7 Figure Income Delivering Medical Supplies!!

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in between that time I made more money in between that time than I did in all of 2018 in that three-week period I listen I said I ain't never going home hold on what's the number all right hustle fam hustle famam we are back with another amazing episode I'm your host raml Watley and I'm here with the talented Mrs Roslin ellerby CEO of Express aon's career service is that is that is that correct Express Aon and Express eron and curer I wanted to make sure I got the name correct Roslin how are you doing today I'm glad it's the last day of the conference I'm great yeah yeah yeah amazing so I'm excited about interviewing you because when we first the moment we met as soon as we met you said to me you know I'm not I'm not just your typical like Courier Service like I'm just not regular and I like that when I hear things like that it gets me excited so I know we have a story that that the the the hustle fam is in store for so before we kind of get into your story and all that just introduce yourself tell them who you are and just a little bit about your business and what you do businesses all right I'm rosin ellerby CEO and founder of three businesses Express Aaron The Courier is the first business also own Dream Team digital marketing and my newest baby is manifesting greatness with Rosen V 360 business coaching I'm based out of Atlanta Georgia I've been an entrepreneur for more than 20 years and I absolutely love business I love Business Development and just everything about growing a business been doing it for the longest I love it so entrepreneur over 20 years what was your first business oh here we go let's get right into it right into it okay so my first business was a travel agency back in 2008 so then we had that pandemic m and uh I didn't want to let it go you know and I it was the first business I kept trying and trying buying Bill boards and doing more marketing because I was doing marketing back then too and my mom said hey Obama's giving checks you know it's it's real you know it it's a recession then Jeezy came out with recession and that's right you know and I'm you know not looking good bank account going down and I end up losing that business so born and raised in Atlanta no I'm actually from Jacksonville North Carolina Jacksonville North Carolina how was it growing up there I'm in Atlanta now it's it was it I mean the answer was I'm in Atlanta now yes I'm in Atlanta now it let me tell you um Jacksonville North Carolina at one point of town is anzo County it was I think about 15 years ago it was the lowest pan county in the United States what is that called enlo County enlo County County okay so it is it's a poor Community yes it's a military base there but it's just catered to the military okay you know and really the only way to make money is to be an entrepreneur but it's not the same as being an entrepreneur in Atlanta so needless to say that when the travel agency failed I knew that my next business had to be a recession Pro business hence the supply chain Express errand and Courier was B birthed and then Dream Team digital marketing was birthed two Recession Proof businesses and then eventually last year and a half was uh manifesting greatness with Rosen V 360 business coaching so got it so you started you started business in North Carolina there you were running the travel travel agency there um why what made you start a travel agency well at the time that's what I was interested in and I was traveling at the time yeah and somebody solded me on the idea and and I bought their business okay so it was a business you purchased so it was already an established business you purchased a business how much did you purchased a business for 45,000 45,000 okay yeah so just to kind of establish who you are cuz you said you love entrepreneurship did you go to did you go to college I went to college but I did not finish okay what did you study business okay where'd you go to college Community College Coastal Carolina Community College in Jacksonville North Carolina and I did a little bit of um at UNCW in wingon North Carolina which is about 40 miles south of Jacksonville okay got it so you went to Community College and then you went to the other school you studied business once you left school because you didn't graduate what was what what happened there you did you buy that business immediately and where did you get the money to buy that $45,000 business well it was a loan okay and I eventually paid it back with what I was making in my travel agency but that pandemic and that sucked everything everything I had I mean I I made a million dollars with my travel agency but chasing the dream of my business and not realizing that the economy just the economy was going down you know and I lost everything so You' had the business for I guess the pandemic was 2020 you started in 200000 when did the uh when did you start the travel agency 2008 2008 so that's what6 so 14 years no no no 2006 and uh then the pandemic was like 20 8 2009 and oh that not not this pandemic you're talking about the recession that hit in 2008 got it that so that wasn't the pandemic that was just the recession the recession yes yes yes but it was you know it was a pmic it was a pandemic to us like we got it got it okay now I'm on track okay got it so when the recession hit and the housing market crash all of that stuff was just crazy right your business started to take a everything started get it was impacted yes all right so 2008 that happens what do you do after that do you lose the business or you I lost everything you lost everything I lost my cars lost my house I had a beach house I mean I had to start all over again so you made Seven figures with that business and you literally had to start all over again what does starting over look like it looks like you're going from mortgage to renting it looks like that it looks like you know you're you lost everything and you lost my pride was stepped on and crushed and I'm going back to being a boss to working for somebody and going back from like you say seven figures to Payday Loans and it was hard yeah it hard no but this this is important because there's a lot of people that have you going through that and who are currently going through that right so how did you get through that like just take me back to that point did do you have any kids or I do so they're dealing with that as well well mhm well I had one son and well I have one son and um at the time you know it he acted like it didn't phase him but you have to go from a child that didn't want for nothing walking around $4 or $500 in his pocket at 12 13 years old and you know back then you know like having a phone and you know the little kid on the Block that had everything and you know of course I was that cool mom you know to we tight yeah things tight now and Christmas tight and it it was it was difficult you know and it was hard to be a single mom and to go from shopping and not looking at Price tags to budgeting and going from big houses to small two-bedroom apartments and you know but I knew that that wasn't my forever I knew that business ownership is what I wanted you know it took a little while um there was a lot of obstacles that I went through in life and then some things happened and you know I had to go stay with my mom and you know eventually I end up starting another business and that's when Express arand and Courier birthed yeah did did you have any so you say with your mom did you have any other help like from family aside from your mom it was just kind of just you your son out there just on your own just trying to make it happen just trying to make it happen I you know I I was forced to stay with my mom it was you know it was I had to go take care of her yeah you know and um in that point I had to stop working and I had 5,000 saved up you know it's just like you get so hopeful that you know like I'mma put this towards business but now like you have to stop working and it's just like you want to give up and you know you go back and you're praying it's like dang like God come on like you know just when I think I'm almost there like I you know like a I got my website together and I got you know like okay like dang you know but this my mom right you know and so when you say you were forced to say word was she was you taking care of her you said okay got it yeah she just you know just life you know and you know you know how it is you when you get to be an older adult and your parents are older and it's just you're not I'm the baby girl you know and it's just you don't have any other siblings I was The Sibling that took care of my mom understood you know so without a doubt you know and one thing I can say is throughout that process my mom believed in me she believed in she believed in me when nobody else did I didn't come up here to get emotional now I'm sorry so um but we're going to fast forward past that part but um I will say that you know when I did go to my mom's house um I had $5,000 saved up and 5,000 is some change and um I took that 5,000 and I invested in a business coach and I knew that this time around I wanted to do it the right way and I wanted to have guidance I didn't want to let my pride stare me into the wrong way of doing business I didn't want to lose lose business but I knew I was going to be strategic when I started Express errands because that's what it was it wasn't Express errands and Courier I didn't expect it to be all of this I'm telling you like right hand right now I did not expect it to be through all these states I didn't expect it to be like I didn't dream this big I dreamed big but I'm telling you I didn't not dream this big you know um with me being from a small town out on the beach you know I expected expressed errands to just run errands for people and you know I just wanted the flexibility to you know go out run errands and you know be able to come back take care of my mom and you know and then eventually like hire somebody to you know fit in between when I couldn't get out and you know things like that and next you know then people were calling and it just it just evolved but the best thing that I could have done was invest in that business coach you know um at 5,000 at 5,000 and um and I'll tell you that that was a tug a war too because not even trying to relive that but when I paid for the coach up front you know um something happened in the situation and my mom ended up in ICU and I mentioned it to the coach and she immediately like send me the money back she was like you don't know what your future is going to look like and I'm not comfortable taking the money and I said send it right back hence the reason why I need this okay don't send me this money back we coaching yeah why why did you feel that you needed a business coach cuz you had you you you've done business right you had a business even though you had you failed in that business right you failed because of the the conditions of the market it wasn't necessarily you were a bad business person because you were doing great prior to that why did you feel you needed a coach because I wanted to do it the right way and I didn't want to make any mistakes this is all I had you know um all I had was my mom growing up and you know and I just just didn't want to make any mistakes yeah and I wanted the right guidance I wanted somebody that had more expertise than me you know I had only been in business a couple years and it was in the travel industry and somebody that you know you're going through a recession and I'm still believing that I had a chance and nobody was traveling what mindset was I in like you know and I just wanted to make sure that I had another perspective a Prof a professional perspective on business that would make sure that I was going in the right direction and giving me the right strategy business owners are used to wearing many hats but accountant should not be one of them receipts payroll taxes $199 Insurance bookkeeping it's time to get your back office off your back you can consolidate your financial operations into one flat monthly plan that takes care of all of your accounting payroll and tax needs meet transpo CFO powered by venning a full-service CPA and business adviser helping companies Like Yours save time money and headaches hate math we love it and have been doing this since 1978 we manage your entire Financial operating system and provide you with a single point of contact saving you time and money so you can get out of the back office and back to business [Music] and I will say that up until about my ninth year in business this some of the principles from that business coach still applied and carried me through in my ninth year and then that's when I seek another business coach you know um but that was the best investment that I could do and you know and business coaching is just that important important you know cuz you have to look at when we're born we have parents then your parent trust you to school you have your teacher you have your pastor you know you go to college you have your professor you go to work you have your boss you know then after you always have you know like the next level you have guidance so you know like I always want to have that you have masterminds you have you know so I don't want to just be out here dangling and guessing and you know things like that so always makes sense can you share some of those principles just High level what your business coach taught you that you said Still Remains relevant to this day well for one like sales funnels and structures and you know passive income and making sure that you know um you have uh certain things set up in your business as far as just small things like on your websites cap capturing leads and you know the importance of nurturing you know um leads as they come in cuz at one time I would just people just come to their website and that was it they fill out forms and that was it you know and then um networking properly and uh let's see um um there's so many it's I'm like there's so many you caught me on the spot I C no I all good maybe we'll Circle back into if you think of something feel free to share it um what made you start Express errands why that business did you know anybody who was doing that did somebody tell you it was a good idea what I mean you went from doing a tri travel agency to a whole different industry great question so I thought that that was going to be a great idea like I said it was Express errands there was nobody else in my town doing errands I said oh this is going to be perfect perfect nobody in my town there's going to be doing it but now that I look at it and then I thought it was going to be a good idea but actually when you go and become the only one in that industry that's bad you know because there's nobody searching for that there's no nothing so when nobody's searching for it there's not a need for it so that's why my business didn't do well in Jacksonville North Carolina you know and of course it wanted to do good after I got the idea to move to Atlanta then all of a sudden we get these routes but you know what did that stop me from moving to Atlanta no right cuz I already had some things lined up you know but um what I did was um once I realized what I was because I didn't even know I was a courier you know um I was out networking with some people at the Chamber of Commerce and it was like a realtor she was like oh yeah hey you know like what are you doing and I'm like you know like I go pick stuff up and you know I drop it off and you know then this attorney calls me I'll pick up some documents go drop it off then you know then I have this Pharmacy you know we I go three times a day and pick up like you know some crates of medicine and take to you know long-term care facilities they was like oh so you're a courier I had a Blackberry I said got that little ball Google I said Courier oh yes oh yes so I immediately went back home went to the website we are Express errands and Courier right you know went to the uh state of North Carolina LLC we're doing a name change everywhere we're Express errand and Courier so that's how we bire the name of Express ER or C it makes sense so you're able to get some definition around what you did cuz you just kind of started the business just doing the business and not really like we I'm I'm building a courier service right right so so my question is I'm I'm I'm just kind of staying here real quick cuz I just want to understand so in your mind when you started this business you said to yourself there's a problem here and the problem is what people are not able to get whatever letters or Pro whatever it is to people fast enough like what was the problem you were trying to solve and I'm just trying to understand what made you think that you could solve that problem and then what made you think that that was even a problem that was worth solving well I was thinking because I'm from the beach area and I was thinking you know like terrorists come in and you know they want arand ran and you know it' be perfect you know we could go and we could go fill up the refrigerator this is like the pre- instaart and the you know like I'm telling you like I invited door Dash you kind of like ahead of your time exactly like we were doing that before but of course no backend no none of that but I thought it was a great idea but it just it was not in need as much in my area perhaps if it was like Miami or you know like a bigger city or something it may have been a need okay got it so you saying it wasn't a need I'm I'm assuming that getting getting the business off the ground was tough there was no searches I mean paid ads SEO like I do marketing you know like I work day and night and I tell you like in this business day and night I literally I go to bed at 1:00 in the morning I was getting up at 6:00 like day and night I was working on two businesses at one time I Wasing working on Dream Team digital marketing I was working on Express errand of Courier I did not sleep you know like I was going through that situation with my mom and you know I didn't know what my future looked like I gave up my whole life to come and take care of my mom and when I did that and then I gave that 5,000 to that business coach like this something had to shake yeah okay I had no other choice like the the hustle was real you know I had a son you know and he was a teenager at the time and he he acted like it didn't phase him you know and I couldn't be that Mom you know and I just know that at that point I'm unemployable okay I'm unemployable I'm not going back to somebody else's job okay this got to work so it's just day and night day and night day and night to till it came to till I strike something and that's just just how it is you know so I got more work in my marketing agency you know but I never gave up on Express errands and Courier you know so it's always it's always something you know I've always been doing something we are here live at OTR Solutions HQ I'm here with my partner Jonathan man listen factoring is an integral part of the transportation industry why is factoring important absolutely RL in this economy and this Market cash flow is King cash flow is the key to growth if you have a young Trucking Company or if you've been in the industry for years and you want to take that business to the next level we're absolutely a company that can help so I hope you'll give us a call today let us know what we can do to help you out get the rest and roll with the best let's go and you're using your car to do this right yeah yeah got it so just so it's just you your car at first it was just me and some hustle grit and determination you're trying to make this thing work tenacity okay got it so we struggling with trying to get this thing off the business you're doing you you're running two businesses at one time you have dream marketing Services you have The Courier Service The Courier Service is not doing well but the marketing is doing a little bit better maybe that's what's kind of keeping you at the moment um but you said you didn't give up on The Courier Service what was that moment that kind of turned things around for you was it moving um I would say that was a big part but it was um I had a a client that reached out to me and then I got some route at work okay what type of client was that um medications okay they reached out to you how how' they find you Google they just found you Google so you had been putting in that work so it actually it ended up working yes it ended up working and to this today I still have that client and to this day that client was the determining Factor when I moved to Atlanta and I would tell you now I am a Christian woman and one of the facts that um I would say that helped me decide on moving to Atlanta it was just it was like November 11th November 13th somewhere around there uh 2018 and it was God woke me up and told me he had something better for me you know and it was to a point in my life you know not to be all in my past and stuff but by then my mom had passed away and it's just my son had went to the Army you know it's just just wasn't happy you know and I wasn't happy where I was I knew that I just knew that it was something better for me it just this can't be it I was surviving you know um maybe able to save $100 $200 a month in my savings this not it you know God woke me up and said child pick anywhere you want to go okay I put you on the Wi-Fi I mean on the Verizon you got them hot spots anywhere you want to go yeah and I in my mind I said hotlanta Miami or La man you you chose the hot spots for real or you choosing from the hot spots those are the three yeah and what I decided to do was I said you know what I'm going to Black Hollywood I said I'mma Rebrand my businesses I'm going to work with the Stars okay and my first year in Atlanta I worked with the Stars that first year I went down there um first one I worked with um well let me back up let's let's get to Atlanta first let's get to Atlanta first but um I I like where we're going with this so let's let's get to atanta let me let me guide Let Me Guide this story all right so the business in North Carolina you still it's just you one car and now it's like you have this Epiphany I need to move God is like hey you wherever you want to go you have these choices Atlanta Miami what was the other one California la la all right so what do you and you choose Atlanta what do you do with the business the existing business in North Carolina I'm glad you asked that question so by now I'm actually in Jacksonville and womon North Carolina and I have a driver in womon North Carolina and now here goes the universe wanting to play with me and now I get another opportunity another routed opportunity for Jacksonville I'm like don't do this for me I didn't already went to Atlanta and signed a lease don't do this to me test don't do this to me I said I'm not staying in this low paying County I'm not doing this don't do this to me right listen so I said and is another medical opportunity something similar to what you already did signed a 5year contract wow listen and so now here comes my skills of running a business out of States okay so I'm like what the am I going to do okay so you know what I said I know this lady she do deliveries called her up she said oh I could do it all right so I let her do it a week before I left so I could see her work ethics you know and I trusted her my girl in wingon held me down I'm telling you she's she's a hustler to this day I could pick up the phone I don't care what she's doing and she's a realtor she works at a group home she um and she has after the pandemic she has a little bakery business I mean she she Jamaican no no she should be she got a lot of jobs yeah and if I call her she she put her group home people look on on she get her kids to watch the group home people and go do the delivery and then come back and then look and then go show a house five minutes later she's us for rest yes but she's always there for me but um and if she can't do it she'll get her kids to do it cuz your kids are grown but um so I had that situation going before I left and um but I'm like oh man so what should I do I went ahead and left you know um but that client that I had um so now have two clients two routed opportunities in Jackson before Jacksonville North Carolina before I left so I called them up and I said if I move to Atlanta y'all got any work down there they said you know what rosson if you move to Atlanta we got this new project that I will just let you have and when I moved to Atlanta let me tell you I moved to Atlanta January 11th 2019 and when I got to Atlanta January 11th 2019 we will call it 3 weeks but from January 11th to January 31st and we know that ain't three weeks we G we got to make this number sound real we got make we got to make it sound real so just for YouTube Just Just for YouTube but in between that time I made more money in between that time than I did in all of 2018 in that three-week period that period listen I said I ain't never going home hold on what's the number what's the number you got to give us a number it won't be complete for YouTube unless we get the number 42,000 42,000 in 3 weeks yeah but you know I was in a small town yeah but that a lot in Atlanta that's a lot and this is an opportunity that came from the existing opportunity you had in Raleigh right on time Jacksonville North Car Jacksonville whatever yeah Raleigh I'm sorry somay I know you sleep in Raleigh but yeah Jackson North Carolina you get this opportunity and in 3 weeks they put you on and they said this is a project that we have that it's for you you know mind you yeah but I made some more money cuz I had already started once once I decided um in November 13th uh 2018 that I was moving to Atlanta you know I told you I rebranded all the websites started SEO started marketing and bo bo bo I had already started getting calls you know what I'm saying so I was already started get I already had drivers and everything you know so like I came in Atlanta like came in strong ready you know in addition to what they were doing and in addition to the routes and stuff and it's just been on and popping since you know so and it's is still in the medical equipment industry yeah this opportunity and I'm still to this day with that client and and give me an idea what what type of equipment what are you doing yeah what are you doing for them it's a prescription long-term care facilities ah okay medications so medications for long-term care facilities so I'm assuming they have a a network of long-term care facilities that they need uh medicine or whatever moved and transported between and you're the go-to for that yeah so before they didn't ever offer routed opportunities and they didn't offer like um where you're picking it up in the masses and delivering it in sprinters so I was the first person to uh the first company to do it for them and they said because of you know the longevity and the trust and the work eth that that me and my drivers provided them they wanted me to come in and break in Atlanta for them and then I went in and and showed the their other companies that they um partner with how to do it making sure that your compliance is on point is an integral part of any Trucking related business today I stopped by my friends over at Fleet Drive 360 to talk about what they're building to make sure that you can run a successful trucking company and it's everything from the minute you decide you want to hire somebody through maintaining all of your FMCSA compliance documents for ongoing Fleet or or owner operator truck uh business you've got a driver hiring and recruiting module where you'll create driver qualification files import digital documents you've got a drug and alcohol module where you can schedule pre-employment drug tests and manage an ongoing testing pool we've got an accident registry so you can keep your mandated accident logs and even schedule follow-up uh drug testing for post crash we've got vehicle maintenance logs so you can not only maintain the compliance status of your vehicles but also upload your work orders and compliance related documents so you're audit ready when they come in we've got a document repository fancy words for digital cloud storage of any document that you want not just necessarily the compliance documents anything related to your business post crash videos performance evaluations and then finally you've got the dashboard and the dashboard is the most important part you can close your eyes and glance at our dashboard open them glance at the dashboard and immediately know whether or not you are compliant or not both on a driver company and vehicle level it's One Stop Shop for all your compliance [Music] needs got you got you cuz I I was just going to say why like why did they entrust you with that project um you know one it was just like timing like you were probably the their go-to right in car in North Carolina um and like you said you did a good job you said you're driver so how many drivers did you have working for you too you said well at that time in Carolina at that time got it so but either way it was two and but they were doing a good job and they trusted you with this new project all right so go ahead let me just add this and that same client they use me in 21 places across the United States now whenever they have anything they come to me first to you first to me first wow wow that is super dop so they're the reason I'm able to expand more across the us as soon as I get more routes from them then it's marketing marketing marketing let's get some more work over there got it you you kind of use them as like your North Star like okay where y'all going next we're coming we're following you and then we're going to open up shop there as well and do some other things yeah and they kind of helped me um realize that I only really want to do business with businesses that want to expand because my goal is to be 100% Nationwide so why would I want to work with a business that just wants to be a small mom and pop if I'm not a small mom and pop right right all right now tell me about that opportunity because you have a contract now and tell me a little bit about like how you went into that because you had never gotten a large contract like that before right so did you how did you approach that did you talk to your business coach like how did you know how to negotiate what that would look like for you to make sure that you were you know paying yourself accordingly and your team and so forth this just kind of helped me understand how you went about that well at that time I didn't have the business coach no more okay that's okay got it so listen I'm dangling now it's just you listen I'm dangling you know and the first thing I did was this is where I was introduced to the CLD and this same client that I'm telling you about is the one that told me well actually they told me that I should um uh go to the ECA Marketplace to find more business okay you know and when I was Googling the ECA Marketplace I I didn't find it and CDA popped up and I said oh here it is and I joined okay and I joined the wrong company but I joined the right company well not company organization Association and then I was in there and I join I said oh this is it and so as soon as I joined I found Lena kargo and looked her up and you know reached out to her and she was just so friendly so nice and I think she's already been up here with you before yeah and so I'm telling you like what's meant to be is what meant to be and then after the clda is when I joined the ECA you know but um and matter of fact I think the first time I joined was here in Vegas that was my first FMF okay and this was 2019 you said right 20 by then 2020 right before before the pandemic I think it was 19 or 20 it was one whenever the last time we was here in Vegas proba remember okay yeah okay all right so now I don't know I don't know if you answered my question directly so I'm going to just ask it again yes um so I was trying to understand so you said you joined the clda so are use leveraging the organization is that what helped you to try to understand pricing and because did you you join him after you got the contract or was that before no um I got the contract first but as far as pricing I was back to I was dangling but when I joined I'd seen Lena I thought I was going to try to make her my business coach but she was like oh no no no no she's like I got somebody for you okay and she introduced me to John binko and then he was my business coach and we went over pricing structures and stuff to make sure that I was doing it right so were you doing it wrong at first well he said I was pricing it too much he said he didn't understand why the people was paying my prices they were so high oh I was like I said god dude I don't know but that's good news for CU like at least not too low like you making a killing right now he said he said if it's working for you keep going I was like Dodge that bullet right yeah so that's so funny that's so funny all right cool all right so great you join the CDA you get some structure you get to network with some people and so forth they help you out with strategy and all that good stuff all right let's get back to the business so you start to you're growing now and you're scaling so now you have how many couriers tell me about how you start to grow with this uh what you call it medical uh long-term care facility and so forth how you started to build your business there yeah well just with that client um we end up with that contract with them I think it was if I had estim probably about 15 with that particular client but you know we had got other contracts yeah yeah so so okay so tell me kind of how that worked and how you went about scale uh uh moving into different niches and and so forth like just like how you thought about it how you marketed yourself the different opportunities that are out there that people may not even know exist just kind of talk about that yeah so they just came to us you know and I think what happen happen is just with me leveraging my marketing expertise um I didn't I don't do too much sales you know I I just leverage a lot of my marketing they come so lot stuff is inbound yes they come to me you know um and the pandemic really helped the pandemic helped it really did tell me about that well we're delivery service in the pandemic when the world shut down we did not you know everything still had to get moved everything still had to be delivered and then you know Co samples everything dealing with Co you know so that this is still for the same facility or well this is all over Stu so one thing about Jacksonville North Carolina I did forget to mention is we were the dedicated Courier for anel memorial hospital so whenever you know it was the holiday or after hours you know they would call us so they were partnered with uh Duke University so the minute that um the pandemic happened we got a contract with them and Duke University so we were doing runs from enlo Memorial Jacksonville North Carolina to Duke University Chapel Hill and then to Rocky Mount just 7 days a week and that alone that was great that was great that was great got you so that that's keeping the business going in North Carolina that North Carolina between thve thrivin Atlanta thriving you know we were in Jacksonville Florida thriving Austin Texas thriving the pandemic did US great you know um and I just I look back at just all them nights that I stayed up you know putting in that hard work and you know and then all them nights that I stayed up you know and you think about you trying to find dispatchers and I'm working so hard in my business working all my business and I couldn't even find the help cuz I'm so busy in the business trying to get it done but yeah things was moving so fast you know um but I learned so much about business but having a business coach really helped me get the structure that I needed um once John came along yeah yeah got it strategically tell me how because you're working in all these different locations um H how do you build a business like this like what do you like how important is location I know you kind of alluded to the fact that you follow your customer right that's one that's one of your strategies um what else are you looking at like to build I mean you have to find contractors to do this work like just kind of tell me a little bit about the business model so people could get a clear understanding of exactly what you do and how your business operates well it just all depends on the client you know um if you have a client um that requires you to you have to have your own asset then I'll have my own asset but if I could use the IC model that's way more profitable for me and the overhead you know it just makes more sense it makes more sense for me to you know um rent a small office and just have what I need there like you know if it's doing we're doing medical and I have my coolers there have all the supplies and you know I have my lead driver that I'm paying more and he has the key or she has the key and you know they could access the shirts and uniforms and you know I could you know get everything I need and just you know like an you office that's not manned that's low overhead I could do that and I find that way more cost effective than you know having a warehouse and having you know it it's working for me um but when I get the opportunity you know if it comes to it I I'll jump in warehousing but right now it just doesn't make sense cuz you know you have a warehouse and couple racks not filled you know you know how that goes real estate yeah that's it cost you so you're so you're setting up satellite offices all across the country so you have the opportunity you set up the satellite office where do you have offices at now just to give us an idea so we have one in Austin we want have one in Jacksonville Florida and and that's it for now we've had a couple other ones but we just kind of slowed down and you know you have to look at cost so we have to let them go so Austin and Jacksonville Florida and nothing in Atlanta we well yeah we have our office that's our headquarters say and then we have Jacksonville North Carolina of course Jacksonville North Carolina okay so four officers now total okay and out of those offices how many couriers do you have operating out of those locations like high level high level all together we have a approximately 52 couriers all together together okay and can I throw some future plans in there real quick absolutely okay so we're going to be opening up a sales office um and HR office in Miami by the third quarter okay that's amazing so 52 careers now and that's a mix of independent contractors and employees well so some of them work directly for you some of them are ic's or or tell me I'm not sure I'm just we only have two employees okay got you so so you may you usually and I know in this industry it's typical that it's the IC independent contractor model but you said some contracts require for you to have employees is that what happens yeah but when you we're doing a little Government Contracting and we want to do more so and sometimes they require you to have assets some some you know require you to have employees it just all depends on you know the type of client that you have and what you're [Music] doing got it so overall the business is asset light as or asset less for the most part no assets um you're able to gain the contract with whoever the provider or customer is and then you're then allocating this work to those uh different carers and you work with them they pay you you pay them and that's kind of how it works got it with um in terms of how often do you get the work the scheduling is it something that they give you weekly monthly is a contract where you have it annually how do you know what you're doing doing and what you're dispatching to these couriers well for the most part the scheduling stays the same you know schedule I'm routing the schedule is routing you know and some of it you know dealing with medical you have on demand just depends on the client um but for the most part the schedules are just set unless something happens and things change you know like recently we just had you know one where the client came in and they did a audit like you know like hey these facilities we're going to you know just you know do Monday Wednesday and Friday instead of Monday through Friday and I said well that makes sense you know cuz we really don't pay pick up much there you know so it just all depends what are the different verticals that you're working in now well I will tell you so after the pandemic we are really just focusing on medical cuz remember the travel agency yeah yeah and I'm focusing on Recession Proof bues and verticals so we're focusing on that and we focus more on legal and um we do a lot of the entertainment but the entertainment is more so legal when you say when you say legal is that like like documents document deliveries um we work with a lot of insurance agencies and things like that and it falls into the document deliveries check deliveries working with accountants and things like that like right now it's kind of busy so and you did mention earlier when you moved to Atlanta you end up working with like some celebrities or some entertainers like I don't know if you can name drop or just give us an idea of like what like what were you doing for them like what what does that look like well I don't think I can name drop because it's legal documents and stuff like that but um and and this is in both of my businesses um but you can look on my Instagram okay okay got it so but just give us an idea are they like singers are they actors and reality okay like reality stars and you're delivering like what like a like a a contract or what is it delivering contracts doing marketing service because it's in both of my businesses it's not just working with Express erand and Couriers okay okay got it so I'm just trying to understand like with stuff like that right like cuz from my conceptually when I think of it I'm like why does why do they need to find somebody to deliver like a contract like what what makes your service needed right so I'm G give you an example yeah I'm not going to drop names but I'm G say something so okay so there's like a quote unquote Trap House in Atlanta and so then they opened up like a another place and so they were like moving furniture so they hired us and it was not even Furniture it was just like uh some chairs that could fit in a sprinter so just take it from this place over to the new place something like that okay you know um and you know they have events they need chairs picked up and you know just like event stuff you know um just small stuff small simp simple moves yeah but and the reason why I say that and I don't want a name drop is because you know like I say exclusivity yeah you know and that's my selling got it got it got it that's why they hire you exactly right because they can get their stuff done privately and nobody has to know exactly what's going on it's kind of on the website too I'm like kind on the website too like you don't do that to me like don't do me like that like right no I get it I get it okay um how do you go about hiring uh independent contractors um they start on our website they get interviewed by our recruiter um and if we feel that they're a good fit we do a little background on them and um but if we feel that they're a good fit you know they'll move on to the next level and um go from there they'll do a phone interview um and we'll see what do what do they need to work with you aside from the they need to have the equipment I guess obvious [Music] sedan what's theg class truck that you will use you use box trucks Cur vans so like like what what would you use a box Chuck for like like what type of moves you do with that like big and bulky big and bulky stuff okay got it okay cool all right so you you continue to kind of grow the business now so you say now is 52 employees cers driver I that's not employees I don't use that word that that word is not that word is frowned upon in this in this space right okay okay so 52 ic's in four different locations right well we're all over you know we're all over like we got routes everywhere like where my clients need us I mean we they're not even listed on the website it's where you need us you know um until I feel like we have a strong base there then you see us listed okay you know got it okay are you able to talk like financially like like what um like or give an idea around like what you you're able to move a package for kind of like how the pricing structure kind of works are you able to kind of speak to that just all depends give us give us an example of something that's like because obviously like you said every client is different so give us an example of one that would be like okay I understand kind of how it works like just like let's say for a to move a uh you know something to a long a long-term care facility would be this right like just high level okay so we'll talk about Jacksonville North Carolina cuz you know like every area is different yeah yeah you know so like a base rate for Jacksonville would be something Fair would be $35 okay you know and we could go you know we do 10 miles um we do um about depending on what it is and how big it is but averaging about up to $2 a mile in between $150 $2 a mile but it just all depends on the area what it is the weight the size excuse me all that they have to do are they going upstairs they you know like everything they have to do cuz everything counts right you know um and then you just have to look at the area cuz now you go out to Austin it's a little different them drivers ain't playing that right they want some money out there so you know we have to price our things a little bit higher out there um when it comes to um our delivery and um so you know base rate is a little bit different out there so you start so so the way you build it the pricing is you start with your base rate which may be like $2 a mile and then it's like okay you want the driver to go up some stairs or he needs to lift this or assemble this or whatever then it's like okay that's going to be an additional $50 or an additional and that's kind of how you build the pricing yeah and then you know oh was the driver out there waiting more than 15 minutes okay 75 cent a minute you know like or whatever that something you can actually do you can build that like detension time the air we breathe is not free listen I mean it that's a struggle sometimes I mean truck drivers will wait you know two three hours and not get the tension time sometimes run bu it just depends on like you have to have that built into your contract so make sure that you get that no it's built in our contract but you have to look at it like your your dispatcher is on hold like every part of your business costs money right you know and my drivers nobody doing nothing for free I don't want them to yeah you know so um and at the end of the day when you're dealing with ic's they choose to be with me and I want them to I don't want them to go choose with nobody else I need reliability dependability and all of that so in order for that is I'm I'm going to take care of them yeah and that's why they they gravitate to me because I take care of them that's a good point because with the a lot of the ic's and from my understanding of this industry they bounce around to work for different careers how does that impact your business do you are you able to retain the same guys for the for and and gals for the for the most part and how do you do that and like how do you deal with the fact that hey they can go and work for somebody else at any given time like or you have to continuously stay over staffed like how how do you combat that listen my drivers don't go nowhere they don't go nowhere why they listen cuz I take care of them and not just me but you know it's just how we do them you know I have drivers that you know drive up to 3 hours to come and get their first delivery and is I don't treat them like a number and it's when I say I I'm talking we as a company you know cuz obviously my hand ain't all in it cuz I'm doing everything else for sure but um I do more than the average I actually care you know if you if you're com in 3 hours to you know pick up your first delivery and you're putting all this time in with me you know listen I care about you look I have free snacks out in the office we have free drinks for them we have listen we you putting the time in come on come on in you know put some time in like now right now we we getting a little Leisure room for them to have a recliner you know cuz sometimes you what you got to put them 3 hours in to go back home like get you some rest yeah you know cuz you think about after riding all day people think that just driving is an easy job no them your eyes get tired you know your brain you thinking all day and if you ever been you've been in Atlanta traffic that's stressful okay so take a break put your feet up for a minute you know so I like I say like corporate different yeah okay so I just you know they be in line waiting for somebody to drop off to get in line over here to get a job with us well opportunity excuse me there you go can't use the word job a opportunity that's right that's right you know um but the ones I have they stay they stay what does your organ organizational structure look like I mean it's obviously you at the top who else do you have outside of the ic's yourself what does the business look like yeah I have a full team I have uh teams in in the office I have remote the remote team is bigger than the office team you know and I'm starting to feel like the office team what all what I need but but um the way I'm restructuring it is um I'm just going to have Management in the office and everybody's going to be remote and then my new office that's going to be in Miami is going to be just sales and HR cuz I'm getting to the point where like HR is Big you know when you say remote like you mean like you mean like offshore like a offshore team or they're they're they're like just remote working from home okay work from okay I'm just make it short so um you have everybody working from home and those are like dispatchers and customer service sales people operation coordinator just you know like my executive assistant um you know um and then my my whole marketing team they're all at home and right you know cuz all my different companies right what what are you spending most of your time doing orchestrating reading checking looking behind making sure everybody doing what they're doing and you know trying to collapse time yeah yeah all right so what is the what what are the future goals I guess for Express um errands what are you what are you looking to I mean cuz you've already had success you've grown tremendously within this Niche you said you're sticking to this Niche because it's Recession Proof what else are you eyeing cuz you're an entrepreneur right so it never stops you you want me to tell it absolutely that's what we here for to tell it okay so listen I'm not going to tell you exactly what it is if I tell it somebody else might try to jump on it but they won't be able to do it like you so for sure but listen we are um in the process of launching products and services that will benefit you and your viewers anybody listening and be profitable and that's all I can say it's it's that that is as high as high level can get yeah we're launching products and services that'll benefit me and the viewers yeah and yeah that's yeah I mean I mean what type of products and services and what it's something that's going to make you money oh okay got it I mean some that's going to you're cre you're creating opportunities for people opportunities yes within within the logistics and within the space mhm that's we're talking about whichin yeah within the Courier space within Entrepreneur Space within the entrepreneurial space in addition to digital products okay that I'm already you know we already have digital products but I haven't launched them okay okay okay okay got it now I'll give you that we have digital products I just haven't launched them okay okay got it okay cool cool cool I got it I got it but they're not digital products what what what I'm talking about is like this is something different this look year one is already gonna bring in three million year two is going to be like six million so how do you know I did the numbers I already know and this is just like all this is just is that because of the total adjustable market and you just know like like you know like have you proven this concept I know without a doubt all right so we got to talk off air I guess m I know without doubt tell me all about it um all right I want to get more into um just some tactical stuff for the audience with the with the Courier Services because there's a lot of information out there right and it could be misinformation I want to make sure it's good information coming from you um how how when you go about getting these contracts what what do you you said a lot of them come to you right so they're Googling you they're finding you um what are what's what's the appetizing contracts to you and what are the stuff that you don't want to do like is there anything things that you is there anything that you refuse or that is doesn't um that that's not good a good opportunity great question a white glove White Glove yes I don't want the liability of white glove been there done not okay got it so you have you have done it but you don't like the white glove because of the claims mhm talk talk about that have you had a claim before what happened no I've seen all my people have claims and it scared me I got out before okay yeah okay got it so you don't want to deal with that any any type of anything else any type of products that you don't want to move that have any type of liability or let me ask this is there anything that you need to move any of this stuff specifically like any type of comp ience related um insurances or any type of uh certifications or anything like that that's important that people should know that um you know people should look into if they wanted to get into this space well it just all depends what they're interested in and if they're you know like if you're going after um I don't know um whatever you're going after to get certified I mean if you're trying to do Hazmat or you know um life science or um the the uh chemo and things just just get certified um TSA um I would get certified whatever vertical you're trying to get in get your credentials get your endorsements um you know and get a niche and stick with it yeah you know um because you can't be everywhere and everybody always tell when when they talk to me and and I ask them what what what what's your vertical what you want to do I'm do everything you you know and as a marketer I'm going to tell you you can't do everything you need to specialize in one two or three because you're always all your marketing dollars saying that you do everything but if you do three things and put it on your website you'll be found quicker than saying I do everything nobody will find you yeah yeah no that's super important uh you're also a government contractor is that is that accurate well or you're certified yeah I'm certified I'm a certifi what's your certifications uh wbe and MBE wbe MBE and you've been awarded one contract one so far what did that how how tell me about that partnership with somebody okay so I'm a sub on a contract that um they were not in my state and you have to have you know be in the state to get it and they were like oh well can I you know use your address and I'll give you the work however it happens you know so the good thing about that is once you're a sub you know the next contract it just falls out there so I'm like I've been on the hunt like come on come on but there's no haven't found any career work where I'm looking at you know um so but I'm on it you know next month um they have a big conference in um Denver with we bank and that's the company that certified me and um so I'm looking out I'm looking forward to going to that one it's it's huge you know uh there all kinds of Corporations going to be there government entities and I'm going to walk away with something I'm manifesting this one yeah was the uh the the subcontract that you got was it lucrative for you like was it a good opportunity is it something you're still currently doing or okay so it's like a like a the annual like how long is that contract um we've been on it two years it's the five years it's a 5e contract so you're you're pretty much locked in as a sub on that contract is it only you or there other subs or do just me just you you said you partnered with the person yeah part well cuz they're out of state and they needed they needed somebody local okay to do it and what commodity are you moving with that particular contract specimens okay okay got it so it's you got consistent flow specimens and what area is that in Georgia that's in Georgia M okay got it what is the most difficult part about your business H well I would say I would just say change cuz one thing about this business is you could wake up in the morning and you could say like with me just being you know the founder I'm right on my planner this is everything I'm going to do today but you know I might get one or two things done it's just Chang adapting to change is probably the hardest part and I would say maybe to my earlier self is the structure if I were to say like maybe 3 or 4 years ago would be building a company that structure now I know just pay the people pay people what they're worth you know before you know just coming up I'm like uh it's tight it's tight it's tight it's tight but like now we got benefits we got 401K excuse me matter of fact I'm even matching 6% and people's telling me that's more than the average you know and that's what my goal is to be the best paid employer the best paid drivers the best you know cuz I realized that if you pay not an employer H not an employer work but I have staff oh you my year for 401k for your staff yeah for my staff got you I throw you some out the ic's oh no I was say I don't know I was going to ask you how do you provide that stuff for them next but go ahead yeah no but that's just ideally I just feel like you know long as you pay people good you know they'll be there you know but I do know money doesn't buy loyalty but you know when people don't have to worry about things you they're they're in a comfortable situation gotcha got you okay so you have set up your structure a little bit differently earlier and you'd have probably had some better luck with retention and stuff like that CU it was was a it was a lot of turnover but then I I don't know because that was during the pandemic and it was the labor was just different then cuz they were it was they getting out that free money and so I don't know maybe maybe it wasn't me yeah maybe it wasn't that's possible because it definitely was some other things that impacted all all businesses yeah I just thought about that um with with your contractors what are there like cuz there's a lot of change and a lot of talk and things going on in that world as well uh what are you for seeing what are you planning for are you just going to kind of take the take it and just go with the flow like what are your thoughts on that because that would impact those these things impact your business tremendously I know even here they were talking about you know the administrations and trying to get rid of in pendent contractor model and so forth what are your thoughts on that and how do you pivot uh you know as we kind of move forward into the future well right now I just I can't focus on that far in the future cuz I live in the right now so I just have to go with it right now um I would love to prepare for it but I just have to live in it right now I don't I'm all about my time and I can't focus on preparing for something that I don't even know if it's even going to happen right right now we living in the IC model and that's where we going to stay right now and if they if they do want to change I already have and you know like an employee base so it would be nothing for me to turn that switch on if I would have to do that so if it happens it happens I hope not but you know I mean my driver they like their independence then you know they're bosses they you know in their mind and they are you know because that's how I started you know until I reached a certain tax bracket then they're like oh no no no no no no no and now of course we're escorp we're not you know LLC anymore so it's just different when did you did you ever when did I'm assuming did you hit seven figures with the initial business did you hit seven figures with this career business now oh yeah okay I'm I'm I'm just establishing that when you got to that point back to that point like what was that like man let me tell you let me tell you you know what all I could do is just get on my knees and cry and you know oh Lord you about make me cry now but one thing I say is I just thank God again like I say when nobody believed in me my mom believed in me on my mom's death bed she said she had $200 in her bank she said take that out and put it in your business and I could just say thank God when I got there I called my son I told we made it even though he don't want to work in the business with me I say we made it you know but it was a beautiful feeling and all I can do is put it back in the world world you know when people ask me you know I get people all the time that you know come to me and ask me you know questions about um the industry and all I could do is just give it back to them you know tenfold um because I remember when I started out I didn't have you know anybody that was in the career industry to you know bounce questions off to so I just I just give it back yeah you know um and this is where we fall back into the CLD you know and um giving it back you know um because now you know I'm a board member you know making history doing it right first African-American female to sit on the board of directors you know and um I'm just happy about it you know and and then in addition to that you know I'm going to continue to break historical barriers you know um I just got another award and I just I said I wasn't going to mention it because it's just like too much going on at one time but you know we uh just got well we I speak for me and my team because I can't do it without them but um I just got the enterprising Woman of the Year award wow and um it's just blessing after blessing after blessing and um but again I can't do it without my team you know um I'm going get you man you deserve it man let it out all good man you came a long a long way it is but and then just to look at it and it's just like every year it's I I look at you know when it's tax time and I just look at you know like my income and it's just like it be doubling it be like doubling I be like Jesus you know and then the tax man be like I be like Jesus why y'all want all that money like I'm about to start an nonprofit or something you know like like listen like why you know but it's it's all good you know um I just I want to leave my mark in history you know I want to leave my name in history books I want to be an inspiration for people I want I want to I want the little black the little brown girls to have somebody to look up to like like I didn't have that you know there there was no successful black woman in in the town that I came from that I could look up and say I want to be like you I want to be that person you know just like right now I just signed up for the Big Brother Big Sister program I'm a big you know and like I I just I got matched with my little you know and like it is just so awesome and and you know I just I just want to be an inspiration to people and however it comes you know I I just remember when I was at my lowest you know and I'm glad I'm in the position that I'm in now and I'm in the position to hold my hand out and help the next yeah yeah that's an amazing thing are you able to share your your Revenue what your company did last year or give us a roundabout idea it's not where I want it to be but we're over a million or two or three we're over it okay well what are your goals for 2024 what do you think you'll cross do you think you'll get like past five or definitely definitely past five definitely that's love that's love definitely all right man um this has been a great a great discussion as I knew it would I I had a I had a feeling that I was going to be uh you know moved by this conversation so I appreciate you for taking the time out uh as we wrap and bring it to a close we have to do two things number one um I want you to plug you know where we can connect with you directly plug your marketing agency again and and I want you to briefly talk about what you do there because I want people to know that they can also reach out to you in regards to marketing also um because we didn't spend a lot of time on that uh let them know where they can find more about uh Express um the express career service and then we have to do a final thought okay so let's start with the you know just where they can find you and learn more about the businesses yeah so the easiest way to find me is on LinkedIn Rosland Eller and um on LinkedIn is has all my connections to all my business Pages um and the Dream Team digital marketing um you could just Google it it's up there and uh we're on Instagram I'm on Instagram my personal Instagram is rosin's dream and uh it has all my businesses connected there and uh let's see what was the other question so the final but real quick the marketing agency do you guys specific what what do you mark what are you marketing specifically any type of business or Transportation businesses or just anything 360 you need marketing come to Ros yes we do websites we do ads we do um SEO obviously cuz listen that's what got me where I'm at that's a fact yes we do the Facebook ads we do landing pages sales funnels and if you don't have sales funnels you need sales funnels every business need sales funnels you know um we do ebooks we do books I mean like we ghost wrote books for people that got on the bestseller list before you know so we do it all you know and in addition to that you know business coaching as well manifesting greatness with Ros and v um and and in a final thought I would say that um and not even promoting me but um a piece of advice I would leave with you know people um just just reach out and get help um first thing I did when I knew I was getting back out there I gave my last to a business coach that carried me for years and then like I said I was dangling right there and the first thing I did when I joined the CDA was I got bus got another business coach cuz I was getting to I was at uh six I think 650,000 and I was like oo we're getting close I better you know what I'm saying I'm scared I'm scared I'm scared but I would say my piece of advice is you know just find somebody on the next level a mentor or really invest in a business coach don't even try to get nobody free you know invest in somebody because free people just going to give you free work you know so that would be my advice for somebody get what you pay for for real 100% 100% man if you can't respect that your whole perspective is whack hustle fam this has been another amazing episode Roslin thank you so much for joining us today we got to learn about your story and and learn about the businesses um very inspiring story and I wish you so much success in the future and I just know you're going to continue to kill it thank you so much and I want to give a shout out to the CLD too man Jason Lena uh the whole crew you know for facilitating this and putting this together um just great people man they're like family really I feel like an extended extended family member here at Trucking hustle so really really appreciate it thank you thank you thank you so much for having me that's right hustle fam you know what we do around this time if you smell something burning it's only a desire myself Miss razen Elby we are out if you twisted confus or stuck about trucks don't be dumb this is the place to come truck and hustle let's let's [Music] go
Channel: Truck N’ Hustle
Views: 66,560
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: courier business, pharmaceutical courier, pharmaceutical delivery business, marketing, marketing company, last mile delivery, last mile delivery service, sprinter van courier business, delivery business, entrepreneurship, business, entrepreneurship stories, entrepreneurship starting a business, CLDA, CLDA FMF, medical courier business
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 70min 12sec (4212 seconds)
Published: Tue Feb 27 2024
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