7 Habits That Are KILLING Your Motivation

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hey everyone and welcome to top thank today  we're going to learn about seven habits that   are killing your motivation now let's begin  number one running without walking do you have   lofty goals and towering ambitions do you aspire  to change the world rise to the top of your field   or create a lasting legacy many people fantasize  about finding success but only a handful of people   actually pursue these extraordinary dreams very  few have the passion and vigor necessary to make   their most fantastical dreams come true but even  if you have all the passion in the world this   bad habit may [ __ ] your motivation when you  dream of your own success you may feel Restless   to jump to the end to get to the good part you  want to build your business you want to publish   your book you want to read headlines about your  accomplishments and you don't want to wait when   you get excited to make your dreams a reality you  run without walking you skip the years of boring   grinding work you need to polish your skills you  overlook the important lessons that each failure   has to teach you you try to accomplish your  goals without a proper foundation and you fall   flat on your face hmm you may realize you don't  know what you're doing and your motivation may   suffer you may even lose faith in yourself as your  incredible aspirations drift further and further   away now if you want to grow your motivation be  patient with yourself and be patient with your   success before you can accomplish your goals  you need to learn the fundamentals you don't   cut corners you don't skip steps you don't let  your excitement control you you build a proper   foundation and slowly but surely you will accrue  the confidence you need to succeed it may not be   fun exciting or glamorous but the more time you  spend refining your craft the more motivation and   confidence you'll have when it's time to move  forward number two lack of learning how often   do you learn something new in school we learn new  things almost every day but after graduating when   embarking into the real world most people  stop learning they stop reading they stop   exploring they stop challenging their minds  or investigating new subjects but learning is   a fantastic source of motivation whether you're  learning something useful or not even if you're   digesting random facts any new information  can leave you motivated and inspired it can   help form new connections or relate things  in ways you've never thought of before no   one is going to force you to learn anything but  learning should be a lifelong hobby no matter   how old you get no matter what field you work in  learning will always push you in a new direction   and ignite that spark inside you so make an  effort to learn at least one new thing every day number three fruitless comparisons how often do  you compare yourself to other people comparisons   of any kind whether you're measuring success  attractiveness or material wealth are a bad habit   yet many people compare themselves to every single  person they meet why is that well because social   comparisons come from a place of insecurity when  you don't feel confident in yourself when you're   not proud of what you've done you compare yourself  to other people if they're worse than you then you   feel better about yourself but if they're smarter  stronger or more successful than you are well then   you start criticizing yourself either way you're  not building any real confidence those ups and   downs come from extrinsic stimuli which makes  them shallow and temporary in order to build   lasting motivation you need intrinsic confidence  that's confidence that stems from self belief and   genuine pride making social comparisons will  never help you develop intrinsic confidence in   other words social comparisons are a great way to  damage your self-esteem and ruin your motivation   so what habits in your real life encourage these  comparisons social media is a big one on these   platforms you can scroll through thousands of  pictures and profiles in a day and if you don't   feel confident in yourself you may unconsciously  compare yourself to every person you encounter   every time someone else accomplishes something  every time someone wins an award it may feel   like a personal attack on your character you  may feel like you've fallen behind like you're   not good enough and when you spend hours feeling  inferior behind and belittled well your motivation   dwindles to nothing your confidence crumbles  to pieces and your self-esteem sinks as low as   it can go so instead of putting yourself in this  precarious position avoid social comparisons don't   measure yourself against everyone in the world not  only is it unhelpful it's just not fair everyone   pursues their dreams differently there's no point  in comparing yourself to someone who's chasing a   different goal or working in a different field  even if someone seems farther ahead than you you   never really know what opportunity will help  you find success so don't compare yourself to   everyone just instead pick a few people you admire  people who are working the kind of job you want   people who are achieving the goals you've set for  yourself or living the life you aspire to create   find a handful of these like-minded people and  use them as mentors don't make comparisons don't   judge yourself against them use their success to  motivate your own follow in their footsteps learn   from their mistakes and as you achieve more and  more make only one kind of comparison and that   is compare yourself to yourself that's really the  only fair comparison that you can make you to you   and if you're making progress against yourself  well that's something to be proud of number four   giving up immediately when something doesn't go  your way what do you do do you try again or do   you give up many people after experiencing any  kind of failure just let their dream slip away   but those failures should actually motivate  you to succeed the most successful people got   where they are today by driving themselves through  failure they experienced many setbacks they faced   many obstacles but they didn't give up instead  their failure motivated them to push harder to   keep trying until they accomplished their goal  now of course motivating yourself after a major   setback is challenging it takes an incredible  amount of passion and self-discipline so start   with something small the next time a little  project doesn't go the way you expected don't   let yourself walk away practice fighting back in  every aspect of your life the more you persevere   the more motivated you'll feel when failure comes  a-knockin number 5 distraction vulnerability are   you leaving yourself open to distractions many of  the most common distractors are easy to avoid well   let's say you're prone to texting in the middle  of the workday each message that you send may   only take a few seconds but those seconds really  add up to make matters worse each time you send a   message it takes your brain a little bit of time  to refocus and as your mind slips away from work   it becomes a chore to motivate yourself again and  again ah but it's easy to remove distractors like   these from your environment all you have to do  is pay attention hit really think about where   you waste the most time whether it's texting video  games or watching TV don't let these distractors   continue hurting your motivation remove them from  your life and your motivation will soar number 6   chasing multiple goals multitasking seems like a  great idea but more often than not it's a recipe   for disaster when you try to do multiple things at  the same time you're splitting your attention the   simple fact is the human brain is not designed  to focus on multiple tasks simultaneously it's   possible to do many small simple tasks the same  time but larger more challenging projects deserve   all of your attention the same goes for your goals  don't try to accomplish a crowd of different goals   at the same time you'd be surprised how many  people struggle not with setting goals but   with setting too many goals they envision for  themselves several different futures all of which   they want equally they have heartedly chased three  or four different aspirations all at the same   time and rarely accomplish any of them just like  multitasking split your attention chasing multiple   goals divide your time and effort so instead of  pouring a little into a lot of things just put   all of your time and effort into one dream just  one vision of your future not only will you have   a much easier time motivating yourself you're also  much more likely to achieve your goal number seven   working constantly for many successful people  the secret behind their motivation is momentum   they keep themselves disciplined and motivated  each day by building on top of the day before   now each accomplishment snowballs one after the  other until they find themselves climbing to the   top the problem is when your ball gets rolling  when you feel yourself growing more and more   motivated you may never stop you may press on the  gas pedal and refuse to let up no matter how tired   hungry or mentally exhausted that you feel now  if this sounds like you sooner or later you're   going to crash and burn leaving your motivation  in shambles momentum is valuable but it's equally   important to take breaks step away from your work  for a weekend or even just an afternoon eat some   good food get enough sleep spend time with family  or just take some time to think relaxation is   crucial to keep your mind and body working the  way you want without relaxation your mind will   grow foggy and clutter your mood will sink lower  and lower but if you can find the right balance   between rest and motivation you can maintain  your momentum for years to come hey thank you   for watching top think and be sure to subscribe  because more incredible content is on the way
Channel: TopThink
Views: 232,913
Rating: 4.9386849 out of 5
Keywords: habits that are destroying your motivation, habits that are killing your motivation, success habits, habits, motivation, habits that are bad for you, motivational video
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 10min 18sec (618 seconds)
Published: Wed Jul 01 2020
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