7 Things You Should Never Do in the Morning

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hey everyone and welcome to top think today  we're going to learn about seven things you   should never do in the morning now let's begin  number one work straight away the morning plays   an incredibly important part of your day and that  first hour after you wake up should leave you   feeling prepared and productive you should spend  that time maintaining your physical health with   exercise and a nutritious breakfast you should  inspire yourself with books podcasts and other   motivational media creating time for these healthy  habits will work wonders for your self esteem and   self discipline not to mention you'll feel more  energetic than ever but the problem is most people   don't make time for a healthy morning routine  they wake up late they get lazy or they just   don't realize how much good your morning routine  can do for you so they skip their entire routine   right after they wake up they quickly throw on  some clothes and head straight to the office   they're barely conscious on their drive to work  and still groggy by the time they sit down at   their desk when you go straight to work you spend  your first hour of the day just trying to wake up   which makes you slow inefficient and disorganized  but your productivity isn't the only thing that   suffers going straight to the office makes you  more reliant on caffeine and too much caffeine   will hurt your mood and your sleep schedule  leaving you feeling even more lethargic and to   make matters worse it can also decrease your job  satisfaction when you rush to work in the morning   you're not excited to be productive you're not  feeling inspired instead of loving your job it   just feels like something you're forced to do  and that lack of enthusiasm will take a toll on   your overall performance you're less likely to  put in the extra hours and go the extra mile so   set aside more time for your morning routine even  if you feel like sleeping in to the last second   that extra 30 minutes of sleep isn't doing you  any favors in fact it's draining your energy and   your motivation but if you make time for a morning  routine you can prepare yourself for a much more   productive day number two hot showers hey I mean  who doesn't love a long hot shower when you're   standing under that stream of warm water how it  seems to wash your worries away but when you get   out of the shower how do you feel energetic and  refreshed or cozy and mellow well there's nothing   wrong with taking a hot shower in fact it can  be a great way to wind down before bed but in   the morning a hot shower can leave you feeling  way too relaxed you'll feel like crawling her   right back into the bed you'll feel tempted to  ditch your morning routine and just enjoy being   comfortable so while that hot shower might put  you in a good mood it's a big problem for your   productivity so if you want to get the most out  of your morning's you have to build momentum and   that starts right after you wake up each part  of your routine should make you more motivated   more energetic things like stretching running  and eating a good breakfast all push you in the   right direction but a long hot luxurious shower  it just stops you right there in your tracks it   unravels all the positive momentum that you've  been building since getting out of bed even if   you kept up with your morning routine a hot shower  will put you right back where you started so try   a more energizing alternative the water doesn't  have to be freezing cold but you don't have to   have a Jacuzzi either a quick lukewarm shower will  leave you feeling refreshed without slowing down   your morning momentum number three improvise their  routine a morning routine should be set in stone   it's something you do day after day week after  week it's a timeline of good habits that you've   gotten so used to that you don't even have to  think about it once your morning routine becomes   ingrained in your brain you can start reaping the  rewards but what happens if you try to improvise   instead of planning there morning's many people  decide that they're just gonna wing it they do   whatever feels natural but when you improvise your  efficiency tanks the simple truth is you like most   people make bad decisions in the mornings you  convince yourself that it's okay to slack off   that it's not a problem to watch TV or just lay  in bed a little longer but a little laziness goes   a long way luckily planning your routine will  take the pressure off you don't run the risk of   making bad decisions if your entire morning is  already decided yeah I know it's tempting but   don't make up your morning routine as you go  number four whine about work what's the number   one worst time to sit and complain throughout  the day yep you guessed it its first thing in   the morning when you criticize your job or whine  about all the work you have to do your motivation   just flies out the window and that infectious  negativity sticks around for hours afterwards   instead of starting your day on a high note like  most successful people do you're taking two steps   back by complaining about your work you're digging  yourself into a deeper and deeper hole obviously   that bad attitude will have a huge impact on your  performance you'll look for shortcuts around every   corner you'll make excuses and you'll lose faith  in yourself and once that happens you can kiss   your productivity goodbye because the moment  things get rough you won't fight back you won't   persevere you'll be the first one to wave your  white flag so why does complaining set you back   so far well each time you complain you're changing  your mindset you're focusing all your energy on   the obstacles and ignoring the opportunities  you're forgetting about the lessons that each   failure has to teach you and you're undermining  the self-discipline that you've been working on   for months or even years complaining is a surefire  way to start your day off on the wrong foot so   no matter how much you want to grumble and mow do  your best to be optimistic in the mornings number   five mental clutter your morning is filled with  small pointless decisions you decide what you're   going to wear what kind of workout you're going  to do what music you'll listen to on your drive to   work and by the end of your morning routine you've  already made a dozen decisions none of which   really amount to anything all they do is weigh  down your brain so go ahead and cut these choices   out of your morning's yeah many successful people  have reduced their mental clutter by incorporating   them into their routine they wear the same clothes  they do the same workouts and they listen to the   same music and that way their brain can spend the  morning on decisions that actually matter while   this will boost your productivity that's not the  real reason why you should reduce mental clutter   in the morning the real reason is you need to  warm up your brain imagine you're an artist who's   working on some really intricate Commission you  have to be at the top of your game to pull this   off but if you start plugging away first thing in  the morning your work is gonna be sloppy you need   to do some warm-up sketches you need that time to  make a few mistakes and get back into the swing of   things otherwise you won't be able to perform at  your best when you give your brain more room to   breathe in the mornings it has the same effect  on your work you'll make better more creative   decisions because your brain had the chance  to warm up first number six hitting snooze the   snooze button is your worst enemy in the mornings  each time you hit that button you're making it   harder and harder to be productive for starters  waking up every 10 minutes is terrible for you   it leaves you feeling tired throughout the day  because 10 minutes isn't nearly enough time for   your brain to get any deep sleep it will try its  best but when your alarm goes off 10 minutes later   you'll feel even grow earlier than you did before  which means that you might hit that snooze button   and by the time you finally get up your morning  gets smaller lazier and a whole lot more stressful   you have to rush through your routine which means  you have less time for your healthy habits you may   have to skip your workout or pass on breakfast  just to get to work on time and that creates a   whole lot of unnecessary stress in your life and  it leaves you feeling flustered and foggy it'll   take longer for you to concentrate and you'll have  a harder time staying motivated in the heat of the   moment hitting the snooze button doesn't seem  so bad you'll convince yourself that you have   ten or twenty minutes to spare but that first  bad decision can easily snowball into a dozen   more number seven checking your phone what's  the first thing you do when you wake up in the   morning you'd be surprised how many people  immediately reach for their phones the very   first thing they see in the morning is a text  of hosts on social media or even worse a blank   screen suddenly a flood of distractions fills your  brain instead of thinking about your passions or   your work you're making harmful comparisons and  worrying about your social circle studies have   shown that looking at your phone increases  stress and makes you more self-conscious   some people fall into that vortex of social media  others sit there wondering why no one is message   them either way your momentum is shot and your  mind is a million miles away hey thank you for   watching top think and be sure to subscribe  because more incredible content is on the way
Channel: TopThink
Views: 2,508,154
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Keywords: things you should never do in the morning, morning habits, bad habits morning routines, morning motivation, topthink
Id: YCuz9NQ1R10
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 10min 25sec (625 seconds)
Published: Wed Apr 15 2020
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