign manager so this is inside my google adwords account i haven't actually used it for a while because i don't really run many paid ads anymore but i'll just give you an idea of the kind of things you can do inside here so you have to create lots of different campaigns and then within those campaigns you have to create the adverts so you can create display ads you can also create written adverts as well like the ones that we just saw a second ago and then you have to decide what keywords you want to bid on and you have to set a price that you're willing to pay for each click and this is pretty typical of most ppc advertising campaigns it's how most of them tend to work really and it probably looks quite complex right now but once you learn how to use it obviously it's pretty straightforward and this is a massively valuable skill for businesses because if you can create effective pay-per-click campaigns then what you can do is you can pretty much send instant leads and potential customers through to businesses and as you can imagine that employers will pay very very well for that skill as a freelancer you could offer the service of setting up a google adwords campaign for a small business and running that on an ongoing basis so if we have a quick look on people who are here we can see that we've got somebody here who's charging 95 pounds to create a google adwords campaign and they've sold 297 of those we've got somebody over here who's charging 200 pounds to set up a campaign and manage it and that they've sold 247 of those so there's a big demand out there and there's also a good chance to get recurring customers here for example if you get someone on board and you set up a successful campaign for them then they're likely to want you to continue doing that on a monthly basis and as an employee you can earn very good wages as a ppc manager or a ppc executive so basically what these people do is they would run all of the pay-per-click advertising campaigns the company is currently using so of course you've got google adwords which i just mentioned but you've also got facebook ads you've got linkedin ads twitter have their own ppc ad campaigns instagram so a ppc manager would look after all of those campaigns or a mixture of one or two of them so if we have a quick look on read here for permanent ppc jobs we can see that we've got a junior role here ppc executive paying 20 to 25 000 we've got a ppc manager role here paying 40 to 50 000 that's really good we've got another one here paying up to 45 a manager paying up to 60 000 euros so as you can see there's some very very healthy salaries on offer in the ppc space in general as a business owner knowing ppc is really really valuable i'm not really an expert at it but i know that it was really essential in driving instant traffic to my website when i first started it and it was really crucial in getting it off the ground in those early stages i don't really use it much anymore because i rely on seo to drive traffic to my websites but i know that a lot of businesses out there do use ppc as their main source of traffic so where can you learn how to create pay-per-click ads if you want to learn how to use google adwords they actually have lots of good guidance within the platform and on their support pages and they have a website called skillshop which is a huge resource which has lots of really good training guides on it and google also have certifications that you can do through them so these are sort of like google adwords exams that you take and then if you pass them you get a qualification and then you can use that qualification to prove to employers or prove to clients that you know how to use the platform properly so if you ever want to sell services in google adwords or you want to get a job doing google ads then these certifications will definitely help you to do that and of course neil patel has a really good in-depth guide on google adwords and how to get started with it so i'd recommend giving that a read as well and if you head over to a website called wordstream.com and scroll down to the bottom here there are lots and lots of different guides on how to use various ppc platforms that's actually a bit of a gold mine right there and if you want to learn how to create facebook adverts there are a couple of really good guides from hootsuite and from buffer they are two of the biggest social media management companies out there and yes of course i will put the links for all of these in the description below google number six on this list is graphic design graphic design is the skill of creating visual communications so this could be anything from business logos posters and signage right through to personal consumer goods like mugs t-shirts and wedding invitations and to be good at graphic design you not only need to be good at making things look nice and attractive but you also need to make them functional too so let's say for example you're designing a food menu for a restaurant now of course that menu will need to look nice and it will need to be in line with the branding of the restaurant in terms of colors and typography and things like that but it will also need to serve a number of functions it will need to be nice and clearly laid out so the customers can read it easily the pricing will need to be nice and prominent so that people know what the prices are and it may also need to do other things like drawing attention to special offers and deals that run at the moment that the restaurant is trying to promote and graphic design can be applied to so many different aspects of business and people's lives so there really are lots of different opportunities and ways that you can earn money from it to get an idea of what you could earn as a freelancer offering graphic design services we'll have a quick look on fiverr here and as you can see there's an almost endless list of services that people are selling there's logo design there's illustrations for books there's infographic design there's packaging for products there's web and mobile design for apps there's even architecture and building type stuff there is print design so flyers leaflets that kind of thing so if we have a quick look at logos just to give you a rough idea we've got lots of people offering logo services here and you can see they're all making a healthy amount of sales you've got this person here selling logos for 28 pounds and they've sold lots of those because somebody's selling logos for 68 pounds you've got somebody selling logos for 76 pounds here so even if we just look at logo as you can see there's lots of demand for the service and i won't go through every category here but there's a lot of demand for graphic design work in general both from small businesses and personal consumers and another way that you can earn money from graphic design is through creative marketplace websites so these are websites where you're able to create designs upload them to the website and then they're printed onto physical products which are then shipped to customers all over the world to give you some examples you've got redbubble.com where you can upload your designs to phone cases t-shirts water bottles etc you then list them on the site and people can buy them and the good thing about redbubble is that they hold all the stock and they take care of the printing and delivering the products to the customer and they simply pay you a percentage of the revenue generated for each sale that you make and it's free to sign up so it's a really good way to try your hand at selling physical products without having to invest a lot of money up front in buying stock and holding onto that stock and you've also got merch by amazon and society6 which are both very similar websites and they essentially allow you to upload your designs and they look after the printing and the shipping and you get a payout for each sale that you make and you've got etsy which is probably the biggest creative website in the uk at the moment or possibly even the world but with etsy they don't handle fulfillment which means you'll either have to create the physical products yourself or find a fulfillment company that will print stock on demand for you and send to your customers and there are also lots of opportunities for employed work within graphic design if we have a quick look on the cv library here at graphic design jobs we can see that there is one here paying up to 25k and there's another one here paying up to 32 a graphic designer role here paying up to 40. so there are lots of opportunities out there for fairly well paid employed work in graphic design too and as a business owner it really pays to have a good understanding of graphic design especially as an online business owner because you're very likely to have lots of visual content on your website and it's important that that content not only looks good but it's functional and it helps you to win customers in some way so how do you learn graphic design well if you want to learn graphic design there are a couple of things that you need to master firstly you need to learn how to use graphic design software so these are the programs you actually use to create the design now there are lots of different ones on the market but the two i would recommend are canva and adobe illustrator canva is a really easy to use online graphic design tool it's totally free and has a very simple drag and drop style interface which makes it very very easy for beginners to use and it also has preset image sizes for the typical kinds of online graphics you might need to create so things like youtube thumbnails and facebook covers in fact i actually use canva to create all of my youtube thumbnails and the best thing about canva is that it's totally free but it does have its limitations so you can create really good designs but you can really only create quite basic designs so i'd say it's good for complete beginners who are just looking to get started in graphic design or for someone like me who really only needs to create the occasional piece of graphic design to learn how to use canva it's really just as simple as playing around with it for a few hours and they also have some really good guides on the website that teach you the basics of how to use it but if you're really serious about graphic design you want to either sell it as a service or you want to get a job in graphic design then really you need to learn adobe illustrator illustrator is really the most popular graphic design software in the world and it's a really good tool that allows you to do pretty much anything you'll ever need to do in terms of design work it's a lot more complex than canvas so it will take you longer to learn and it does carry a cost of 19.99 a month but it really is an essential tool for graphic designers and you can learn how to use illustrator really well for free just by following all of adobe's tutorials on their website or there are some really good youtube channels you can check out like will patterson and dan scott and there's also a really good paid course on udemy by dan scott which at the moment costs 15.99 but it puts everything into one place for you is a really good structure takes you all the way through the illustrator program and it gives you lots of little sort of projects and tests to test your skills along the way now i would always recommend soaking up as much free information as possible and you certainly don't have to pay for courses but the reason i mentioned this one is because my partner recently did it and she managed to teach herself how she was illustrated within a few weeks to the point where she's actually selling designs now so she found it really good so i just thought i would mention that one and the second thing you have to do graphic design once you've learned how to use a particular software is you have to learn the theory and the functionality behind graphic design so you have to learn about color schemes you have to learn how to align text and images you have to learn how to use graphic design to draw attention to certain areas and you can actually learn a lot of this in canvas graphic design lessons this is a section i have on the website with a big library of graphic design tutorials and there's also a really good article on 99 designs which is a design website which teaches you these seven principles of graphic design that you need to know to get started skill number seven on this list is web development or coding every web page that you see on the internet is actually made up of many lines of text called code and in fact if you right click on any web page and click on view page source you can actually see what this code looks like and what your web browser does so your google chrome or your internet explorer does is they read that code and they turn it into the pages that you see when you're browsing the web now this code might look quite daunting at first but thousands of people work in coding and their job is to essentially write code that creates good-looking and functional websites as i'm sure you're aware every business needs a website and there are always new websites being built and websites are constantly being updated and as a result there is a huge demand for web development work and coding work and this means that the work is widely available and very well paid so if we have a look at web developer jobs here on read we can see that we have one here that is paying 250 to 500 pounds per day so that's obviously a really really good contract rate a senior web developer here paying 45 to 50k and then we have one here paying 25 to 50 a more junior one here paying 25 to 28k so as you can see the rates and salaries on offer as an employed web developer are certainly very very healthy and if you were to offer freelance services freelance web development services on a freelance site like fiverr then you'll probably find that there are lots of active buyers in that space because lots of small business owners will need people to either build websites for them or to add things onto their website or to fix problems and things like that i certainly use developers from time to time in my business and the kind of rates that you would charge would really vary depending on how experienced you are and what you're doing but if you were a junior person say just doing small jobs like fixing bits of code or creating a single web page for somebody then you could probably charge 10 20 30 pounds per task but if you were to offer a service of building a whole website for someone or a suite of websites then you know you could be looking at potentially charging hundreds or even thousands of pounds for bigger jobs like that and as an online business owner it's extremely important to at least know the basics of coding now i don't personally know how to code websites from scratch because i use diy website builder type platforms to create my websites but i still understand the foundations of how coding and web development works so that i can make edits to code if i need to and if something goes wrong with my website i know how to look for problems in code in order to learn how to code and how to build websites you need to learn one or more of the major programming languages and the three main languages are html css and javascript html is really what makes up the bulk of the internet and it's how you actually create the content and structure on a web page so for example like the paragraph of text on a website will be written with html css is the coding that controls the styling of the elements on a page so for example if you wrote a paragraph in html you could then use css to style it so you could use it to put a colored box around it change the background color or maybe change the color of the heading and javascript is used to create interactive elements on web pages so things like pop-up boxes or games and a great place to learn all of these languages is a website called code academy it's probably the biggest resource in the world for learning code and not only does it have lots of guides for earning every type of code available it also has a practice tool where you can type in code and it shows you how that would look on a web page so that you can test your skills plus it also has test scenarios and quizzes with every course it's probably one of the best learning platforms i've ever seen actually and it's completely free to sign up and all of the beginner courses are free you don't have to worry about paying until you move on to the more advanced stuff i'd recommend starting with the learn html course as a beginner because it gives you a really good overview of how web development works and once you've finished you'll actually have the skills to build certain elements of a web page which is really really useful so that brings me to the end of the video i really hope you found it helpful and that you're going to go away today and start learning some of these skills as i said they're really really valuable they can be life-changing and i believe that anybody can learn them with a bit of persistence and if you'd like some more advice some more in-depth advice on learning any of the skills in this list please let me know in the comments below i will get back to you and of course if you want to see more videos like this don't forget to hit the subscribe button thanks for watching and good luck in learning a new high paying skill [Music] you
Channel: StandOut CV
Views: 123,955
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: high paying skills, high income skills, high end careers, skills, how to learn skills, digital skills, skills to learn, skills that will make you rich, marketing skills, business skills, online business skills, skills for future, how to be rich, how to earn more money, digital nomad, remote jobs
Id: XKteXt5v2po
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 40min 15sec (2415 seconds)
Published: Wed Aug 19 2020
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